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Showing 101–150 of 173 results

  • Smuggling Light : One Womans Victory Over Persecution Torture And Imprisonm


    North Korea is dark.

    Literally dark-most of its regions are too poor to afford electricity and other basic needs. Figuratively dark-its daily life is hidden from outsiders, its citizens reticent, and its propaganda vast. And spiritually dark-its ruler, Kim Jong-il, is both worshipped and feared and the gospel is squelched without question.

    Into this darkness, Esther walked.

    Growing up a Chinese-Korean, Esther wanted nothing to do with Christianity until a visit to an underground church in China flooded her with the mercy and power of the Spirit-and she was given an unusual call: be a missionary to North Koreans. But again, Esther wanted nothing to do with it, or rather, with them. Rude, filthy, and abusive, North Koreans seeking refuge in China were the worst of the worst. However, when Esther slipped inside North Korea for the first time and witnessed for herself the shocking conditions, she finally understood: they acted desperate, because they were.

    Esther gave her all to her mission. Although imprisoned and tortured by both North Korea and China, sometimes destitute and always in danger, having few resources and little time for family, for the past fifteen years Esther has faithfully spread aid and the gospel witness to North Koreans. Smuggling Light is her true tale of bravery, humility, and complete reliance on the mighty hand of God in one of the darkest nations in the world.

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  • My Journey Of Faith An Encounter With Christ


    The true story of Charles Mulli’s journey of faith, told from his own perspective. Led by God to sell everything he owned and begin rescuing street children from the slums of Kenya, his story describes his incredible life of faith, with love, miracles, and powerful answers to prayer, persuasively demonstrating what a close walk with God can do.

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  • Kidnapped By A Cult


    As a founder of the China Gospel Fellowship, one of the largest underground churches in China comprising millions of believers, Pastor Shen Xiaoming knew the meaning of persecution. Time and again, while preaching and traveling throughout Tanghe County, Pastor Shen experienced deprivation, disease, and imprisonment for the sake of the incredible spread of the gospel.

    But April 16, 2002, brought the persecution to a new level. Pastor Shen was kidnapped by the murderous Eastern Lightning cult after being lured into a supposed Bible conference. This dangerous cult believes that Christ returned in the form of a female Chinese leader in 1992, and they use force, torture, and indoctrination to convert others. For two months, Pastor Shen was held captive.

    As Eastern Lightning slowly gains worldwide attention for their violence, Pastor Shen’s first-person account of his life and work in Tanghe County and his persevering stand against this murderous sect will both inspire and inform.

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  • New Wine Is Better


    The lively, amusing, and true story of Robert Thom traces his downward trek from a twelve-bedroom South African mansion to an orphanage to the hopeless world of an alcoholic on the verge of suicide. Then he met Mrs. Walker and his life was forever changed. She introduced him to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and soon he was walking in a world or faith, power, and joy, with one of the most power prophetic healing ministries in the twentieth century. Robert Thom’s story is a modern-day miracle that reveals the secret of faith-how it worked in the life or Robert Thom and how it can work for you.

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  • Rees Howells Intercessor


    Publisher Marketing: How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of WWII? Find out in Norman Grubb’s updated biography of Rees Howells, who progressed in faith until his prayers affected even world events. Written with humanity and humor, this book uncovers the rich truths of the Spirit.

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  • Walking With C S Lewis A Companion Guide


    Walking with C. S. Lewis is an ideal guide for longtime Lewis fans and new readers alike to dive into the man, his works, and his impact alongside well-respected voices in the Lewis community. Each segment in this ten-segment video series focuses on a different book or topic in Lewis’ life, showing for each how the writings flowed out of Lewis’ life and thought. Professor Tony Ash also tells the story of his discovery of Lewis when he was a young man in transition and how Lewis has continued to shape his life and view of God in subsequent years. The richly detailed companion guide provides helpful summary of Lewis’ works and helps readers see the deeper connections between the books and the man who wrote them. In the video series, viewers will follow Professor Ash, seasoned biblical studies scholar and longtime Lewis aficionado, with many segments filmed on-location in Lewis’ Oxford. In the companion guide, Ryan Pemberton–former president of the Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society and author of Called: My Journey to C. S. Lewis’s House and Back Again provides an eloquent but accessible framework to better understand Lewis himself as well as a helpful supplementary discussion on many of his best-known works. The videos and companion guide are ideal for individual or group study, alongside one of his books or as a standalone inquiry into the man who has shaped the thought and faith of so many readers.

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  • Let Your Light Shine


    A little girl and her two siblings are raised by their grandmother, which is court-ordered after years of abuse and neglect from her parents. She grows up, moves away from home, and falls in love with a very special man. She gets married and has her own family, still carrying a secret in her heart that has affected her all her life.

