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    • Quest To Save The Old Testament


      Enlightenment attempts to save the Old Testament

      Pastors and scholars today lament the Old Testament’s neglect in the West. But this is nothing new. In the eighteenth century, natural philosopher John Hutchinson witnessed the Old Testament becoming devalued as Scripture. And in his mind, the blame lay with Isaac Newton.

      In The Quest to Save the Old Testament, David Ney traces the battle over Scripture during the Enlightenment period. For Hutchinson, critical scholarship’s enchantment with the naturalism of Newton undermined the study of the Old Testament. As cultural forces reshaped biblical interpretation, Hutchinson spawned a movement that sought, above all, to reclaim the Old Testament as Christian Scripture. Hutchinson’s followers sought to be shaped by Scripture, not culture. Rejecting the Newtonian degradation of history, they offered a compelling figural defense of the Old Testament’s doctrinal and moral significance. The Old Testament is the voice of Providence. It is the means of discerning God’s hand at work both in nature and in history.

      The Quest to Save the Old Testament is a timely retelling of fateful and faithful attempts to “save” the Old Testament.

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    • Reformed Dogmatics In Dialogue


      Two Reformed giants in conversation

      Jonathan Edwards and Karl Barth are widely considered to be the greatest North American and Swiss theologians, respectively. Though situated in vastly different contexts and separated by nearly two hundred years, they shared intriguing similarities. Both employed exegesis, theology, and philosophy with ease. Both reasoned with unique quality, depth, and timelessness. Both resisted liberal shifts of their day while remaining creative thinkers. And both were Reformed without uncritically assuming the tradition.

      Edited by Uche Anizor and Kyle Strobel, ReformedDogmatics in Dialogue engages Edwards and Barth for constructive dogmatics. Each chapter brings these theologians into conversation on classic theological categories, such as the doctrine of God, atonement, and ecclesiology, as well as topics of particular interest to both, such as aesthetics and philosophy. As with all great theologians, Edwards and Barth continue to illuminate Christian doctrine. Readers will appreciate their rigor of thought and devotion to Christ.

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    • Virtuous Persuasion : A Theology Of Christian Mission


      Christians should make disciples as disciples.

      Christians who are engaged in missions regularly face ethical challenges. But the approaches and standards of modern missions often further complicate, rather than alleviate, matters. Modern missiology debates what actions constitute mission work, how to measure growth, and the difference between persuasion and coercion. In Virtuous Persuasion, Michael Niebauer casts a holistic vision for Christian mission that is rooted in theological ethics and moral philosophy. Niebauer proposes a theology of mission grounded in virtue. Becoming a skilled missionary is more about following Christ than mastering techniques. Christian mission is best understood as specific activities that develop virtue in its practitioners and move them toward their ultimate goal of partaking in the glory of God. With Virtuous Persuasion, you can rethink the essence of Jesus’s Great Commission and how we seek to fulfill it.

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    • Signals : How Brain Science And The Bible Help Parents Raise Resilient Chil


      Would you like to improve the emotional intelligence of your kids? Signals offers a simple, relational approach to help you become aware of your emotions, their impact on others, and how to implement this technique in your home, school, or ministry.

      While we can’t see the brain, it sends signals to us and those around us. Just as the colors of a traffic light send drivers a signal to go, slow down, or stop, our brains signal to our emotions and affect our behavior toward others.

      In Signals, Cherilyn Orr introduces a common language and imagery to help everyone manage their emotions. Rooted in neuroscience and the Bible, this approach has been used around the world because its spans across all cultural contexts. Learn how to read these signals, become more aware of your emotions as well as your child’s, and understand how to respond based on the signal sent. For parents and educators, this approach is an easy-to-understand way to evaluate what’s going on with your child, mentally and emotionally, at any given moment to determine an appropriate response.

      Signals is also useful for kids with special needs, including those with autism. Applying the technique can transform the relationships you have with your kids and set them on a lifelong trajectory of ever-increasing emotional intelligence.

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    • Lider Guiado Por La Vision – (Spanish)


      Es el ingrediente esencial para un liderazgo exitoso. A menos que tengas una vision clara de hacia donde quieres dirigir tu organizacion, nadie te seguira. Pero si tu vision es convincente, las personas aplicaran sus mejores ideas y su esfuerzo para hacerla realidad, cualesquiera sean los obstaculos y la oposicion que enfrentes.

      De modo que, como creas esa vision? Como conquistas a otros para que se sumen a ella? Y como pones en practica esa vision en todos los niveles de tu organizacion? En El lider guiado por la vision, el autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Michael Hyatt, plantea diez preguntas simples para ayudarte a:

      *crear una vision irresistible para tu negocio
      *asegurarte de que sea clara, inspiradora y practica
      *motivar a tu equipo en torno a la vision
      *definir planes practicos que generen resultados
      *superar obstaculos y hacer los ajustes necesarios

      Basado en los cuarenta aos de experiencia como emprendedor y ejecutivo, respaldado por los conocimientos de la ciencia organizacional y la psicologia, e ilustrado por estudios de casos e historias de diversas industrias, Michael, en El lider guiado por la vision, revela cual es la diferencia que establece la vision y como crear una para ti y tu equipo hoy.

