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Social Issues

Showing 1–50 of 161 results

  • End The Stalemate


    When was the last time you had a real & meaningful conversation? What has happened to our society?

    Differences of opinion have always been part of life. For decades, spouses, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have had spirited conversations about politics, social issues, religion, current events, and even sports. But what was different in the past is that these disagreements wouldn’t sever ties between family and friends.

    Today, we live in an argument culture that has let to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement and nearly two-thirds of people saying they stay quiet about their beliefs due to the fear of offending others. From cyberbullying to hate speech, workplace harassment, demonizing political language, verbal abuse, and intolerance, the vast majority of us–eighty-seven percent–no longer feel safe in public places to share our opinions.

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  • Say Good : Speaking Across Hot Topics, Complex Relationships, And Tense Sit


    Find your passion. Know your voice. Speak for good.

    We know what it means to do good. But in today’s tense and complex world, when topics like political issues, theology, and current events so often divide us, how do we say good? God calls us to speak truth into our communities and relationships, but we all struggle to know when to speak up. We feel intimidated even as we long to engage controversy and division with ease and conviction. How can we know what to say–and when?

    In Say Good, Ashlee Eiland helps you discover the power of stewarding your unique voice. You’ll walk into a four-part discernment process–through passion, accountability, influence, and relationship–to understand the spaces, ways, and times where your words are needed. As you do, you’ll find the conviction and confidence to speak up in even the most flammable challenges. This book equips you to:

    *Find your voice in complex conversations
    *Engage with diverse perspectives and bring about positive change
    *Embrace authenticity and accountability
    *Foster meaningful relationships

    Say Good is a timely, thought-provoking book that contains practical insights, empowering action steps, and a solid framework for using your voice with purpose and impact. Embark on a transformative journey of honing both your words and your heart–for good.

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  • Does The Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships


    You may have heard the claim that the Bible, when read correctly, is not against believers entering monogamous, faithful same-sex relationships. The arguments sound quite compelling. “Jesus never talked about same-sex relationships.” “Paul was only condemning exploitative relationships, not consensual ones.” “We don’t keep the Old Testament food laws, so why would we keep the ones on same-sex sex?” “If God is love, he can’t be against relationships of love.” And more. Have Christians through the ages just been getting this one wrong?

    In this concise book, Rebecca McLaughlin looks at ten of the most common arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex sexual relationships. She analyzes the arguments and associated Bible passages one by one to uncover what the Bible really says.

    For Rebecca, as someone with a lifelong history of same-sex attraction, this is not just an academic question. But rather than concluding that the Bible does affirm same-sex marriage, she points readers to the gospel purpose of male-female marriage, a different kind of gospel-centered love between believers of the same sex, and God’s life-and-love-filled vision for singleness.

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  • Checking The Boxes Only You Can Check


    Most of us don’t realize how much we’re uniquely designed by God to change the world. It starts with building a list of action steps to change your world in critical ways.

    In Checking the Boxes Only You can Check, Jay Payleitner outlines forty different objectives we can strive for to make the world a better place. These objectives aren’t so lofty that someone can’t reach them, but they will be challenging. These objectives will help create lasting unity, compassion, efficiency, positivity, and thoughtfulness in a needy world.

    Will you be able to check the box of going above and beyond in your life or the lives of others? Can you give others or yourself a second chance in the age of cancel culture? With all the superstars and rock stars in the home and workplace, can you admit that you have limits or show humility? Can you proclaim Scripture and your faith in the face of scorn and ridicule? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself as you engage with this book.

    Reading this book will take you on a journey to better steward your life and be a better caretaker of the earth and humanity. Are you ready to take on the challenge and complete your checklist?

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  • How Should We Then Die


    “My times are in thy hand.”

    *Explains why physician-assisted death is attractive
    *Makes a case for the value of life and wrongness of killing
    *Argues from general revelation and Scripture
    *Helps Christians undercut the logic of euthanasia

    As more people accept the practice of physician-assisted death, Christians must decide whether to embrace or oppose it. Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death?

    In How Should We then Die?, physician Ewan Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.

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  • How We Love Matters


    This powerful book reimagines discipleship by begging us to acknowledge that racism exists in the Church-and offers the hopeful message that we can disciple it out.

    It is not an accident that racism is alive and well in the American church. Racism has, in fact, been taught within the church for so long most of us don’t even recognize it anymore. Pastor Albert Tate guides all of us in acknowledging the racism that keeps us from loving each other the way God intends and encourages siblings in Christ to sit together in racial discomfort, examining the role we may play in someone’s else’s struggle.

    How We Love Matters is a series of nine moving letters that educate, enlighten, and reimagine discipleship in a way that flips the church on its head. In these letters that include Dear Whiteness, Dear America, and Dear Church, Tate calls out racism in the world, the church, within himself and us. These letters present an anti-racist mission and vision for believers to follow that helps us to speak up at the family table and call out this evil so it will not persist in future generations.

    Tate believes that the only way to make change is by telling the truth about where we are-relationally, internally, and spiritually. How We Love Matters is an exposition of relevant Biblical truth, a clarion call for all believers to examine how they see and understand each other, and it is a way forward toward justice, reconciliation, and healing. Because, yes, it is important that we love each other, but it is even more important how we love each other.

