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Christian Living

  • 90 Days Of Breakthrough


    Your 90-Day Guide to Invading the Heavens and Releasing Supernatural Breakthrough over Your Life!

    As a believer, heaven is open to you! Is that your everyday reality? Or do you need a supernatural breakthrough?

    In this practical, power-packed, easy-to-read collection of ninety declarations, you will be empowered by the Word of God and the revelatory teaching of Dr. Kynan Bridges to release the miraculous in your life and receive the breakthrough that you need.

    Step by step, you’ll gain confidence, clarity, and authority to claim the promises of God for your family, your future, your finances, and your faith. Each day includes a brief teaching, a declaration, a prayer, and a Scripture. Together, they deliver a power punch of supernatural authority. Open your arms to receive all that God has promised you from His open heaven! Your breakthrough has never been this close.

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  • When Loving Him Is Hurting You


    It’s Okay to Have Needs of Your Own

    You fell in love with him. But over time you’ve come to realize he’s in love with himself-and you feel trapped. His needs, his problems, and his plans always seem to take precedence over yours.

    Dr. David Hawkins, counselor with the Marriage Recovery Center, offers a guide to help you identify signs of narcissism, understand how your loved one’s issues are affecting you, and prepare a biblical game plan for freeing yourself to live courageously in light of God’s love.

    Whether the man in your life can be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or merely has arrogant and self-centered tendencies, the emotional pain his behavior causes you is all too real. Discover the truths, wisdom, and grace you need to spark change in your relationship, set boundaries, and experience healing.

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  • Culture Of Heaven


    The Culture of Heaven explores the key traits of people who consistently experience powerful partnership with the Holy Spirit, thereby invading earth with the atmosphere of heaven.

    God’s heart is for His people to be influenced daily by the culture that He inhabits, benefitting from His presence in their lives. Moreover, He wants us to be “brokers” of His culture. It should be so much a part of us that we begin to transform everything-and everyone-around us. When we release the culture of heaven, we place people on a direct path to the loving touch of God-a touch that can heal them and change their lives forever.

    To experience the culture of heaven ourselves, we must set aside distractions so that we can get in tune with God’s thoughts and ways. Many of us have lost our passion and fire for the Lord; as a result, we experience very little of heaven’s atmosphere. Through prayer, fasting, sacrificial living, and spiritual anointing, Troy Goode describes how we can regain a hunger for God and witness His kingdom at work in our world in remarkable ways with supernatural power.

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  • Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


    El varon esta en crisis. Los roles tradicionales le daban al hombre estabilidad y continuidad de generacion en generacion. Hoy dia, el mundo esta enviando seales conflictivas sobre lo que significa ser un hombre. Muchos hombres se estan preguntando quienes son y cuales roles deben desempear en la vida, como varon, como esposo, y como padre. Eso los deja frustrados, y provoca que vivan muy por debajo de su potencial. El autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina las actitudes culturales hacia los hombres, y discute asuntos criticos como:
    *Como pueden los hombres ganar su posicion en el ambiente de expectativas culturales que cambia constantemente?
    *Que significa ser varon?
    *Que definicion de masculinidad deben los hombres adoptar?
    *Cuales roles deben los hombres desempear en su lugar de trabajo y en el hogar?
    *Que tienen que ver los roles de genero con el proposito del varon?
    *Cuales son las diferencias entre varones y hembras?
    *Como estan destinados a relacionarse entre si los hombres y las mujeres?
    *Como puede un hombre construir una vida mejor para si mismo, su familia, y el mundo?

    Cuando los hombres entiendan el proposito que Dios les ha dado, y el verdadero diseo de su relacion con las mujeres, seran libres para cumplir su destino y realizar su potencial. Edicion ampliada con material de guia de estudio incluido.

    The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
    *How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
    *What does it mean to be male?
    *What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
    *What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
    *What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
    *What are the differences between males and females?
    *How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
    *How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?

    When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and

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  • Power Of Faith


    Enter into the fullness of God’s possibilities and provision for your life-through the dynamics, the promises, the power of faith. Renowned international Bible teacher Derek Prince answers your questions about faith, such as: What is faith? Why is faith necessary? How, in practical terms, can I live my life by faith? How can my faith grow stronger? He also explains how you can…
    *Immediately receive what you pray for.
    *See your spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial needs met.
    *Obtain spiritual gifts.
    *Hear what God is saying to you.
    *Enjoy abundant life in close relationship with the Lord.

    Discover principles that will strengthen your walk of faith and empower you to do what would otherwise be impossible. Easy to read, practical, and with a strong scriptural foundation, The Power of Faith is a potent resource for receiving the promises of a faith-filled life.

    “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NIV)

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  • Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


    Las mujeres de todas las culturas y sociedades se enfrentan al dilema de la identidad. Los puntos de vista tradicionales de lo que significa ser una mujer, y los cambiantes roles culturales y matrimoniales estan causando conflictos a las mujeres en sus relaciones con los hombres. Las mujeres estan bajo un estres tremendo en su lucha por descubrir quienes son y que rol deben desempear hoy dia, en la familia, la comunidad, y el mundo. En esta edicion ampliada de Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Mujer, que incluye utiles preguntas de estudio al final de cada capitulo, el autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina la actitudes de las sociedades hacia las mujeres, y discute asuntos vitales como :
    *Son iguales las mujeres y los hombres?
    *Que hace unica a una mujer, en comparacion al hombre?
    *Que realmente ensea la Biblia sobre la mujer?
    *Es culpable la mujer por la caida de la humanidad?
    *Cual es el proposito y el diseo de la mujer?
    *Cual es el estilo basico de comunicacion de la mujer?
    *Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de la mujer?
    *Estan destinadas las mujeres a ser lideres?
    *Cual es el potencial de una mujer?