      Having a clear, compelling vision (and getting buy-in from your team) is essential to effective leadership. If you don’t know where you’re going, how on earth will you get there? But how do you craft that vision? How do you get others on board? And how do you put that vision into practice at every level of your organization?

      In The Vision Driven Leader, New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt offers six tools for crafting an irresistible vision for your business, rallying your team around the vision, and distilling it into actionable plans that drive results. Based on Michael’s 40 years of experience as an entrepreneur and executive, backed by insights from organizational science and psychology, and illustrated by case studies and stories from multiple industries, The Vision Driven Leader takes you step-by-step from why to what and then how. Your business will never be the same.

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    • Con Sentido De Destino – (Spanish)


      Este libro cuenta la historia de Jose y sus hermanos. Los hermanos de Jose se comportaron como personas comunes , mientras que Jose vivio con sentido de destino. A Jose lo sostuvo el sueo que latia en su corazon, los valores fuertes que habia adquirido desde nio y la conviccion de que su vida tenia un destino definido en el cielo. Sixto Porras establece, con el ejemplo de Jose, que quien vive con sentido de destino, aprovecha cada oportunidad al maximo y sabe esperar el cumplimiento de la promesa.

      “La historia la escribe quien camina tras aquello que lo inspira, lo desafia y saca lo mejor de su corazon”, dice el autor. Esta obra le ensea a identificar y superar lo que le detiene y le impide caminar hacia su proposito, a perseverar, y a no olvidar que Dios siempre tiene cosas mas grandes y mejores en su destino.

      This book tells the story of Jose and his brothers. Jose lived with a sense of destiny, while his brothers behaved like ordinary people. Jose was sustained by the dream that beat in his heart, the strong values he had acquired as a child, and the conviction that his life had a definite destiny in heaven. Sixto Porras establishes, with the example of Jose, that whoever lives with a sense of destiny makes the most of every opportunity and knows how to wait for the fulfillment of the promise.

      “History is written by those who walk after what inspires them, challenges them and brings out the best in their hearts,” says the author. This work teaches you to identify and overcome what stops you and prevents you from walking toward your purpose, to persevere, and remember that God always has bigger and better things for you.

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    • Even Greater Faith


      Reinhard Bonnke was motivated by a single, compelling goal: to reach as many people as possible with the love and saving grace of God. Through his ministry, millions of people connected or reconnected with their heavenly Father. In this book, we meet twelve distinct individuals to whom Reinhard ministered with remarkable results.

      Even Greater Faith presents dramatic and heartwarming true stories about ordinary people from around the world through whom God did extraordinary works–despite their broken dreams, failures, and weaknesses. While they watched their dreams evaporate, God was still working in their lives. He had even greater plans prepared for them, as He has even greater plans for you. You will find it hard to put this book down, and you may even read it in one sitting! You will be moved, you will be inspired, and you will be challenged to do even greater works for God through His extraordinary grace as you see healings and other miracles unfold in your life and in the lives of others.

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    • Uncovery : Understanding The Power Of Community To Heal Trauma


      When it comes to Christ-centered recovery, we, the church, have work to do.

      Our legalistic, box-checking, one-size-fits-all programs produce astonishingly high failure rates–which means far too many people are left to fight addiction, mental health problems, and suicidal thoughts on their own.

      This begs some critical questions of the church:

      – Do we really believe transformational recovery and healing is possible?
      – Do we really have the right systems and structures to support struggling people?
      – Do we really carry a kingdom responsibility to restore people gently?
      – Do we really take time to ask God what more He would have us do in the recovery space?

      This book is for anyone who can’t offer a resounding yes and amen to each of those questions.

      With hearts that beat for those struggling with addictions and mental health issues, authors George A. Wood and Brit Eaton present:

      – A critical reframing of the word “recovery” and an invitation to answer God’s call for more spirit-led, trauma-informed ministry

      – Deeper exploration into the origins of addiction, mental health problems, and suicidal thoughts–and the church’s responsibility to bring God’s healing

      – Powerful supernatural testimonies and stories of hope, healing, and life restoration as a result of embracing The Uncovery

      – Practical strategies to help Christ-centered recovery leaders bridge the gap between spiritual and scientific communities to better serve struggling people

      – A loose and helpful framework for embracing The Uncovery message

      – Inspiration for recovery leaders to love and lead in a more inclusive, sacrificial, and Christlike manner while maintaining healthy self-care

      The goal of The Uncovery is to help the church–and the world–see recovery through a grace- laced, gospel lens. Some say recovery is the civil rights movement of our generation because believe it or not, recovery is for everyone. And if that statement bothers you? Recovery might be for you, too.

      Every single one of us has some trauma or issue from our past that may still be affecting our life today. This book offers readers a not-so-subtle nudge to go deeper in the recovery space for a transformative encounter with Father God to heal from those wounds and lead the promised land life He has planned for us.

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    • Gateway To A Supernatural Life


      An Experience That Transforms You and Lifts You into Partnership with God

      Many people are curious about the baptism in the Holy Spirit but are confused or cautious about what it involves. They ask themselves the following: “Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit really necessary for believers?” “Is it available to everyone?” “Is it as relevant today as it was in Bible times?”