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  • 20 Truths That Helped Me In My Battle With Porn Addiction


    In 1986, Steve Gallagher was on the brink of suicide. His addiction to pornography and illicit sex had shattered his life and destroyed his marriage. But after an experience of deep repentance, Steve began to discover powerful truths from God’s Word-truths that broke the power of his addiction, transformed his inner life and healed his marriage. In the nearly four decades since, Pastor Steve and his team at Pure Life Ministries have ministered to thousands of men in sexual sin.

    This in-depth, 40-day study journal is based on Pastor Steve’s viral YouTube series, 20 Truths that Helped Me in my Battle with Porn Addiction. With over one million views on YouTube, the series has shown countless men how to begin their own life-changing journey out of porn addiction. This study will help you take the truths from each of the 20 videos to an even deeper level and apply them to your daily life.
    Included in each day’s study:

    ” A link to that day’s assigned video from the 20 Truths series
    ” A personal testimony on the transformative power of these truths
    ” A Bible study on key principles for gaining victory over porn addiction
    ” Reflection questions that will help you apply these fundamental truths

    Order your copy today, and discover how you can win this battle once and for all through the power of Jesus Christ!

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  • Whatever Happens : How To Stand Firm In Your Faith When The World Is Fallin


    Do you struggle keeping your faith in a world that’s losing its mind? These 31 short chapters take a deep dive into the book of Philippians, which Robert Morgan says is the Bible’s handbook for tackling each day with an undaunted attitude.

    Life is unpredictable, and the world is unstable. People have never been so confounded, sensing our culture, economy, and geopolitical systems are spiraling downward. Even in our personal lives, none of us knows what will happen next–which is why God gave us the book of Philippians. This short letter–just over 100 verses–can help us learn to live overflowing lives in an overwhelming world.

    Philippians is one of the most practical books of the Bible, which Robert Morgan says is as fresh as ever. Its theme can be summed up in these verses: “Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then . . . I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you” (1:27-28). Among the many lessons in Whatever Happens, readers will learn how to:

    *Use prayer to energize their life
    *Make today about others
    *Stay as cheerful as possible in all circumstances
    *Let others lean on their strength
    *Start everything with praise and end everything with prayer

    As the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a prison cell, he was facing dire circumstances and an unsettled future. Would he be released or executed? But he knew one thing–that whatever happened, he was going to stand firm in his faith and live a life worthy of the gospel. And no matter what we are going through today, we can do the same.

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  • Enduring Friendship : Sticking Together In An Age Of Unfriending


    Friendships are difficult.

    Sometimes it can seem as if friends are more work and pain than they’re worth, with friendship challenges that we have to endure and struggle through. Life gets in the way of our well-intentioned efforts to connect. Conflicts and differences over serious issues divide us and make us think that we could never be close to a person ever again. In today’s cancel culture, it’s easy to give up on people and just walk away, leaving us all more isolated than before. How can we build real relationships that are life giving and pass the test of time?

    Bryan Loritts mines one of the Bible’s least-known books for insights into how friendships can flourish even in the midst of sin and brokenness. With careful exposition and insight, he unpacks how the apostle Paul helped Philemon and Onesimus reconcile a most unlikely relationship with truth, repentance, and grace. With God’s work and steadfast love, even the most painful relationships that have ruptured are not beyond the reach of forgiveness and reconciliation. Discover how friendships that are hard can be transformed into friendships that endure.

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  • And : The Restorative Power Of Love In An Either Or World


    While others often respond to the cares and concerns of our day through anger, And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World attempts to offer a response steeped in the heartbeat of Love.

    This book is an invitation to encounter the lived experience and philosophical musings of another as a human, not as a project or agenda to conquer. Without apology, it embraces humanity and all the emotions, back stories, and history that come along with who we are and who Love is inviting us to be. This book is for those who want to think more deeply, those who are asking questions of how, what, and perhaps even why, and those who want to engage in deep listening and empathy.

    And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World is an invitation to move beyond binaries, beyond hierarchy and comparison to embrace the concept of “AND,” with inclusion and generativity that allow for more than one perspective and/or way of being.

    Touching on issues of race, body, motherhood, church, and wonder, these writings are from the stirrings of the author’s own soul, extending an invitation to sit with Spirit in the process of mindful meditation, to humbly sit with compassion and curiosity in ways that evoke honesty and healing so that one might move beyond either/or and discover how the restorative power and uniting thread of Love might be stitching each of us to the world and to each other.

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  • Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence


    How many survivors will it take for us to see the life behind the abortion?

    Today’s culture would have us believe that abortion is simply a choice, a right, a controversial argument, and a religious and political issue of pro-life vs. pro-choice. It has become easy to think of the unborn as disposable products of conception-medical waste. But all of that changes when that “product of conception” defies the odds and arrives into this world as a living, breathing human being.

    In Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence, we hear the true stories of abortion survivors whose resilience and courage humanize this discussion of “choice” and life emerging from the womb. They are flesh and blood people who, against all odds, survived abortion attempts and have dramatic, touching stories of their own. These stories often begin in shame and secret, but emerge to become inspiring dramas of hope, love, and forgiveness.

