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Bible Studies

Showing 401–437 of 437 results

  • Miracles : Signs Of Gods Glory (Student/Study Guide)


    Most of us could use a miracle. Some physical condition, relationship problem, or financial crises could be fixed rather quickly with just one miracle. When we open the pages of the Bible, our desire for a miracle intensifies as we read astonishing stories of God’s power poured out. What do these events have to do with us? How can we experience the power of God in the struggles we face every day? This study guide will help you discover how God works in the world. This study guide in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Marriage : Gods Design For Intimacy (Student/Study Guide)


    What makes a good marriage even better? How can we build an intimate relationship that endures? How do we live out our roles as husband and wife? The Bible’s approach to these questions is realistic and practical. In these studies you will discover how following God’s design for marriage helps us enjoy it to the fullest.

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  • Christian Character : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    We long for the beauty of Christ to be reflected in our lives. Such character comes only as the Spirit of God transforms us through the Word of God. These Bible studies will help you become the person God wants you to be. The revised LifeGuide study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes twelve studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Revelation : The Triumph Of God (Student/Study Guide)


    In every age people have felt sure that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amid the uncertainties of our age, Revelation asures us of the triumph of God. 14 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Old Testament Survey (Reprinted)


    Old Testament Survey is designed to give a patterned glimpse at each book of the Old Testament. This has been done by applying these ten points to each book: (1)Titles, (2)Author, (3)Date, (4)Key Words and Phrases, (5)Key Verses, (6)Purpose, (7)Message, (8)Outline, (9)Summary, and (10)Christ Seen.

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  • New Testament Survey (Reprinted)


    New Testament Survey addresses the New Testament in succinct understandable points, understanding the part and relating them to the whole. It is designed to give a patterned glimpse at each book of the New Testament. This has been done by applying these ten points to each book: (1) Titles, (2)Author, (3)Date, (4)Key Words and Phrases, (5)Key Verses, (6)Purpose, (7)Message, (8)Outline, (9)Summary, and (10)Christ Seen.

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  • Temple Of Solomon


    The Temple of Solomon: discover how the ancient Hebrews worshiped God in splendor. In this temple that stood until its destructionin Jeremiah’s day, all Israel could come and offer sacrifices to Him. Study the order of worship as found in the Temple of Solomon and examine the many distinctions that separate it from the Tabernacles of Moses and David. The Temple of Solomon includes: Chronological look at the temple from its initial design to completion; historical background and significance on the dedication of the Temple; a brief view of the life of Solomon; insightful study on the sacrifices performed in the Temple; thorough discussion on the use and symbolism of Temple furniture; a picture of Redemption’s plan seen through the Temple; charts and pictures of priestly garments and Temple objects; and supplemental material on other temples found in Scripture.

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  • Covenants : The Key To Gods Relationship With Mankind


    This text on covenants is a systematic presentation of the nine divine covenants found in Scripture, the knowledge of which provides a necessary backdrop for the study of many other biblical subjects.

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  • Foundations Of Christian Doctrine


    Just as any building needs a strong foundation, Christians need a solid understanding of theology to soundly interpret Scripture. Here 12 of the great doctrines of faith—from God to angels, sin to atonement—are presented clearly and relevantly. An excellent tool for pastors, this readable text is also appropriate for individual study and research.

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  • Names Of Christ


    What does Christ mean to you? When you consider His Person, His work, and His words, are you struck by the depth and the depth and complexity, the richness and incalculable beauty of who He is?

    This classic study, revised for today’s reader, examines the many names of, Christ, more than 300 in all, each revealing an intimate portrait of the Savior.

    In this new edition, devotional prayers accompany each name, helping you meditate on the character and person of Jesus Christ. This book is an invaluable resource to any library and is sure to enrich your personal devotion time.

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  • Peter (Student/Study Guide)


    Peter’s contacts and conversations with the Lord, and his conduct before and after Pentecost are the focus of this refreshing biography.

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  • Walk Of Repentance (Student/Study Guide)


    The Walk Of Repentance is a 24 week study about repentance: what it is, what it brings about and what kind of behavior and attitudes we must repent of. This study has not been formulated to give a person more “head knowledge”, the idea of it is to help the Word of God take root in your heart so that you can experience that true repentance. Each week of this curriculum has a theme, with a different Bible study each day. Each day you will have different types of studies on the same theme. On day six and seven of each week you will find the story of the Church woven through character studies of different Christians down through the centuries. Your walk of faith will be deeply affected as you encounter the level of devotion of others and what Christianity is really all about.