      Written in an accessible style and incorporating a solid biblical foundation, this book clearly shows how to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to help, guide, and empower you. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly the gateway to a supernatural life! Author Jeff Leake addresses these essential questions and more:

      *What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
      *What is the real purpose of speaking in tongues?
      *Can every believer see supernatural answers to prayer?
      *How does the Holy Spirit heal people from hurt, loss, and feelings of inadequacy?
      *Can the Holy Spirit help overcome addictive patterns?

      The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience that transforms you and lifts you into partnership with God. Through this book, you will come to grips with the supernatural potential of the Holy Spirit in your life. Read it with a hunger to see God do all that He wants to do through you!

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    • Winks From Scripture


      God isn’t a firefly that we can catch in a jar. We can’t capture His ways. There’s no catching up to the One who created existence. No controlling the One holds the world in his Hands. Our sovereign God evades our figuring out.

      When we spot Him, it’s only because He chose to make Himself known for that moment in time. Then He hides. He leaves us wondering where He’ll show up next.
      The journey of faith is the catching of flickers. Like the dancing of fireflies in the midnight summer sky: God shows up, then He’s gone.

      In Winks from Scripture, Chris Palmer takes you through New Testament narratives, pointing out ambiguities and uncertainties that resist clarity or answers. If we dig a little deeper, God just might surprise us with a wink.

      John’s Gospel, for example, opens by declaring, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Throughout John, however, people stubbornly insist He is just a man. Jesus plainly tells the Samaritan woman at the well that He is the Messiah, yet she runs and tells her village, “Come, see a man…”

      God winks and winks. In the end, John circles back to the beginning of his gospel: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…”

      These brief, luminous winks of radiance into our lives leave us with a sense of awe, anticipating the next wink that will signal that God is out there somewhere. He is watching and letting us know He is at work among us.

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    • Consider Jesus : Is There A Solution To The World’s Problems


      What does our world need most?

      Not education or jobs.

      Not government reform or health care.

      Our world needs Jesus.

      Why does our world seem so out of kilter? Why are people unsettled, institutions declining, and society on edge? According to the Bible, which calls itself the Word of God, it’s because human sin has separated us from God and each other. We are desperately in need of an answer. . .a Savior. Consider Jesus provides a clear, winsome case for Jesus Christ as that Savior, the only person who can bring peace between human beings and God–and then throughout society. This book will encourage people who already believe in Jesus, while challenging others to consider the free gift of salvation that He offers.

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    • Brightest And Best


      This 31-day Advent devotional built around the words of well-loved carols will bring comfort and hope in the darkest time of the year.

      In a world of poverty, prejudice, and sickness it can be hard to sing tis the season to be jolly and mean it. We are in a world laden with darkness and grief, and yet by the end of November, so much around us seems to be yelling: HAVE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Is this what advent is then? A building pressure to put reality on hold for a while, and to just Have a Good Time?

      Brightest and Best is a collection of Advent devotions that point to the comfort that God has promised: the coming of Jesus. Philippa Wilson communicates joyful, uplifting, and glorious Christmas truths in fresh ways. The purpose of each devotion is to stir up hope and faith, and praise for Jesus, as well as to encourage readers to think biblically and deeply about the carols we sing each year.

      Each devotion includes:

      *a passage of Scripture to ponder
      *a short, encouraging reading
      *the lyrics of a popular Christmas carol

      Part One is focused on Christmas, and all that it means that Jesus has come.

      Part Two covers the days leading up to the new year; readings to cover that tricky post-Christmas period to give you courage for whatever lies ahead.

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    • Code Of Courage


      Detective Danni Grace has never met a police officer who wants to face a scenario where pulling the trigger on another person is the only option. When the worst does occur and there’s a police-involved shooting, it leads to riots and calls to disband the entire police force in La Rosa, Danni’s hometown.

      After fifteen years on the force, Danni has had enough. Injured in the line of duty when a protester throws a chunk of concrete at her and shaken by the vitriol being shown to the police, Danni realizes for the first time that she’s lost her passion for the job.

      While she’s on a leave of absence, though, a community activist in La Rosa is shot and a fellow officer is blamed for his murder. Taking on this case means stepping back into a job Danni’s not sure she can do anymore . . . and working closely with her ex-husband, Gabriel Fox, an investigator for the city prosecutor’s office. Danni will need to tap into her code of courage to uncover the truth, prevent another injustice, and uphold her oath to serve and protect.

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    • Walking In Tall Weeds


      From award-winning author Robin W. Pearson comes a new Southern family drama about one family who discovers their history is only skin-deep and that God’s love is the only family tie that binds.

      Paulette and Fred Baldwin find themselves wading through a new season of life in Hickory Grove, North Carolina. Their only son, McKinley, now works hundreds of miles away, and the distance between the husband and wife feels even farther. When their son returns home, his visit dredges up even more conflict between Fred and Paulette.

      McKinley makes it no secret that he doesn’t intend to follow in his father’s footsteps at George & Company Fine Furnishings or otherwise. Fred can’t quite bring himself to accept all his son’s choices, yet Paulette is determined McKinley will want for nothing, least of all a mother’s love and attention–which her own skin color cost her as a child. But all her striving leaves Fred on the outside looking in.

