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Christian Living

Showing 2401–2450 of 2669 results

  • Angels At Your Service


    Angels, they’re God’s supernatural messengers sent to serve, assist and protect you…if you know the biblical keys to cooperating with their heavenly mission. Unfortunately, most believers are woefully lacking in knowledge about the powerful beings the writer of Hebrews calls, “…ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.” Here Mac Hammond sets the record straight and opens your eyes to the vital but little-known services and blessings angels are commissioned to provide.

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  • Positioned For Promotion


    It’s the ability to move ahead on the job. It’s the ability to impart your values to your children and steer them clear of trouble. It’s the power to make your community a better place in which to live. Some call it influence. Some call it divine favor. Others call it leadership. Whatever you call it, whether you’re a CEO, a housewife, a student or a budding entrepreneur, you can benefit by having more. In Positioned for Promotion, Mac Hammond brings you proven, biblical keys to becoming such a person. Combining his life experience as a pastor and former head of a large corporation, he delivers practical spiritual truths for advancing on the job, managing your household, growing your business and increasing in every area of life.

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  • Simplifying Your Life


    Learn to simplify your life through insight from God’s Word. Mac Hammond expertly reveals the scriptural importance and benefits of simplifying your life and provides practical solutions for doing just that by addressing time, financial, and relationship management.

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  • Yielded And Bold


    We are living in a day in which God is bringing phenomenal increase to bear on the earth. His church is increasing. His body is increasing. His people as a whole are experiencing supernatural increase on an unprecedented level. In this book, Mac Hammond lays a foundation for understanding “the move of God”, the increase that is sweeping the earth today. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how to yield yourself to God and become a part of the increase God is bringing to the earth.

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  • Winning Your World


    In this book you’ll discover:

    *What three revelations can light an evangelistic fire in even the most timid of hearts
    *How to find people who want to hear about Jesus (and what to do with them once you find them
    *How to develop a personal style of evangelism custom tailored to your own personality temperament and giftings
    Move into all God has for you by becoming the bold soul winner you know He’s created you to be!

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  • Way Of The Winner


    God made you to win in every area of life – in relationships, in your finances and in your health. If you’re not currently experiencing that level of victory, this series will give you clear and concise keys to winning God’s way.

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  • Because He Loves Me


    Shows that a heartfelt desire to live a godly life flows out of a recognition of how we’ve been loved and transformed through Christ. God’s love has the power to change lives. Christians, then, should exhibit the greatest transformation of all because, rightly understood and cherished, God’s love makes them increasingly more like the One who has lavished his love on them. So why do we so often struggle to exhibit God’s love? Biblical counselor Elyse M. Fitzpatrick asks one simple question: “In your pursuit of godliness, have you left Jesus behind?” We need to be rescued from our “identity amnesia” and pointed to our true identity as God’s beloved children-adopted by the Father, united with the Son, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Fitzpatrick shows how a genuine transformation of identity leads to a transformation of our daily lives. Those who struggle with either legalism or lawlessness will find encouragement to return to God’s love, the source of authentic and lasting change. Study questions and invitations to further discovery conclude each chapter. Now available in paperback.

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  • Breaking Curses Experiencing Healing


    Many Christians wonder why they cannot overcome sins and temptations or why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, or relationships. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing exposes these life-destroying schemes from unseen but powerful spiritual enemies. Seen by millions on ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC, the History Channel, and the BBC, Tom Brown shows the relationship between spiritual deliverance and healing. Learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours so you can:
    *Identify the causes of curses
    *Take back what Satan has stolen
    *Break free from generational curses
    *Release God’s blessings and favor
    *Experience miracles in your life

    Uncover and defeat the spiritual attacks in your life, and bring complete healing to yourself and others today!

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  • Names Of God


    “Indeed we cannot say all that the mysterious word God means to us until we know more about Him.” God’s many names reveal not only different dimensions of His character but also point to their fulfillment in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. This insightful little book accurately and clearly works through the many names of God throughout the Old Testament. We can now see God in new lights and angles as we learn of His justice, His unbounded love, His preeminence, and His character-all through His names. This book has sold over 400,000 copies.