    Para vivir con exito en el mundo, las mujeres necesitan una nueva consciencia de quienes son, y nuevas destrezas para enfrentar los desafios de hoy. Ya sea usted un hombre o una mujer, casado o soltero, este libro le ayudara a entender a la mujer como fue destinada a ser.

    Women of every culture and society are facing the dilemma of identity. Traditional views of what it means to be a woman and changing cultural and marital roles are causing women conflict in their relationships with men. Women are under tremendous stress as they struggle to discover who they are and what role they are to play today-in the family, the community, and the world. In this expanded edition of Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, which includes helpful study questions following each chapter, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and addresses vital issues such as:
    *Are women and men equal?
    *How is a woman unique from a man?
    *What does the Bible really teach about women?
    *Is the woman to blame for the fall of mankind?
    *What are the purpose and design of the woman?
    *What is a woman’s basic communication style?
    *What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs?
    *Are women meant to be leaders?
    *What is a woman’s potential?

    ?To live successfully in the world, women need

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  • Ama Como Si Nunca Te Hubieran – (Spanish)


    El corazon humano fue creado con una gran capacidad para amar. Pero con eso viene una gran capacidad para sentir dolor. No hay que negar que aquellos que nos aman, los que estan mas cerca de nosotros, son quienes pueden herirnos mas profundamente. Esa clase de dolor puede ser dificil, si no imposible de superar. Y puede sentirse aun mas imposible seguir amando frente a el. Y eso es exactamente lo que estamos llamados a hacer.

    Compartiendo su propia historia de dolor personal, el Pastor Jentezen Franklin nos muestra como encontrar la fuerza, el valor y la motivacion para poner a un lado la herida, ver a otros como Dios los ve, y acercarnos en amor. A traves de historias biblicas y actuales, el discute diferentes tipos de decepciones y angustias en las relaciones, y responde a preguntas como: Por que debo confiar otra vez? Como podre alguna vez perdonar realmente?

    Las paredes que edificamos alrededor de nuestros corazones para cerrarnos al dolor son las mismas paredes que nos impiden ver la esperanza, recibir sanidad, y sentir amor. Aqui estan las herramientas que necesitas para derribar esas paredes, trabajar en tus heridas, reparar relaciones maltrechas, y aprender a amar como si nunca te hubieran herido.

    The human heart was created with a great capacity to love. But along with that comes a great capacity to feel pain. There is no denying that those who love us, who are closest to us, can wound us the most profoundly. That kind of pain can be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome. And it can feel even more impossible to continue loving in the face of it. Yet that is exactly what we are called to do.

    Sharing his own story of personal pain, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin shows us how to find the strength, courage, and motivation to set aside the hurt, see others as God sees them, and reach out in love. Through biblical and modern-day stories, he discusses different types of relational disappointment and heartache, and answers questions such as Why should I trust again? and How can I ever really forgive?

    The walls we build around our hearts to cut us off from pain are the very walls that block us from seeing hope, receiving healing, and feeling love. Here are the tools and inspiration you need to tear down those walls, work through your wounds, repair damaged relationships, and learn to love like you’ve never been hurt.

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  • Contador De Historias – (Spanish)


    Todos buscamos la grandeza. Y el exito que alcanzamos depende de la narrativa que escuchamos.

    Luis Garcia ejerce como ejecutivo de una importante multinacional. Su vida es, para cualquiera que la contemple desde afuera, un exito absoluto. Reconocido, laureado, con una altisima remuneracion economica, Luis Garcia toca la gloria con ambas manos. Sin embargo, poco despues de alcanzar uno de sus maximos logros empresariales, su existencia se quiebra, y conoce el amargo sabor de la bancarrota fisica, emocional y familiar.

    Esa crisis lo hace recalar en un tranquilo pueblito de la costa. Alli llega abatido y absolutamente desanimado, pero tendra un encuentro que cambiara su vida para siempre. La experiencia que vive lo conducira a la verdadera cumbre, y le hara conocer que es y como es la autentica grandeza.

    El Contador de Historias es un libro realista que aborda las claves fundamentales del verdadero liderazgo. A traves de una narrativa agil, dinamica y llena de giros inesperados, Jose Luis Navajo lleva al lector en un viaje cargado de suspenso, donde reira, reflexionara y, sobre todo, encontrara las claves y diferencias entre ser activo y ser efectivo. De asombrar a transformar, y del liderazgo de imposicion al liderazgo de influencia.

    We all strive for greatness. And the success we accomplish breaks forth from the narrative we hear.

    Luis Garcia is a top executive at a multinational company. For anybody who sees him from the outside, he is an absolute success. Awarded, recognized, highly paid, Luis Garcia reaches the sky. However, right after one of his biggest business achievements, his life goes into burnout, and he goes financially, emotionally, and relationally bankrupt. The crisis takes him to a peaceful coastal town. When he arrives, he is depressed and downhearted, but one encounter soon changes his life. He soon learns what authentic greatness is all about.

    The Storyteller is a realistic book about the core foundations of true leadership. Through an agile, witty, and dynamic storytelling technique, full of unexpected twists, Jose Luis Navajo takes the reader on a ride charged with suspense, humor, and thought-provoking ideas. Most importantly, during the ride the reader, too, will find the difference between being active and being effective and move from amazement to transformation; from impositional leadership to influential leadership.

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  • Personas Inesperadas – (Spanish)


    Este libro te llevara a un nuevo nivel de confianza en ti mismo, y te movera a re-escribir tu historia. Con demasiada frecuencia encogemos nuestros sueos al tamao de nuestros recursos. Sin embargo, cuando te enfocas en tus sueos intencionalmente, muchas cosas van a ocurrir. Esta es una historia de grandes victorias contra obstaculos que parecian insalvables. Puede ser tu historia; esa que te cuentas a ti mismo, de ti mismo.

    Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo responde las siguientes preguntas:
    *Estoy viviendo mi vida a mi maxima capacidad?
    *Cual es el proposito mayor de mi vida?
    *Como escapo paras perseguir mis sueos?
    *Como construyo una vida que impacte mi mundo?

    Piensa profundamente. Ora fuertemente. Actua agresivamente. Nunca te rindas.
    Exito es el resultado de la constancia de proposito. Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo, porque estan dispuestas a pagar el precio.

    A captivating story of endurance and victory against overwhelming obstacles. The discovery of a man’s identity against the backdrop of slavery, negative forces, and a world in turmoil. Stories that every man will identify with-to discover a new source of strength for himself.

    Here is a book that will release a new level of confidence in men, that will stir the hearts of those who desire to live full out. Here is your new narrative! Just a Bartender answers the age-old questions:
    *Am I living life at my full capacity?
    *What is the larger purpose of my life?
    *How do I break out and go after my dreams?
    *How do I build a life that counts?

    A man’s definition becomes the center of his decisions. What a man does with his hands starts in his heart. Here’s how to achieve your deepest desires. Here’s how to make your story the one you’ve always wanted.

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  • Envision : A Simple Guide To Living A Fanatically Abundant Life


    Shane Perry knows what it’s like to step out on faith, to dream beyond your means and your abilities. He knows what it’s like to feel as if it will never happen. He also knows what it feels like to see the dream actually manifest in real life. That’s what this book is all about. You are only limited in life by what you think. You have to see yourself going beyond what you are currently doing. Shane wants to call you to a higher place. He want to summon from within you that great power of purpose that will ignite the vision God has for your life. There are no special people who magically start living their life on purpose. You have to set you mind and your actions on a target and follow that path all the way through to the end. Shane can help you reach your ultimate goals and live a life of fulfillment.

    God’s design for your life is to experience a prosperous and fanatically abundant life. He wants to cause you to live in a place of more than enough, of overflow. As we learn to construct our vision according to God’s plan, we will learn how to write a vision that covers every area of our life. You’ll learn how to write a vision for your ideal weight and optimal health. You’ll discover how to heal from the pain of your past and experience true freedom. Finally, you’ll set financial goals, anything from being debt-free to achieving a life of financial independence and security. The great thing about writing out your vision is that you are free to deal with any aspect of your life that you want to change. Follow the pattern Shane lays out and prepare yourself for an amazing shift in your life. Get ready to experience God’s best for your life by follow these biblical principles that are guaranteed to yield positive results in your life.

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  • Into The Wilds


    Brent Henderson teaches spiritual truth to men through stories about wilderness trips, hunting excursions, and tales from life in the military. He teaches men about God’s love and grace, and he gets very honest about how men struggle with ego, approval, impure thoughts, spiritual attack, and what to do after hitting bottom. Brent tells his own story of experiencing a personal failing as worship leader of a church and the painful way in which he was ostracized and isolated from support during his “restoration.” He speaks of the people who stepped in to help him find healing and of how to understand that grace and real restoration is available through God. He also tells stories from the many men he has counseled about moving from shame and failure to a place of relief and hope. He uses an acronym “man TEA-Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions-to help the men he disciples and counsels. He tackles issues of pornography, addiction, lust, marriage, and failure. Through it all, he is adamant that real transformation isn’t based on trying harder but instead is found only through experiencing God’s grace and love. He punctuates these truths with great stories of safaris, wilderness excursions, and hunting trips that keep men’s interest while also supporting the spiritual lessons.

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  • Provided : The God Who Walks In The Middle Of Your Need


    Jehovah Jireh. “God provides.” But how? For whom? And, most urgently, when?

    “Trusting in God” is an easy catchphrase for believers, but Dr. Cornelius Quek claims that many Christians haven’t actually experienced what it means to actively, wholeheartedly, uncomplainingly give their financial security and daily needs to God. For anyone in need who cognitively knows that God provides financially but lacks experiential proof, this book presents the opportunity to understand God’s care in a whole new light while being inspired by Quek’s own testimonies of God’s miraculous provision.

    Dr. Quek goes beyond superficial speculation about God and money to prove that the key to our provision is in the past: God doesn’t just provide-He has already provided. From heaven’s perspective, provision is a done deal. It’s the Christian’s current reality, not just a good idea for the future.The biblical keys, prayers, and declarations in each chapter will enable believers to experience God’s provision for themselves, right here, right now.

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  • True Wealth : How To Fulfill Your Dreams Without Losing Your Soul


    Mani Erfan grew up in Iran as a faithful Shiite Muslim, but with the help of his father’s courageous actions, he avoided enrolling in the Iranian military and was given the opportunity to come to the United States instead. While studying at the University of Florida, Erfan gave his life to the Lord through a unique experience at a Christian businessman’s meeting. Within a few days of accepting Jesus as his Savior, unexpected money showed up in Erfan’s bank account, a court case was dropped, and he was reinstated at his job. Despite working at various companies that treated Erfan poorly, the Lord told him to stay put. In doing so, Erfan earned millions of dollars and learned importance of being obedient to the faithfulness of God. He then began a successful recycling company, funded by Muslims even though the sole purpose of his ministry was to preach Christianity to followers of Islam. God then told Erfan to quit his job and start a catalyst company, UNICAT. It was a risky endeavor and Erfan had to trust the Lord to carry his family through as he was trying to grow and launch his new business. Through the pages of True Wealth, Erfan expands upon what God has done in his life and he demonstrates the importance of obeying the voice of the Lord, even when you don’t understand why the Spirit is directing you to do something. Today, Erfan uses the wealth he has amassed in business to reach the Muslim world with the gospel through satellite TV and the Internet. He lives out the principle that, for Christian businesspeople, the goal of gaining wealth and market share is not to stockpile money for personal, frivolous use, but to use the income that God provides to impact the world for the kingdom of God.