    This book includes:

    *Stories of ten abortion survivors
    *A compassionate look into the pressures many women feel to abort
    *Accounts of medical personnel who worked in the abortion industry

    Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence stirs the heart, challenges readers, and humanizes the sanctity of life in concrete and transformational ways.

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  • Living Undivided : Loving Courageously For Racial Healing And Justice


    As the church and as a country, we’ve often neglected and avoided addressing the impact and ongoing reality of racism. We have been more focused on order than justice, more concerned with social media posturing than solidarity, more committed to judgment than repentance. But God’s people are called to more. We need to lead the way to true racial healing, solidarity, and justice. And we need two things to do it: courage and love.

    Through enlightening history and eye-opening personal stories, Living Undivided will equip and empower you with the biblical, transformative tools you need to move from just hoping and wishing for racial justice to actionable change that makes an observable difference in your life and the lives of churches, neighborhoods, and cities.

    In this season of division and injustice, this book opens up a clear path to a better future.

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  • Gender As Love


    In recent years, the issue of gender has become a topic of great importance and has generated discussion from the kitchen table to the academy. It is an issue that churches and Christian educational institutions are grappling with as well, since gender is a crucial aspect of identity, affecting how we engage socially and understand our embodiment. Upstream from all these conversations lies a more basic question: What is gender?

    In Gender as Love, Fellipe do Vale takes a theological approach to understanding gender, employing both biblical exegesis and historical theology and emphasizing the role human love plays in shaping our identities. He engages with and explains current theories and debates, but his approach is unique in that it avoids the present impasse between social constructionist and biological essentialist paradigms. His emphasis is on love as identity forming.

    This fresh, holistic approach makes an important contribution to the literature and will benefit scholars and students alike. Foreword by Beth Felker Jones.

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  • Parent Guides To Connecting In Chaos: 5 Conversation Starters: Tough Conver


    The five parent guides in this bundle offer deep insights and clear strategies for confronting difficult topics with your teen. Many of these topics trigger complex emotions and can intimidate parents away from broaching the subject for fear of doing it wrong or making things awkward. The concise format and conversational style make the guides accessible and understandable. Parents will feel empowered to strengthen their relationships with their kids through tough times.

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  • Unfractured : A Christ-Centered Action Plan For Cultural Change


    Together we can change the conversation–and change the world.

    We’re often left in dead-end debates on racial tensions, foolishly expecting solutions from a culture obsessed with canceling and dividing. But what if the church could create a more effective dialogue?

    For over two decades, Skot Welch has been a key advisor on diversity and inclusion around the world, in everything from the arts and entertainment to the church to Fortune 500 companies. With wisdom and a humble graciousness, he challenges us to rethink the way we talk about race and ethnicity, empowering you to:

    – celebrate both your identity in Christ and diverse cultural makeup
    – embrace a new kingdom language that is biblically grounded and culturally relevant
    – explore a Christ-centered perspective on hard but crucial questions
    – build a united, diverse community where compassionate, challenging conversations can take place

    The church holds the redemptive solution our world needs, one that puts Christ at the center, modeling conciliation that leads to lasting reconciliation.

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  • Speak The Unspeakable


    Everyone has secrets. Elizabeth Good’s seem shocking – at first – until the room begins to shift, hands raise, tears well, and hurting hearts respond, “I thought I was the only one.”

    Brave enough to lay her own story on the table, Elizabeth Good noticed, as the scales of shame and fear began to fall from her eyes, the same was happening to others in domino effect of healing. Thousands who have lived paralyzed by secrets are learning to speak up and live free through Good’s Real Talk curriculum, and the move of God is not so quietly transforming churches, business, families, and communities.

    Now readers can engage with the same tools, giving them permission (often for the first time in their lives) to Speak the Unspeakable and change the trajectory of their life, discovering their purpose for impacting others, and becoming the ultimate key to unlock a Spirit of silence and brokenness threatening to tear the contemporary church apart.

    Speak the Unspeakable is an invitation to transformation and a handbook for getting the job done. The world of silence in which we’ve been living, is starting to shift culturally as Good leads others (individuals and groups from kids to CEOs) through her unconventional approach to emotional healing and next-level living.

    Using the language and lessons gained from her decades as a pastor, licensed psychologist, and not-for-profit activist working with sex trafficking victims, Good is uniquely equipped to guide and support readers on their journey as they “trade unspoken problems for unspeakable results.”

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  • Loving Disagreement : Fighting For Community Through The Fruit Of The Spiri


    What does it look like to love someone you disagree with?

    Fighting, disagreements, hatred, dissension, and silence. These things seem common in the wider Christian community today. Politics, theology, and even personal preference create seemingly insurmountable rifts. It’s hard not to see ourselves as “at war” with each other.

    We’re not doomed to be stuck here, though. There is a twofold path out of this destructive war, out of seeing our brothers and sisters as enemies–and into a spacious place of loving each other even as we disagree.

    In Loving Disagreement, Kathy Khang and Matt Mikalatos bring unique insight into how the fruit of the Spirit informs our ability to engage in profound difference and conflict with love. As followers of Jesus are planted in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit grows and bears good things in our lives–and relationships and communities are changed.

    *Each chapter features author conversations about the communal and cultural implications of the fruit of the Spirit.

