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  • Creation Care Discipleship


    Although our planet faces numerous ecological crises, including climate change, many Christians continue to view their faith as primarily a “spiritual” matter that has little relationship to the world in which we live. But Steven Bouma-Prediger contends that protecting and restoring our planet is part and parcel of what it means to be a Christian.

    Making his case from Scripture, theology, and ethics and including insights from the global church, Bouma-Prediger explains why Christians must acknowledge their identity as earthkeepers and therefore embrace their calling to serve and protect their home planet and fellow creatures. To help readers put an “earthkeeping faith” into practice, he also suggests numerous practical steps that concerned believers can take to care for the planet.

    Bouma-Prediger unfolds a biblical vision of earthkeeping and challenges Christians to view care for the earth as an integral part of Christian discipleship.

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  • More Than Things


    We live in a culture of commodification.

    People are too often defined by what they do or own; they’re treated as means to an end or cogs in a machine. What goes missing is a deep sense of personhood–the belief that all humans are unique subjects with inherent worth and the right to self-determination in authentic communion with others.

    In a world dominated by things, Paul Louis Metzger argues, we must work hard to account for one another’s personhood. We need to cultivate relational structures that honor every human’s dignity in vital interpersonal community. The theological and philosophical framework known as personalism can help guide us toward such a culture. Drawing from a wide range of thought leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul II, Metzger presents a personalist moral vision founded on the Christian ideals of faith, hope, and love. He demonstrates how this moral compass can help us navigate a pluralistic world by applying it to a variety of pressing ethical issues, including abortion, genetic engineering, immigration, drone warfare, and more.

    Ultimately human personhood begins with the personal, triune God, who invites us to live more fully as human beings. When we refuse to reduce our fellow humans–and ourselves–to mere abstractions or objects, we follow the example of Jesus in honoring the value of every person and of creaturely life as a whole.

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  • War Peace And Violence


    In a world of war, terrorism, and other geopolitical threats to global stability, how should committed Christians honor Jesus Christ and his Word? How should Christians think and act when it comes to church-state relations, the preservation of order, the practice of just peacemaking, and the use of coercive force?

    In this volume in IVP Academic’s Spectrum series, four contributors–experts in Christian ethics, political philosophy, and international affairs–offer the best of current Christian thinking on issues of war and peace. They present four distinct views:

    *Eric Patterson, just war view
    *Myles Werntz, nonviolence view
    *A. J. Nolte, Christian realist view
    *Meic Pearse, church historical view

    Each contributor makes a case for his own view and responds to the others, highlighting complexities and real-world implications of the various perspectives. Edited and with an introduction and conclusion by the philosopher Paul Copan, this book provides a helpful orientation to the key positions today.

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  • True Crime And The Justice Of God


    Utilizing the tools of forensic science and Christian theological ethics, this book resituates prominent criminal cases within their social and forensic contexts. Particular attention is given to the ways in which patterns of systemic ignorance and social inequity sustain anti-blackness and violence against women in society at large and in daily life. Explores the Western phenomena of true crime and its impact on the Christian moral imagination. This project sits in direct conversation with the following three bodies of literature: 1) theological and moral engagement of criminal justice, 2) theological engagement of popular media, and 3) forensic science in the media.

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  • Christian Field Guide To Technology For Engineers And Designers


    Our technology shapes the way we live, interact, work, play, and even worship.

    Technology and its power are both old and new–as is the wisdom we need to envision, design, build, and use it well. For Christians passionate about developing technology, it’s not always clear how their faith and work intersect. How can designing and using technology actually be a way of loving God and our neighbors? Veteran engineers and teachers Ethan Brue, Derek Schuurman, and Steve VanderLeest provide a field guide for fellow explorers working with technology. Using numerous case studies, historical examples, and personal stories, they explore issues such as:

    *biblical themes and passages that relate to technology
    *the ethics and norms involved in technology design
    *how engineering and technology tap into human dreams for a better world

    Along the way they acknowledge the challenges arising from technology but also point to the wonderful possibilities it offers us and its ability to contribute to the common good. For Christians studying and working in engineering, computer science, technical design, architecture, and related fields, this book is packed with wisdom and practical guidance. By sharing what they have learned, the authors encourage readers to ask harder questions, aspire to more noble purposes, and live a life consistent with their faith as they engage with technology.

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  • Enacting Catholic Social Tradition


    Provides a needed emphasis on the fact that CST stems not from arbitrary laws laid down by Church leaders, but rather from moral guidance directly inspired by Scripture, especially the command to love Christ and the neighbor, even if doing so is extremely difficult in real-life situations. Through the use of multiple examples encountered both in parishes and in the secular world (e.g., racism, vegetarianism, taxation), the book gives helpful counsel on being mindful of particularity and contextual concerns.

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  • Field Guide To Christian Nonviolence


    Christian nonviolence is not a settled position but a vibrant and living tradition. This book offers a concise introduction to diverse approaches to, proponents of, and resources for this tradition. It explores the myriad biblical, theological, and practical dimensions of Christian nonviolence as represented by a variety of twentieth- and twenty-first-century thinkers and movements, including previously underrepresented voices. The authors invite readers to explore this tradition and discover how they might live out the gospel in our modern world.

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  • For The Life Of The World


    Christianity Today 2020 Book Award (Award of Merit, Theology/Ethics)Outreach 2020 Recommended Resource of the Year (Theology and Biblical Studies)

    The question of what makes life worth living is more vital now than ever. In today’s pluralistic, postsecular world, universal values are dismissed as mere matters of private opinion, and the question of what constitutes flourishing life–for ourselves, our neighbors, and the planet as a whole–is neglected in our universities, our churches, and our culture at large. Although we increasingly have technology to do almost anything, we have little sense of what is truly worth accomplishing.