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  • Dragons Or Dinosaurs


    Dragon legends are found in nearly every culture around the globe. They have been thought to be myths.
    Yet, mysteriously, these dragons sound a lot like the other giant scaled reptiles, dinosaurs. Could they be one and the same?

    Surprisingly enough, the answer to this question is a powerful truth that confirms biblical authority and demolishes the theory of evolution. This book brings forth many new theories and evidence that are sure to fascinate the reader.

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  • Reinvent Your Life


    Do you feel discouraged or depressed? Slaughter understands because he’s been there! After struggling with fear, anxiety, financial failure, and marital strife, he’s on the other side of self-doubt—and knows that the power of faith is real. His amazing story will equip you with hope and courage as you seek to overcome your own life challenges.

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  • Rediscovering The Kingdom (Expanded)


    When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. All of the past ideologies have failed-humanism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism and even democracy. This is a philosophy, an ideology that will not fail, for it was bore in the heart of God Himself.

    As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about.

    Rediscovering the Kingdom will defy almost every concept you have about religion as it shifts the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issueA-the Kingdom of God. In this book you will discover:
    * The keys that make the Kingdom function in your life.
    * Why religion cannot solve your problems.
    * Why governments and world leaders continue to fail us.
    * Why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire.
    * Why power is the pursuit of all mankind.
    * The present and future reality of the Kingdom among us.
    * The original message and purpose of Jesus.

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  • Spiritual Warfare : Protect Your Home From Spiritual Darkness


    Satan’s War against the Family

    Satan has a plan… to destroy God’s kingdom, the church, and especially our homes and families! Beginning today, your family can be safe from the devastation of attacks by unseen spiritual forces of darkness-strife, division, emptiness, bitterness, despair, and much more. In this hard-hitting book, Marilyn Hickey shows, through her own experiences and those of others, how to successfully fight back using the powerful spiritual weapons that God has given you. Then, you can:
    *Break free from generational curses.
    *Conquer entrenched sins and habits.
    *Receive powerful answers to prayer.
    *Block Satan’s attacks.
    *Release others from spiritual bondage.
    *Overcome temptations.
    *Receive divine protection.

    Spiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles AND WIN!

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  • Silencing The Enemy With Praise


    Praise and worship are more than words and music, says author and pastor, Robert Gay. Praise is a weapon of warfare. God will fight for you as you praise the greatness of His name.

    In Silencing the Enemy With Praise, you learn what God’s Word says about the power of praise to: destroy the strongholds of Satan; bring healing, deliverance, and restoration; release the prophetic word; win the victory in spiritual warfare; and drive out demonic principalities.

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  • Adventures In The Prophetic


    Book Description: Venturing in the prophetic realm is an exciting adventure that changes your life and the lives of others. A team of well-known prophets share their insights and experiences. Inspiring topics include: – Power and Perils of the Prophetic by James W. Goll – Receiving and Responding to Prophetic Ministry by Mickey Robinson – The Prophetic and Justice by Patricia King – The Prophetic and the Realm of Glory by Jeff Jansen – Prophetic Intercession by Michal Ann Goll – Earthing the Prophetic, Bringing Heaven to Earth by Ryan Wyatt God wants to use prophetic means to bring Jesus into reality in your life today. You are about to discover the tangible power of the prophetic realm.

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  • Girl After Gods Own Heart


    Bestselling author Elizabeth George follows her popular teen books (more than 400,000 copies sold), including A Young Woman’s Guide to Making Right Choices, by reaching out to tweens, ages 8 to 12, in A Girl After God’s Own Heart.

    Upbeat and positive, Elizabeth provides biblical truths and suggestions so tweens can thrive. She reaches out to girls where they’re at and addresses daily issues that concern them, including-

    building real friendships
    talking with parents
    putting Jesus first
    handling schoolwork and activities
    deciding how to dress
    Girls are busy developing new skills and increasing their knowledge as they grow into young women. A Girl After God’s Own Heart shows them how to establish healthy guidelines that honor God, promote their well-being, and help them get the most from this wonderful time in their lives.

    Perfect for Sunday school, preteen groups, and individuals.