    *Book includes a glossary of social and cultural terms.

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  • When Religion Hurts You


    Religious trauma is something that happens far more often than most people realize.

    In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn’t, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows how elements of fundamentalist church life–such as fear of hell, purity culture, corporal punishment, and authoritarian leaders–can cause psychological, relational, physical, and spiritual damage.

    As she explores the growing phenomenon of religious trauma, Dr. Anderson helps readers embark on a journey of living as healing individuals and finding a new foundation to stand on. Recognizing that healing is a lifelong rather than a linear process, she offers markers of healing for those coming out of painful religious experiences and hope for finding wholeness after religious trauma.

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  • Basic Guide To The Just War Tradition


    This brief introduction surveys Christian thinking on an array of topics related to security and peace from a just war perspective. Drawing primarily on Scripture and theology, Eric Patterson explores the moral dimensions of order, justice, and peace in light of key Christian doctrines such as love of neighbor, stewardship, vocation, and sphere sovereignty. He also examines the perennial questions of civil disobedience, terrorism, revolution, and holy war (including a discussion of Israel’s removal of the Canaanites and the Crusades) and interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history. The volume concludes with a treatment of punishment and restitution, considering how these can help move a society toward conciliation.

    While ideal as a textbook for courses on Christian ethics, theology and politics, and church and society, this book will also appeal to pastors and lay readers questioning the morality of war and Christians’ involvement in force. Christians who serve in government, law enforcement, and the military will also find helpful guidance for thinking theologically about their vocations.

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  • Parents Guide To Racism In The United States


    From its foundation to the present day, the United States has been marred by racism. Learn how to discuss this hot-button issue compassionately.


    *Definitions of race-related terms such as racism, while privilege, and Black Lives Matter

    *Concise summary of the history of the US Civil Rights Movement

    *Biblical support for respecting people of all races

    *Practical strategies for pursuing racial justice as a family

    *Shame-free discussion questions for honest conversation

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  • Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God


    Could We Be Witnessing a Return of Belief in Our Generation?

    Justin Brierley is convinced that in our time we are witnessing a growing wave of faith.

    Famously described as the “long, withdrawing roar” of the “Sea of Faith,” the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But is that the end of the story?

    It was a conversation with agnostic journalist Douglas Murray that led Brierley to investigate whether a change was on the horizon. Speaking of the “Sea of Faith,” Murray remarked that tides come back in again and that a number of his intelligent friends had converted to Christianity in recent years. Brierley was seeing a similar trend among the secular thinkers he had interviewed. Jordan Peterson, Tom Holland, Dave Rubin, and many others have found themselves surprised by the continuing resonance and relevance of Christianity, and they are joining in on conversations about faith.

    Readers will encounter Brierley’s discussion of cultural trends and concepts including:

    *The meaning crisis
    *Public intellectuals embracing faith
    *Why the Christianity story is ready to return

    And much moreIn The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, Brierley outlines the dramatic fall of New Atheism and the birth of a new conversation on whether God makes sense of science, history, culture, and the search for meaning. People are returning to Christianity-but is the church prepared to welcome a new wave of faith?

    There’s a new conversation building. The tide is coming.

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  • 5 Lies Of Our Anti Christian Age


    In a prevailing culture of rapidly changing beliefs, God’s Word provides answers. Dr. Butterfield writes in memoir style, using personal stories, cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology to expose the five lies our modern society promotes concerning sexuality, spirituality, feminism, transgenderism, and modesty. Apply Scripture’s timeless truths to crucial dilemmas facing today’s church. 320 pages, hardcover from Crossway.

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  • Talking To Kids About Gender Identity


    The Wisdom You Need on One of the Hardest Issues of Our Day

    As gender identity, transgender experiences, and emerging gender identities continue to be normalized and celebrated, many parents are left struggling with what to think about these issues–let alone how to talk to their children about them. The leading Christian expert on LGBTQ+ concerns, Dr. Mark Yarhouse has spent years counseling and teaching on these issues.

    In this biblical, practical guide, he offers parents wisdom and answers to their biggest questions about gender, equipping you to:

    * critically engage gender theory from a Christian view
    * initiate honest, informative dialogues with your kids
    * model biblical conviction with civility and compassion
    * recognize early signs of gender dysphoria
    * navigate relationships with those who identify differently

    Gender identity is a defining issue in our children’s generation. This practical guide is your go-to resource for reliable, kingdom responses on these critical topics.

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  • Beyond Her Yes


    Much pro-life ministry is focused on encouraging women to say yes to life rather than terminate their pregnancies. But what happens after that decision has been made? Who will provide that mother, who likely considered abortion because she could not see how she could afford to have a child, with the long-term emotional support, education, and guidance that will help her out of poverty?

    Economics and abortion are intrinsically linked, and if pro-life ministry is to make a real difference in the lives of women and families, it must expand its perspective beyond that initial yes in order to address the underlying problem of generational poverty. In Beyond Her Yes, cofounder of RENEW Life Center Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez helps you understand the full impact that poverty has on women making life decisions and then shows how a comprehensive approach to pro-life ministries can make a far greater impact.

    Saving the lives of the not-yet-born is just the first step. Discover how you can be part of saving entire families from a life of hardship and hard choices.