    In this provocative new contribution to public theology, world-renowned theologian Miroslav Volf (named “America’s New Public Intellectual” by Scot McKnight on his Jesus Creed blog) and Matthew Croasmun explain that the intellectual tools needed to rescue us from our present malaise and meet our new cultural challenge are the tools of theology. A renewal of theology is crucial to help us articulate compelling visions of the good life, find our way through the maze of contested questions of value, and answer the fundamental question of what makes life worth living.

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  • Losing Our Dignity


    There is perhaps no more important value than fundamental human equality. And yet, despite large percentages of people affirming the value, the resources available to explain and defend the basis for such equality are few and far between. In his newest book Charles Camosy provides a thoughtful defense of human dignity.

    Telling personal stories like those of Jahi McMath, Terri Schiavo, and Alfie Evans, Camosy, a noted bioethicist and theologian, uses an engaging style to show how the influence of secularized medicine is undermining fundamental human equality in the broader culture. And in a disturbing final chapter, Camosy sounds the alarm about the next population to fall if we stay on our current trajectory: dozens of millions of human beings with dementia.

    Heeding this alarm, Camosy argues, means doing two things. First, making urgent and genuine attempts to dialogue with a secularized culture which cannot see how it is undermining one of its most foundational values. Second, religious communities which hold the Imago Dei sacred must mobilize their existing institutions (and create new ones) to care for a new set of human beings our throwaway culture may deem non-persons.

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  • Father Of Lights


    Every good giving and every perfect gift is from on high, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17). This verse conveys a powerful image of God as the source and referent of all beauty. This book demonstrates how the experience of beauty is related to our inherent longing for the God who is reflected in such moments. Richly informed by Junius Johnson’s expertise on Bonaventure and von Balthasar, the book offers a robust, full-orbed theology of beauty, showing how it has functioned as a theological concept from biblical times to the present day.

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  • Glittering Vices Second Edition


    Drawing on centuries of wisdom from the Christian ethical tradition, this book takes readers on a journey of self-examination, exploring why our hearts are captivated by glittery but false substitutes for true human goodness and happiness. The first edition sold 35,000 copies and was a C. S. Lewis Book Prize award winner. Now updated and revised throughout, the second edition includes a new chapter on grace and growth through the spiritual disciplines. Questions for discussion and study are included at the end of each chapter.

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  • Discerning Ethics : Diverse Christian Responses To Divisive Moral Issues


    The number of ethical issues that demand a response from Christians today is almost dizzying. How can Christians navigate such matters? With an unflinching yet irenic approach, this volume invites engagement with the biggest ethical issues by drawing on real-life experiences and offering a range of responses to some of the most challenging moral questions confronting the church today.

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  • Street Homelessness And Catholic Theological Ethics


    Spanning five continents this collection will deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, Catholic theological ethics and the global crisis of homelessness. Topics include global strategies for combating homelessness, local ethical responses, and advocacy for special populations such as women, orphans, and veterans.

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  • Quests For Freedom Second Edition


    This book is the result of intensive, multiyear international and interdisciplinary cooperation. From many perspectives, the book’s contributors address themes of freedom and slavery; self-determination and concepts of freedom; God-given and imprinted freedom; freedom as an ethos of belonging and solidarity; and relations between freedom, human rights, and theological orientation.

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  • Old Testament Ethics


    What is ethics? Ethics is not merely about tricky situations or hot topics. Instead, ethics asks questions about what sort of people we are, how we think, what sort of things we do and don’t do, and how we ought to live our everyday lives. How might we learn ethics from the Old Testament? Instead of searching for support for our positions or pointing out problems with certain passages, trusted guide John Goldingay urges us to let the Old Testament itself set the agenda. In this volume, readers will encounter what the Old Testament teaches about relationships, work, Sabbath, character, and more. Featuring Goldingay’s own translation and discussion questions for group use, Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour is a resource for ethics like no other. Topically organized with short, stand-alone chapters, this book is one to keep close at hand.

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  • Love In The Void


    Simone Weil, the great mystic and philosopher for our age, shows where anyone can find God.

    Why is it that Simone Weil, with her short, troubled life and confounding insights into faith and doubt, continues to speak to today’s spiritual seekers? Was it her social radicalism, which led her to renounce privilege? Her ambivalence toward institutional religion? Her combination of philosophical rigor with the ardor of a mystic?

    Albert Camus called Simone Weil “the only great spirit of our time.” Andre Gide found her “the most truly spiritual writer of this century.” Her intense life and profound writings have influenced people as diverse as T. S. Eliot, Charles De Gaulle, Pope Paul VI, and Adrienne Rich.

    The body of work she left–most of it published posthumously–is the fruit of an anguished but ultimately luminous spiritual journey.

    After her untimely death at age thirty-four, Simone Weil quickly achieved legendary status among a whole generation of thinkers. Her radical idealism offered a corrective to consumer culture. But more importantly, she pointed the way, especially for those outside institutional religion, to encounter the love of God – in love to neighbor, love of beauty, and even in suffering.