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  • Storehouse Principle : A Revolutionary God Idea For Creating Extraordinary


    Today’s world is not the same as it used to be. It is now common for people to change jobs many times during their adult lives. Millions of people are one layoff of medical emergency away from bankruptcy. Many are fearful because of financial uncertainty. This book is a practical way to revolutionize our walk with God and dispel that fear.

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  • God Space : Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally


    You’ve felt that tug…

    A friend, co-worker, family member, or someone you just met is talking-and you sense God nudging you to say something. But what do you say? What don’t you say? How can you bring God into the conversation without shutting it down?

    Welcome to God Space.

    Where the Holy Spirit can do amazing things through everyday conversations. Where honesty and transparency allow for discovery and deep connection. Where lives are challenged and changed.

    Connect with these real-life stories of how ordinary people learned how to engage others in rich spiritual conversations that open doors instead of slamming them shut. You’ll find fresh insights and practical tools for connecting with others about the things that matter most.

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  • Destined To Reign


    Find everything you need to know about the Gospel of grace in one definitive book!

    Grace is one of the most talked about and important subjects in Christianity. In Destined to Reign, Joseph Prince reveals that the completeness of Christ’s work on the cross has been realized by very few, but that it is available to all!

    You will find life-changing revelation that will free you from guilt, anxiety, unforgiveness, and fear – giving you an opportunity to embrace the true joy that Jesus Christ came to give you.

    Joseph Prince shows that it is not about what you have to do, but what has already been done by Jesus Christ. By receiving a full understanding of what the Apostle Paul taught on grace, you will release the life of dead works and small accomplishments you have struggled to achieve in exchange for a life of peace, rest, and true joy that can only come by following Christ.

    “If there is one book that I want to write on this side of heaven, this would be it. I believe that this book will touch you and transform you. What the Lord said to me some 10 years ago about how lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed without the radical preaching of grace is still reverberating strongly in my heart. This book is therefore about being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone.

    “In this book, you will discover the secret of God’s way to reigning effortlessly in life! Man has developed many strategies, methodologies, techniques, and tactics for achieving personal success. Let me declare to you that there is a higher way than relying on your own efforts to achieve success in life. The Bible says in Psalm 1 ‘Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly.’ Hence, while there is some ‘counsel’ in ‘ungodly’ resources, there is a higher way for the believer! Why rely on self-help when you can have direct access to God’s help?

    “Are you ready to be radically blessed and transformed by His grace and to give up on your own efforts to have success, wholeness, and a victorious life? I believe that once you begin to take this journey of discovering His radical grace, your life will never be the same again. My friend, you are destined to reign!”

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  • Secret Of Obed Edom


    Who was Obed-Edom? What is the secret of his amazing success? What lessons can you learn from his life? Join Daniel King to learn how the remarkable story of a little-known Bible hero contains the key to releasing God’s favor on you and your family. You ll see how one little secret can help you leave the past behind – and find the life you were born to live. Through his unique perspective on this story lost for centuries, Daniel King reveals how God wants to bless you! The biblically-based, time tested principles in this book will transform the way you live your life on a daily basis. Be prepared to enter into a brand new dimension of growth, a deeper revelation of God’s will for your life, and a renewed understanding of how to become the person God wants you to be. In this book you will find real, down-to-earth, practical ways to accelerate your spiritual journey. Everyone desires supernatural success. Now Daniel reveals how you can achieve it.

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  • Scriptural Prayers For Every Day Life


    In this unstable world, many are turning to the power of prayer for the answers they need. This bountiful treasury of prayers is a potent tool designed to equip and inspire believers with the confidence they need to pray effectively and efficiently, giving them just the right words to say. This unique blend of prayers and scriptures will help readers pray God’s Word over their loved ones and friends.

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  • Face To Face Appearances From Jesus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780768431476ISBN10: 0768431476David TaylorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2009Publisher: Destiny Image

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  • Show Me How To Answer Tough Questions


    If a non-Christian or a disheartened Christian wrote an honest letter to God, what might it say? This book examines the mindset and the thinking behind some of the most common issues posed by non-Christians and “wondering” Christians.