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  • Our Good Father


    Jesus said, “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son”. He went on to give one exception, “and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”

    If you desire a revelation of God the Father, you only have one place you need to go, listen to his son Jesus. Our Good Father takes the words of Jesus to bring a fresh understanding to the person of God the Father. Through the use of personal stories, analogies and humor, Our Good Father uses the words of Jesus to paint a picture of the true nature of God.

    Insightful, illuminating and thoroughly thought-provoking, Our Good Father will grab your attention from the first page and won’t let go. Be prepared to question your perceptions about God, as you get to know the true Father as seen through the eyes of Jesus. A delightful sense of humor and engaging style of writing make this book, not only thought provoking, but inspiring and entertaining as well.

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  • Wellness Revelation : Lose What Weighs You Down So You Can Love God, Yourse


    What would it take for you to make a change?

    Weight loss can sometimes be a very self-focused endeavor. Maybe you have struggled with your weight your entire life, riding a constant roller coaster of numbers that go up and down. Or maybe you are finding yourself more stressed out by the world and all its demands. Perhaps you just don’t feel as well in your body as you do in your spirit.

    In The Wellness Revelation, certified fitness professional Alisa Keeton will challenge you to get fit with God so that He can free you to complete your purpose. She teaches that when we get fit physically as well as spiritually, we will be better equipped to love and serve others. The Wellness Revelation will change the way you perceive yourself and the way that you live your life.

    Each week in this eight-week journey includes a teaching from Alisa, weekly assignments, Bible study, small-group questions, and more. Alisa will encourage you to love God, get healthy, and serve others; and she will provide you with the tools to spread the gospel with courage, confidence, kindness, and freedom.

    It’s time to make a change from the inside out.

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  • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Women Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    To live successfully in the world, women need to know who they are and what role they play today. They need a new awareness of who they are, and new skills to meet today’s challenges. Best-selling author Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and helps women to discover who they are. He addresses vital issues such as: Are women and men equal? What are the purpose and design of the woman? Are women meant to be leaders? Whether you are a woman or a man, married or single, this book will help you to understand the woman as she was meant to be.

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  • Respectable Sins


    Now available in softcover with a new, contemporary watercolor design that blends with Jerry Bridge’s most popular books. This new edition now includes the study guide (formerly available separately), combining that resource into this book.

    What Ever Happened to Sin? Jerry Bridges helps us confront the sins we tolerate.

    The Christian journey is a life of practiced godliness, but too often we overlook or minimize sins that, while corrosive and destructive to ourselves and those around us, are overshadowed by more flashy, headline-grabbing sins. This classic book from Jerry Bridges helps readers understand and commit to a life of holiness by examining patterns of behavior we often accept as normal, rather than as violations of God’s law.

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  • Prophets Manual : A Guide To Sustaining Your Prophetic Gift


    Sharpen and sustain your prophetic gift, and learn strategies for speaking the Word of God with confidence. There is a prophetic remnant rising up in the earth who want to be called out, trained, and activated in their gift to hear God’s voice and deliver His messages to His people, and they must not grow weary.

    Best-selling author John Eckhardt provides encouragement for those who operate in their prophetic gift, to endure and continue to be a mouthpiece for the kingdom of God.

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  • Kingdom Disciples : Heavens Representatives On Earth


    The missing key to Christianity in America

    There is a missing key in Christianity today. It is a critical key, and its absence has led to weak believers, disintegrating families, ineffective churches, and a decaying culture. Without the full use of this key, we lack the tools needed to fully live as heaven’s representatives on earth.

    That missing key is discipleship. In Kingdom Disciples, Tony Evans outlines a simple, actionable definition of discipleship to help the church fulfill its calling. Readers will learn:
    *What a disciple essentially is
    *What a disciple cares about
    *How to be a disciple and make disciples
    *What discipleship looks like in community
    *What the impact of discipleship on the world should be

    Kingdom disciples are short supply, and the results are legions of powerless Christians attending powerless churches, resulting in a powerless presence in the world. The power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact God has promised will only come about when we understand and align ourselves with His definition of discipleship.

    It is the goal of this book Kingdom Disciples to call believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and make disciples. Only when we take seriously this assignment will the world see heaven at work on earth. Will you accept the assignment?

    Useful for base material in a course on discipleship.

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  • Practical Guide To Decoding Your Dreams And Visions


    Dream Interpretation: Step by Step!

    Learn the steps to deciphering the spiritual meaning behind your dreams!

    In their landmark book, The Divinity Code, Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale helped encourage the church to rediscover the neglected art of dream interpretation.

    Now, in A Practical Guide to Decoding Your Dreams, they show you how to apply revelatory tools and Bible-based techniques to actually understand what your dreams mean and how to respond to them.

    In this interactive, easy-to-use manual, you will:
    *Receive easy-to-understand teaching on the steps of dream interpretation.
    *Be given examples of dream interpretation in action from Adam and Adrian, as templates for you to follow
    *Learn how to increase your ability to clearly see and hear in the spirit realm
    *Identify a “warning dream” and learn how to respond in prayer and intercession with Heaven’s breakthrough solutions

    Learn the practice of dream interpretation so you can increase your ability to hear God’s voice while you sleep and pray His prophetic strategies over your life, your family, and your nation!

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  • Planting The Heavens


    Pray the Prayers that God Wants to Answer!