      Paulette suspects McKinley and Fred are hiding something that could change the whole family. Soon, she’s facing a whirlwind she never saw coming, and the three of them must dig deep to confront the truth. Maybe then they’ll discover that their history is only skin-deep while their faith can take them right to the heart of things.

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    • Rebels Manifesto : Choosing Truth, Real Justice, And Love Amid The Noise Of


      Following Jesus has never been harder. In a culture that glamorizes sex, chases fame, and shames those who don’t fall in line, it takes a rebel to be a Christian.

      In this book, Sean McDowell aims to encourage and inspire a generation of rebels who will dare to stand up to the madness in a just and loving manner.

      A Rebel’s Manifesto offers clear guidance to help people navigate the many moral issues that plague this generation. Students today are oriented toward action on ethical issues, and Sean will not only help them think biblically about various ethical issues, but he will also offer practical steps to make a positive difference in this world. In this book, Sean covers:

      *navigating bullying and social media;

      *handling loneliness, pornography, and sex;

      *approaching various conversations around climate change, race, and other controversial issues; and

      *articulating and defending biblical views at school, online, and with friends.

      Life doesn’t need to devolve into an online shouting match. Sean proposes a better way: to live a life calmly and confidently grounded in biblical truth.

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    • Ripple Effects : Discover The Miraculous Motivating Power Of A Woman’s Infl


      Discover the God-inspired difference only you can make in the world . . . using the key you never knew you had.

      Tim Tebow credits his mom with being the key to his success-but Pam never expected that she would be known on a national stage. For most of her life, she was serving quietly and faithfully as a wife and a mom-choosing life for her child in the face of medical risks, answering the Lord’s call to mission work in the Philippines, and homeschooling before anyone knew what the word meant. But all along the way, her experiences-and her consistent, everyday choices to follow the Lord and to serve wherever He placed her-were creating unexpected ripples of influence throughout her family, her community, and her world. And they would end up extending far beyond anything she ever imagined.

      Pam believes that every one of us can be influential-and that deep within a woman’s heart is the desire to use her influence for good. In Ripple Effects, Pam uncovers and explores the miraculous motivating power of influence we can have on this generation and the next, no matter where we are planted in life. Whether we are in the midst of endless diaper changes, climbing up the corporate ladder, or simply doing our best to live, love, and serve well each day, Pam will encourage us to maximize our God-given opportunities for influence-and watch how far the ripples will spread.

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    • Heirlooms : A Novel


      Answering a woman’s desperate call for help, young Navy widow Helen Devries opens her Whidbey Island home as a refuge to Choi Eunhee. As they bond over common losses and a delicate, potentially devastating secret, their friendship spans the remainder of their lives.

      After losing her mother, Cassidy Quinn spent her childhood summers with her gran, Helen, at her farmhouse. Nourished by her grandmother’s love and encouragement, Cassidy discovers a passion that she hopes will bloom into a career. But after Helen passes, Cassidy learns that her home and garden have fallen into serious disrepair. Worse, a looming tax debt threatens her inheritance. Facing the loss of her legacy and in need of allies and ideas, Cassidy reaches out to Nick, her former love, despite the complicated emotions brought by having him back in her life.

      Cassidy inherits not only the family home but a task, spoken with her grandmother’s final breaths: ask Grace Kim–Eunhee’s granddaughter–to help sort through the contents of the locked hope chest in the attic. As she and Grace dig into the past, they unearth their grandmothers’ long-held secret and more. Each startling revelation reshapes their understanding of their grandmothers and ultimately inspires the courage to take risks and make changes to own their lives.

      Set in both modern-day and midcentury Whidbey Island, Washington, this dual-narrative story of four women–grandmothers and granddaughters–intertwines across generations to explore the secrets we keep, the love we pass down, and the heirlooms we inherit from a well-lived life.

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    • RevivalMakers : Stop Chasing A Move Of God – And Be One


      Be the Move of God You Have Been Praying For!

      Perhaps one of the great hindrances to the next great awakening is that many believers are consumed by the spiritual-sounding concept of waiting on God to move. This waiting entails fervent prayer, organized events, and much discussion. While prayer is desperately needed and events may be catalysts for God’s work, could it be that we are waiting for something that God has already released?

      The Holy Spirit has already been poured out, but what are we doing with His presence?

      Evangelist and revivalist Tony Suarez believes that wherever a Spirit-filled believer goes, a move of God should break out. Why? Because the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Revival, is within you. This is walking in your revival identity!

      As you understand and apply this teaching, you will…

      *Shift atmospheres through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you
      *Take authority over the powers of darkness in a person or a place
      *Saturate your home, workplace, or school with the presence of God
      *Enter into your revival identity where you become the move of God you’ve been waiting and praying for

      It’s time to be the move of God that you have been praying for. Revival is here! It’s time to step into the move of God!

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    • Gods Path To Mental Health


      Take Back Your Life and Walk Peacefully and Free

      Is your mind a playground for the devil? Are you harassed and held hostage by thoughts, fears, anxiety, and depression that won’t let up? You’re not alone. The number of people suffering from mental torment is staggering because the devil is a master at mind games.