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  • My Homesteaders Heritage


    My Homesteader’s Heritage is an account of the bravery and perseverance of two families who left family and friends in Europe to immigrate and homestead in Canada. They overcame the difficulties and hardships of a frontier land to pass on a legacy of faith, determination, hard work, and success for their children to follow and emulate.

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  • My Fathers Daughter


    On a bitterly cold day at thirty-five years of age, Saskia Hommes discovers a heart-stopping truth about her identity.

    Saskia lived a privileged life. It was a life that looked perfect to the outside observer. In reality, it was filled with sadness, alcoholism, domestic dysfunction, and pain.
    As a teenager, Saskia became intrigued by the events of the Second World War. Having her interest piqued, her attention turned to the activities of her own parents during the war. Her questions about their activity went largely unanswered and opened a dark hole of mystery to Saskia, who was desperate only to know the truth.
    Nothing could have prepared her for the answers she found.

    This is a story of intrigue, Nazi connections, mystery and complexity, and totally unexpected events, but ultimately it is a story of grace–God’s amazing grace in saving and keeping His child until she was ready to accept what He offered.

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  • Music Ministry And Miracles 2


    In my first book-“Music, Ministry & Miracles”-I shared stories from my life as it touched the Christian television ministry “It’s A New Day” during our years as partners and board members. Using the ministry as a touchstone, I was able to share various experiences within the ministry as well as further afield. Before, during, and after my life with Christian television, my life has been full of other ministries: prison ministry, women’s ministry, youth ministry, seniors’ ministry, workplace ministry, and funeral ministry-just to name a very few. Why write a similarly titled book? Because I am called by my King to share the blessings of my life in the Kingdom with others so they can see how great our God is and how He desires to work in surrendered, common folk-like you and me. I hope that sharing my experiences will entice others to dive in to the Kingdom experience

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  • Gods Generals The Martyrs


    In his sixth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great martyrs for the faith-and some of the lesser-known ones. Their inspirational testimony, acts of courage, and even seasons of doubt both encourage and point awareness toward the persecuted church of the twenty-first century.

    The book includes profiles on…
    *Apostle Paul and Stephen the Faithful (c. 100 AD)
    *Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, and Ignatius of Antioch (c. 100-175 AD)
    *Perpetua, Blandina, and Irenaeus and Fabian (c. 175-350 AD)
    *William Tyndale, John Wyclyffe, Patrick Hamilton, and John Hus (c. 1300-1530)
    *Anne Askew, John Foxe, Hugh Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer (c. 1530-1560)
    *Martyrs from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
    *Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John and Betty Stam, and Jim Elliot (c. 1900-1950)
    *Wang Zhiming, Gaspar Makil, and Archbishop Oscar Romero (c. 1950-1990)
    *Martyrs from the twenty-first century, in regions such as the Philippines, Iraq, Libya, and Syria

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  • Joy In The Mourning


    Only God knows what it takes to walk down dark roads and to fight the good fight of faith. Ruby and her family have walked a close walk with God in direct opposition to hopelessness and the ugliness of cancer, and through “Joy in the Mourning,” have brought us with her. This is a book of the faithfulness of God Almighty. This is a book of compassion, understanding, and hope for those who have faced and are face-to-face with the ugliness of cancer.

    Daren and Angie Werk, Newlife Victory Fellowship, Senior pastors

    You’re looking forward to the best years of your life. Retirement isn’t far away, the kids are grown up, and the grandchildren are coming along. Life is looking good!

    Suddenly your dreams and plans take a nosedive and it’s all you can do to breathe deeply and take one step at a time.

    Is it possible to hold onto faith in the face of dire circumstances? Will you ever feel joy bubbling up inside you again? When a hope-filled solution is presented to you your spirits soar, only to come crashing down again when failure raises its ugly head.

    You go to the only place where faith, hope, and joy can be restored. Even there you find you will need to make a choice: walk or wallow? Sing or sigh? Help or hurt? What will you choose?

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  • Shattered Prayers : The Testing Of A Fathers Faith


    Kenneth Ching lived a comfortable life–with a great job, a big house, and an easy faith. He went to church and believed in God’s goodness. But when his son is born with a serious and rare genetic condition, his life is thrown into terrifying chaos.

    In this honest and raw memoir, Ching brings to life his experience of letting go while learning to truly trust the Savior he claims to know. Ching doesn’t shy away from asking the hard questions: Why does God answer some prayers but not others? How does prayer work? Is God even listening?

    Shattered Prayers is ultimately a story about recognizing God’s presence and faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. And how one man thought God ruined his life by giving his son a terrible disease, but eventually realized God was actually fighting to save his faith and his son’s life.

