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    Children's Bibles

    • Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The Color Code Bible for Kids helps kids understand important biblical truths with a unique color-code system. With more than 1,900 verses highlighted in vibrant colors, a child can quickly identify major topics found in Scripture in nine different categories: God, Jesus, sin, salvation, love, worship, growth, heaven, and family.Key features include:1,900 highlighted verses clearly calling out key topics for children to apply to their faith journeyIndex to color code highlights to quickly find important topics throughout ScriptureReading plans provide guidance on how to read the Bible on a daily basisTeaching articles for background information to gain a deeper understanding of ScriptureMiracles and parables of Jesus charts provide a visual representation of key teachings and stories of Jesus in the BibleClear and readable 9-Point Comfort Print

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    • Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The Color Code Bible for Kids helps kids understand important biblical truths with a unique color-code system. With more than 1,900 verses highlighted in vibrant colors, a child can quickly identify major topics found in Scripture in nine different categories: God, Jesus, sin, salvation, love, worship, growth, heaven, and family.Key features include:1,900 highlighted verses clearly calling out key topics for children to apply to their faith journeyIndex to color code highlights to quickly find important topics throughout ScriptureReading plans provide guidance on how to read the Bible on a daily basisTeaching articles for background information to gain a deeper understanding of ScriptureMiracles and parables of Jesus charts provide a visual representation of key teachings and stories of Jesus in the BibleClear and readable 9-Point Comfort Print

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    • Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The Color Code Bible for Kids helps kids understand important biblical truths with a unique color-code system. With more than 1,900 verses highlighted in vibrant colors, a child can quickly identify major topics found in Scripture in nine different categories: God, Jesus, sin, salvation, love, worship, growth, heaven, and family.Key features include:1,900 highlighted verses clearly calling out key topics for children to apply to their faith journeyIndex to color code highlights to quickly find important topics throughout ScriptureReading plans provide guidance on how to read the Bible on a daily basisTeaching articles for background information to gain a deeper understanding of ScriptureMiracles and parables of Jesus charts provide a visual representation of key teachings and stories of Jesus in the BibleClear and readable 9-Point Comfort Print

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    • 1 Big Story Bible


      Bring the Bible to life for kids! As kids read the KJV One Big Story Bible, they will see scenes from the Bible literally pop off the page via a free downloadable app that lets them view the images in an augmented-reality, Digital Pop-Up(TM) format and listen to a narration by Jenna Lucado Bishop. This colorful, fully designed Bible meets children in the visual world they are so accustomed to by bringing Bible pages to life and showing young readers how they are a part of God’s great story.

      Features include:
      ? Digital Pop-Up(TM)technology brings 146 full-color illustrations to life
      ? Christ Connection feature that shows how each Bible story points to Christ
      ? Big Questions? feature to tell kids what they want to know
      ? 100 Top Memory Verses for kids to learn
      ? “Seeing the Big Picture” feature that digs into key Bible stories and provides parents with discussion material
      ? Big Words feature that acts as a four-color Bible dictionary
      ? Introductions for every book of the Bible, written for kids to understand
      ? Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) translation
      ? Full-color maps on 8 pages

      The KJV One Big Story Bible features the authorized version of the King James (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for children of all ages.

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    • Explorer Bible For Kids


      The KJV Explorer Bible for Kids helps kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its engaging, full-color pages, kids will interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. Fascinating images, illustrations, timelines, and study helps show archeological evidence, introduce key characters, explain new concepts, and help kids experience the wonder and truth of the Bible. QR codes placed throughout the Bible bring educational videos, discussion questions, and activity pages to life, helping kids apply key truths of the Bible to real world experiences.

      The KJV Explorer Bible for Kids features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

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    • Outreach Bible For Kids


      A low-cost and easy-to-read Bible for children; perfect for ministry and outreach use.The NIrV Outreach Bible for Kids is an affordable way to introduce children ages 6-10 to God’s Word. In addition to the easy-to-read New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) Bible text, there are several Bible helps that make learning about the Bible less intimidating and help readers understand what it means to become a follower of Christ.Features include:Full text of the easy-to-read New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) written at a third-grade reading levelPresentation page for personalization and gift-givingBible dictionary explains unfamiliar words in the Bible”Three Ways to Read the Bible” explains how to read the Bible by story, subject, or person”About the Bible” and “Life in Bible Times” give interesting Bible facts”The ABCs of Salvation” helps explain the way of salvationTwo-column Bible textType size: 8 The New International Reader’s Version is based on the bestselling New International Version, and is written for a third-grade reading level-among the lowest reading level of any Bible translation available. Like the NIV, the NIrV achieves great accuracy through equal rigor to the original languages and to today’s English. The NIrV makes the Bible understandable to younger readers and to anyone else who would benefit from easier-to-read language.