    And I have put My words in your mouth;
    I have covered you with the shadow of My hand,
    That I may plant the heavens,
    Lay the foundations of the earth,
    And say to Zion, ‘You are My people.’
    -Isaiah 51:16

    The words we speak in prayer are like spiritual seeds. In the same way that planting seeds in the ground produces a harvest, you can learn to pray in a way that plants the blessings of heaven here on Earth.

    Tim Sheets shares a revelatory new message that will take your prayer life to powerful new dimensions. Grasp the impact of your declarations and discover the power of praying the words that Heaven longs to hear!

    Get ready to:
    *Pray with authority: learn how your prayers and proclamations are supernatural forces in the unseen realm
    *Pray with confidence: bring your words into agreement with God
    *Pray with expectation: partner with Heaven to transform your life, family, church and region for the Kingdom of God.

    Learn how to activate God’s timeless strategy for victory, blessing, and revival by planting the Heavens with seeds of prayer!

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  • How We Love Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Are you tired of arguing with your spouse over the same old issues? Do you dream of a marriage with less conflict and more intimacy? Are you struggling under a load of resentment?

    The key to creating a deeper bond in your marriage
    may lie buried in your childhood.

    Your early life experiences create an “intimacy imprint”-an underlying blueprint that shapes your behavior, beliefs, and expectations of all future relationships, especially your marriage. In How We Love, relationship experts Milan and Kay Yerkovich help you pinpoint the reason your marriage is struggling-and they reveal exactly what you can do about it.

    Drawing on the powerful tool of attachment theory, the Yerkoviches identify four types of injured imprints that combine in marriage to trap couples in a repetitive dance of pain. As you discover how your relationship has been guided by these imprints, you’ll gain the insights you need to stop stepping on each other’s toes and instead allow yourselves to be swept along by the music of a richer, deeper relationship.

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  • Spiritual Discipleship : Principles Of Following Christ For Every Believer


    Take time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit.*

    As J. Oswald points out, true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ; it involves the whole person and lifestyle.

    Those with only superficial belief will soon fall away from the faith, but Sanders says a true disciple would rather be presented with a difficult challenge than a soft option. Disciples are charged with the task of training themselves to be godly, because it is their responsibility to remain spiritually fit.

    In addition, a “For Reflection” guide is included, making this book ideal for both individual and group study.

    * 1 Tim. 4:7, JB Phillips Translation

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  • Spiritual Leadership : Principles Of Excellence For Every Believer


    What every church will always need

    The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ.

    With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership. J. Oswald Sanders, a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and author of more than forty books, presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. He illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others.

    Featured topics include:
    *The cost of leadership
    *The responsibility of leadership
    *Tests of leadership
    *The qualities and criteria of leadership
    *The art of reproducing leaders
    *The one indispensable requirement of leadership

    Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.

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  • Living Life Backward


    Only by keeping the end in mind can a person truly learn how to live in the here and now. Living in light of our death reorients us to our limitations as creatures and helps us see God’s good gifts right in front of us-enabling us to live wisely, freely, and generously. Drawing on wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes, David Gibson teaches us to embrace this countercultural mind-set and live life backward: to take the one thing in the future that is certain-our death-and work backward when it comes to our priorities, goals, desires, and decisions. If we do this, we’ll learn that only with a proper perspective on death can we find meaning and satisfaction in life-and see just how great God is.

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  • Treasury Of Prayer


    E. M. Bounds was one of the most prolific and powerful writers on the subject of prayer. Leonard Ravenhill took Bounds’ seven books on prayer and condensed and compiled them into one hard-hitting volume. This may be the greatest work ever published on the subject of prayer.

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  • Training To Win


    Hundreds of books claim to offer the best in physical fitness programs. But rarely is time taken to reflect on what kind of shape we are in spiritually. A gifted pastor and preacher, as well as a dynamic teacher, Kenneth Ulmer offers Christians a different kind of fitness program–the eternal kind.
    Training to Win is a spiritual fitness program that helps Christians move beyond the surface “spirituality” that has become so popular in today’s culture to a much deeper level–godliness. “Paul told us to train ourselves for godliness,” Ulmer writes. “Our target–the mark we shoot for, the purpose for which we are called–is godliness.”
    Training to Win is an engaging look at the Scriptures that takes you step-by-step through the issues and hurdles of training toward godliness. It is divided into three sections that explore the principle of godliness, the process of godliness, and the practice of godliness. Set in a reader-interactive, Bible study format complete with questions at the end of each chapter, Training to Win will lead you to the “workout” of your life–one that will lead you to peace, understanding and eternal spiritual fitness.

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  • God Secrets : A Life Filled With Words Of Knowledge


    A NEWTYPE Title

    YOU CAN GROW IN WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE! Paul encourages believers in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to follow after love and to eagerly desire the gifts especially prophecy. He would never tell us to pursue something or give us hope for gifts in the church if we couldn’t engage them! Words of knowledge are one aspect of the prophetic gifts that we can develop just like any other spiritual gift. Shawn Bolz has been demonstrating a profound prophetic ability to share God’s heart with people and know specific information about their birth, anniversaries, specific dates that mean a lot to them, personal information that no one else knows, family nicknames, pet names, and more. All of these details help people get a sense that God cares intimately about their real life and wants to engage them with deep relationship now. Learn to hear God in a way that impacts peoples lives around you the way Jesus did!