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  • Morals Of The Story


    The Players
    The Playbill: Our Focus And Intended Audience
    Spotlight: Socrates And Paul In Athens

    Act I: Setting The Stage
    1. The Comeback Of Moral Apologetics
    2. Stubborn Moral Facts
    3. Pre-Twentieth-Century History Of Moral Apologia
    4. Moral Arguments In The Twentieth Century And Beyond

    Intermission: Answering Euthyphro

    Act II: The Main Characters
    5. Moral Goodness
    6. Moral Obligations
    7. Moral Knowledge
    8. Moral Transformation
    9. Moral Providence

    Act III: Enacting The Comedy
    10. A Gala Performance

    Encore: A Play At Mars Hill
    Curtain Call
    Additional Resources
    General Index
    Scripture Index

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    What arguments best affirm the existence of God?

    Do our moral obligations and choices support a belief in God? For centuries, the moral argument-the affirmation that morality is best explained by the existence of God-has been a powerful apologetic tool.

    In this volume, husband and wife duo David Baggett and Marybeth Baggett offer a dramatic, refreshing, and even playful reconsideration of the moral argument. Tracing both its historical importance and its ongoing relevance, they contend that the moral argument helps to explain the existence of a good God and contributes to our own ongoing spiritual transformation.

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  • In Gods Image


    In God’s Image: Recognizing the Profoundly Impaired as Persons is a bold Catholic argument in defense of the profoundly impaired. While a range of theological voices can now be heard speaking up on behalf of those who live their lives at the extremes of the human condition, few voices have been explicitly Catholic. Comensoli draws on the irreplaceable contribution of St. Thomas Aquinas to forge an engagement with one of the leading thinkers in the theology of the disabled, Professor Hans Reinders. While recognizing the crucial contribution that Reinders has made, Comensoli situates our perception of the cognitively impaired within the horizon of God’s own image, refusing a reduction of the substantialist position the Catholic tradition has always valued. This is linked to the fresh and countercultural community life pioneered by Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche communities. For Comensoli, the profoundly impaired are persons whose personhood cannot be recognized outside of the condition of their impairment, and through which God’s Image is perceived in all its paradoxical implications.

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  • Penumbra Of Ethics


    Rev. Vigo Auguste Demant (1893-1983) was a significant theologian and social commentator of the first half of the twentieth century. This book contains his up-until-now unpublished Gifford Lectures, in which Demant provides cultural analysis as he attempts to address why humanity struggles so much with modernity and living in the contemporary world. The lectures have additional notes and commentary to make them comprehensible, since not all of them are complete. The first chapters set Demant in his context and the final section provides assessment of both his ideas and his impact. Although Demant died in 1983, his ideas continue to prove influential to thinkers and theologians today.

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  • Penumbra Of Ethics


    Rev. Vigo Auguste Demant (1893-1983) was a significant theologian and social commentator of the first half of the twentieth century. This book contains his up-until-now unpublished Gifford Lectures, in which Demant provides cultural analysis as he attempts to address why humanity struggles so much with modernity and living in the contemporary world. The lectures have additional notes and commentary to make them comprehensible, since not all of them are complete. The first chapters set Demant in his context and the final section provides assessment of both his ideas and his impact. Although Demant died in 1983, his ideas continue to prove influential to thinkers and theologians today.

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  • Why You Shouldnt Kill Yourself


    Suicide, for years, has been a public health crisis in the Western world. Yet more and more states and countries are allowing physician assisted suicide or euthanasia. Have you wondered whether it is actually wrong to end your life if you are mortally ill? Susan Windley-Daoust engages in an extended discussion with a game dialogue partner who thinks that there are five good reasons to employ physician-assisted suicide–and proves those common reasons (or “”tricks of the heart””) may be well-intended, but make no moral or spiritual sense. She argues that PAS is based in medical ignorance, a utilitarian understanding of the human, and a spiritual vacuum–and the Christian Church needs to engage these realities quickly and directly by recovering the art of dying well. This book is written to all those considering the issue, from those considering PAS as an option in their own lives, to those called upon to vote on the legality of PAS in their states, to those who minister to the dying.

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  • Why You Shouldnt Kill Yourself


    Suicide, for years, has been a public health crisis in the Western world. Yet more and more states and countries are allowing physician assisted suicide or euthanasia. Have you wondered whether it is actually wrong to end your life if you are mortally ill? Susan Windley-Daoust engages in an extended discussion with a game dialogue partner who thinks that there are five good reasons to employ physician-assisted suicide–and proves those common reasons (or “”tricks of the heart””) may be well-intended, but make no moral or spiritual sense. She argues that PAS is based in medical ignorance, a utilitarian understanding of the human, and a spiritual vacuum–and the Christian Church needs to engage these realities quickly and directly by recovering the art of dying well. This book is written to all those considering the issue, from those considering PAS as an option in their own lives, to those called upon to vote on the legality of PAS in their states, to those who minister to the dying.

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  • Introduction To Ethics


    It is natural for us to wonder what should I do, and why? And although a combination of common sense and upbringing aids us in answering our questions, it is also natural for us to seek answers that are grounded in something deeper and more enduring than our personal dispositions and those of our parents. We seek a genuinely good life and the practical wisdom necessary to arrive at happiness. In this Introduction to Ethics, Brian Besong presents a comprehensive and contemporary introduction to the practical wisdom handed down to us by Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and many others–a position now commonly called “”natural law.”” Written as a beginner’s guide, the book systematically explores a range of moral issues including moral knowledge, happiness, right and wrong action, and virtues, to name a few. Introduction to Ethics explains in a lively way how natural law provides principled and persuasive answers to our most fundamental moral questions.