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    • New Testament For Kids Revised 2022 Text


      Un Nuevo Testamento para niños de bajo costo es perfecto para las iglesias, los ministerios de niños o que quieran compartir la Palabra de Dios con los más pequeños.Con la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022), este Nuevo Testamento será el favorito de los niños. Con inserciones ilustradas en color, un formato fácil de leer y pasajes de las Escrituras que se pueden recitar, este Nuevo Testamento ayudará a presentarles a los niños la historia de la Biblia. Una cubierta divertida y brillante que atrae a los niños hacia el libro. Ideal para edades entre 6 y 10 años.Ahora disponible en el exclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Editorial Vida(R) para una lectura más fluida. Diseñado por expertos específicamente para ser utilizado con el texto de la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), Comfort Print(R) les ofrece una experiencia de lectura más fácil que complementa la traducción de la Biblia al español moderno más leída.Características:Texto completo del Nuevo Testamento, legible y claro Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) 2022Formato a doble columnaLa historia más grande del mundo: un drama corto en cinco actos que nos cuenta la historia de Dios, -y la historia de todo- en la Biblia.Plan de salvaciónInsertos a todo color diseñados para los pequeños con hermosos pasajes bíblicosTabla de pesos y medidasExclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print(R) de Editorial Vida(R) para mejorar la legibilidadTamaño de letra de 8 puntos para facilitar la lecturaNVI, New Testament, Softcover KidsA low-cost New Testament for Kids is perfect for churches, children’s ministries, or individuals looking to share God’s Word with little ones.Featuring the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), this New Testament will be a favorite of children. With illustrated color inserts, an easy-to-read format, and call-out Scripture passages, this New Testament will help introduce kids to the story of the Bible. A fun, bright cover draws kids into the book. Ideal for children ages 6-10.The NVI New Testament for Kids is a great tool to give to first-time Bible readers looking to discover God’s Word. You can feel comfortable and confident handing this New Testament to any kid to share the Word of God with them.Now available in the exclusive Vida Comfort Print(R) typ

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    • Keepsake Bible For Boys


      Celebrate God’s gracious care and provision for the safe arrival of your baby boy with the Blue Hardcover NLT Keepsake Bible for Boys. This cherished keepsake is a symbol of the enduring covenantal bond between God and his children and celebrates the wonder of life’s most precious gift.

      The most adorable baby elephant, donned in a cozy blue sleepshirt, graces the front cover of this hardcover Bible. Beneath a starry night sky, two cheerful yellow ducklings accompany the elephant while a mouse perches on a tree branch that gracefully extends over the embossed navy blue title. The version reference is located in the lower right-hand corner.

      Holy Bible

      On the back of the Bible, the mouse steals the focus as he looks up at a Bible verse printed in blue at the top of the page.

      “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.”
      Jeremiah 1:5

      This Bible offers a presentation page at the front, where you can add a special note to commemorate the little boy’s birth. It has a blue ribbon page marker to note a particular passage or page. The 9.11 text is presented in a double-column format that is easy to read with the Bible’s lay-flat binding.

      This Bible is a repository for your son’s family’s legacy, offering dedicated pages to record your son’s birth details, particulars of his baptism or christening, and a family tree where you can note his genealogy. Every piece of his family’s history finds a home here. There is also a heartfelt prayer for Mom and Dad as a reminder of the boundless joy that accompanies the growth of a family.

      This special edition keepsake Bible contains the entire NLT text. It includes 32 elegantly designed full-color pages featuring beloved hymns, heartfelt prayers, and cherished Bible verses. These pages will be a delightful discovery for your son when he’s old enough to use the Bible independently.

      The Blue Hardcover NLT Keepsake Bible for Boys makes a meaningful addition to a baby shower gift for a godson or a grandson and will be a reminder of your love and care when he is older.

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    • New Testament Keepsake Bible For Boys


      Designed especially for your little one to cherish later in life, the Blue Faux Leather NLT New Testament Keepsake Bible for Boys is a wonderful way to introduce your son to the timeless stories and teachings of the Bible.

      Heat-debossed triangle designs are scattered across the covers of the keepsake Bible and a heat-debossed bracket frame holds the sentiment on the front cover.