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  • Faith Keeper : Long Down The Road Where Our Hearts Break


    A young woman is involved in a potentially life threatening car accident, but her life is mysteriously spared, changing her path forever. Long down the road, despite her strong faith, she becomes overwhelmed with sorrow and suffering and life’s demands. She wonders if God is truly enough. As she searches for answers, she is challenged by scripture to “wake from her slumber” (Romans 13:11). A rescue prayer forms on her lips testifying to a renewed longing to trust in her Saviour. Life altering circumstances follow. Will she find the courage to surrender to Jesus Christ, who has never stopped keeping her faith?

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  • I Met Jesus At The Gym


    In this beautifully transparent and gutsy story, Jenny Rumancik guides us through the process of healing from childhood and adult traumas, opening her heart and her life in a refreshingly vulnerable manner. Born on a Hutterite colony, before leaving with her family at a young age, Jenny goes through a process of self-discovery, learning that the love of God isn’t just a churchy phrase, but the true source of hope. Her faith is tested in ways that would make many consider giving up, but as Jenny seeks God, she discovers the kind of intimate encounter we all hope for.

    Jenny’s story includes traumatic loss, the divorce of her parents, being an unwed mother, finding the man of her dreams, and working out her faith in difficult circumstances-before meeting Jesus at the gym. Readers will be encouraged by the hope of this love story on both human and divine levels.

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  • Unexpected Journeys : My Search For Adventure Love And Redemption On The Ot


    Unexpected Journeys is a spiritual memoir about a twenty-something who walks away from a hectic life and into a three-month adventure to the Asia-Pacific that both grabs his wonder and forces him inward to confront his deep-set fears, painful memories, and dark questions about himself, those closest to him, and God.

    Paul’s travels take him from Bali to Thailand to India; from surfing to scooters to red light districts; from an anguished reunion with his brother, to a lonely isolation in paradise, to companionship from unlikely locals; from the extravagant love of an orphanage, to the end of a precious relationship.

    On the journey, Paul gradually lowers his straight-A expectations of himself. God loosens his emotional stoicism, sets free his shame, and unclamps a visceral fear that anything-anything at all-could deaden his divine calling to thoroughly, beautifully live life.

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  • Life Of Faith


    Imagine a woman in the early 1900s who is passionate about Pentecost. Now imagine her spunk and determination when she chooses to move to Mexico as a missionary when this was highly unconventional for a woman. Blessed with a healing ministry and a heart for the lost, Cornelia Nuzum was not only a minister but also a prolific writer. Her collection of compelling devotionals The Life of Faith is a Spirit-empowered classic that has remained in print for almost eighty years.

    With an emphasis on faith and the blood of Jesus, she shares her exciting experiences on the mission field as she relied on God’s Word to help others overcome temptation, find strength, and experience the joy of living in God’s will. This timeless account will inspire you to seek a refreshing of your faith and a deeper experience of Pentecostal faith.

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  • Who Was Sojourner Truth


    Read and learn about an important historical figure in American history with Who Was Sojourner Truth? by Yona McDonough. A slave, an abolitionist, and devoted Christian, and an early advocate of women’s rights, Sojourner Truth is a worthy addition to the Who Was. . . ? series. Recommended for ages 8 to 12 years.

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  • Wigglesworth Standard


    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry with powerful signs, including cancers being cured, hearing being restored to the deaf, and fourteen people being raised from the dead. This study of Wigglesworth’s life will build and inspire your faith, deepen your compassion, and explode your vision.

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  • Love Is Something You Do


    On January 12, 2010, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the country of Haiti.

    The world watched in horror the news reports of the devastation. Immediately responding to the catastrophe were Love A Child ministry founders Bobby and Sherry Burnette, who had somehow escaped death. In the days following, they came to believe they had been spared in order to minister to the desperate needs all around them.

    When the earthquake hit, Bobby and Sherry had served in Haiti for many years. Love Is Something You Do is the extraordinary narrative of the Burnettes’ lifelong journey of faith and compassion. If you love a great story, find a place to settle in and read one fascinating account after another. Travel the path that led them to Haiti; a land of mountains, colorful cultures, and insightful proverbs, but also of extreme poverty, oppressive voodoo, and despair. Experience their early years in street ministry, their life-threatening adventures and accidents, their incidents of miraculous healings and financial provision, and their standoffs with witch doctors and evil spirits. Above all, be renewed by their message of hope and peace, through which they continue to transform people’s lives spiritually, physically, educationally, and vocationally; giving Haitians a life of dignity and purpose they had never dreamed possible.