      But God has already beat him at his game and offers you power to overcome!

      In God’s Path to Mental Health, four Harrison House authors Rick Renner, Eddie Turner, Kylie Oaks Gatewood, and Germaine Copeland team up to deliver scriptural and supernatural help such as:

      *How you can win on the mind battlefield
      *What to do when the devil trash talks you
      *Dressing yourself in impenetrable armor
      *Wielding your supernatural weaponry
      *Scriptures that shut up the devil

      These four authors have each been through the trenches when it comes to obsessive thoughts and depression, and they’ve practiced what they preach to defeat mental torment and find God’s pathway to mental health. Now it’s your turn! Let them help you take back your life and walk peacefully and free!

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    • Daily Decrees For Kids


      Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

      Children don’t have a junior Holy Spirit, nor are they secondary members of the Kingdom of God. They, too, have been given the right to be called Kings and Priests and their words carry authority in the spiritual realm.

      Brenda Kunneman is a bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice who has equipped believers around the world to boldly decree Heaven’s victory over every area of their lives. Now, she is equipping children with powerful, Bible-based, prophetic declarations that they can read and declare themselves!

      These decrees are specifically designed to train children to operate in their Heavenly authority, empowering them to engage the Kingdom that Jesus declared belongs to them!
      Daily Decrees for Kids contains declarations of:
      *Health and safety for themselves and those around them.
      *Alignment with their destiny.
      *Provision and abundance for their family.
      *Releasing angels to watch over them.

      As kids begin to boldly speak God’s word, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead releases Heavenly power to see Kingdom decrees carried out! It’s time for kids to decree God’s Word over their lives!

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    • Living Fearless : Exchanging The Lies Of The World For The Liberating Truth


      With a penetrating combination of stories, Scripture, and insightful questions, this book takes you on a deep dive into abiding in Christ, helping you exchange false ideas about “god,” the world, your neighbors, and yourself for the life-changing pursuit of knowing God experientially.

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    • Jesus And Women Bible Study Book With Video Access


      Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth-braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

      Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

      Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.

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    • Ruth : A Guide To Reading Biblical Hebrew


      Maintain your Hebrew.

      Too often, a former Hebrew student is a lapsed Hebrew student. The paradigms, the syntactical forms, and even the alphabet can be hard to recall. The way to make Hebrew stick, like any language, is to continue to put it to use.

      In Ruth: Guide to Reading Biblical Hebrew, Adam J. Howell helps intermediate readers of Hebrew work through the text of Ruth with exegetical and syntactical aids. With Howell as a guide, students will be able to mine the riches of the Hebrew text to appreciate the literary and theological significance of the book of Ruth.

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    • Road Away From God


      For those disillusioned with Church and the faith that was handed to them, popular podcast host and writer Jonathan Martin shows that Jesus often meets us in unlikely places–even on our walk away from God.

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    • Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed


      It Is Time to Tackle the Things Trying to Overrun Your Life

      Do you feel stuck in a mess? Are you wondering how you got to this place and trying to make sense of it all? Don’t give up!

      In Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin offers five life-giving steps to help you

      * get up, get out and get free, and
      * walk into the destiny God has prepared for you

      Jentezen pulls back the curtain on the enemy’s tactics to hinder your spiritual growth, distract your attention and keep you from living to your fullest potential during this critical season of prophetic history.

      If you find that every battle you’re fighting has gotten more difficult to conquer–if you are paralyzed and don’t know which way to go–remember God doesn’t call you just a survivor. He calls you an overcomer.

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    • Turn Toward The Sun


      If recent world events have taught us anything, it’s that life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. And while we can’t control the curveballs life throws at us, we can control our response to them. We can choose to loosen our grip on what we think life is “supposed” to be and embrace life for exactly what it is–messiness and mayhem and all. We can choose to stubbornly turn toward the sun, even as the storm rages around us. That surrender is where true happiness and peace lie.

      With insights born from her own hard-won battles, Mandy Hale turns her attention (and her sizable wit) to showing you what she’s learned about letting go of the desire to control everything in life. With the honesty and authenticity she’s known for, Mandy inspires you to stop striving, live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.

      If you’ve felt depleted or despairing as you’ve wrestled with circumstances beyond your control, you will find in Mandy a kind and trustworthy guide through the storm.

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    • Whats Big Starts Small


      Of the 30 parables Jesus told, the one that gets the most space on God’s sacred pages is the story about the sower, the seed, and the soil (Matthew 13). Just like a farmer isn’t sowing seed to get rid of it, God never brings you into contact with his Word just to get it over with. Rather, just as a farmer wants fruit, God wants to help you to experience and exhibit peace, joy, love, and more. And while he certainly could make our behavior one hundred times more sanctified in a single moment, Jesus’s story reminds us that God normally grows us organically, in that slow and steady process that we witness throughout the created world. And just as in farming, there are some obstacles to overcome along the way.

