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David Boersma

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  • Concise Bible Prophets


    AMG Concise Bible Prophets gives the Bible student and teacher alike a new resource that promises to refresh and equip their endeavors, and to re-ground their thinking about prophets and prophecy in general. These characters mentioned in the Bible are more numerous, fascinating, important, and sometimes astonishing than many Bible readers, student, and scholars may have realized. Now in one volume all the prophets are identified, and Biblical details about them are summarized. A listing this exhaustive is only available in a limited way other than this book.

    We do not have to rely on secular sources nor even on theologians for a correct and thorough understanding of the nature of Biblical prophecy. This is one subject that God evidently wants us to

    know about, although many Christians and Jews do not. The Bible clearly give the “What, Why and How” of prophecy.

    The prophets of the Bible are men and women; married and unmarried; as old as Enoch (365 years) and as young as the boy Samuel; worldly-rich as Solomon and non-materialistic as Jesus Himself; honored and exalted by their nation as Daniel, and persecuted like so many writers, musicians, demonstrators, and speakers; famous and anonymous; Old Testament and New Testament; as false-hearted as Balaam and as pure-hearted as John the baptizer. The only characteristic all the prophets have in common is that they prophesied: delivered messages from God.

    Although prophesying is often equated with preaching, prophecy first came into the formal worship of God through music.

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