      Holy Bible

      Featuring the New Testament and Psalms, this Bible is printed in the accessible New Living Translation, perfect for young readers. It’s crafted with a binding that stays open, and a clear, dual-column text layout. A blue satin ribbon marker is included to easily save your spot.

      The Blue Faux Leather NLT New Testament Keepsake Bible for Boys comes with space for personalization and family memories. It includes a special page at the beginning for a personalized message, plus additional pages to record milestone moments like the baby’s birth, baptism, or christening, along with a family tree. To support and uplift parents, a unique prayer is also included. The Bible is packaged in a two-piece gif box, making gift-wrapping a breeze.

      Give the Blue Faux Leather NLT New Testament Keepsake Bible for Boys as a first Christmas gift to a son, grandson or nephew. It will be a treasure for him to look back on fondly as he grows older.

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    • Holy Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      ¡Una elección perfecta para los lectores más jóvenes de la Biblia, la Biblia para niños NVI incluye numerosos estudios de ayuda con la traducción contemporánea más leída, ¡para hacer que la lectura de la Biblia sea divertida y accesible para los niños!Los niños estarán encantados de tener esta edición fácil de leer, y con el texto actualizado de la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022). La Biblia para niños NVI es ideal para que los niños de 8 a 12 años la lean solos o en familia. Esta Biblia incluye herramientas adecuadas a la edad para ayudar a los primeros lectores de la Biblia a empezar a relacionarse con las Escrituras y a explorarlas de forma independiente.Esta Biblia incluye:Texto completo de la Nueva Versión Internacional (2022) NVI.Página de presentación para personalizar este regalo especial.Ayudas de estudio diseñadas específicamente para los lectores principiantes de la Biblia, incluyendo Los milagros de Jesús, Los nombres de Dios, Los niños en la Biblia, La memorización de las Escrituras y La importancia de leer la Biblia.El Glosario de la NVI aclara palabras utilizadas en las Escrituras.Los planes de lectura proporcionan un marco fácil para guiar a los niños mientras experimentan a Dios en Su Palabra.Los mapas bíblicos a todo color ayudan a los lectores a visualizar los acontecimientos históricos y el lugar donde ocurrieron.Marcador de cinta para que puedan hojear fácilmente y hacer un seguimiento de donde estaban leyendo.Importantes e interesantes ayudas extras como: Descubre los hechos, ¿Dónde lo encuentro?, Dios es todo lo que necesito – Versículos de la Biblia.Sección con páginas dedicadas para sus notas o dibujar.Encuadernación duradera para usarla por muchos años.Holy Bible for Kids NVI, Revised text 2022, Leathersoft, Lavender, Comfort PrintA perfect choice for young Bible readers, the Holy Bible for Kids NVI includes numerous studies helps with the most widely read contemporary translation to make Bible reading fun and accessible for kids!Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the updated Nueva Version International (2022) text. The Holy Bible for Kids NVI is ideal for children ages 8 – 12 to read on their own or with

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    • Tiny Testament Bible New Testament Comfort Print


      Pocket-sized New Testament ideal for baby showers, baptisms, christenings, and baby dedications.With its tiny size and beautiful LeathersoftTM binding, the NIV Tiny Testament will look adorable as the perfect meaningful addition to a baby’s nursery and make a lovely keepsake as they grow. Featuring the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, today’s most popular modern-English translation and Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for ease of readability.Features:Complete New Testament text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Pocket size: 2.75 x 4.25 inchesTwo-piece gift box perfect for gift givingBeautiful Leathersoft cover with gold foil stampingArticles to encourage spiritual growth:Getting to Know JesusPromises from the BiblePerspectives from the BibleDouble-column formatExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for enhanced readabilityPrint size: 5The New International Version (NIV) is the world’s bestselling modern-English Bible translation-accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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    • Explorer Bible For Kids


      The CSB Explorer Bible for Kids is made to help kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its pages, kids will explore and interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. This Bible features an engaging full-color design with images, illustrations, timelines, and study helps placed throughout to equip kids to better read, understand, and apply God’s Word for a lifetime.

      Part of what makes the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids so special is the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids to study and memorize today–and to live and share for a lifetime.

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    • Explorer Bible For Kids


      The CSB Explorer Bible for Kids is made to help kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its pages, kids will explore and interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. This Bible features an engaging full-color design with images, illustrations, timelines, and study helps placed throughout to equip kids to better read, understand, and apply God’s Word for a lifetime.

      Part of what makes the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids so special is the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids to study and memorize today–and to live and share for a lifetime.