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  • World Upside Down


    As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith in Christ brought peace and joy to his soul, and also turned 1500s Europe upside down through the Reformation. A World Upside Down is a collection of four essays that describe this faith. 1). The first essay describes the intersection of this faith with Luther’s remarkable life, giving him great assurance before God, yet placing him at war with the world. 2). In the second essay, Luther’s Understanding of the Gospel is discussed: what faith in Christ is, the need we all have for the Savior, and the Christian’s humble dependence on the good news of God’s unchanging grace. 3). The third essay, That No Flesh Should Glory in God’s Presence, shares Luther’s teaching that the gospel outlined in chapter two gives all glory to God: a) God’s wisdom revealed in the gospel message humbles man’s pride and wisdom and exalts God alone. b) The gospel produces good works in the believer’s life to the glory of God. 4). The final essay, Christ’s Church, shares Luther’s thought that the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ is central to the life of the church. The church is made up of forgiven and weak sinners who are dearly loved by God and carried by him through their earthly pilgrimage. This essay summarizes the book, applying Luther’s theology to us in the 21st century. Martin Luther’s life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone for the glory and honor of God.”

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  • Blind Descent : Surviving Alone And Blind On Mount Everest


    Former Navy air rescue swimmer Brian Dickinson was roughly 1,000 feet from the summit of Mount Everest-also known as “the death zone”-when his Sherpa became ill and had to turn back, leaving Brian with a difficult decision: Should he continue to push for the summit or head back down the mountain? After carefully weighing the options, Brian decided to continue toward the summit-alone. Four hours later, Brian solo summited the highest peak in the world. But the celebration was short lived. After taking a few pictures, Brian radioed his team to let them know he had summited safely and began his descent. Suddenly, his vision became blurry, his eyes started to burn, and within seconds, he was rendered almost completely blind. All alone at 29,035 feet, low on oxygen, and stricken with snow blindness, Brian was forced to inch his way back down the mountain relying only on his Navy survival training, instincts, and faith. In Blind Descent, Brian recounts his extraordinary experience on Mount Everest, demonstrating that no matter how dire our circumstances, there is no challenge too big for God.

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  • Ornament : Faith Joy And Hope Of Kristen Fersovitch


    Kristen Fersovitch was a twenty-eight-year-old wife and mother of three boys under four when she was diagnosed with inoperable cancer and given only months to live. Ornament is the inspiring story of Kristen’s faith, joy and hope in the midst of hardship, heartache and loss. The book shares memories and beautiful photos from her home and performances in the Canadian Christmas event the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree.

    She was beautiful and real and funny. She challenged us to live the best life we can in the face of tragedy, in the face of despair. Not by telling us to, but by leading by example.

    Ornament is a response to the many people who have asked, How could I have a faith like Kristen’s? Each chapter features an ornament from the Fersovitch family Christmas tree and an insight into Kristen’s relationship with God, which was characterized by faith in the face of adversity, joy in spite of circumstances, and hope that was rock solid. There is a practical application at the end of each chapter to help you grow in your own faith.

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  • Losing A J


    Some of the best stories to read are those that were not pleasant to experience. Losing AJ is a book that reveals the story of an honest journey. And, while revealing, the pages invite us to notice our own stories, our own tension, our own pain.

    To be able to present such a drama, Adam needed to face the realities of his own disappointments. He has. And he has faced them without escaping or denying; he has faced them while crying, while praying, while wanting, while grieving. He has faced them with God.

    His story lets us gaze into his pain. While observing, we just might begin noticing our own. And we might begin noticing God in a new way. As Adam writes, “This book will encourage you to search out help and realize that you are not admitting that you are weak in doing so. You are admitting that you are human. You are worth saving.”

    I invite you to welcome this story. Visit the storm. Notice the wounds.

    The valley of the shadow of death isn’t just a line from Psalm 23. It is life. It is story. But not the end of a story, just a portion in the journey toward healing.

    And those stories are worth saving.

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  • I Stand With Christ


    “My name is Zhang Rongliang, and I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ….It is considered quite dangerous for me to share the contents of this book, but these are stories that need to be told for God’s glory and the encouragement of the church.”

    So begins the extraordinary first-person account of a prominent leader of one of the largest underground churches in China. A former Communist Party member, Zhang took a stand for Christ and was targeted for prison, work camps, and torture, all the while helping to build a network of millions of faithful believers. Spanning the time of Mao’s regime to today, Zhang testifies of God’s supernatural movements, as well as the sacrifice of countless Christians who loved and served Christ-regardless of the cost.

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  • They Called Us A Cult


    Unexpectedly, I no longer felt as if I had stumbled into some kind of private cult. Instead, I began to feel ugly and unclean, like a beggar in a palace or a stain on the front of a wedding dress. I knew I did not belong, but I knew I had to stay. The atmosphere was charged with an indescribable feeling of holiness and purity. As I sat with my head in my hands, suddenly, I felt the presence of someone standing behind me. Fear came up into my throat making me too afraid to turn and face my would-be captor, but realizing I had been discovered, I slowly sat up in the seat, not knowing what would happen next.