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  • Great Doctrines Of The Bible (Supplement)


    A clearly-outlined examination of ten major doctrines: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Man, Salvation, the Church, Scripture, Angels, Satan, and the Last Things. 80 more subjects are arranged topically for easy reference. Each entry points to relevant Bible texts so you can search the Scriptures for yourself. A handy way to find out what the Bible says!

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  • Knowing Jesus Christ (Student/Study Guide)


    BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

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  • Holy Spirit And His Gifts Study Course (Student/Study Guide)


    Read about the meaning and the Holy Spirt and His Gifts that Jesus well share and understand the Holy Spirt with you.

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  • Bible Faith Study Course (Workbook)


    The Bible Faith Study Course is a concentrated study on the subject of faith—the key to receiving from God. God’s children will walk into the realms of victory when they study and absorb in their spirits the rich teaching in each of the 24 sections.

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  • All The Promises Of The Bible


    The Substance Of The Promise
    The Simplicity Of The Promise
    The Stipulation Of The Promise
    The Surety Of The Promise
    The Source Of The Promise
    The Security Of The Promise
    The Scope Of The Promise
    343 Pages

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    Throughout the Bible are scattered hundreds of definite, explicit promises that form the category Peter calls “the exceeding great and precious promises.” In All the Promises of the Bible the noted evangelical and expository writer, Dr. Herbert Lockyer, undeniably achieves his goal of marshaling “a comprehensive and representative number of the promises” in Scripture, which he likened to “an arranged museum of gems and precious stones and pearls in God’s cabinet of spiritual jewels.”

    Dr. Lockyer leaves no theological stone unturned in his chapter-by chapter exegesis of

    The substance of the promises
    The source of the promises
    The simplicity of the promises
    The security of the promises
    The stipulation of the promises
    The scope of the promises
    The surety of the promises

    The believer who reads All the Promises of the Bible will find encyclopedic knowledge uniquely combined with deep spiritual insight that enlightens as it inspires.

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  • All The Women Of The Bible


    1. The Life And Lot Of Bible Women
    2. Alphabetical Exposition Of Named Bible Women
    3. Nameless Bible Women
    4. Symbolic And Representative Women
    5. The Ideal Woman Among Bible Women
    6. Aids For Women’s Groups And Meetings
    7. Biographical Study Of A Bible Woman
    8. Messages For Mother’s Day
    316 Pages

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    Dr. Herbet Lockyer provides a convenient commentary on all the named and unnamed women of the Bible from Abi to Zipporah. He reveals how the life roand character of women of Bible times mirrors the situation among women today. The more than 400 entries are concise and fact-filled, providing ample resource materials for all who are called upon to speak in public or conduct Bible study groups.

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  • All The Men Of The Bible


    4 Sections

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    All the MEN of the Bible

    A Portrait Gallery and Reference Library of More Than 3000 Biblical Characters

    All the Men of the Bible, a unique source book on the subject of Bible characters, is a monumental achievement to benefit Christians who want to have information on biblical characters at their fingertips.

    The Bible contains more than three thousand named men, all of whom are dealt with in this book. The many thousands of unnamed men are also classified. Included in the book is a guide to the pronunciation of all names.

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  • All The Parables Of The Bible


    This book is a study and analysis of the more than 250 parables in Scripture. This monumental work is not another tramp over the well-raked field of the parables found in the gospels, but a comprehensive survey of the uses of parabolic illustration and instruction in the whole of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Never before has this aspect of truth been combined into one volume.

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  • All The Miracles Of The Bible


    1. The Miracle Book
    2. The Miracles Of The Books Of Moses
    3. The Miracles Of The Historical Books
    4. The Miracles In Post-Captivity Books
    5. The Miracles In The Poetical Books
    6. The Miracles In The Prophetical Books

    1. The Miracles In The Gospels
    2. The Miracles In The Acts
    3. The Miracles In The Epistles
    4. The Miracles In The Apocalypse
    307 Pages

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    This book is comprehensive, scholarly, devout, practical, and, in places, has great beauty of expression. The reader will be amazed at the pervasiveness of the miraculous element in the Scriptures…pastors and Bible teachers will find many of these expositions deeply moving and quite helpful in the preparation of sermons and lessons.