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    • Action Study Bible


      The NIV Action Study Bible helps preteens build a strong foundation of faith to last a lifetime.

      For fans of The Action Bible(R) who want to go beyond the pictures and deeper into God’s redemptive story, The NIV Action Study Bible is a full-text study Bible that takes preteens (ages 9 and up) further into the heart of God’s Word and connects His timeless truth to their lives today.

      The Action Bible has introduced millions of kids to the stories in the Bible with its dramatic comic-book-style illustrations. Now they can go deeper with The NIV Action Study Bible.

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    • Holy Bible For Kids Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Bible for Kids is ideal for children ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently. As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition’s cover is branded with an inspiring verse ideal for committing to memory.Features included:Clear and Readable 9.5 point NKJV Comfort PrintFull-color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginner Bible readers, including The Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture Memorization, and The Importance of Reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies the words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading Plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God in His Word

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    • Holy Bible For Kids Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Bible for Kids is ideal for children ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently. As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition’s cover is branded with an inspiring verse ideal for committing to memory.

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    • Precious Moments Small Hands Bible Comfort Print


      The signature Precious Moments characters delight little hearts and start a lifetime in God’s Word with this keepsake Bible.This little Bible is just the right size for small hands and is perfect for celebrating the birth of a baby or a child’s baptism, or when you just want to give a child a first Bible. Dozens of classic Precious Moments full-color illustrations will keep your child captivated and help develop their warm relationship with Scripture.Precious Moments, created by artist Sam Butcher over 40 years ago, was inspired by faith, family, and friends. Since then, it has touched the lives of millions throughout the world and serves as a symbol for the emotions experienced during life’s milestones, such as weddings, births, and christenings, along with special, everyday moments.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition while making it understandable to current readers.Features included:Full-color Precious Moments artwork with Bible verses to captivate and engage childrenImprintable cover, full-color presentation page, and a church and family history section to make this a Bible your child will cherishRounded corners and a small trim size make this durable Bible comfortable for children to holdOne-year Bible reading plan provided as an easy framework for you and your child to start regular Bible reading earlyClear and readable NKJV Comfort Print typeface displayed in a double column format7-point print size

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    • Precious Moments Small Hands Bible Comfort Print


      The signature Precious Moments characters delight little hearts and start a lifetime in God’s Word with this keepsake Bible.This little Bible is just the right size for small hands and is perfect for celebrating the birth of a baby or a child’s baptism, or when you just want to give a child a first Bible. Dozens of classic Precious Moments full-color illustrations will keep your child captivated and help develop their warm relationship with Scripture.Precious Moments, created by artist Sam Butcher over 40 years ago, was inspired by faith, family, and friends. Since then, it has touched the lives of millions throughout the world and serves as a symbol for the emotions experienced during life’s milestones, such as weddings, births, and christenings, along with special, everyday moments.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition while making it understandable to current readers.Features included:Full-color Precious Moments artwork with Bible verses to captivate and engage childrenImprintable cover, full-color presentation page, and a church and family history section to make this a Bible your child will cherishRounded corners and a small trim size make this durable Bible comfortable for children to holdOne-year Bible reading plan provided as an easy framework for you and your child to start regular Bible reading earlyClear and readable NKJV Comfort Print typeface displayed in a double column format7-point print size

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    • Hands On Bible


      Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations. The Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way. With hundreds of fun, memorable activities, the Hands-On Bible is packed with activities and experiences that invite kids to crawl inside the Scriptures and do God’s Word! Exciting Bible features include:102 Hands-On Bible Experiences52 Key Verse Activities31 Bible Hero Biographies16 Bible Bonanza Experiences82 Jesus Connections66 Bible Book Intros69 Fun Facts”Where to Turn When I’m . . .” indexKid-friendly Q and A28 full-color tip-in pagesCharts and mapsThe family devotions and Bible reading plan content is available online at, along with some downloads.The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts.