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  • Discover Your God Given Gifts (Revised)


    Don and Katie Fortune have updated their bestselling handbook Discover Your God-Given Gifts , now fully revised and expanded for a whole new generation. Using the listing in Romans 12:6-8, the Fortunes help readers see how these “motivational” gifts are the driving force in our lives. They shape our personalities and help us serve God and others more fully.

    With interactive worksheets and guides, Don and Katie help readers recognize their own unique gifts and why they act and think the way they do. With this knowledge, readers will be empowered to use their motivational gifts to further the kingdom–bringing the greatest sense of joy and fulfillment they have ever known.

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  • Biblical Manhood : Masculinity Leadership And Decision Making


    How does a man know if he is a ‘real man’? The answers can be discovered in Scripture. This book addresses three important areas of a man’s life: Masculinity, Leadership and Decision-Making. Whether you are single or married, this will be a valuable resource. Appendices include critical help to combat the temptation of sexual lust, on of the most destructive areas for the single man, the husband and his family.

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  • Absolute Answers To Prodigal Problems


    WaterColor Books
    You can return home, if you know where it is. Dr. Cole charts a course to fulfillment as a man, written from the wisdom of his own journey. How to leave adolescence to act like a real man. The keys to business success; The nature of rebellion, including sedition; The secrets of a powerful, Godly life; How to have an awesome marriage; What to do when you fail. With these absolute answers to your prodigal problems, you can build a positive, productive life!

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  • John G Lake On Healing


    John G. Lake was one of the most powerful healing evangelists of the twentieth century. His life’s work included countless conversions, healings, and deliverances, as well as the establishment of hundreds of churches and ministries. Now, the wisdom and experience of Lake’s teachings on healing have been condensed into one book. Through these teachings, you, too, can: ” Receive physical and emotional healing. ” Discover the spiritual roots of sickness. ” Overcome fear and hopelessness. ” Remove hindrances to healing. ” Defeat the attacks of Satan. ” Walk in divine health. ” Minister healing to others. ” Win souls for eternity. ” Experience a new joy in your life. The power of John G. Lake’s healing ministry and its effect on the world is finally at your fingertips. Healing is available for you and your loved ones today!

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  • Rivers All Leaders Must Cross


    Many leaders today stand on the edge of a river that marks a new day in their destiny, the unfolding of a new purpose. This book will assist leaders to prepare, as Joshua did on the banks of the Jordan, to cross over and claim their personal promised land.

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  • Wake Up Church The Enemy Is Within Your Gates


    Learn to discern and protect yourself from spiritual attack. Wake Up, Church addresses the phenonmena of astral projection, when someone projects their spirit through demonic influence to attack or abuse another person. Many who claim to be Christians say they have this ability. Marilyn Shrock shares many stories about astral projection and gives you tools to protect yourself and your family.

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  • Knowledge Of The Holy


    Informative and inspiring, The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God’s attributes–from wisdom, to grace, to mercy–and shows through prayerful and discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith. It bears eloquent witness to God’s majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and the power of God’s spirit in our daily lives.

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  • From Ashes To Beauty


    Jeff Colon’s marriage stands as a testimony of God’s power to restore any marriage, even one that has been ravaged by sexual sin and drug addiction. Christian marriages are under attack as never before. Couples are suffering more than ever under the same despair that once gripped Jeff and his wife, Rose – Is there really hope for my marriage?

    THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING YES! …but the answer wasn’t the typical fare found in Christian marriage books. Jeff and Rose had to go to the heart of the problem… they needed something more than outward alterations; they needed an inner transformation. Like every couple facing serious marital strife, they needed to discover the power of the Cross to bring them into the Beatitudes of Christ. Jeff’s personal journey and his subsequent experience counseling men and couples at Pure Life Ministries has uniquely qualified him to share the biblical truths that will restore any marriage From Ashes to Beauty!

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  • Gods Word Heals


    From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes his most detailed teaching on God’s miraculous gift of healing. Writing from decades of ministry experience, as well as his own miraculous healing, Prince explains how God heals. Through this incredible resource, you, too, can:
    –Understand the causes of sickness and disease.
    –Learn why healing happens and why it does not.
    –Understand what blocks healing.
    –Overcome depression.
    –Break generational curses.
    –Defeat the schemes of Satan.
    –Gain freedom from oppression.