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  • Just Business : Christian Ethics For The Marketplace


    Part 1: Concepts
    1. A Christian Ethic For Business
    2. Holiness
    3. Justice
    4. Love

    Part 2: False Exits
    5. Dual Morality
    6. Law
    7. Agency

    Part 3: Topics
    8. Honesty And Deception (Part 1)
    9. Honesty And Deception (Part 2)
    10. Concealment And Disclosure
    11. Employer-Employee Relations
    12. Employee Dignity
    13. Discrimination And Affirmative Action
    14. The Environment
    15. Property
    16. International Business

    Epilogue: A Theocentric Approach To Business Ethics

    Additional Info
    When the daily business news breaks away from stories of profit and loss, it often shines a spotlight on ethical failures. But Christians aim to be ethical in all the areas of daily life and work-not just when the spotlight is on them. For those facing the many questions and quandaries of doing business with ethical integrity, Alec Hill offers a place to begin.

    In this third edition of a popular textbook on business ethics, Hill carefully explores the foundational Christian concepts of holiness, justice, and love. These keys to God’s character, he argues, are also the keys to Christian business ethics. Hill then shows how some common responses to business ethics fall short of a fully Christian mindset. Using penetrating case studies on such pressing topics as employer-employee relations, discrimination and affirmative action, and environmental damage, he clothes principles in concrete business situations.

    Updated throughout, and with a new chapter on international business, this new edition of Just Business is an excellent introduction to business ethics for students, and a timely refresher for men and women already in the marketplace.

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  • Johannine Ethics : The Moral World Of The Gospel And Epistles Of John


    The Gospel and Epistles of John are often overlooked in discussions of New Testament ethics; indeed, it has been asserted that the Fourth Gospel is of only limited value to such discussions–even that John is practically devoid of ethical material. Representing a range of viewpoints, the essays collected here by prominent scholars reveal the surprising relevance and importance of the Johannine literature by examining the explicit imperatives and the values implicit in the Gospel narrative and epistles. The introduction sets out four major approaches to Johannine ethics today. Essays in subsequent sections evaluate the directives of the Johannine Jesus (believe, love, follow), tease out the implicit ethics of the Gospel”s narrative (including its fraught and apparently sectarian representation of hoi Ioudaioi as Jesus”s opponents), and propose different approaches for advancing the discussion of Johannine ethics beyond the categories now dominant in critical scholarship. In a concluding essay, the editors take stock of the book”s wide-ranging discussion and suggest prospects for future study. The sum is a valuable resource for the student as well as the scholar interested in the question of Johannine ethics.

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  • Engaging The Powers (Anniversary)


    In this brilliant culmination of his seminal Powers Trilogy, now reissued in a twenty-fifth anniversary edition, Walter Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of principalities and powers. He asks the question, “How can we oppose evil without creating new evils and being made evil ourselves?”Winner of the Pax Christi Award, the Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year, and the Midwest Book Achievement Award for Best Religious Book.

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  • Living Wisely With The Church Fathers


    Introduction: Living Wisely With The Church Fathers
    1. “They Looked Like Flaming Angels”: Martyrdom
    2. “A Solid Drop Of Gold”: Wealth And Poverty
    3. “The Misery Of These Evils”: War And Military Service
    4. “The Closest Of Relationships”: Sex And The Dynamics Of Desire
    5. “One Hope, One Desire, One Way Of Life”: Life As Male And Female, And The Goodness And Beauty Of Marriage
    6. “From The Cradle To The Grave”: Life And Death
    7. “Let The Races Begin!”: Entertainment
    8. Learning To Live A Good Life With God: The Well-Ordered Heart
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

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    In this final in a four-volume series on the church fathers, Christopher Hall follows the contours of ethical living in conversation with leading voices of the early church. The topics range from entertainment to wealth and poverty. Exploring these ancient and deeply Christian perspectives illuminates forgotten corners in our own lives.

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  • Augustinian Alternative : Religious Skepticism And The Search For A Liberal



    1. Political Liberalism And Its Theological Opponents

    2. Political Liberalism And The Possibilities Of Augustinian Skepticism

    3. The Liberal State: An Augustinian Defense

    4. Montaigne And The Notion Of “The Secular”: An Alternative To Radical Orthodoxy

    5. Obeying, Believing, And Rebelling: Montaigne’s Theology As Liberal-Christian Politics

    6. Contemporary Political Landscapes: Augustine Against Neoliberalism

    Conclusion: Augustinian Epistemology And The Prospect Of Christian Liberalism



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    This book’s central claim is that a close reading of Augustine’s epistemology can help political theologians develop affirmative accounts of political liberalism. This claim is set in a scholarly context that is profoundly hostile to constructive theological readings of liberal culture. As a corrective to such antagonism, this book suggests that, far from being natural opponents, Christian communities can work fruitfully with political liberals based on common principles. A key component in this argument is the theological reevaluation of the ancient skeptical tradition. While the ancient skeptics are habitually treated by scholars as minor characters in the story of Augustine’s theological development, this volume argues that they played a significant role in shaping both Augustine’s theology and the subsequent character of the Augustinian tradition. By placing Augustine’s reading of the skeptics in dialogue with contemporary culture, this book constructs a viable form of liberal Christian politics that is attentive both to his sin-sensitive account of public life and his eschatological vision of the church.