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    • Holy Bible For Kids


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Holy Bible for Kids is ideal for kids ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included in this Bible to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently.Features include:Clear & readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print Full color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginning Bible readers, including the Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture memorization, and the importance of reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God and His Word

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    • Holy Bible For Kids


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Holy Bible for Kids is ideal for kids ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included in this Bible to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently.Features include:Clear & readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print Full color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginning Bible readers, including the Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture memorization, and the importance of reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God and His Word

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    • Holy Bible For Kids


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Holy Bible for Kids is ideal for kids ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included in this Bible to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently.Features include:Clear & readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print Full color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginning Bible readers, including the Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture memorization, and the importance of reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God and His Word

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    • Adventure Bible Full Color


      Take your kids on an adventure through God’s Word with the #1 Bible for kids!The NKJV Adventure BibleA(R) will get kids excited about reading the Scriptures! Kids will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading the Bible and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they will meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly, they will grow closer in their relationship with God.Features include:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)Full-color design throughout – makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engagingLife in Bible Times-Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient daysWords to Treasure-Highlights great verses to memorizeDid You Know?-Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word and the life of faithPeople in Bible Times-Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the BibleLive It!-Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your lifeTwenty special pages-Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari themeBook introductions with useful facts about each book of the BibleDictionary/concordance for looking up tricky wordsColor map section to help locate places in the BibleUniquely-designed cover with a magnetic flap closure to protect the Bible’s pages9-point type size

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    • Holy Bible For Girls Comfort Print


      A quality Bible that youth will love.The NIV Holy Bible for Girls, Soft Touch Edition will delight girls with its soft and flexible cover material offered at a great value. With a beautiful, foil-accented cover, this Bible delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation, the New International Version.Features:The full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Reading planPlan of salvationFlush-cut cover with foil stampingExclusive NIV Zondervan Comfort PrintA(R) typeface7.5-point print sizeUsing the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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    • Kids Study Bible


      Kids know the Bible is important: after all, it contains God’s message of love for them, all other people, and the universe he created. But where does a young person begin studying what’s between the covers of this big book? What kind of things will help a child get the most out of the history, stories, and teachings it contains?

      This special edition will encourage readers aged 8-12 to begin the adventure of life-long Bible study. It contains the complete Old and New Testaments of the renowned King James Version, plus a wealth of extra features that will deepen their understanding of the Word of God.

      * Presentation page for personalizing the Bible as a gift
      * Clear, 9-point type
      * Words of Christ in red letter
      * 16 full color charts and illustrations
      * Book introductions
      * Hide It In Your Heart-in-text memory verses
      * Bible People You Should Know in-text cameos of important personalities
      * The Passion in Parallel and Prophecy
      * Parables and Miracles of the Bible
      * Dictionary/concordance
      * 8-page full color map section

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    • Kids Study Bible


      Kids know the Bible is important: after all, it contains God’s message of love for them, all other people, and the universe he created. But where does a young person begin studying what’s between the covers of this big book? What kind of things will help a child get the most out of the history, stories, and teachings it contains?

      This special edition will encourage readers aged 8-12 to begin the adventure of life-long Bible study. It contains the complete Old and New Testaments of the renowned King James Version, plus a wealth of extra features that will deepen their understanding of the Word of God.

      * Presentation page for personalizing the Bible as a gift
      * Clear, 9-point type
      * Words of Christ in red letter
      * 16 full color charts and illustrations
      * Book introductions
      * Hide It In Your Heart-in-text memory verses
      * Bible People You Should Know in-text cameos of important personalities
      * The Passion in Parallel and Prophecy
      * Parables and Miracles of the Bible
      * Dictionary/concordance
      * 8-page full color map section

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    • Bible For Kids Large Print Comfort Print


      The NIrV Bible for Kids, Large Print is perfect for those looking for an easy-to-carry, extremely readable Bible for children and developing readers.Features Include:Easy-to-read 11.4-point print sizeExclusive Zondervan Comfort Print typefaceComplete text of the New International Reader’s Version, written at a third-grade reading level just for developing readersPresentation page for gift givingRibbon markerLeathersoft cover with attractive design

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    • Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The NIV Bible for Kids is perfect for those looking for a convenient Bible size and readable text for children.Features Include:Easy-to-read 9.4-point print sizeExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePresentation page for gift givingWords of Christ in redRibbon markerFlexcover with glitter

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    • Seek And Explore Holy Bible


      The traditional approach to learning focuses on mastering content. This study Bible, however, is about engaging the child’s whole being-heart, soul, and mind. The NIrV Seek and Explore Holy Bible helps children understand the Bible by utilizing the nine common ways that children learn: Logical reasoning; Visualizing; Discussing and debating; Learning with others and using interpersonal skills; Reflection or intrapersonal skills; Emotional engagement; Experimenting and doing; Kinesthetics; and Nature.

      Children are joined on their journey through the Bible by nine different Wayees, animal friends who are each designed to help kids use one of the nine different ways of learning. Endearing art of an antelope, monkey, African elephant, meerkat, hippo, tiger, jaguar, panda bear, and zebra guide children from “Base Camp” to the different sites throughout the Bible that lead them through the story of God’s people.