    People are paying millions of dollars for information and understanding on matters like business, economics, and politics. God has the answers, and he has made his secrets discoverable to every seeking believer in a close relationship with him. In GOD SECRETS, you’ll learn how to:

    Gain access to God’s deep knowledge and wisdom.
    Share God’s mindset.
    Inspire and empower others with God’s thoughts and dreams.
    Use words of knowledge in everyday life scenarios.
    Connect with his love for all of his creation, which includes you.
    Did you know you can grow in Words of Knowledge? Paul encourages believers in 1 Corinthians to follow after love and to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit. He would never tell us to pursue something or give us hope for certain gifts if we couldn’t engage them! Words of Knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts that we can grow and strengthen just like any other spiritual gift. God loves to tell us specific information about people that we wouldn’t naturally know on our own! God has been known to reveal birthdates, anniversaries, family nicknames, pet names, and even bank account numbers at times! The sharing of these personal details help us to develop trust and strong connection to the Lord. It produces faith to believe that God deeply loves us and that He truly does have plans to prosper us and give us hope for the future!

    Journey with Shawn as he lays out his understanding of this gift in a relatable way, and gain a fresh perspec

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  • Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow


    Bestselling, Easy-to-Use Spiritual Gifts
    Resource for Group Use

    This trusted spiritual gifts resources has been helping individuals and congregations learn about their unique giftings for generations. Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow is the quintessential group resource. Comprehensive and easy to understand, this guide includes the questionnaire and will help you and your group identify the gifts God has given you. More than that, you will discover how each gift works so that you and your group or congregation can use your unique gifts to help your church and community flourish.

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  • Finding Your Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire Updated And Expanded


    Bestselling Spiritual Gifts Inventory Updated and Expanded for New Generation

    God has a purpose and plan for each of us–and he has given us the gifts and tools we need to fulfill them. But how do we know what those gifts are?

    Since 1978, C. Peter Wagner’s bestselling spiritual gifts questionnaire has been helping people discover just that. Based on the renowned research of Dr. Richard Houts, this updated and expanded inventory will help you identify and understand your unique, God-given gifts. Reliable and comprehensive, yet incredibly easy to use, this assessment includes 28 biblical gifts and includes Scripture references and descriptions of each gift. When you know and understand the gifts God has for you, you will discover a renewed sense of purpose and excitement as you partner with him in his plans.

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  • Ultima Flecha – (Spanish)


    Cuando llegues al final de tus dias, no mediras el valor de tu vida a base de exitos y fracasos. Todo eso comenzara a difuminarse en una sola memoria llamada “vida”. Lo que te dara consuelo, o te perseguira hasta tu ultimo suspiro, es lo que pudiste haber hecho, pero no hiciste; lo que pudiste haber sido, pero nunca llegaste a ser; la vida que hubieras podido vivir que nunca viviste.

    Este libro es un mapa que desafia probabilidades y altera destinos. Descubre los atributos de quienes desafian la mediocridad, a medida que Erwin Raphael McManus examina las caracteristicas de aquellos que arriesgaron todo por una vida que tan solo podian imaginar. Imaginate viviendo la vida que estabas convencido de que tan solo era un sueo.

    Todos comenzamos esta vida con una vaina llena de flechas. La eleccion es tuya. Te aferras a tus flechas, o las arriesgas todas optando por vivir hasta que no te queda nada que dar?

    When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did.

    The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream.

    We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. Now the choice is yours. Will you cling to your arrows or risk them all, opting to live until you have nothing left to give?

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  • Love Vs Fear


    Can perfect love truly cast out all fear? Do you wonder if God’s love, written in the pages of the Bible, is truly as infinite, unconditional, and tangible as it says? Do you feel that your fear is holding you back from living a full life?

    If so, you are not alone. In Love vs. Fear, you will learn where your true value lies, and come to understand that God created you with a purpose and for a reason.

    These pages are filled with stories of imperfect people who came face to face with perfect love and overcame great fears. This can be your story too!

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  • i The Root Of Sin Exposed


    Since the Garden of Eden sin has ravaged people’s lives, leaving behind a plethora of troubling problems such as anxieties, fears, insecurities, confusion, unbelief, bitterness, sexual hang-ups, and even addictions. Most people look for answers in all the wrong places. They ought to look within. They ought to look at i. i is the “self-life.” i is the core of the fallen human nature. i is the realm where sin grows and flourishes. i: the root of sin exposed unravels the mystery of the corrupted human nature, and convincingly proves that all of man’s struggles with sin can be traced to the pride-driven “self-life” that emerges from it. Rather than relying on trendy quick-fixes, this book digs deeply into the treasures of Scripture to provide struggling believers everything they need to deal with their problems at the root level: the inescapable, ever-present i.

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  • 23 Minutes In Hell 10th Anniversary Edition (Expanded)


    Awaken to the realities of hell, the afterlife, and the urgency to live for Christ in your short time on earth. Ten years go Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for a decade. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit. Weise’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, It’s Supernatural!, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Charisma News,,, and many others.

    This books’ new content features Wiese’s insights to commonly asked questions such as:
    – Is hell a literal burning place?
    – Where is hell?
    – Do you have a body in hell?
    – Are there degrees of punishment in hell?
    – Are there children in hell?
    – Can demons torment people in hell?
    – Can “good” people go to hell?

    This expanded anniversary edition also includes more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell for further study.

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  • 30 Days In The Land With Jesus


    A devotional that brings the Bible to life

    What encouragement we receive when the Bible meets us where we are-just imagine how much more eye-opening it is when we encounter the Bible where it was written.

    30 Days in the Land with Jesus takes the reader on a spiritual journey through the Holy Word and the Holy Land, guided by renowned expert and author Dr. Charles H. Dyer.

    Complemented by vivid, full-color photography, each daily devotion draws new insight and inspiration from the ancient sites that framed the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Plus, the hardcover binding and ribbon marker make it a wonderful gift or bedside read.