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  • Reluctant Caregiver : Navigating The Turmoil Of The Sandwich Generation


    Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers.

    Bobbi may be married with two grown children, but the child inside still fears and resents the attacks and tirades of her ninety-year-old mother, now afflicted with dementia. While still a teenager, Bobbi was disowned by her mother. How can she now take on the role of caregiver?

    Bobbi seeks escape from the task, but gradually realizes that Jesus has a greater goal in mind than teaching her to be a caregiver. Crisis after crisis forces Bobbi to turn to Jesus for help, all the while testing to see if his promises can be taken literally. Is he in charge? Will he work things out? Is his plan perfect?

    Nancy’s erratic behaviour and moods punctuate the ensuing year. Stripped of any illusion that she can cope on her own, Bobbi finds her faith rewarded in unpredictable ways. Her journey of anxiety and failure also comes with insights and small but important victories. She tells the story candidly, often humorously, as she comes to a deeper understanding of dementia, her mother, and most of all, Jesus.

    Read and weep. Laugh and pray. Gain courage and perspective of your own!

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  • Gods Generals 5


    In his fifth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great evangelists who risked their lives to take the gospel message to strange and unknown cultures around the world, including…

    *Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf-the Austrian nobleman whose passion for Christ ushered in the Moravian revival of the 1700s.

    *David Brainerd-the young American colonist who sacrificially reached out to Native Americans.

    *William Carey-the British shoemaker and Bible translator whose passion to reach India birthed a missionary revolution.

    *David Livingstone-the explorer who crossed the “unknown continent” and opened the heart of Africa to the gospel.

    *Adoniram Judson-the “Father of American Missions” who endured tragedy to reach the people of Burma.

    *Hudson Taylor-the first missionary to use the phrase “Great Commission,” who pioneered the China Inland Mission, transforming millions of lives along the way.

    *Hiram Bingham-the first Protestant missionary, who spent twenty years serving Christ in what is now Hawaii.

    *Amy Carmichael-the selfless Irish missionary who dedicated her life to the forsaken children of India.

    *Jonathan Goforth-the passionate Canadian revivalist who brought salvation and healing to hundreds of thousands of Chinese people.

    The sacrifice and courage of these spiritual pioneers are sure to stoke the fires of your faith and revive within your heart a spirit of evangelism and compassion for the lost.

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  • Hard Road : What If Almost Dying Was The Very Thing That Saved Your Life


    What if almost dying was the very thing that saved your life?

    By forty years of age, Michael Pruett was a thriving businessman. He had raised millions in capital, started an Internet provider service, worked with contractors to develop and flip homes, and had established a well-respected reputation in Jackson Hole’s real estate community. Add to this a new wife and stepdaughters, and he reached the pinnacle of the high life, or so he thought. He had risen high, and then he fell-hard. But there was a larger story in play, and July 15, 2012 happened-the day he should have died.

    Michael’s action-packed and riveting biography tells the story of a terrible happenstance that changed everything, in the best possible way. It asks the tough questions, its true-to-life characters exploring life’s uncertainties-about the divine, why bad things happen to good
    people, and what to do when the road you picked just doesn’t go as planned.

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  • New Life In The Boarding House


    The author, a husband and father of a young family, was messed up. Like many men, he was unable to talk to anyone about what was wrong-partly because he felt it would make him look weak and partly because he didn’t really know why nothing was right in his life. Anger became his fuel, controlling his life. Conflict was his daily routine. He suffered many sleepless nights, plagued by fear, worry, and buried emotional wounds. Haunted by his father’s rejection, an inner voice screamed at him, “I want a new life!”
    Chilling thoughts of ending it rapped at his consciousness.
    In a night of crisis, he dug out an unused Bible, leading to a startling introduction to Jesus and depositing the author on a virtual tour of a once magnificent stately home, fallen into use as a neglected, chaotic boarding house. With the Holy Spirit as his guide, he meets interesting people, learns to understand himself, and discovers that not only is it possible to have a new life-but there’s a way to get it.
    As a child he heard stories of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but as an adult he didn’t think they existed and he certainly had no idea of how to find them. This book, based on daily journal accounts, describes how they found him.
    And not only are they real, they still make house calls.

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  • Arne Bryan : Pioneer Of Prayer Canada


    Arne Bryan, pioneer of Prayer Canada, simply obeyed the call of God to raise up Christian prayer for Canada’s leaders at all levels of government. He did it in his own way-just being the man that God made him. Watch how God moulded him through both historic and personal challenges. Catch his infectious faith as you read how he inspired hundreds of faithful prayer warriors to maintain a constant prayer watch for the men and women in parliaments and councils across this country.
    Arne Bryan had already lived a good lifespan when the call of God came to him. Why him? Why then? And how did he overcome the impossibilities of the huge job the Lord wanted him to do?