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  • All The Messianic Prophecies Of The Bible


    7 Chapters

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    A Compendium of All the Prophecies in Scripture Concerning the Promised Messiah

    Dr. Herbert Lockyer has compiled a compendium of all the prophecies in Scripture concerning the promised Messiah, His ministry, and His message. His discussion is divided into two sections, “Specific Messianic Prophecies” and “Symbolic Messianic Prophecies.”

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  • Colossians And Philemon (Student/Study Guide)


    This Bible study on Colossians & Philemon participants will be challenged to deal with dilemmas. Also, through Paul’s words he will refocus the attention to Christ and affirm the Christian lifestyle. Plus, participants will be encouraged to apply God’s word to their lives. Included are historical insights, word defin- itions, discussion questions, assignments and a leader’s guide. Format; Workbook Audience; New Christian Number of Lessons; 11 Average # of Questions; 15 Prep Time; Medium

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  • Abraham (Student/Study Guide)


    This study brings home the way in which faith should grow to become the very center of life. “It grew in Abraham,” wrote F.B. Meyer, “It will grow in us.”

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  • Developing Your Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. Explore: Who is God? * The Holy Spirit * Know your enemy * Our conflict with sin * The return of Christ

    BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION AS CHRIST’S DISCIPLE. In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

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  • Growing As A Christian (Student/Study Guide)


    31 Pages

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    The Church
    What is the Bible?
    God’s word in your life
    Principles of prayer

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  • Talking With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


    30 Pages In 4 Chapters

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    In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

    Talking with Christ, Book Three of the Studies in Christian Living, will guide you to learn more about communion with Christ while exploring these topics:

    – The Church
    – What Is the Bible?
    – God’s Word in Your Life
    – Principles of Prayer

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  • Beginning A New Life (Student/Study Guide)


    27 Pages In 4 Chapters

    Additional Info

    In STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN LIVING, you’ll find help for establishing a program of personal study in God’s Word, learning and practicing the essentials of a well-rounded Christian life, and growing into a plan of Bible study you can continue on your own.

    Beginning a New Life, Book Two of the Studies in Christian Living, offers a study on:

    – New Life
    – The Lordship of Christ
    – The Devotional Life
    – Witnessing for Christ

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  • Lessons On Assurance (Student/Study Guide)


    LESSONS ON ASSURANCE presents short Bible studies on five basic promises God gives to Christians, assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Each study concentrates on a Bible passage which presents one of God’s promises. As you meditate on these five passages and compare them with other Scripture, you’ll want to memorize and make them part of your life.

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  • Laying The Foundation


    Here is a solid catechism for Christians who realize the need to become more thoroughly grounded in their faith. It’s a serious attempt to achieve a radically biblical formulation without trying to defend any particular tradition, Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise. It covers:

    – Repentance from Dead Works
    – Faith toward God
    – Doctrine of Baptisms
    – Laying on of Hands
    – Resurrection of the Dead
    – Eternal Judgment

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  • Samuel (Student/Study Guide)


    An excellent study of the life of Samuel with a practical application to our everyday Christian living.

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  • John The Baptist (Student/Study Guide)


    In this study, F.B. Meyer stresses the many-sided significance of the life of John the Baptist, and encourages us to display the same spirit of humility, courage and devotion to grow in effectiveness in our own lives.

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  • Acts In Prayer


    From the publisher: A pocket-sized commentary on the how, when, what for, and where of prayer

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  • Moses (Student/Study Guide)


    28 Chapters

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    This volume shows that Moses was like other men. His power came frome simple faith and making himself the “Servant of God.”

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  • Israel (Student/Study Guide)


    16 Chapters

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    A devotional study of the life of Jacob, father of the twelve tribes.

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  • Bible Workbook Volume 2 New Testament (Workbook)


    Systematic, individual study of the Bible is a basic requirement for a thorough biblical understanding.

    Bible Workbooks present a meaningful study of this vital Book.

    The student learns by doing-information is given and questions are asked to test his understanding.

    Volume 2 gives an overview and book-by-book study of the Old Testament and Volume 1 covers the New Testament.

    Interesting, stimulating, informative-Bible Workbooks provide an understandable and enjoyable means of personal Bible study.

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  • Christ In Isaiah (Revised)


    An exceptional work on the Messianic passages as found in Isaiah. Freshness, simplicity and profound insight characterize this work.

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