      This book is structured around the six threats Jesus lists in the parable of the sower and the seed, and the corresponding strategies to overcome them: pride, pain, worries, wealth, wanting, and not waiting. If you’re wondering why your faith “isn’t working” in some aspects of your life, Jesus’ words may contain the key you’re looking for.

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    • Unfailing Love


      Lillian Walsh and Grace Bennett have learned so much already about caring for children in distress. It hasn’t been an easy task, but suddenly they discover that two of their kids have run away. And, inexplicably, Lemuel has gone with them. Concerned for the trio’s safety, the sisters will do all they can to try to find the children.

      But the runaways are not the only ones who’ve put the future of their children’s home in question. Father is finally home again–and Delyth has come with him. Lillian herself is faced with choosing between her dreams with fiance Walter and her commitment to her sister. Steady Ben Waldin is keen to find where his family settled in Canada and to give little Janie a place to permanently call home. Just where that search will take him and what it will require may be more than he’s ready for.

      As they all struggle to determine their paths forward, each begins to realize that sometimes loving well means making difficult choices.

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    • In Honors Defense


      Luke Davenport has been fighting all his life–for respect, for country, and most recently, for those unable to fight for themselves. But now that his Horsemen brothers are domesticated, he’s left alone to battle the wildness within. When an opportunity arises to take a job on his own, he jumps at the chance.

      Damaris Baxter has mastered the art of invisibility. Plain and quiet, she hides in books and needlework, content to be overlooked. Until her brother dies suddenly, leaving her custody of her nephew. She moves to Texas to care for Nate, determined to create the family for herself that she never thought she’d have.

      When Nate stumbles into the path of the rustlers Luke is tracking, Luke acts to protect him and winds up gravely injured. Feeling indebted, Damaris nurses Luke back to health. But suspicions grow regarding the death of her brother. And the more questions they ask, the more danger appears, threatening the family Luke may be unable to live without.

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    • 3 Minute Prayers For Difficult Times


      Got 3 minutes? . . .

      You’re guaranteed to find just the peace and hope your heart needs in 3-Minute Prayers for Difficult Times. This practical book packs a powerful dose of comforting inspiration into 3 short minutes.

      Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
      Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer
      Minute 3: a question for further reflection

      Each of the more than 180 prayers meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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    • How Do Humans Flourish


      Experience life under Jesus’ yoke.

      Everyone wants to succeed in life. But do you know what success looks like? Is true flourishing found in a busy life pursuing money, status, and experiences? Or is there a better way?

      In How Do Humans Flourish?, Danielle Sallade argues that the Christian life leads to thriving. Many burden under the yoke of worldly success, resulting in stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. But true flourishing can be found only in peace, and that begins with a right relationship with God. Learn what true success looks like. Discover how you can value work rightly, find your identity in Christ, and live with an attitude of dependence on God. You too can flourish.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Isaiah Bible Study Book With Video Access


      Isaiah served as God’s mouthpiece to the nation of Judah but also to the surrounding nations. His message echoes into our lives today as we read his call to rely on the Lord. Using the genres of poetry, narrative, and prophecy, Isaiah communicated clearly that followers of God could trust in Him.

      As you study the chapters Isaiah wrote-from his challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come-learn to rest in God’s promises and grow in trust. Unpacking Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you’ll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you.

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    • End Times Made Easy


      Exciting News: The End is Near!

      As the world grows increasingly volatile, with looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is this the end of the world?

      Yes! And it’s wonderful news!

      Why? Because it means that Jesus’ return is imminent. And His end-time agenda is to bless and prepare you for your destiny in these last days!

      For more than 30 years, author, minister, and host of the weekly End of Days Update, Joseph Morris has been awakening the Church to Jesus’ hastening return, helping believers connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events.

      In End Times Made Easy, he shares…
      *Easy-to-understand, scriptural evidence of end-time events happening right now
      *50 “plus signs” of Jesus return
      *The difference between the rapture and the second coming
      *Answers to tough questions about the tribulation
      *Amazing biblical descriptions of Christ’s millennial reign on earth

      There’s no bad news for the Christian! The simple truths in this book will empower you to run your race with joy in these last days, eagerly awaiting Jesus’ return!

      3 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Quiet Time Prayers For A Teen Girls Heart


      Wrap your soul in the comfort of the Creator.

      You will envelop your soul in the comfort of the Creator as you read through 180 just-right-sized, devotional-like prayers that will meet you right where you are. Whether you’re struggling with feelings of insecurity and anxiety or you’re feeling courageous and confident, you will encounter just the inspiration and encouragement you need to strengthen your faith. Touching on truth-filled scriptures and topics like beauty, fitting in, relationships, comparison, stress, and so much more, Quiet-Time Prayers for a Teen Girl’s Heart is a great way for you to begin or end your day!

      Be quiet and know that I am God.
      Psalm 46:10 NLV

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    • Kerruso Faith Over Fear Journal


      Reinforce the strength of your faith every time you write in this chic “Faith Over Fear” Journal in Multicolor by Kerusso(R). God is for you, and in His mighty name, who would dare to stand against you? Let go of the anxiety that weighs you down, and hand it all over to the Lord in prayer. He is waiting to hear from you.