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    • On The Go Bible


      The stylish and convenient CSB On-the-Go Bible presents the reliable text of the CSB in a portable, packable size that is perfect for any backpack, bag, or large pocket. With its small size and light weight, the On-the-Go Bible makes it easy to keep God’s Word close at hand and is the perfect Bible for kids or teens to take to school, church, sleepovers, on trips, and more.

      Part of what makes the CSB On-the-Go Bible so special is the readable, faithful-to-the original text of the Christian Standard Bible. The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids or teens to study and memorize today-and to live and share for a lifetime.

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    • On The Go Bible


      The stylish and convenient CSB On-the-Go Bible presents the reliable text of the CSB in a portable, packable size that is perfect for any backpack, bag, or large pocket. With its small size and light weight, the On-the-Go Bible makes it easy to keep God’s Word close at hand and is the perfect Bible for kids or teens to take to school, church, sleepovers, on trips, and more.

      Part of what makes the CSB On-the-Go Bible so special is the readable, faithful-to-the original text of the Christian Standard Bible. The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids or teens to study and memorize today-and to live and share for a lifetime.

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    • Boys Life Application Study Bible


      The Boys Life Application Study Bible is the only Bible for 11- to 14-year-old boys based on the #1-selling Life Application Study Bible.A must-have foundational resource for boys, the Boys Life Application Study Bible is filled with faith- and character-building features that help boys understand the Christian faith so they can boldly live knowing the who, what, when, where, and why of the Bible. They will also learn who they are in Christ and their place in God’s story. The features meet them right where they are, offering wisdom and insight that speak directly into their transitioning lives. The full-color Foundations for Your Faith sections address a number of significant topics that parents prayerfully want their sons to know and understand during these formative years.Boys will find this Bible relevant, compelling, and easy to understand. Plus they will think the cover designs are ultra cool!The Boys Life Application Study Bible: The faith- and character-building Bible for tomorrow’s young men!

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    • Inspire Bible For Girls


      The #1-selling Inspire Bible is a beautiful single-column, wide-margin New Living Translation Bible for coloring and creative journaling that has become a treasured legacy Bible for many. Young girls have enjoyed coloring and creative art-journaling in the Inspire Bible, and now there is an edition just for them!

      The new Inspire Bible for Girls is designed to draw girls ages 8 and up deeper into God’s Word and to inspire creativity and connection with God! In addition to the much-loved features of Inspire, the Inspire Bible for Girls includes over 300 devotionals written by bestselling author Carolyn Larsen plus book introductions, journaling prompts, and interesting Bible facts to enhance girls’ coloring and creative journaling journey through the Bible.

      Over 500 beautiful full and partial-page Scripture line-art illustrations to color are attractively displayed throughout the Bible. There are lots of pages with open space for creativity in the lightly-ruled, two-inch-wide margins. Girls can leave traces of their faith throughout their Bible for a unique treasure that will truly inspire!

      The 8.65-point font is larger and more readable than other coloring Bibles, and the high-quality white Bible paper makes it a great choice for creatively responding to God’s Word right on the pages of the Bible. Instill the joy and value of reading the Bible in young girls’ hearts so they can learn to connect with God and discover valuable truths from Scripture-and ultimately live it out in their lives!

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    • Childrens Outreach Bible


      Our most-loved Children’s Outreach Bible includes full-color study helps with the trusted New King James translation to make Bible reading fun and accessible for kids!This affordable Children’s Outreach Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version is a great value for anyone who wants to give children God’s Word. The fun and colorful cover is designed for boys and girls alike, and the interior features the full Old and New Testaments of the New King James Version, the translation loved and trusted by millions!Also featured are 24 pages of kid-friendly full-color study help pages to help young children learn and grow in their faith journey. Pages include:Why Should I Read the Bible?Bible Verses to KnowKnowing Jesus BetterHow Do I Pray?How Can I Let God’s Love Shine Through Me?How Do I Study the Bible?The Names of Godand many more!A special presentation page is perfect for personalizing!Whether you’re giving a child his or her first Bible or rewarding a Sunday school class for a job well done, this economy Bible with great features is the perfect way to meet the needs of those around you!

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    • Action Study Bible


      The NIV Action Study Bible helps preteens build a strong foundation of faith to last a lifetime.

      For fans of The Action Bible(R) who want to go beyond the pictures and deeper into God’s redemptive story, The NIV Action Study Bible is a full-text study Bible that takes preteens (ages 9 and up) further into the heart of God’s Word and connects His timeless truth to their lives today.