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  • Vaping : Hope Through The Gospel


    Dealing with addictive temptations and triggers is ongoing and not a one-time event. There are solutions for the problem of addiction, and an eternal life free from pain and suffering awaits those who know and trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • No Shame : A Devotional For Survivors Of Sexual Abuse


    For those who have experienced sexual abuse, No Shame is a unique devotional that contains 40 daily devotionals prayerfully written to help you in your journey to peace.

    This devotional book is a gentle guide to lead you into contemplation and engagement with God in light of the abuse you’ve encountered. You may be experiencing feelings of fear, shame, anxiety, and worthlessness, but God’s Word is more powerful, and this book will help guide you toward the freedom and joy that you yearn for in Jesus.

    Forty entries include a short and meaningful devotional, a specific prayer prompt, and journal space for writing your thoughts. The enemy wants you to hold on to shame and to prevent you from drawing near to God. But God is with you, and His truths will help dispel these lies and bring hope and healing to your life.

    This book is intended for you to turn to not once, but many times along your healing journey. It is a supplemental tool that does not replace counseling or seeking the help of a mental health professional. Trauma of this kind most often requires a complex treatment course that this book alone cannot provide. Rather, No Shame: A Devotional for Survivors of Sexual Abuse is a compassionate, self-paced guide to help survivors of sexual abuse reengage with God.

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  • Parents Guide To Sexual Assault


    Every parent wants their child to be safe from harm, and the best way to protect them from sexual assault is by openly discussing it. How do you bring up such a scary topic? With discussion questions covering consent, boundaries, respect, and healthy relationships, this guide offers practical tools to tackle the unthinkable.

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  • Why So Many Christians Have Left The Faith



    At a time when the Bible and Christianity are considered untrustworthy, will we choose faith or follow the culture?

    This book will provide you with the facts and understanding you need to respond to difficult questions biblically and stay rooted in your faith even when others seem to be abandoning theirs.

    We are living in unprecedented times when Christian leaders are renouncing their faith and large numbers of believers are falling away. Is this the final apostasy prophesied by Jesus and Paul? And can we do anything to help those struggling with their faith? In Why So Many Christians Have Left the Faith, Dr. Michael L. Brown confronts the problem of “Christian deconstruction” with solid, faith-building answers and honest responses to difficult questions. He addresses:

    *What the Bible says about an end-time falling away and whether that is what we are seeing in our day;

    *How solidarity with and sympathy for the LGBT movement has brought with it a rejection of biblical values;

    *The effect of leadership scandals on the credibility of the gospel;

    *How the me-centered gospel is contributing to the current faith crisis by putting God on trial;

    *The contemporary objections to the Bible’s moral standards;

    *The problem of pluralism; and

    *What the Bible does and doesn’t say about future punishment in hell, while also examining the scriptural statement that “God is love.”

    Looking at the stories of those who fell away as well as the larger cultural factors, this book offers solid answers to the major attacks against the Bible and helps readers build an unshakable faith.

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  • So Many Lions So Few Daniels


    Like Daniel in Babylon, Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. Every day, we face the lions–the easier road of moral compromise, the lure of earthly wealth and influence, the temptation to give into our fears or our apathy. Yet we are called to obey God rather than man, and we need courage to do it.

    Award-winning apologist Ray Comfort wants to help you develop the fortitude to look into the mouths of lions without flinching, trusting that God will not only bring you to the other side of the trial but that he is refining you through it.

    This encouraging and practical book draws on inspiring stories from Scripture to help you identify the lions you face and build a strategy for combatting them, recognizing that nothing catches God off guard and reminding you that, by his power, you have victory over the darkness.

    For any Christian who is feeling beaten down, burned out, or ready to give in, this book offers a spiritual shot in the arm.

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  • Is God Anti Gay


    A sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.

    Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?

    Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.

    This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible’s teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.

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  • Parents Guide To Eating Disorders


    It’s heartbreaking to watch your teen willfully destroy their body. Get a solid overview of the types of eating disorders, what causes them, and how to seek professional help. Plus, gain time-tested strategies to discuss this triggering topic with compassion.

    Enjoy a balanced Christian perspective on how to find true healing with answers to questions including:

    *Why are eating disorders on the rise?
    *How can I tell if my child has an eating disorder?
    *How can I help my child fix it if they don’t think it’s a problem?
    *And more!

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  • Parents Guide To Teen Identity


    “I am who I decide to be.” Teens strongly believe in a world where self-expression, uniqueness, and differences are welcome. Dig deep into Gen Z’s identity formation by uncovering false beliefs and steering them toward a healthy sense of self. Features:

    *Lies culture tells you about identity formation
    *Biblical truths about finding your real identity
    *Practical ways to live out your true self
    *Self-reflection questions for parents
    *Engaging discussion questions for teens

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  • Counterpunch : An Unlikely Alliance Of Americans Fighting Back For Faith An


    Is it possible for renewal to come through peace rather than power?

    This book will illuminate how we can implement peaceful resistance against the immorality and policies of the Radical Left to bring a renewal of liberty, freedom, and biblically based principles back to America.