      What force on earth or in the heavens is more powerful than our God? What foe, what mountain, what circumstance can stand in our way? When God is for us, no person and no challenge can stop us in our tracks. Because of our faith, we don’t have to give in to fear-it really is that simple, and there are no exclusions to this powerful truth from God’s Word.

      There’s just something about putting pen to paper that is so much more meaningful than typing notes on a device. Kerusso Journals are perfect for jotting down personal reflections, Bible study notes, or memorable moments of gratitude.

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    • Standard Lesson Commentary NIV 2022-2023


      For over twenty years, Standard Lesson Commentary (SLC) has been the most popular and trusted annual Bible commentary in the world. This nondenominational series provides 52 weeks of verse-by-verse commentary of Scripture, drawing you closer every day to God and His Word. With timely themes for your life, Standard Lesson Commentary 2022-2023 will help you study the Bible like never before.

      Key features include:
      *Printed Scripture
      *Detailed lesson context
      *Expert verse-by-verse commentary of the Bible text
      *Pronunciation guide for difficult words
      *Thoughtful discussion starters
      *A review quiz for each quarter

      Available in the King James Version ( KJV) and New International Version(R) ( NIV) Bible translations, the SLC is based on the popular Uniform Series. This series, developed by scholars from numerous church fellowships, outlines an in-depth study of the Bible over a six-year period.

      The four main themes of the 2022-2023 study are:

      *God’s Exceptional Choice–Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Judges, 1 Samuel, Ephesians

      *From Darkness to Light–2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Joel, Luke, 1 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, James, 1 Peter

      *Jesus Calls Us–Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts

      *The Righteous Reign of God–Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Matthew, Romans, Galatians, 1 Corinthians

      The SLC is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday School class, for personal study, or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series. Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists contribute their expertise to SLC.

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    • Standard Lesson Commentary KJV 2022-2023


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830782178ISBN10: 0830782176Compiled by: Standard PublishingBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2022Publisher: David C. Cook

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    • Kingdom Values : Character Over Chaos


      Good character produces good quality, individually and culturally. In light of the turmoil our society currently faces, this book is critical.

      In the midst of our busy and often chaotic lives, we sometimes forget the importance of building character qualities. By curating our values, we can rise up and fight against cultural instability, family breakdown, social media ranting, and narcissistic and grandiose personal promotions.

      Values to be discussed include:
      – integrity
      – excellence
      – authenticity
      – compassion
      – generosity
      – accountability
      – kindness
      – and many more

      Dr. Evans provides insights based on biblical virtues derived from the Beatitudes as well as the rest of Christ’s teachings. This book will give men and women a framework for personal growth and awareness. When we align ourselves with God’s ways, and exhibit that behavior for our neighbors to see and benefit from, that’s when real change occurs.

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    • Your Calling Here And Now


      Our vocation is the outworking of how God has made us. It is not a goal on the horizon but a present reality that we are called to discern and explore. However, in the midst of our daily lives, finding meaning can prove both difficult and elusive, and we are often left wondering if we are missing out on God’s purpose for our lives.

      Gordon Smith invites us to reflect on our vocation and step into God’s call in the present moment. When discerning our vocation feels overwhelming, Smith offers a simple question as a way forward: At this time and place, who am I meant to be, and what am I called to do?

      Theologically and historically grounded, Your Calling Here and Now offers theological reflections and spiritual practices that will help you discern God’s call on your life. Whether you are navigating career transitions or looking for meaning in the ordinary, God has a purpose for your life for the here and now.

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    • How Can I Pray


      How do you talk to God? asked Jesus’ friends. So Jesus taught them about prayer.

      In this engaging retelling of Jesus teaching his followers how to pray, young children will learn that God loves them like a father. So they don’t need to use loud prayers, or long prayers, or lots of fancy words.

      This charming book includes a simple version of the Lord’s prayer so that children can use the prayer Jesus taught us.

      Notes for parents at the back help to explain the details of this account from Matthew 6 v 5-13.

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    • House That Went Splat


      Lots of people listened to what Jesus said, but they didn’t do it. So Jesus told them a story…

      In this engaging retelling of the parable of the wise and foolish builders, young children discover that if we don’t care about what God says, we end up in a terrible mess. But if we listen to God and do what he says, God will keep us safe for ever.

      Notes for parents at the back help to explain the details of this account from Matthew 7 v 24-27.

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    • He Will Be Enough


      Life doesn’t always go the way we hoped, and sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we’d like. Challenging circumstances, especially ones with no immediate end in sight, can cause us to question God’s character, his purpose and his ways.

      Each of these 20 biblical reflections examines a truth about God and shows how it provides an anchor for the soul in hard times. Author Katie Faris writes with warmth and compassion, weaving in stories of her own family’s struggles with complex medical conditions. She encourages readers to entrust their confusing circumstances and unanswered questions to the Lord and place their hope in his promises. In so doing, they will be sustained in their suffering and enabled to live joyfully and fruitfully, loving and serving God and others, in the midst of their struggles.

      This beautiful hardback book will help you if you are going through hard times, or walking alongside those who are. It is also a great gift for a brother or sister in Christ who is struggling.