      The Action Bible has introduced millions of kids to the stories in the Bible with its dramatic comic-book-style illustrations. Now they can go deeper with The NIV Action Study Bible.

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    • Bible For Kids Thinline Edition


      Hot Look, Cool Features, God’s Truth. This thin, portable Bible fits perfectly in a backpack, bag, or desk and is easy to carry! With an awesome Leathersoft binding, King James Version text, and Christ’s words in red, this is one Bible you’ll want to bring with you everywhere. Features include:  Brand-new typesetting in a custom, one-of-a-kind font Complete text of the classic King James Version of the Bible Presentation page for gift giving Words of Christ in red Reader-friendly 8-point font Incredibly thin–less than an inch thick

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    • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


      Ready for Adventure? Dive into the #1 Bible for Kids! The NIrV Adventure BibleA(R) for Early Readers takes you on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly, you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God. Here’s a quick tour through the features: Life in Bible Times – Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days People in Bible Times – Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible Let’s Live It! – Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your life Did You Know? – Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word Words to Treasure – Great verses to memorize Twenty special pages – Games and other Bible fun, all with a jungle safari theme Book introductions, a dictionary, and color maps Includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own. For games and activities, visit

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    • Books Of The Bible For Kids The Writings


      NIrV, The Books of the Bible for Kids is a 4-volume abridged Bible study that strips the Bible of its chapter and verse numbers, headings, and special formatting so that it’s easier to read and accessible to all. Each volume is broken down into an 8-week reading plan that includes daily reading and questions for discussion perfect for classroom or small group use. With wide margins, shorter lines, a larger font size, and engaging illustrations, these books are designed especially for developing readers. In The Writings, readers will study the poetry, wisdom writings, and history of the Bible. This volume includes: Psalms, Lamentations, Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel. Other titles in this series: NIrV, The Books of the Bible: The Prophets: Listen to God’s Messenger’s Tell about Hope and Truth NIrV, The Books of the Bible: Covenant History: Discover the Beginnings of God’s People NIrV, The Books of the Bible: New Testament: Read the Story of Jesus, His Church, and His Return

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    • Adventure Bible Full Color


      Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the NIV Adventure Bible-now in full color throughout! Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God.

      Features include:
      *Full color throughout-makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging
      *Life in Bible Times-Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days
      *Words to Treasure-Highlights great verses to memorize
      *Did You Know?-Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word and the life of faith
      *People in Bible Times-Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible
      *Live It!-Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your life
      *Twenty special pages-Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari theme
      *Book introductions with useful facts about each book of the Bible
      *Dictionary/concordance for looking up tricky words
      *Color map section to help locate places in the Bible
      *Complete text of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible
      *Recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids!

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    • Kids Visual Study Bible


      The NIV Kids’ Visual Study Bible, for ages 8-12, brings the Bible to life in four-color illustrated splendor. This study Bible includes a spectacular full-color interior featuring over 700 illustrations, photos, infographics, and maps on every page that visually represent key Bible information. Each page also features important facts located near the relevant verse. Intriguing facts; colorful, engaging maps; photographs; and illustrations make this a Bible they’ll want to explore. Features: Over 700 four-color photographs, illustrations, infographics, and maps throughout Full-color design Book introductions, including important facts and an image to orient the reader One-column format with side bar study notes for ease of reading Presentation page The complete text of the New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible Beautiful cover featuring gloss

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    • Kids Outreach Bible


      The KJV Kids Outreach Bible introduces young readers to the time- honored KJV text in readable black letter type. The full biblical text is accompanied by a number of helpful resources that will allow those who are unfamiliar with the Bible, as well as new believers, to understand the Gospel.

      The article “How to Become a Christian,” written by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, lays out in simple language the basic ideas of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and what that means for each of us. Easy-to-understand sections with paralleled Bible verses-such as “We are sinful,” “Sin has a penalty,” and “Christ has paid our penalty!”-guide the reader down the path to a personal relationship with God and encourage them to invest in a Christian community.

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    • Jesus Calling Bible For Children


      Dive into God’s Word as you enjoy heartfelt devotional time with the ICB Jesus Calling Bible for Children. This is the first full-text ICB Bible for children with 160 full-page devotions from the Jesus Calling children’s devotional. The two-color Bible text and devotional content are complemented by an additional 96 vibrantly colored Bible story inserts that tell key stories from the Bible, along with a takeaway application. Also included are 365 highlighted key memory verses for young readers, prayers, and kid-friendly applications. The ICB Jesus Calling Bible for Children will help your children grow in knowledge and in relationship with the Lord.