    Entries include:
    *Jesus in the Wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11)
    *Mount Gerizim: Not Where, but How (John 4:1-26)
    *Atop Mount Arbel (Matt. 4:12-17)
    *Shorty in the Sycamore (Luke 19:1-10)
    *The Three Gethsemanes (Matt. 26:36-46)

    Your understanding of the person, work, and words of Jesus Christ will take on an added dimension with this day-by-day exploration of the world in which He walked.

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  • Baptized In The Spirit


    You Can Experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit…Every Day!

    “Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?”

    Sadly, there has been much division surrounding this one question. Many believe that the Holy Spirit in-dwells a person at the moment of their conversion. Others contest that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate experience altogether.

    Apostolic leader, theologian and healing minister, Randy Clark, shares about how this controversial and often misunderstood experience can be accessible to all Christians-including you!

    Through engaging, practical teaching and powerful testimonies, you will learn how to:
    *Understand the clear Biblical reasons people should be baptized in the Spirit and what that really means
    *Biblically receive and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit
    *Unlock the benefits and blessings of being baptized in the Spirit
    *Operate in the gifts of the Spirit: prophecy, tongues, and other supernatural graces

    All Christ-followers have the Holy Spirit living within them. And yet, there is more. When you are baptized in the Spirit you will experience new dimensions of God’s power resting upon you in a supernatural way!

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  • ReNew : Breaking Free From Negative Thinking Anxiety And Depression


    Is your life defined by joy?

    So many people miss out on experiencing consistent joy in their lives because the toxic thoughts they embrace open doors to anxiety and depression.

    In ReNew, Julie Winter leads you through the Biblical solution: renewing your mind. Discover how your thoughts can determine the measure of joy you experience and the level of victory you achieve.

    Through easy-to read, powerful chapters, you will learn to:
    *Break agreement with toxic thinking by learning how to take your thoughts captive and surrender them to Christ
    *Understand three “trees of your mind” and protect yourself from poisonous trees of unbelief and unforgiveness
    *Receive healing by releasing forgiveness
    *Keep your thought life healthy, nourished, and destiny-focused
    *Sustain joy through a correct view of your identity in Christ
    *Wear the Armor of God and use each item to dismantle lies aimed at your destiny
    *Activate the power of declaring Scripture, remembering testimonies, and releasing thanksgiving
    *Break free from shame, guilt and other strongholds that the enemy uses to keep you in bondage

    A renewed mind is your weapon against the enemy’s lies and the key to walking in the joy!

    [Featuring Action Points and Reflection Questions for further study and application.]

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind Spiritual Growth Series


    Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to transform their lives by changing their minds.

    Readers will learn to deal with thousands of thoughts they may think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. She shares personal stories, biblical truth, and encouragement to help readers think with purpose, win the battles of their minds, and begin a joy-filled life.

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  • Poder Creativo De Dios Obrara – (Spanish)


    !La Palabra de Dios es la cosa mas poderosa en el universo hoy en dia! Usted tiene la autoridad de dar una voz a Su Palabra.

    Mucha gente ha sido derrotada en vida porque ellos creyeron y hablaron las cosas equivocadas. Ellos han permitidos las palabras de su propio boca ponerlos en esclavitud.

    Dios creyo el universo por el hablarlo a la existencia. Dios le ha dado a usted la misma habilidad en la forma de Su Palabra. Para ser efectivo en vida usted debe hablar palabras de fe. Todo principio de fe, toda ley espiritual, toda promesa de Dios estuvo establecido para su crecimiento. Dios estructuro Su Palabra para imponerle a usted en vida.

    In este libro, usted puede aprender como liberar la habilidad de Dios por las palabras de su boca.

    Las palabras llenas de temor le derrotara a usted. !Pero las palabras llenas de fe se le impondran!

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  • Perfect Sinners : How To Look At Yourself Honestly And Joyfully At The Same


    Intro: What Does God Think Of Me?
    1. How Can God Love Me When He Hates Sin?
    2. How Strong Does My Faith Need To Be?
    3. Does God Only Love Me Because He Has To?
    4. Does God’s Love For Me Vary?
    5. Will God Still Love Me If I Never Obey Him?
    6. Should I Ever Feel Guilty?
    7. Does God Reward Us Differently?
    7.5. But Does God Really Still Love Me?
    8. Why Is Change So Slow?
    9. Why Are Believers Warned Not To Fall Away?
    10. How Do I Enjoy Greater Assurance Of God’s Love?
    Final Word: Perfection Is Eternal – Sin Is Not

    Additional Info
    How am I meant to feel as a Christian?

    You can go to an evangelical church on a Sunday and be told: “Christian, you are loved by God, no matter what you’ve done. God could not love you more than he does.” You can go to another evangelical church and be told: “You’re a wretched sinner”. The emphasis can feel very different, and yet both churches are teaching truth.

    Holding both truths together in balance can be tricky but it’s essential for healthy Christian living. Overemphasizing one at the expense of the other causes all sorts of problems.

    Perfect Sinners will help us keep the balance, as we distinguish between our “status” before God and our “walk” with him.

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  • Dream It Live It


    Each of us has an internal drive that grows restless from living a mundane and goalless life. Shane Perry has seen people overcome seemingly impossible circumstances to live the life of their dreams. These people are not special or separate from the rest of us. They are, in fact, just like us with only one difference-they dared to capture a vision in their minds and to hold it there until it became a reality.

    Shane Perry has followed the principles in this book. They have worked for him, time and time again. They are timeless truths rooted in Scripture, and they carry great validity when followed and applied. We were all put on earth for a purpose and we each have been given the tools to follow that purpose. By following the six principles outlined in this book, you can live the awesome life you were meant to live. But this will only happen when you get a revelation of who you are and of what God has specifically created you to do in this life. Then you can formulate a vision, complete with goals and plans, that will chart the course to get you there.

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  • Porn Project (DVD)


    The Porn Project in 1 sentence:
    But how do you actually do that?