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  • Christian Ethics : Four Views


    The field of Christian ethics is the subject of frequent conversation as Christians seek to understand how to live faithfully within a pluralistic society. The range of ethical systems and moral philosophies available can be confusing to people seeking clarity about what the different theories mean for everyday life. Christian Ethics: Four Views presents a dialogue between four main approaches to ethics in the Christian tradition. Virtue ethics focuses less on the action itself and more on the virtuous character of the moral agent. A divine command approach looks instead at whether an action has been commanded by God, in which case it is morally right. Natural law ethics argues for a universal, objective morality grounded in nature. Finally, prophetic ethics judges what is morally right in light of a biblical understanding of divine justice and shalom. The four views and their proponents are as follows: Brad J. Kallenberg: Virtue EthicsJohn Hare: Divine Command EthicsClaire Peterson: Natural Law EthicsPeter Heltzel: Prophetic EthicsChristian Ethics: Four Views, edited by noted ethicist Steve Wilkens, presents an accessible introduction to the key positions in Christian ethics today.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer And The Ethical Self


    1. Considering Contemporary Selves: Two Approaches
    2. Bonhoeffer And The Responsibly Oriented Self
    3. Bound To The Other: Bonhoeffer And Levinas In Conversation
    4. Weil’s “Attention” And The Other-Oriented Self
    5. Adolf Eichmann As Personification Of Irresponsibility
    Works Cited

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work has persistently challenged Christian consciousness due to both his death at the hands of the Nazis and his provocative prison musings about Christian faithfulness in late modernity. Although understandable given the popularity of both narrative trajectories, such selective focus obscures the depth and fecundity of his overall corpus. Bonhoeffer’s early work, and particularly his Christocentric anthropology, grounds his later commitments to responsibility and faithfulness in a “world come of age.” While much debate accompanies claims regarding the continuity of Bonhoeffer’s thought, there are central motifs that pervade his work from his doctoral dissertation to the prison writings.

    This book suggests that a concern for otherness permeates all of Bonhoeffer’s work. Furthermore, Clark Elliston articulates, drawing on Bonhoeffer, a constructive vision of Christian selfhood defined by its orientation towards otherness. Taking Bonhoeffer as both the origin and point of return, the text engages Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil as dialogue partners who likewise stress the role of the other for self-understanding, albeit in diverse ways. By reading Bonhoeffer “through” their voices, one enhances Bonhoeffer’s already fertile understanding of responsibility.

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  • New Testament Theology And Ethics 1


    All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, “behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief.” In this paperback edition of The Indelible Image, Volume 1, Witherington offers the first of a two-volume set on the theological and ethical thought world of the New Testament. The first volume looks at the individual witnesses, while the second examines the collective witness. The New Testament, says Ben Witherington, is “like a smallish choir. All are singing the same cantata, but each has an individual voice and is singing its own parts and notes. If we fail to pay attention to all the voices in the choir, we do not get the entire effect. . . . If this first volume is about closely analyzing the sheet music left to us by which each musician’s part is delineated, the second volume will attempt to re-create what it might have sounded like had they ever gotten together and performed their scores to produce a single masterful cantata.” What the New Testament authors have in mind, Witherington contends, is that all believers should be conformed in thought, word and deed to the image of Jesus Christ-the indelible image.

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  • Executed God : The Way Of The Cross In Lockdown America – Second Edition Re (Exp


    The new edition of Mark Lewis Taylor’s award-winning The Executed God is both a searing indictment of the structures of “Lockdown America” and a visionary statement of hope. It is also a call for action to Jesus followers to resist US imperial projects and power. Outlining a “theatrics of state terror,” Taylor identifies and analyzes its instruments-mass incarceration, militarized police tactics, surveillance, torture, immigrant repression, and capital punishment-through which a racist and corporatized Lockdown America enforces in the US a global neoliberal economic and political imperialism. Against this, The Executed God proposes a “counter-theatrics to state terror,” a declamation of the way of the cross for Jesus followers that unmasks the powers of US state domination and enacts an adversarial politics of resistance, artful dramatic actions, and the building of peoples’ movements. These are all intrinsic to a Christian politics of remembrance of the Jesus executed by empire. Heralded in its first edition, this new edition is thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded, offering a demanding rethinking and recreating of what being a Christian is and of how Christianity should dream, hope, mobilize, and act to bring about what Taylor terms “a liberating material spirituality” to unseat the state that kills.

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  • Rebwilding The Way


    24 Chapters

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    When did we become so tame? How has “the good life” come to mean addiction to screens and status, fossil fuels and financial fitness? Can we break free to become the joyful and prophetic people God calls us to be? Trek along with wilderness guide Todd Wynward as he “rewilds” the Jesus Way. Seek the feral foundations of Scripture and the lessons that the prophets and disciples gleaned from wilderness testing.

    Packed with inspiring stories of how contemporary people and groups are caring for the land and each other, Rewilding the Way issues a call to action. Read about how reskilling and local food covenants are transforming churches, and how place-based activism and creative housing are nurturing communities. Learn from those who are recovering from affluenza, replacing visions of personal wealth with the commonwealth of the earth and restoring their humble place in the community of creation. Do you despair about life on our changing planet? Join the hopeful band of seekers of God and makers of change who are rewilding the Way.

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  • Renewing Moral Theology


    Moral theology, rooted in Thomas Aquinas, has long found its home in the Catholic and Anglican traditions, and in recent years it has become more familiar through the perspective known as virtue ethics. Renewing Moral Theology unfolds an ethical perspective that is thomistic in structure, evangelical in conviction and Anglican in ethos.