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    • Fanny Crosby : The Girl Who Couldn’t See But Helped The World To Sing


      Baby Frances–or Fanny, as everyone called her–was only six weeks old when she became blind. “What a pity you can’t see,” people often said. “The first thing my eyes will ever see will be the face of Jesus in heaven,” she’d reply. And this filled her with joy.

      Not only was Fanny a happy girl, always looking for reasons to be thankful, she was also blessed with extraordinary musical ability.

      Follow her inspirational story to discover how she wrote some of the world’s most famous hymns, such as To God Be the Glory and Blessed Assurance.

      This beautifully illustrated children’s biography of Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) is part of the Do Great Things For God series which shows how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. It will enthuse young children about the great things they can do for God.

      Can be read to young children aged 4-5, and read by children aged 6 plus.

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    • Suffering Not Power


      Overturning a popular view of the atonement

      Was Christ’s death a victory over death or a substitution for sin? Many today follow Gustav Aulen’s Christus Victor view, which portrays Christ’s death as primarily a ransom paid to the powers of evil and which, according to Aulen, reflected the beliefs of the early church. Aulen held that this ransom theory view dominated until Anselm reframed atonement as satisfaction and the Reformers reframed it as penal substitution.

      In Suffering, Not Power, Benjamin Wheaton challenges this common narrative that Christ’s work of atonement was reframed by Anselm, showing that sacrificial and substitutionary language was common well before Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo. Wheaton displays this through a careful analysis of three medieval theologians whose writings on the atonement are commonly overlooked: Caesarius of Arles, Haimo of Auxerre, and Dante Alighieri. These figures come from different times and contexts and wrote in different genres, but each spoke of Christ’s death as a sacrifice of expiation and propitiation made by God to God.

      Let history speak for itself, read the evidence, and reconsider the church’s belief in Christ’s substitutionary death for sinners.

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    • After The Revolution


      Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

      In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

      The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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    • What Is A Christian Worldview


      How Jesus makes sense of the world.

      Everyone believes they see the world rightly. But with so many different viewpoints, it’s as though everyone were wearing different–colored glasses. How do you know which view is right?

      In What is a Christian Worldview?, Graham A. Cole asks how Christians should see the world. Everyone has a worldview, a frame of reference through which we understand our experiences. A worldview must be coherent and able to be lived. So what does it look like to have a Christian worldview? And how should Christians live? Understand how to think and live in a distinctively Christian way.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Gods Road To Financial Freedom


      Power Tools to Help You Destroy Debt and Build Wealth

      Have you heard that God want to bless you, but wonder where the blessing is? You’re not alone. The average American household earns $50,000 but spends $54,500 with crushing credit card debt on top. These two factors threaten to sink too many hard-working Americans.

      M.B.A and serial entrepreneur Billy Epperhart offers the practical tools that put the “how to” in financial freedom. Billy lays out easy-to-implement, God-given power tools to help you make your money work for you.

      God’s Road to Financial Freedom is jam-packed with game plans and strategies, including…

      *7 steps to financial freedom
      *3 actions to invest in yourself
      *How to live on 80 percent and make 20 percent work for you

      You can do this! You can escape debt, build wealth, and live in the blessings of God!

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    • Lidere Como Cristo – (Spanish)


      Como es el liderazgo centrado en Cristo? Como cristiano, su enfoque de liderazgo se ve diferente al de aquellos que no siguen a Cristo? A lo largo de la Biblia, Dios nos muestra como se ve el liderazgo en Su reino y, a veces, puede parecer al reves. El primero sera el ultimo. El amo sera el sirviente. Pero, como podemos aplicar estas verdades contradictorias en nuestro mundo de hoy?

      En lugar de centrarse en los aspectos practicos de la administracion, Lidere como Cristo usa el libro de Tito para observar de cerca lo que implica el liderazgo biblico. Usando como guia las instrucciones de Pablo a su joven compaero en el ministerio, Tozer nos lleva a traves de temas de gracia, servicio, audacia espiritual y humildad hacia la Palabra de Dios. Este fundamento conducira a un cambio poderoso y duradero, tanto en su propio rol de liderazgo hoy como en el reino eterno de Dios.

      What does Christ-centered leadership look like? As a Christian, does your leadership approach look any different from that of those who don’t follow Christ? Throughout the Bible, God shows us what leadership looks in His kingdom, and sometimes it can seem upside-down. The first shall be last. The master shall be the servant. But how can we apply these counterintuitive truths in our world today?

      Rather than focusing on the nuts and bolts of management, Lead like Christ uses the book of Titus to take a close look at what biblical leadership entails. Using Paul’s instructions to his young ministry partner as a guide, Tozer takes us through themes of grace, servanthood, spiritual boldness, and humility toward the Word of God. This foundation will lead to powerful, long-lasting change in both your own leadership role today as well as in God’s eternal kingdom.

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    • Maximized Minutes For Business


      A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Business or Job…One Minute at a Time

      Each maximized minute takes…

      *30 seconds to read
      *30 seconds to reflect
      *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

      Maximized Minutes for Business will inspire you each day–whether you are a business owner, a manager, an employee, or a new entrepreneur. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of a biblical perspective on business. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime.

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    • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


      Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

      Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

      Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

      A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

      Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

      Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

      The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

      Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

      Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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