    This talk will challenge our beliefs (what is porn?, history, theology), our behaviours (addiction, accountability, triggers, lifestyle, environment etc), and look beyond ourselves at how porn might be hurting others around us (spouse, children, dating relationships, people involved in the pornography industry etc).

    The goal is to be less of a presentation and more of a training. Training to equip and empower individuals (men and women), parents and leaders on how to navigate this conversation no matter if you dabble, struggle, or are addicted to pornography in any of its forms.

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  • Set Your Family Free


    The Modern Family is Under Spiritual Attack!

    The devil is contending for the souls of our children in both our society and our homes.

    In an increasingly secularized culture, Children are bombarded with evil, dysfunction, and death on a daily basis. Even the family itself is a spiritual battleground, where the sins of the parents impact the next generation.

    As a parent, your child’s spiritual wellbeing is your responsibility.

    Bob and Laura Larson have over thirty years of exorcism experience, ministering deliverance to tens of thousands, and also, preserving a spiritually safe atmosphere in their own family unit.

    In Set Your Family Free, you will learn the top ten spiritual warfare strategies parents can use to raise children who are spiritually healthy and equipped to be victorious over the devil’s attacks. These include:
    *Breaking generational curses so that your children can start from a clean slate
    *Speaking blessings over your children with edifying words
    *Praying spiritual warfare prayers over your children
    *Purposefully parenting your children by equipping them with the right warfare tools

    Equip your family for battle so you can all stand victoriously against the powers of darkness!

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  • 1 Year Book Of Hymns


    Experience daily the timeless truths contained in the many celebrated songs of the Christian faith. Each day’s devotional includes the text of a classic hymn or song, the inside story about the author or origin of the song, and a related Scripture passage. Be refreshed and strengthened each day by the mighty words that have uplifted God’s people through the ages.

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  • Prayers On Fire


    The book of Psalms: Poetry on Fire by The Passion Translation captures the deep emotion and passionate expression of the psalmist, providing comfort and joy, and leading us to the place where worship flows. These praises placed inside poetry spill out of a fiery passionate heart.

    Prayers on Fire includes 365 prayers inspired by this heart-felt translation of the book of Psalms. Each day contains an excerpt from a psalm and then a prayer from the heart, providing an expression of faith and worship for sincere worshipers.

    Excerpt of a prayer inspired by Psalm 1:2

    As I am hidden within your greatness, I discover your eternal purposes. In love and humility I bow before you, my awe-inspiring God. The way you watch over me, infuses me with confidence and courage. I find I can stand on my own two feet again because you are with me. You are my source; I draw life from the waters of your love. Walking step by step with you brings me joy unlike I have ever known. Your Word illuminates my path, and wherever I go, I flourish. No matter the season, I’m blessed-established firmly in you.

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  • Activating The Power Of Gods Word


    Powerfully speak God’s Word, renew your mind, and experience transformation in your life. There’s a singular power woven into the very foundation of creation. When triggered, it has the authority to calm chaos, restore life, and overcome obstacles. The secret? God’s spoken Word.

    Activating the Power of God’s Word gives in-depth teaching into speaking scripture and leads readers in sixteen strategic declarations that put its power to work for every area of life.

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  • Anna Anointing : Become A Woman Of Boldness Power And Strength


    Boldly change your life and those you influence by developing an ear to not only hear, but to also listen to God’s heart. God released grace upon Anna to fast and pray unto the revelation of Jesus to the earth the first time. God is releasing a similar grace upon a whole generation of women who will operate in a similar anointing as Anna’s unto the revelation of Jesus to the earth in His second coming. This book will be the catalyst for a prayer movement spreading all over the earth to usher in the greatest revival the planet has ever seen.

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  • Can You Stand To Be Blessed


    See Yourself as Blessed in Every Season of Life

    We all want to be blessed. We desire health, happiness, promotion, joy, financial security, peace, good relationships, and every quality signifying that blessing and abundance are flowing in our lives.

    So how do you continue to live blessed even when
    you are going through life’s valleys?

    Everyone faces difficult times-seasons where we don’t feel blessed. God wants to mold and shape you into a person who sees yourself as blessed, not because of your circumstances, but because this is your God-assigned identity!

    In this classic book from Bishop T.D. Jakes, you will discover how to:
    *walk in a blessed identity, no matter what season or circumstance comes your way.
    *unlock inner strength to persevere, even when you feel like you can no longer go on.
    *exchange your stress and worry for gratitude and thanksgiving.
    *become a person God can trust with Heaven’s blessing and abundance.

    Whether you are standing on top of the highest peak, or feel like you are sinking into the lowest valley, once you start to see yourself as blessed, you will be equipped to thrive in every season!

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  • This Changes Everything


    The teen years have been hijacked-by fashion, music, movies, and games; by the pressures of school, peers, and society; and by superficial expectations set by the world. But there is something more glorious than all these influences that has the power to change the life of a teenager: the gospel. Written by a teenager for teenagers, This Changes Everything is a deeply theological yet practical and accessible book on how the gospel radically transforms every aspect of the teen years, including pursuing relationships, managing time, combating personal sin, and cultivating healthy habits. In a culture awash with low expectations for young people, this book exhorts teenagers to embrace a gospel-centered perspective on their lives and pursue wholehearted devotion to Christ now.

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  • Praying Life : Connecting With God In A Distracting World


    Author Paul Miller shares his insights and conclusions about how to connect the broken pieces of your life and allow prayer-even poorly delivered-to fill the gaps with meaning and substance. Miller’s down-to-earth approach and practical nature will help you see that your relationship with God can grow and your communication with Him can get better. Parents will find Miller’s family-life experiences especially helpful.

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