    Here are powerful truths about being healed and being whole. Prince shows the Bible’s easy-to-follow guidelines so you can apply God’s instructions for your complete healing. You can be healed and see others healed!

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  • Your Power In The Holy Spirit


    John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally… –Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit –Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ –Be a more powerful witness for Christ –Overcome all the schemes of Satan –Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name –Trust God to meet all your needs –Find true purpose for your life –Develop a faith for miracles –See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered –Transform your world for Christ You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting, hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous ways!

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  • Look At Life From A Deer Stand Devotional


    Steve Chapman, avid hunter and bestselling author of A Look at Life from a Deer Stand (more than 225,000 copies sold) has a gift for gleaning faith lessons from the glories of creation. This handsomely bound gathering of devotions invites readers to join in the thrill of the pursuit, the celebration of nature, and the enjoyment of God’s presence. Each devotion begins with the inspiration of a Scripture verse and closes with the stillness of a prayer. Readers will be drawn to the wisdom, delighted by the humor, and captivated by the adventure of the hunt and the discovery of God’s character. This padded hardcover is an ideal gift for Chapman’s fans, hunters, outdoors enthusiasts, and any man who takes aim at spiritual growth in his life.

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  • Rediscovering Faith : Understanding The Nature Of Kingdom Living


    What is true faith? In The Power of Kingdom Faith, Dr. Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power of true faith, or, Kingdom faith. Kingdom faith trusts not in the promises of God but in the God who promises; seeks not the blessings of God, but the God who blesses. Kingdom faith will always be tested, but because it places its trust in the King of the universe, will always prevail under testing. Kingdom faith, therefore is a triumphant faith that will overcome the world.

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  • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


    This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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  • Power In The Name


    Know God Better Than Ever Before!

    Acclaimed Bible teacher Derek Prince explores the essential nature of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through a scriptural look at their various names, titles, and manifestations. He reveals God’s deep desire for a relationship of love and unity with His people, whom He has created and redeemed. Discover the divine power and character of God by knowing Him as “The One Who Provides,” “The One Who Heals,” “The One Who Is Our Righteousness,” “The One Who Is There,” “Prince of Peace,” “Wonderful Counselor,” “The Word,” “Alpha and Omega,” “Savior,” and “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

    By learning God’s names and titles, you will…
    ” understand the extent of God’s covenant provision for His people.
    ” value more completely the nature of your Creator.
    ” receive forgiveness for sin and be restored to God.
    ” develop a closer relationship with God through Christ.
    ” experience Jesus’ power to heal and deliver.
    ” gain godly wisdom and knowledge.
    ” understand why God sometimes “disguises” Himself.
    ” know better how to reflect God’s character and power in your life.
    ” appreciate the boundless scope of salvation.
    ” know how to call on God’s protection in your life.
    ” understand how to fight satanic forces that oppose you.
    ” recognize that the Lord your Shepherd will meet all your needs.
    ” become strong in God’s strength.
    ” trust God completely to take care of your future.

    God revealed Himself to people in ages past, and He still does so today, especially for those who acknowledge and love Him. Learn to recognize His presence, appreciate His attributes, and know Him better than you ever have before.

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  • Torah Blessing : Revealing The Mystery Releasing The Miracle


    God’s Power in Your Life! For centuries, believers have served and worshipped the Lord, but without the full knowledge and understanding of their rich spiritual heritage. Author Larry Huch was one of them-until he received an incredible revelation that allowed him to read the Word of God through Hebrew eyes. What followed was an incredibly powerful revelation that released new miracles and blessings into his life and ministry. By understanding The Torah Blessing, you will: ” Receive the gift of “healing in His wings.” ” Get more out of reading God’s Word ” Enrich the spiritual lives of your family and friends ” Receive the benefit of God’s covenant promises now ” Win souls for God by becoming a “light to the world” ” Experience the power of the Holy Spirit ” Fill your life with joy overflowing ” Experience more fruitful ministry ” Discover God’s will for your life ” Find peace in God’s promises ” Build deeper relationships Now you can join Pastor Huch as he uncovers the Jewish roots of Christianity to reveal the mysteries and release the miracles of God’s Word into every area of your life.

