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Single Living

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  • After The Revolution


    Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

    In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

    The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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  • Struggling Through Singleness


    Author Jayne V. Clark shares her journey of discovering that singleness is not the cause of loneliness and that the real solution to loneliness does not lie in marriage or in any human relationship, but in our relationship with God. Through Christ we are reunited to God and this, in turn, leads to our union with one another. In the midst of this reality, Clark encourages readers to press into deeper relationship with the Lord and to wrestle honestly with him in the middle of disappointment and doubt, clinging to the one who is for us, loves us, and will never let us go.

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  • Kingdom Single : Living Complete And Fully Free


    If you’re single and feeling incomplete or even like a second-class citizen in Christian circles, Dr. Tony Evans wants to encourage you to live fully where you are.

    Kingdom Single will encourage you to see yourself as complete in Christ and free to serve Him. It will empower you to live as Kingdom men and women in a corrupt culture.Tony Evans is a much-loved pastor and known for his sense of knowing when to encourage and when to lovingly admonish, to help people become who God calls them to be. If you are single and reading this book-or if you lead or pastor singles-your identity in Christ will be affirmed. Additionally, you will receive coaching for what to look for in a prospective spouse, and be challenged to live godly lives while pursuing Kingdom causes.

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  • Single Dating Engaged Married


    Navigating the Four Critical Seasons of Relationship

    The vast majority of young people will still pass through the key phases of singleness, dating, engagement and marriage in their twenties. Yet they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Why?

    For the first time in history, the average age for an American woman having her first child, 26, is younger than the average age of her first marriage, 27. More children than ever are growing up in fatherless homes, despite the overwhelming evidence that in every measurable way this is bad for the child. The Center for Disease Control also recently reported a dramatic rise in sexually transmitted disease nationwide. In Rhode Island alone, since the onset of online dating, reported cases of Syphilis has risen 79%, and HIV has increased by 33%. Though many young people can avoid early pregnancy and STDS, most cannot dodge the depression and feelings of isolation that characterize this modern generation. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave. Many have discovered that where there is a lack of intimacy,addiction often rises to take its place. How can a young person navigate such troubled waters? Is there hope out there?

    Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them.





    Our desires for intimacy are powerful. This power can be constructive or destructive. Our satisfaction and our safety will be ensured if we can aim these powerful desires toward divine purposes.

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  • Sex And The Single Girl


    A study on sex that goes beyond “just don’t do it.”

    Whereas most sexuality studies for singles focus solely on purity-simply offering a “don’t do it” or “just wait” message-Sex and the Single Girl presents a broader understanding of what it means to honor God with our sexuality. This resource will equip single women to understand their sexuality, trust the Lord for redemption and healing, and stand against the cultural trends that marginalize and compromise sexuality.

    Juli Slattery, a clinical psychologist and cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, has devoted the last five years of her life to equipping women with God’s truth about sexuality. Here she drives home the truth that every sexual choice is also a spiritual choice. The six-week study is broken down into five days for each week, prompting study and reflection. The weeks cover:
    *Why Sexuality Matters: Shows the connection between spirituality and sexuality
    *Embracing a Grand Design: Explores God’s design and the beauty of living according to His wisdom.
    *Sexuality and Your Character: Helps women think through how their sexuality is part of their worship and Christian identity.
    *Sexual Boundaries: A very practical chapter providing a biblical grid for matters like masturbation, oral sex, and how far is too far to go in a dating relationship.
    *Battling Temptation: Takes a peak at “the enemy’s playbook” to help women anticipate, prepare for, and stand against sexual temptation.
    *Restoring Intimacy with God: Shows how God can tear down the wall of sexual sin, shame, and confusion through forgiveness and redemption.

    This study has been tested through pilot groups with college women and other 20 somethings. Revised according to their feedback, it is primed and ready to help any single woman think biblically about sexuality, live accordingly, and experience the joy and freedom of doing so.

    This study is especially relevant today. One of the greatest threats to the modern church and emerging adults is the distortion of sexual design. Study after study has documented the proliferation of porn use (among both men and women), sexual exploitation on college campuses, experimentation with homosexuality and bi-sexuality, and the acceptability of multiple sexual partners. The average single Christian has received very little teaching on the purpose of sexuality, and a simple “Just wait until you’re married” approach won’t cut it. Christian singles need to be equipped with a biblical worldv

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  • New Lady In Waiting


    1. Lady Of Reckless Abandon
    2. Lady Of Diligence
    3. Lady Of Faith
    4. Lady Of Virtue
    5. Lady Of Devotion
    6. Lady Of Purity
    7. Lady Of Security
    8. Lady Of Contentment
    9. Lady Of Conviction
    10. Lady Of Patience

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    You Are Worth Waiting For!