    In his groundbreaking new book, Counterpunch, Floyd G. Brown issues both the battle cry and a strategic action plan for a populist movement in America that goes beyond any president or political party. Issue by issue, the Left chooses new markers in the sand and waits to see who will embrace their agenda. Those who don’t are canceled and silenced. This leads to alienation and the feeling that violence is the only option left. Brown wants readers to know there is another way, a civil disobedience of the state that allows us to be peaceful–and potentially more successful.

    Counterpunch explains step-by-step how you can take part in a second American Revolution that will completely reorder the country under new governing principles. Touted as the Christian answer to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Brown’s Counterpunch outlines a strategy for mobilizing a peaceful resistance that leads to collective action.

    Utilizing an evergreen approach that isn’t focused on specific public policy issues, Floyd delivers a practical, biblically based plan for every American that will lead to the renewal of liberty.

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  • Its Our Turn Now


    How can we ever hope for the world to get better if we keep limiting what God can do?

    After reading this book, you will step up with courage to be a part of the hope that the world needs against a destructive culture. God has called you to be a witness of light in the middle of the darkness, and you will obey Him with boldness and integrity.

    Everyone living on the planet today has a front-row seat to the failure of communism, socialism, and immorality. People are sick to death of the fabrications, lies, control, and tyranny. Mario Murillo draws on his recent experiences in California, where his ministry is experiencing souls being saved at a rate that surpasses even what was seen during the Jesus movement of the 1960s and ’70s. It’s accelerating, and Murillo believes it’s a worldwide trend that has us poised for an unprecedented opportunity as the body of Christ. We must seize this moment!

    In It’s Our Turn Now, Murillo explains why now is the time for Christians to do the following:

    *Explain why everything man has taught us is bankrupting our morals and our souls
    *Display the supernatural with integrity and clarity that we’ve not seen before
    *Answer directly the questions that are truly on the hearts and minds of the human race

    We are no longer the remnant. There are millions of us, and it’s time to stop believing the false reports and listen to what people around us are feeling. We have the answers a hungry world is dying for. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can deliver us, and only the church can change the world through its power. It’s our turn to step up and stop limiting God.

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  • Parents Guide To YouTube


    Dive into this social video-sharing platform and find out why teens can’t live without it. Enjoy explanations of YouTube’s various offerings (YouTube Premium, YouTube TV, YouTube Kids), tips on how to navigate the platform, and advice about parental controls and building healthy online habits.

    Easily discuss the pros and cons of YouTube with 15 engaging questions meant to spark meaningful conversation, including:

    *Have you learned new things on YouTube?
    *What makes it hard to stop watching a video once you’ve started?
    *What’s a reasonable amount of time to spend on YouTube?

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Instagram


    Teens thrive on validation from friends and followers. It’s no wonder that this image-saturated app tempts teens to crop their lives to perfection and create a polished online persona. Gain valuable insight into how Instagram affects teen mental health, body positivity, self-esteem, and more.


    *An explanation of the app’s key features
    *Vocabulary list of terms including home feed, finsta, hashtag, DM, and more
    *Suggestions on how to talk about the impact of Instagram with your teen

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Influencers


    Teens trust online influencers to teach them what to buy, what to wear, and how to live–sometimes to their detriment. Dig deep into influencer culture, understand teens’ desire to follow or become social media influencers, and learn how to discuss it without sounding condemning or ignorant.

    Explore topics like:

    *Gaining wealth and fame as an influencer
    *Engaging with name-brand sponsors
    *Weighing the pros and cons of building a platform
    *Comparing Christian vs. non-Christian influencers
    *Learning what the Bible says about being a “follower”

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Teen FOMO


    Teens want fun, meaningful experiences with friends and family, but FOMO (fear of missing out) can become a stressful burden that robs them of joy. When social media creates the illusion that everyone else is living a better life, depression and anxiety can creep in. This pocket-size guide is packed with explanations, tips, and discussion questions to help parents guide their teens to live FOMO-free.


    *5 side effects of FOMO and why Gen Z is affected so intensely
    *Bible verses connecting FOMO to fear, idolatry, judging others, etc.
    *Practical tips to create healthy boundaries
    *Discussion questions

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Reparations : A Christian Call For Repentance And Repair


    Christians are awakening to the legacy of racism in America like never before. Reparations explores the church’s responsibility for the deep racial brokenness at the heart of American culture, investigates the Bible’s call to repair it, and offers a vision for the work of reparation at the local level. The authors lead readers toward a moral imagination that views reparations as a long-overdue and necessary step in our collective journey toward healing and wholeness.

    This book won a Christianity Today 2022 Book Award (Politics & Public Life) and an Outreach 2022 Resource of the Year Award (Social Issues and Justice). It was also a Foreword INDIES 2021 Finalist for Religion.

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  • Antiracist Discipleship : Follow Jesus, Dismantle Racism, And Build Beloved


    Discover a Christ-centered approach to antiracism that will empower you to be transformed as you transform your world.

    So you’re for Jesus and against racism. But racism is such a fraught topic–can’t we just talk about Jesus?

    Michelle Sanchez has discovered through her own journey that it’s impossible to separate racial discipleship from our relationship with God. In fact, when we miss the connection between racial engagement and our spiritual life, we are missing out on the fullness of Jesus has for us.