      The Jesus Calling brand has touched millions of lives as the words speak to readers and help them grow closer to God. As you read the devotions alongside their inspiration-the inerrant and beautiful Word of God-the ICB Jesus Calling Bible for Children will ignite faith in children and show them the true power of God’s living Word.

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    • Plans I Have For You Bible


      For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11

      God has great plans for you. It’s true. The Plans I Have for You Holy Bible will inspire readers to dream about their future and to trust that God has great plans for each and every one of us.

      The features of this latest addition to The Plans I Have for You collection include:
      *Introduction from author Amy Parker
      *50 God’s Big Plans pages tell how God had big plans for individuals in the Bible and his people as a whole, for example, Moses, Noah, Jonah, Esther, and YOU!
      *25 Promise Prayers pages focus on children asking God to help them fulfill his plans for them.
      *100 highlighted verses, including God’s promises as well as hopeful and uplifting verses
      *Presentation Page
      *Index to features
      *Index of highlighted verses
      *Lively two-color art from Vanessa Brantley Newton, illustrator of The Plans I Have for You picture book

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    • Girls Life Application Study Bible


      An edition of God’s Word created for girls ages 11 and up, based on the best-selling Life Application Study Bible. Packed full of notes and features, the Girls Life Application Study Bible is easy to use and helps answer some of the questions preteen girls have about God and life. Discovering God’s will for their lives has never been this much fun!

      *”What Now?” Learn how to make good choices in tough times
      *”I Survived!” Personal survival stories from older teens about how they made it
      *”Amazing Facts” Bible trivia
      *”At a Glance”-the lives of famous women in the Bible-good and bad-become lessons for teens
      *”Is It OK?” A reality check on what the Bible says about the questions that are really on your mind
      *2-color interior; 16 pages of full-color illustrations about Bible times
      *Book introductions and timelines
      *Charts and 3-dimensional maps

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    • Under The Sea Holy Bible


      The NIrV Under the Sea Holy Bible is a perfect gift for children ages 6 to 10 years with a fun underwater themed cover. Featuring the NIrV translation, which is the steppingstone to the NIV, plus color inserts featuring whimsical underwater scenes with themes of God’s care and love for each of us and all of creation. Recommended for ages 6 to 10 years.

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    • Action Bible Study Bible


      Within these pages … you’ll read the most amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail with dramatic illustrations from comic book artist, Sergio Cariello.

      You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. And, within your life, you will see God in action! Combined with the complete text of the ESV Bible, The Action Bible Study Bible ESV includes these amazing features:

      What About This?
      Gain insights to tough questions about faith

      Unlock It!
      Who did what, when, and where … and why it matters

      Guess It!
      Person, place, or thing-take the challenge with 5 clues

      Reflect on Bible themes and how they apply now

      Ancient Archives
      Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?

      Experience the Drama
      Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations captures the imagination and transports you to another time

      Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, and more!

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    • Childrens Bible


      An affordable Spanish option for evangelism to kids. NVI (Nueva Version Internacional) translation in a clean, easy-to-read Bible format combined with color insert pages with Bible illustrations and call-out Scripture passages. Special helps in the front introduce kids to the story of the Bible and provide a concise overview of each book of the Bible. Bright cover art draws kids into the book. Includes 24 color inserts with art. Light, easy-to-carry paperback edition. Ideal for children ages 6-10.

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    • Adventure Bible


      Ready for adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the full-color NKJV Adventure Bible. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Features include: ‘Life in Bible Times – Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days; ‘People in Bible Times’ – Offers close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible; ‘Did You Know?’ – Provides interesting facts that help you better understand God’s Word; ‘Let’s Live It!’ – Includes hands-on activities to help you apply biblical truths to your life; ‘Words to Treasure’ – Highlights great verses to memorize; a concordance for help in finding verses; book introductions for basic facts about each book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, and why it was written); 20 special pages with Bible facts and fun, all with a jungle safari theme; and 8 pages of color maps.

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    • Children Of Color Bible


      The Bible designed for all God’s children of color. Original King James version. 32 Biblical illustrations in full color. 6 portraits of Blacks from the Bible. 13 favorite traditional hymns and children songs John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word…”. – See more at:

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    • Kids Slimline Bible


      The new Kids Slimline Bibles in the New Living Translation were designed for kids ages 8-12. The presentation page, and cover create an overall theme.

      The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation, rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it “The Truth Made Clear.”

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