    In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking-

    What’s the benefit to actually waiting for God’s best?
    Is there a perfect plan for my future-or is it just a fairy tale?
    Should I just settle like everyone else?

    With all-new insights from Jackie Kendall, a new generation will answer these questions and discover what made Lady in Waiting a life-changing encouragement to over half a million readers worldwide.

    You will learn to:

    * Step into your royal identity as a daughter of the King and experience contentment, security, and patience in your life
    * Protect your purity as you see how God sees you-valued, beautiful, and one-of-a-kind
    * Take advantage of the waiting process and use it to become a woman of devotion, faith, and conviction
    * Refuse to settle for anything or anyone less than God’s best for your life

    Enjoy the wait, embrace the journey, and experience the extraordinary power of being a Lady in Waiting!

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  • Singleness : How To Be Single And Satisfied


    Some Christian singles are perfectly content while others are not. Many feel like they are missing out because they re missing marriage, wondering: Is there something wrong with me? When is it my turn? What if I never find someone? In Singleness: How to be Single and Satisfied, June Hunt reveals how to be happy being single, how to uproot common causes of discontentment, and how to find joy in knowing that God is our ultimate need-meeter for love, significance, and security.

    Whether you are single for a season or single again, discover biblical truths about how God wants to use your singleness to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. Perfect resources for anyone who is single and Christian (including single Christian women, single moms, single Christian men, etc.)

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  • Living Single


    There are more singles today in our nation than ever. Yet, they are often marginalized in our Christian culture. But God’s view of singlehood is not the same as how many may view it. He places a very high value on His singles, and we should too.

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  • Sex And The Single Girl


    Our world has a lot to say about sex, but it all comes down to this: you can do whatever you want. But is that the smart way to care for your heart? Perhaps you have already experienced the emotional and spiritual fallout that comes with sexual “freedom.” How many times has your heart been broken?

    Through her own experience, Ellen Dykas offers the way to protect your heart by following God’s plan for your sexuality and pursuing healthy relationships and sexual wholeness through the grace and strength Christ provides. Because the smartest way to care for your heart is to give it to the One who knows you and loves you best.

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  • Single Married Separated And Life After Divorce (Expanded)


    Single, Married, Separated, & Life After Divorce, Expanded Edition (2003) Singleness is a myth. To be single means to be all one (alone), separate, unique and whole. MARRIAGE is when two separate, unique and whole persons, one male and one female, make a covenant to exchange vows, committing their lives to remain together until death. Separation is an unofficial divorce with the exact same effect as divorce. It is the most tragic state of limbo. Divorce means to desert. The armed forces prosecute deserters. God has made no provision for divorce in the Bible. If you are invited to a wedding, you are a covenant witness, and if this couple later divorces, you should be invited to the divorce just as you were to the wedding.

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  • Power And Purpose Of Singleness


    “And you are complete in Him.”
    -Colossians 2:10 NKJV

    Incorporating an extensive study guide into the book, Michael Cavanaugh uses personal anecdotes and biblical understanding to share six important truths about singleness. He explains that God wants to use your singleness to bring you closer to Him. True joy comes only through living your life to serve God and others. Discover how you cana

    ” Overcome temptation as Christ did
    “Accomplish great things for His kingdom
    “Discover God’s blueprint for your life
    “Gain victory over discouragement and disappointment
    “Receive a personal vision for your life
    “Break down walls of guilt and sorrow

    Every person, whether single, married, or divorced, is a complete person, with ability, talent, skill, and promise. When you use your abilities to His glory, He will purify you and bless you beyond comparison. God has a place and a purpose for you!

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  • Your Knight In Shining Armor


    P.B. Wilson’s Knight in Shining Armor (more than 150,000 copies sold) lets women know that if they desire true love, they need to prepare themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally…and God will bring their knight in shining armor to them. Readers will discover what they need to change and what should stay the same to make themselves attractive to godly men. Principles taught include-
    *emotionally healthy women attract emotionally healthy men
    *dating someone in hopes he’ll change later is asking for trouble
    *a potential knight’s past reveals how he’ll act in the future

    Practical and realistic, this book helps women break free from ineffective behaviors and attitudes to discover God’s design for waiting, dating, and choosing a mate.

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  • Purpose And Power Of Waiting And Dating


    This book tracks through the murky waters of relationships between single people. In the western world we call this relationship “dating.” Dr. Munroe looks at all of the relevant questions that swirl around the dating issue. What is the purpose of dating? When is a person “ready” to date? What are the appropriate guidelines for dating? Should I be dating? These are important questions that deserve answers. Dr. Munroe provides those answers as he seeks to help people avoid the possibility of shipwrecking their lives and helps them build for the future.

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