    Antiracist Discipleship is our guidebook to a deeper connection with God through the adventure of racial discipleship. Grounded in the gospel, this practical and thought-provoking book:

    – Provides a Christ-centered approach to antiracism that transforms us as we seek to transform our communities.

    – Reveals ways that the racial dynamics of our society have already formed us.

    – Explores what it means to respond to racial injustice for the sake of God’s glory.

    – Equips us to engage in difficult conversations with grace and truth.

    – Offers hope, answers, and a way forward both individually and as a beloved community.

    Whatever your race or background, Antiracist Discipleship invites you to experience more of Jesus as you pursue racial righteousness. We all need awakening, healing, and a fresh vision for a new day. Here is a place to begin.

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  • Jesus V Evangelicals


    American evangelicalism is at a crisis point.

    The naked grasping at political power at the expense of moral credibility has revealed a movement in disarray. Evangelicals are now faced with a quandary: will they double-down and continue along this perilous path, or will they stop, reflect, and change course? And while support of Donald Trump has produced the tipping point of the evangelical crisis, it is not by any means its only problem.

    Evangelicals claim the Bible as the supreme authority in matters of faith. But in reality, it is particular readings of the Bible that govern evangelical faith. Some evangelical readings of the Bible can be highly selective. They distort the Bible’s teaching in crucial ways and often lead evangelicals to misguided attempts to relate to the world around them. Many Christians who once self-professed as evangelicals can no longer use the term of themselves because of what it has come to represent–power-mongering, divisiveness, judgementalism, hypocrisy, pride, greed. Some leave not just evangelicalism but Christianity for good.

    Jesus v. Evangelicals is an insider’s critique of the evangelical movement according to its own rules. Since evangelicals regard themselves governed by the Bible, biblical scholar Constantine Campbell engages the Bible to critique evangelicals and to call out the problems within the contemporary evangelical movement. By revealing evangelical distortions of the Bible, this book seeks to restore the dignity of the Christian faith and to renew public interest in Jesus, while calling evangelicals back to his teaching. Constantine Campbell appeals to evangelicals to break free from the grid that has distorted their understanding of the Bible and to restore public respect for Christianity in spite of its misrepresentations by the evangelical church.

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  • Environment


    Climate change and other environmental issues dominate the media. How should Christians respond?

    This short, thought-provoking book helps readers to think about the key issues surrounding the environment and climate change through the lens of Scripture.

    Author Dave Gobbett traces the role of the planet in the Bible’s big story, from creation to new creation, and explores what it means to care for the environment as bearers of God’s image and followers of Jesus. He suggests a range of practical responses that Christians can consider.

    Perfect for churches to read together in the run-up to the COP27 conference.

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  • Live Your Truth And Other Lies


    Are you tired of feeling like you have to check social media to find out what you’re supposed to think? Are you weary of the latest self-help books that promise to set you free but only imprison you with laundry lists of studies to consider, positive affirmations to recite, and Facebook groups to join?

    We’ve all seen the memes that populate the internet: live your truth, follow your heart, you only have one life to live. They sound nice and positive. But what if these slogans are actually lies that unhinge us from reality and leave us anxious and exhausted? Another Gospel? author Alisa Childers invites you to examine modern lies that are disguised as truths in today’s culture. Everyday messages of peace, fulfillment, and empowerment swirl around social media. On the surface, they seem like sentiments of freedom and hope, but in reality they are deeply deceptive.

    In Live Your Truth (and Other Lies), Alisa will help you to:

    *uncover the common lies repeated within progressive circles
    *hold on to the soul-restoring truths that God’s Word offers
    *be empowered to live the way your Creator designed you

    Being the captain of your own destiny and striving to make your dreams a reality is a huge burden that you were never meant to bear. Discover true freedom instead.

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  • Overcoming Evil In The Last Days


    The Radical Christian’s Handbook for Uncovering and Defeating the Evil in Our CultureAs Christians, we have no option as to whether or not we are going to do spiritual warfare if we want to survive, we must fight. – Rick JoynerWe must fight the evil that is escalating in the earth, but your fight may look different than you think!The coming harvest will bring a reaping of everything that has been sown, both good and evil.Uncovering satan’s evil cord of three strands, prophetic leader and author Rick Joyner, exposes the three most powerful evil strongholds that together bind and control fallen mankind racism, witchcraft, and the religious spirit . Discover the roots behind each of these strongholds, including the internal enemies of fear, pride, jealousy, guilt, and more. Because deception is sneaky and stealthy, we must allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, and uproot these evil agendas from our lives.In this book you will learn:10 things we can do to be delivered from of the religious spiritWhen racism is broken, every other bondage is easier to overcomeHow to combat new age witchcraftHow to heal cultural woundsHow to identify the masks of the religious spirit, including angels of lightHow racism is rooted in two of the most basic evil powers that plagues mankindHow to overcome the primary stronghold that empowers the spirit of deathUsing Rick’s practical, detailed warfare strategies, be transformed so you can fight with Heaven’s power. You can wield the powerful weapons of love, faith, humility, forgiveness, and others. When you battle from a place of freedom, you’ll win every time!