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  • Beautiful On The Mountain


    If you enjoyed the classic novel Christy and the bestselling Mitford series, then you’ll love Beautiful on the Mountain, a real-life tale about serving God in unlikely circumstances. In 1977, Jeannie Light left her fine plantation home amid heartbreak and came to Graves Mill, a tiny hamlet in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Alone in an utterly new kind of life, Jeannie was determined to find the courage to make a fresh start.

    To Jeannie’s surprise, she found herself called upon by her new neighbors to open the old, deteriorated country church, a place that had once united the fractured community of mountain folk. With no training, and no small amount of trepidation, she undertook the task. And as she embarked on an unforeseen series of adventures, from heartbreaking to hilarious, Jeannie would learn more than she ever expected about faith, loving your neighbor, and doing the work that God sets in front of you. Because sometimes, God calls us to go where there is no path . . . and leave a trail.

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  • Recruit A Story Of Faith Miracles And Divine Intervention


    The Recruit is a must-read for anyone with a desire to serve God. At the tender age of nineteen, God told David Yanez to trust Him and join the United States Navy. What followed was a faith adventure that lasted through David’s entire enlistment and beyond. The Recruit is a vital source of inspiration and information for anyone considering entering the military. David Yanez’ true story demonstrates how one can serve God in any endeavor-a secular job, as a homemaker, or though service in the military or ministry.

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  • Homestead : A Memoir


    Joining her husband in the fight to create a home out of a rugged stretch of sagebrush, rattlesnakes, and sand in Eastern Oregon, Jane Kirkpatrick uneasily relinquishes the security of a professional career; the convenience of electricity, running water, and a phone line; and, perhaps most daunting, the pleasures of sporting a professional manicure. But the pull of the land is irresistible, and the couple dreams of gathering their first harvest from a yet-to-be-planted vineyard.

    Rather than the simple life they had envisioned, Jane and Jerry find themselves confronting flood and fire, government bureaucracies, and runaway calves, among other disheartening setbacks. Jane frequently questions the sanity of pioneering in this remote area, known as Starvation Point, and she fights against panic with each trip they make down the seven-mile, boulder-strewn, rut-carved “driveway” she calls “the reptile road,” which threatens to spill them into the ravine with every lurch of the truck.

    But as she learns to navigate her new life, this novice rancher discovers that disappointment, isolation, and danger can’t compete with the generosity of their rural community, the strength of family bonds, and the faithfulness of the God who planted in their hearts the dream of carving a refuge out of an inhospitable land.

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  • Faith To Die For


    “He stood and looked at us. The weapon was hot and heavy in his hand as he lowered the barrel toward us. His face was streaked with sweat and dirt; his eyes were filled with the sights of combat. He stared at me and asked,’ Are you Mr. Mark?”

    How can you face death squarely while experiencing an absolute absence of fear? You can if you have hope. You can if you have traveled from Guatemala to Kiev to Beijing and seen God restoring hope in the midst of hopeless situations.

    Recounting his journey from captivity in Aceh, Indonesia, to freedom, Mark Geppert reveals the reality of knowing a God who never fails us or forsakes us. Mark’s incredible testimony is one of belief, action, purpose, and a step-by-step growth of faith.

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  • Dead 13 Times


    A True Story of Perseverance and Hope

    In 1986, Cam Tribolet was on his way home from a night of drinking when, at a Ft. Wayne, Indiana, stoplight, three men tried to carjack him. During the assault, Cam was shot three times in the stomach. One bullet ripped through his aorta, another lodged near his back, and the third tore through his bowels, spewing infection throughout his body. Cam’s family was informed that he probably wouldn’t survive the night. But he did.

    In the days and weeks that followed, both of Cam’s legs would be amputated above the knee. He would endure thirty-six operations and require resuscitation thirteen times. His fiancee would break up with him in the hospital. He would become addicted to drugs to deal with the pain. And he would face the loss of his career. He would even contemplate suicide. But God was not done with Cam Tribolet.

    During his remarkable recovery, Cam befriended and eventually married his physical therapist, Sue, who was instrumental in helping him to find God and begin living again. Since then, his disability has not slowed him down. Cam became an engineer, a father, a downhill skier, and more. Born out of tragedy, Cam’s life is fuller and more rewarding than he ever imagined it could be. His story of redemption, perseverance, and hope is for anyone who needs to discover that our God is a God of amazing second chances.

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  • Fearless Passage Of Steven Kim


    For the first five decades of his life, Seung-Whan (Steven) Kim was a businessman who pursued financial prosperity, while largely ignoring both his family and his commitment to God. But after moving to China and rededicating his life to Christ, this South Korean-turned-American citizen felt called by God to help North Korean refugees escape from Chinese enslavement. In 2003, he was arrested while leading a prayer meeting of nine North Koreans in his apartment.