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  • Conversaunt Existence : An Argument For The Determination Of Gods Ontology


    Discussions about existence have generally come through the subject of philosophy. The thinking and thoughts about God’s existence are well documented. Both sides of the standard arguments for God’s existence have been presented. Current thinking has turned to evolutionary concepts that deny God exists or claims that God is a mere impersonal force. However, the time has come for a fresh look into how man can know of God’s existence.
    A Conversaunt Existence is just such a look. Changes have been made to the standard arguments for God’s existence. New avenues of thought have been incorporated to corroborate these changes. There are reasons for directing our thoughts toward God’s existing: First, it’s foolish to let others steer one’s thinking into denying God’s existence. Ultimately, God wants everyone to respond to His invitation, accept His lifesaving and life-giving message, and participate in writing His story.

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  • Conversaunt Existence : An Argument For The Determination Of Gods Ontology


    Discussions about existence have generally come through the subject of philosophy. The thinking and thoughts about God’s existence are well documented. Both sides of the standard arguments for God’s existence have been presented. Current thinking has turned to evolutionary concepts that deny God exists or claims that God is a mere impersonal force. However, the time has come for a fresh look into how man can know of God’s existence.
    A Conversaunt Existence is just such a look. Changes have been made to the standard arguments for God’s existence. New avenues of thought have been incorporated to corroborate these changes. There are reasons for directing our thoughts toward God’s existing: First, it’s foolish to let others steer one’s thinking into denying God’s existence. Ultimately, God wants everyone to respond to His invitation, accept His lifesaving and life-giving message, and participate in writing His story.

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  • Environment Economy And Christian Ethics


    What is to be done about the damaging impact of economic activity on the environment? In recent years, there has been growing debate over this question. This book, by an economist, urges Christians to support strong governmental and intergovernmental action to improve the workings of existing global economic systems so as to provide adequate environmental protection. As such, it draws on the tradition of mainstream environmental economics and on recent developments in “ecological economics.” But it acknowledges that environmental policy raises important ethical and theological issues often briefly or inadequately covered within economic literature: ethically responsible attitudes to uncertainty, inequality within and between generations, the rights of traditional communities, and the obligation to respect nonhuman elements within creation. To such issues, theologians of various persuasions have in the past paid more attention than economists. At the same time, theologians have not always shown awareness of the likely economic consequences of their own proposals. In particular, some have been reluctant to acknowledge the role of market failure in causing environmental problems, while others are too eager to get rid of markets altogether. This book tries to develop sound ethical foundations for environmental policy, while providing concrete perspective on economic realities.

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  • Preservation And Protest


    Part I: A New Taxonomy Of Nonhuman Theological Ethics
    1. Current Taxonomies Of Nonhuman Theological Ethics
    2. Three Theological Loci For A New Taxonomy
    3. A New Taxonomy
    4. Anthropocentric Conservation
    5. Cosmocentric Conservation
    6. Anthropocentric Transfiguration
    Part II: Cosmocentric Transfiguration In The Theologies Of Jurgen Moltmann And Andrew Linzey
    7. Moltmann On God, Creation, And The Fall
    8. Moltmann On Redemption And Mission
    9. Moltmann’s Nonhuman Theological Ethics
    10. Linzey On Creation, Fall, And Redemption
    11. Linzey On Christ, The Spirit, And Anthropology
    12. Linzey’s Cosmocentric Transfiguration
    13. Moltmann And Linzey: Comparison And Analysis
    Part III: Toward An Eco-Eschatological Ethics Of Preservation And Protest
    14. Theological Foundations For Cosmocentric Transfiguration
    15. Possible Critiques Of Cosmocentric Transfiguration
    16. Cosmocentric Transfiguration: An Eco-Eschatological Ethics Of Preservation And Protest
    Conclusion: Cosmocentric Transfiguration As The “Best Of Both Worlds”

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    Preservation and Protest proposes a novel taxonomy of four paradigms of nonhuman theological ethics by exploring the intersection of tensions between value terms and teleological terms. McLaughlin systematically develops the paradigm of cosmocentric transfiguration, arguing that the entire cosmos shares in the eschatological hope of a harmonious participation in God’s triune life. With this paradigm, McLaughlin offers an alternative to anthropocentric and conservationist paradigms within the Christian tradition, an alternative that affirms both scientific claims about natural history and the theological hope for eschatological redemption.

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  • Way We Work


    When you’re dragging yourself to work, do you ever get mad at Adam and Eve for making us have to toil for a living? If you’re on the clock, is it ok to mentally clock out – even for a little while?Are these things that really matter when it comes to working ‘as unto the Lord’? While many questions face us as we work each day, perhaps the most important is, ‘What difference does it make in my job if I’m a Christian?’ In The Way We Work, Boone offers much more help than simply saying ‘You need to do yourwork well because you are a Christian.’ The WayWe Work provides a thorough biblical examinationof all our labors exploring:. When work is a pain. Laziness on the job. The blessing of work. Work that will last. And much more.

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  • Introduction To Biblical Ethics (Revised)


    34 Chapters

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    What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer. Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is an overview of biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous individuals, but also as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God’s creation. Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them-loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10). This new edition includes added material on ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethicsthe seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtuesend-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, animal rights, sexuality, genetics and technology, and other bioethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poorthe church’s engagement in society and how Christians can make a difference in the media. McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we are fulfilling the purposes of God for our lives-a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.