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  • Fabric Of A Woman


    When was the last time you invested in you? When was the last time you were alone with God, allowing your spirit, mind, body, and emotions to be repaired and restored? Author Pamela Hines believes that it is possible to be better at forty than you were at thirty, and better at sixty than you were at fifty. Failing to invest in you, however, can cause just the opposite to take place. Instead of looking vivacious and graceful at fifty, you look rundown and forlorn. God wants His life to permeate your life. He doesn’t want the circumstances of life to overwhelm you and thus steal from you His joy, peace, and rest. With the help provided in this book, you will:
    Control your emotions rather than letting themcontrol you.
    Develop a more positive outlook on life.
    Enjoy a more dynamic prayer life.
    Judge yourself through Gods eyes instead of the eyes of others.
    Be better able to extend love and forgiveness to friends and family.
    Transform your negative thoughts.
    Experience breakthroughs in diet and exercise.
    Help other women with their self-images.
    Radiate Gods glory in your spirit, soul, and body.

    God has placed within you everything you will ever need to be a success but it is up to you to utilize those things.Todays woman needs to invest in herself in order to accomplish the multifaceted tasks set before her. Life may tear at the fabric of our lives, but when we choose to invest in ourselves, the mending doesn’t take long.

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  • God Still Speaks


    Known for his authoritative, dynamic style, best-selling author of Prayers That Rout Demons John Eckhardt combines instructive, narrative teaching about the role and power of the prophetic in the lives of believers today with succinct, dynamic power truths that will impact readers lives.

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  • Transform Your Thinking Transform Your Life


    Do you believe all of the promises found within God’s Word—or do circumstances influence your faith? Helping Christians develop a new way of thinking, Winston shows you how to renew your mind through regular study and meditation. You’ll discover inner strength to overcome adversity and experience success in all areas of life!

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  • More Than A Carpenter


    The inspirational classic, More than a Carpenter, is now updated for a new generation of seekers with a fresh look, revised material, and a new chapter that addresses questions commonly raised today. Former skeptic Josh McDowell is now joined by his son Sean as they examine the evidence about Jesus. Is he really the Lord he claimed to be? How can we know for sure? More than a Carpenter offers arguments for faith from a skeptic turned believer. Since its original publication in 1977, this modern classic has sold over 15 million copies, been translated into dozens of languages, and introduced countless people to the real Jesus. Now with new content that addresses questions raised by today’s popular atheist writers. Audio edition read by Sean McDowell.

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  • He Leads Me Beside Still Waters (Student/Study Guide)


    The book of Psalms has aptly been called “The Book of Praises” by ancient worshipers of Jehovah. The adoration of God is the prominent theme. Every word penned emits the aroma of humble worship and reverential fear. No other portion of Scripture is so capable of ushering the hungry soul into the Presence of God as this compilation of ancient Hebraic songs. “He Leads Me Beside Still Waters,” a 12week study of the choicest Psalms, will evoke in you a determined desire to find His Presence for yourself. This Bible study is part of “The Walk Series”, which includes “The Walk of Repentance,” “A Lamp Unto My Feet,” “Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling,” and “He Leads Me Beside Still Waters.”

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  • Secrets Of A Prayer Warrior (Reprinted)


    One of the most personal and powerful acts a Christian can engage in is prayer. Yet many believers struggle with their prayer lives, wondering whether they are really making a difference and how they can be more effective. Delving deep into the biblical understanding of prayer, beloved author and leader Derek Prince shows readers the secret to leading a dynamic prayer life, how to receive what they ask for, and how to align themselves with the heart of God. Practical strategies like fasting, biblical study, discipline, and consistency are extensively explained and illustrated by powerful testimonies. This is a life-changing book.