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  • Mama Bear Apologetics Guide To Sexuality Discipleship Workbook (Workbook)


    Empowered to Speak Truth

    Talking to your children about gender, sexuality, and marriage can be challenging. But the difference between what the Bible and the world have to say about these topics can be a gateway to teaching them to love and cherish God’s sacred truth. This helpful study guide companion to Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality will prepare you to turn these tricky conversations into amazing opportunities for kingdom discipleship.
    Inside this workbook, you will find:

    *active reading notes highlighting vocabulary, themes, and questions that further your study of each chapter from Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality

    *highlighted verses from Scripture that illuminate the tender heart behind God’s design for sex and gender

    *discipleship activities to help you engage your kids in age-appropriate dialogue about sensitive issues like homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, and more

    Perfect for individual and small group study, this workbook is the resource every Mama Bear needs to advocate for God’s truth with wisdom and confidence while equipping her children to understand His perfect plan for human sexuality.

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  • Return Of The Gods


    The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

    The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?

    Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself?

    Could this mystery have even determined the exact days on which Supreme Court decisions had to be handed down?

    What is the Dark Trinity? Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?

    Who is the Possessor? The Enchanter? The Destroyer? And the Sorceress? Could a sign that has appeared all over America and the world be linked to the gods of Mesopotamia? And if so, what does it actually mean?

    Could the gods have returned to New York City and an ancient mythology played out on the streets in real time? Is it possible that the gods lie behind everything from what appears on our computer monitors, our televisions and movie screens; to the lessons given in our classrooms; to the breakdown of the family; to wokism; to the occult; to our addictions; to the Supreme Court; to cancel culture; to children?s cartoons; to every force and factor that has transformed the parameters of gender; to that which appears in our stores, on our T-shirts, and on our coffee mugs—to that which is, at this very moment, transforming America and much of the world? Is it possible that behind all these things are ancient mysteries that go back to the Middle East and ancient Mesopotamia? This and so much more, most of which we can?t even reveal in this description, will be uncovered.

    Is it possible that the gods are even affecting your life right now? How can you recognize it? And what can you do about it?

    The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you?ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in

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  • No Reason To Hide


    Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous?

    In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. From bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, No Reason to Hide examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall–and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

    As you read, you’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today, including:

    *identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite
    *cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war
    *progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings

    A call for believers to standing firm in today’s oppressive world, No Reason to Hide is a rallying reminder that will ready Christians everywhere to have the courage to proclaim Scripture’s truth to a culture in desperate need of what only God can offer.

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  • Fentanyl


    Fentanyl is the first booklet in Dr. Mark E. Shaw’s The Transformation Series. Addressing the dangers of fentanyl use and its affect on our relationship with God, Mark uses Scripture and his vast experience in biblical counseling to bring forth the truth of the Bible: God wants to transform the addicted into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Included in this booklet are many listed resources to help guide counselors, the addicted and family/friends of the addicted.

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  • Silencing White Noise


    Racism is omnipresent in American life, both public and private. We are immersed in what prominent Black church leader Willie Dwayne Francois III calls white noise–the racist speech, ideas, and policies that lull us into inaction on racial justice. White noise masks racial realities and prevents constructive responses to microaggressions, structural inequality, and overt interpersonal racism.

    In this book, Francois calls people of all races to take up practices that overcome silence and inaction on race and that advance racial repair. Drawing from his antiracism curriculum, the Public Love Organizing and Training (PLOT) Project, Francois encourages us to move from a “colorblind” stance and mythic innocence to one that takes an honest account of our national history and acknowledges our complicity in racism as a prelude to antiracist interventions.

    Weaving together personal narrative, theology, and history, this book invites us to engage 6 “rhythms of reparative intercession.” These are six practices of antiracism that aim to repair harm by speaking up and “acting up” on behalf of others. Silencing White Noise offers concrete ways to help people wrest free from the dangers of racism and to develop lifelong Christian antiracist practices.

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  • Reorganized Religion : The Reshaping Of The American Church And Why It Matt


    Uncover the ways the Christian church has changed in recent years–from the decline of the mainline denominations to the mega-churchification of American culture to the rise of the Nones and Exvaneglicals–and a hopeful reimagining of what the church might look like going forward.

    The United States is in the middle of an unprecedented spiritual, technological, demographic, political and social transformation– moving from an older, mostly white, mostly Protestant, religion-friendly society to a younger diverse, multiethnic, pluralistic culture, where no one faith group will have the advantage. At the same time, millions of Americans are abandoning organized religion altogether in favor of disorganized disbelief.

    Reorganized Religion is an in-depth and critical look at why people are leaving American churches and what we lose as a society as it continues. But it also accepts the dismantling of what has come before and try to help readers reinvent the path forward. This book looks at the future of organized religion in America and outline the options facing churches and other faith groups. Will they retreat? Will they become irrelevant? Or will they find a new path forward?

    Written by veteran religion reporter Bob Smietana, Reorganized Religion is a journalistic look at the state of the American church and its future. It draws on polling data, interviews with experts, and reporting on how faith communities old and new are coping with the changing religious landscape, along with personal stories about how faith is lived in everyday life. It also profiles faith communities and leaders who are finding interesting ways to reimagine what church might look like in the future and discuss various ways we can reinvent this organization so it survives and thrives. The book also reflects the hope that perhaps people of faith can learn to become, if not friends with the larger culture, then at least better neighbors.

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