    Kim would spend the next four years in a Chinese labor camp. Despite great hardship and suffering, he immersed himself in the Scriptures and led fellow inmates to Christ-including both his prison guard and a hardened murderer.

    Since his release, Kim has been a powerful advocate for North Korean refugees in China, raising awareness about their plight and fighting for their human rights.

    Kim’s story is thrilling, heart-breaking, and victorious. His life reminds us that God can use anyone in any circumstance to achieve great things for His kingdom!

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  • Up From Slavery


    Born in a Virginia slave hut, Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) rose to become the most influential spokesman for African-Americans of his day. In this eloquently written book, he describes events in a remarkable life that began in bondage and culminated in worldwide recognition for his many accomplishments.

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  • Appointment In Jerusalem (Anniversary)


    This is the riveting true story of a young schoolteacher and her courageous quest to know God’s will for her life. In Lydia Prince’s search for God and her life’s purpose, she is led to Jerusalem where she learns the power of prayer and experiences many miracles of provision and protection. Lydia rescues a dying baby girl and then miraculously survives many dangers, including gunfire, siege, and barricades. She enters into her true appointment from God and, in the process, rescues scores of abandoned sick and orphaned children from disease and death.

    Discover how God can remarkably use those who trust Him!

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  • My Conversion


    How Can God Save Me?

    That question incessantly perplexed and troubled Charles Spurgeon for several years. He continued to agonize over it until, one marvelous day, the blinders dropped from his eyes, allowing him to see the way of salvation. That day was full of glory and gladness and indescribable joy for him.

    As you read Spurgeon’s personal account of his conversion journey, you will experience the Holy Spirit’s convicting power that leads from death unto eternal life.

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  • SEAL Of God


    Days before Chad Williams was to report to military duty in Great Lakes, Illinois, he turned on a television and was greeted with the horrifying images of his mentor, US Navy SEAL Scott Helvenston, being brutally murdered in a premeditated ambush on the roads of Fallujah, Iraq. Steeled in his resolve, Chad followed in Scott’s footsteps and completed the US military’s most difficult and grueling training to become a Navy SEAL. One of only 13 from a class of 173 to make it through to graduation, Chad served his country on SEAL Teams One and Seven for five years, completing tours of duty in the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, & and Iraq. Part memoir, part evangelism piece, SEAL of God follows Chad’s journey through the grueling Naval Ops training and onto the streets of Fallujah, where he witnessed the horrors of war up close. Along the way, Chad shares his own radical conversion story and talks about how he draws on his own experiences as a SEAL to help others better understand the depths of Christ’s sacrifice and love.

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  • William J Seymour


    William J. Seymour was a deeply spiritual man who impressed everyone who met him.

    “I do not believe that any man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge of God in his life than God gave that dear fellow, and the glory and power of a real Pentecost swept the world.” – John G. Lake

    “. . . the meekest man I ever met.” – William Durham

    Seymour was an effective leader, writer, teacher, and revivalist. His spiritual impact continues to be felt around the world today. His early work has opened the door to millions of people finding the fullness of the Holy Spirit since the Auzasa Street Revival, which both “Life” magazine and “USA Today” have listed as being one of the top 100 nation-impacting events of the 20th century.

    This book is more than the life story of William J. Seymour. It examines the historical context and sources that shaped Seymour’s theology by following his life from Louisiana to Azusa Street, provides us with his original sermons, analyses of his teachings, and the complete and original version of Seymour’s only book, Doctrine and Disciplines of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Los Angeles, originally published in 1915.

    William J. Seymour, the pioneer and messenger of Azusa Street, continues to speak to our hearts today with messages that are as timely now as when he first uttered them. His confident and steady voice calls us to holiness, repentance, faith, and racial reconciliation.

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  • Hiking Through : One Mans Journey To Peace And Freedom On The Appalachian T (Rep


    After Paul Stutzman lost his wife to breast cancer, he sensed a tug on his heart–the call to a challenge, the call to pursue a dream. Paul left his stable career, traveled to Georgia, and took his first steps on the Appalachian Trail. What he learned during the next four and a half months changed his life–and will change readers’ lives as well. In Hiking Through, readers will join Paul on his remarkable 2,176-mile hike through fourteen states in search of peace and a renewed sense of purpose, meeting fascinating and funny people along the way. They’ll discover that every choice we make along the path has consequences for the journey and will come away with a new understanding of God’s grace and guidance. Nature-lovers, armchair adventurers, and those grieving a loss may not be able to hike the AT themselves, but they can go on this spiritual pilgrimage with a truly humble and sympathetic guide.