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  • Political Vanity : Adam Ferguson On The Moral Tensions Of Early Capitalism


    1. Ferguson’s Political Theology
    2. The Meaning Of History
    3. Action And Human Nature
    4. The Peril Of Commercial Society
    5. Trappings Of Liberal Democratic Capitalism

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    Political Vanity aims to illuminate the central debates over the historical, moral, and political legitimacy of market capitalism by engaging central theorists of the Scottish Enlightenment, in particular the philosopher and sociologist Adam Ferguson. Ferguson was a contemporary of philosophers and economists David Hume and Adam Smith, and actively questioned many of the pillars of early capitalism on theological grounds. Namely:

    * conjectural histories used to justify economic liberalization

    * reduction of human action to production and consumption

    * the inevitable tendency of capitalist power to undermine political institutions

    Ferguson argued that far from equalizing and liberating, the unfettered market left to its own devices takes the form of despot, enslaving civil society in bonds of its own making. His ideas continue to have theological, philosophical, and ethical relevance today.

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  • Case For Character


    1. Virtue Ethics And The Challenge Of Hauerwas
    2. Contemporary Lutheran Voices
    3. The Lutheran Confessions
    4. The Search For A Paradigm-Some Lutheran Efforts
    5. A Creedal Framework-A Proposal For The Reclamation Of Ethics Within Lutheranism
    6. An Ethic For The Church-The Place Of Character Formation

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    Over the last several decades, perceptive observers of Western civilization have documented what virtually everyone has perceived: as the old foundations of society have toppled, morality and personal character have been set adrift and often vanished altogether. How can character be cultivated when it seems no one is willing or able to provide a definitive description of character to which humans should aspire?

    While the reasons for this are many and complicated, one of the more potent singular factors is actually theological, says Biermann. Contemporary Lutheranism, in particular, has struggled with the appropriate place of morality and character formation, as these pursuits often have been perceived as being at odds with the central Christian doctrine of justification.

    A Case for Character explores this problem and argues that Christian doctrine, specifically as articulated within a Lutheran framework, is altogether capable of encouraging a robust pursuit of character formation while maintaining a faithful expression of justification by grace alone through faith alone.

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  • Ministerial Ethics


    In this outstanding work, Dag Heward-Mills examines real-life situations in ministry today. He addresses practical issues like finances, politics, relating with the opposite sex and ministerial interactions. A commonsense guide to the principled practice of your calling, this book is a must for every Christian leader. It is highly recommended for Bible schools and the clergy in general.

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  • Is Reality Secular


    What is the nature of reality? How do we best understand and explain the world around us? What does it mean to be human? And how do we account for ethics and morality? Mary Poplin argues that the ultimate test of a worldview, philosophy or ideology is whether it corresponds with reality. Since different perspectives conflict with each other, how do we make sense of the differences? And if a worldview system accurately reflects reality, what implications does that have for our thinking and living? In this wide-ranging and perceptive study, Poplin examines four major worldviews: naturalism, humanism, pantheism and Judeo-Christian theism. She explores the fundamental assumptions of each, pressing for limitations. Ultimately she puts each perspective to the test, asking, what if this worldview is true? And what does it matter? If reality is secular, that means something for how we orient our lives. But if reality is not best explained by secular perspectives, that would mean something quite different. Consider for yourself what best makes sense of reality.

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  • Wall In Jerusalem


    Mark Braverman reveals the true nature and shocking consequences of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, explaining why Zionism is not a true Christian response to the conflict and offering clear-cut solutions for peace at home and abroad.

    The conflict between Israel and Palestine is at the center of a firestorm of political controversy, religious zeal, and bloodshed in the Middle East. Many American Christians feel that they have a biblical obligation to “stand with Israel”–but do we really understand the conflict? And is Zionism really the path to peace?

    An American Jew, Mark Braverman was transformed by witnessing firsthand the occupation of Palestine and the devastating consequences of the struggle of Israelis and Palestinians to bring justice to their land. In THE WALL IN JERUSALEM, Braverman:

    *Clearly outlines the origins and major tenets of the conflict and of Zionism
    *Demonstrates how Christian Zionism conflicts with Christian values of justice and compassion
    *Gives Christians biblical and historical basis for supporting both the state of Israel and Palestine
    *Offers a clear course of action both at home and abroad to bring peace
    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

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  • For Love Of Animals


    For Love of Animals is an honest and thoughtful look at our responsibility as Christians with respect to animals. Many Christians misunderstand both history and their own tradition in thinking about animals. They are joined by prominent secular thinkers who blame Christianity for the Western world’s failure to seriously consider the moral status of animals.This book explains how traditional Christian ideas and principles-like nonviolence, concern for the vulnerable, respect for life, stewardship of God’s creation, and rejection of consumerism-require us to treat animals morally. Though this point of view is often thought of as liberal, the book cites several conservatives who are also concerned about animals. Camosy’s Christian argument transcends secular politics.The book’s starting point for a Christian position on animals-from the creation story in Genesis to Jesus’ eating habits in the Gospels-rests in Scripture. It then moves to explore the views of the Church Fathers, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and current discussions in both Catholic and Protestant theology. Ultimately, however, the book is concerned not with abstract ideas, but with how we should live our everyday lives. Should Christians eat meat? Is cooperation with factory farming evil? What sort of medical research on animals is justified? Camosy also asks difficult questions about hunting and pet ownership.This is an ideal resource for those who are interested in thinking about animals from the perspective of Christian ethics and the consistent ethic of life. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter and suggestions for further reading round out the usefulness of this important work.