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  • Smith Wigglesworth On The Power Of Scripture


    Smith Wigglesworth knew firsthand of the power of Scripture. For years, the “Apostle of Faith” taught the Bible to millions of believers in his legendary, miracle- filled meetings. Now, many of these teachings have been collected in one book, offering you the rare opportunity to sit at the feet of this anointed man of God. Transcribed exactly as they were delivered to a select group of Bible students at Aimee Semple McPherson’s celebrated Angelus Temple, these teachings will allow you to: * Better understand the gifts of the Spirit. * Claim victory over temptation. * Share in the riches of God’s glory. * Learn how to pray for the sick. * See how God’s presence brings healing.
    * Develop better spiritual discernment. * Live in the freedom of God’s grace. * Be used by God to win souls. * Experience the biblical foundation of speaking in tongues. * Discover the joy of obeying God’s Word.Each session includes a one-of-a-kind question and answer
    session between the students and Smith Wigglesworth himself. If you are ready to receive a fresh understanding of God’s gifts and a fresh anointing of His power, you will cherish this glimpse into the heart and mind of one of His most gifted servants.

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  • Escaping Domestic Abuse


    In this revealing book, you will meet courageous women who broke away from abusive relationships to escape the agonizing pain and find lasting peace. You, too, will:

    ” Recognize the signs of abuse.
    ” Conquer timidity and helpless dependency.
    ” Protect your children from experiencing abuse and perpetuating it.
    ” Destroy the controlling power of an abuser.
    ” Develop the strength to start over.
    ” Heal your emotional and physical scars.
    ” Defeat the fear of being alone.
    ” Enjoy healthy relationships.

    Physical battery is the number one cause of injuries among women-more than automobile accidents, rapes, and muggings combined. Are you one of the women who are being abused?

    You can get out and stay out!

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  • Significant Living : A Road Map For The Second Half Of Your Life


    You are invited to celebrate the joy of living while finding new signifiance for the “second half” of your life. It is never too late to find your purpose and continue growing-spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, relationally, and vocationally.

    Your latter years can be, by far the most fruitful and satisfying season of your life. Follow the suggestions in this book and you will keep on course for a future of signifiance.

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  • Believers Authority : What You Didnt Learn In Church


    The controversial subject of the spiritual authority of the believer in Christ is widely discussed in the church today. Now, Andrew Wommack, host of the #1 fastest growing ministry on television, gives us a new perspective that may challenge everything we’ve been taught including:
    If believers have been given authority, then when, how, and toward what should it be exercised? Discover the true battleground and learn how to recognize the real enemy.

    Most people believe God created our enemy, Satan, but did He? Understanding the answer will set you free to exercise your authority as a believer.

    Is spiritual warfare, as taught in many churches today, valid? Can believers use their authority to fight the devil and his demons in the air, or is the real battle in the mind?

    Digging into the Scriptures, Andrew reveals the spiritual significance of choices, words, and actions and how they affect a believer’s ability to stand against the attacks of Satan and to receive God’s best. Discover how the enemy works through your thoughts, interjecting his negative influence on a consistent basis. The devil can’t control you outside of your will, but he can use the power of fear, jealousy, envy, bitterness, self-pity and more. A believer’s lack of awareness and understanding of the battle only works to the enemy’s advantage. By believing God’s Word and recognizing what’s happening in the spirit realm, you can begin to take the proper action to improve your situation. Learn to release God’s power of blessing instead of yielding to Satan’s power of sin and death.

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  • Unleash Your Purpose


    Discovering the Key to Personal Fulfillment Purpose is the master of motivation and the mother of commitment. When nations, societies, communities, friendships, marriages, clubs, churches countries or tribes lose their sense of purpose and significance, then confusion, frustration, discouragement, disillusionment and corporate suicide whether gradual or instant reign. This is evident in our world. In every nation there is a generation that seems to have lost their sense of purpose. They are out of touch with the values, morals and convictions that build strong families, secure communities, healthy societies and prosperous nations. Thus, the moral fabric of most societies is being stretched and tested to its outer limits. You must realize that your fulfillment in life is dependent on your becoming and doing what your were born to be and do. For without purpose, life has no heart. Dr. Myles Munroe has fashioned a compass that can focus you on the path toward fulfillment while providing the answer to the question, Why am I here?

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  • Scripture Confessions For Teens


    What you say really does make a difference, and now teens can declare God’s Words of faith over their life and over their world. As they begin to say these Scripture promises, they will bring hope, favor, healing, and more! The book of Proverbs says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you talk about, you bring to pass. Teens can start now with the words that will set a great future in place for them and bring honor and glory to God.

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