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  • Rise Of Lakewood Church And Joel Osteen


    Don’t believe in miracles? Here’s proof!

    He was the most unlikely of proteges-a young man with no college or seminary degree and vir-tually no preaching experience. Yet, Joel Osteen was handed the reins of his father’s lifelong ministry when John Osteen died suddenly in 1999.

    Here are the behind-the-scenes details of the miraculous rise of Lakewood Church from humble beginnings in a Texas feed store to becoming the largest church in America. Learn the inside story that catapulted Joel Osteen to prominence as one of the most influential Christian voices of our generation.

    From the life and times of John and Joel Osteen, you will learn the power of vision, humility, in-tegrity, faith, and much more.

    You will be inspired and encouraged, and never again will you doubt what God can do with those who are fully devoted to Him!

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  • Gods Generals 4


    Other Titles By Roberts Liardon
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    1. F.F. Bosworth “Healing Pioneer”
    2. George Jeffreys “Great Britain’s Prentecostal Apostle”
    3. Lester Sumrall “Running With A Heavenly Vision”
    4. Oral Roberts “Expect A Miracle!”
    5. Charles And Frances Hunter “If We Can Do It, You Can Do It!”
    About The Author

    Additional Info
    In his fourth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles God’s great healing evangelists of the twentieth century. Journey with such paragons of faith as:
    ” Oral Roberts-one of the most influential Christian leaders in the twentieth century, Roberts had a healing ministry that spread from rural tent meetings to a world-class university, hospital, and medical school.

    ” Lester Sumrall-after being miraculously healed of tuberculosis as a boy, Sumrall dedicated the rest of his life to sharing the gospel and God’s healing power with audiences around the world, both in person and through television broadcasts.

    ” Charles and Frances Hunter-often called the “Happy Hunters,” Charles and Frances were known around the world as two of the most anointed and enthusiastic evangelists on earth.
    ” George Jeffreys-this Welsh Pentecostal minister-along with his brother Stephen- ministered at camps, conventions, and church meetings across England and Ireland, with reports of miraculous healings and other acts of God accompanying them.

    ” F. F. Bosworth-a Depression-era Pentecostal faith healer and one of the founders of the Assemblies of God, Bosworth was known during the 1920s for his interdenominational “big tent” revivals and large auditorium healing meetings.

    As you read about the lives of these ministry pioneers, your faith for signs and miracles will grow as you anticipate seeing God’s mighty hand move in the church today.

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  • Son Of Hamas


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414333083ISBN10: 1414333080Mosab Hassan | Ron BrackinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2011Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • Who Was Rosa Parks


    In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. This seemingly small act triggered civil rights protests across America and earned Rosa Parks the title OMother of the Civil Rights Movement.O This biography has blackand- white illustrations throughout.

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  • 10 Hours To Live


    “I give him ten hours to live.”

    That’s what the doctor said after diagnosing twenty-two-year-old Brian Wills with one of the deadliest and fastest-growing cancers, known as Burkitt’s lymphoma. Incredibly, this rare tumor grew from the size of a golf ball to nine inches in diameter in only three days. Thus began Brian’s life-threatening battle-both physical and spiritual-to receive a full recovery by focusing on God’s powerful promises of healing. Through his incredible, true-life testimony of healing against all odds, find out how you can:
    *Overcome the most hopeless of circumstances
    *Learn how to apply God’s Word for healing
    *Build your faith for the miraculous
    *Discover joy in the midst of suffering
    *Receive comfort in times of trial

    10 Hours to Live includes many other testimonies of people who have been supernaturally healed by the power of God.

    God wants to heal you, too!

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  • Smith Wigglesworth A Man Who Walked With God


    George Stormont provides a fresh insight into the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. Stormont writes not to draw attention to the life of his friend but rather to allow modern believers to grasp the spiritual significance of Wigglesworth’s life and ministry.

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  • Gods Generals 3


    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    Prologue: One Hundred Years Of Intercession
    1. John And Charles Wesley
    2. George Whitefield
    3. Jonathan Edwards
    4. Francis Asbury
    5. The First Camp Meetings
    6. Peter Cartwright
    7. Charles Finney
    8. Dwight L. Moody
    9. William And Catherine Booth
    10. Billy Graham
    Further Readings
    About The Author

    Additional Info
    Roberts Liardon recaptures God’s glory with these compelling spiritual biographies of some of the most powerful preachers ever to ignite the fires of revival. Liardon faithfully chronicles their work, teachings, methods, and spiritual discoveries, allowing the reader to better understand their role and influence in Christian history. The book includes biographies of John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, General William and Catherine Booth, Billy Graham, and more! Liardon goes beyond the history, drawing crucial life application for the reader from the lives of these mighty warriors. Let these great revivalists inspire your life and ministry!

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