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  • Divine Communion : A Eucharistic Theology Of Sexual Intimacy


    First text to place sexual ethics in a sacramental/liturgical context

    * Designed to meet the General Convention mandate for “theological reflection”
    around issues of sexuality and marriage

    * Appropriate for study regardless of gender or orientation

    Before Christian communities try to address sexual ethics, the more fundamental
    theological question demands attention: What can sexual intimacy tell us about God?
    This book invites reflection on sexual relationships within a broad theological framework
    marked by creation, fall, and redemption. These classical hallmarks of Christian faith are
    proclaimed and enacted at every liturgical celebration of the Eucharist, which offers a
    compelling way to engage the link between sexual intimacy and the longing for God, or
    the hoped-for promise of “divine communion.”

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  • Virtuous Minds : Intellectual Character Development


    Foreword, Jason Baehr
    Part I: The Seven Intellectual Virtues
    Intellectual Courage
    Intellectual Carefulness
    Intellectual Tenacity
    Intellectual Fair-mindedness
    Intellectual Curiosity
    Intellectual Honesty
    Intellectual Humility

    Part II: The Fruits Of Intellectual Character
    The Benefits Of Knowing More About More
    The Benefits Of Better Thinking
    Loving God
    Loving Your Neighbour

    Part III: Becoming People Of Intellectual Character Developing
    Virtuous Intellectual Character In Yourself
    Seven Suggestions For Parents And Educators

    Part IV: Discussion Guide & Appendices
    A Discussion Guide For University And Church Groups
    Appendices A-I

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    What does it mean to love God with all of our minds? Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice–such vices are rampant in society, even among the worlds most prominent leaders. We find ourselves in an ethical vacuum, as the daily headlines of our newspapers confirm again and again. Central to the problem is the state of education. We live in a technological world that has ever greater access to new information and yet no idea what to do with it all. In this wise and winsome book, Philip Dow presents a case for the recovery of intellectual character. He explores seven key virtues–courage, carefulness, tenacity, fair-mindedness, curiosity, honesty and humility–and discusses their many benefits. The recovery of virtue, Dow argues, is not about doing the right things, but about becoming the right kind of person. The formation of intellectual character produces a way of life that demonstrates love for both God and neighbor. Dow has written an eminently practical guide to a life of intellectual virtue designed especially for parents and educators. The book concludes with seven principles for a true education, a discussion guide for university and church groups, and nine appendices that provide examples from Dows experience as a teacher and administrator. Virtuous Minds is a timely and thoughtful work for parents and pastors, teachers and students–anyone who thinks education is more about the quality of character than about the quantity of facts.

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  • Christian Counseling Ethics (Revised)


    1. Embracing Our Ethical Mandate
    2. Psychotherapy & Christian Ethics

    Part 1: The Christian Practitioner
    3. Essential Elements For Ethical Counsel
    4. Qualifications Of The Christian Mental Health Professional
    5. Pastors Who Counsel
    6. Sexual Misconduct & The Abuse Of Power

    Part 2: Issues In Counseling Ethics
    7. Christian Responses To The Unethical Healer
    8. Ethics In Marital Therapy & Premarital Counseling
    9. The Homosexual Client
    10. The Child Client
    11. Clients With Chronic Conditions
    12. Deprogramming

    Part 3: Counseling Contexts
    13. Business Ethics In Mental Health Service
    14. Lay Counselor Training
    15. Ethical Issues In Special Settings
    16. Forensic Psychology

    Part 4: Current Trends In Ethics Education
    17. Training Programs
    18. A Model For Ethical Decision-Making
    19. Christian Codes: Are They Better?

    Appendix A: The Ethical Behavior Of Christian Therapists
    Appendix B: Ethical Codes & Guidelines
    Appendix C: Sample Consent Forms

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    A client raises spiritual questions. Can a Christian therapist working in a government agency talk with a client about faith? A young couple with two children asks a Christian counselor to help them negotiate an end to their marriage. What responsibility does the counselor have to try to repair the relationship? A youth group member confidentially reveals to the pastor that he is taking drugs. Should the pastor tell the boy’s parents? A counselor who teaches a college course has a client show up for class. What should she do? These are just a few of the complex dilemmas that therapists, counselors and pastors face nearly every day. Handling these situations appropriately is critical for both the client’s progress and the professional’s personal credibility and protection from liability. State and federal codes, professional association statements and denominational guidelines have been drawn up to address ethical issues like competence, confidentiality, multiple relationships, public statements, third parties and documentation. In this book you’ll find them all compiled and interpreted in light of Christian faith and practice. Written by qualified professional counselors and respected academic instructors, this book is an indispensable resource for understanding and applying ethics in Christian counseling today.

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  • Old Testament Ethics For The People Of God


    Old Testament ethics are often confusing to Christians. Some struggle to understand how it is that they must obey its moral laws but may disregard its ceremonial and civil laws. Others struggle with what they perceive to be contradictions. Others abandon its teaching altogether in favor of a strictly New Testament ethic. None of these, argues Chris Wright, gives the Old Testament its proper due.

    Old Testament Ethics for the people of God addresses these issues and in doing so provides an innovative but faithful approach to Old Testament ethics. First appearing in 1983, it has been fully revised fully revised and now includes material from Walking in the Ways of the Lord. Wright examines the theological, social, and economic framework for Old Testament ethics by exploring a variety of themes in relation to contemporary issues such as economics, the land, the poor, politics, law and justice, society and culture, and individual morality.

    *This fresh, illuminating study provides a clear basis for a biblical ethic that is faithful to the God of both Testaments.
    *A theological, social and economic framework for exploring Old Testament ethics
    *Provides the basis for an ethic faithful to both Old and New Testaments
    *Thoroughly revised
    *Expanded with 100 more pages!
    *Updated to include more consideration of contemporary issues: ecology, poverty, hermeneutics

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