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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Living Strong Finishing Well


      Growing older is inevitable and, as we often say, it beats the alternative. But just because we age does not mean we must give in to a slow deterioration of our bodies, minds, social circles, and interests. It doesn’t mean we need to give up on our dreams, goals, or aspirations. In fact, as people live longer and healthier into old age, we need to decide what we want to do with all the extra years we’ve been given!

      In Living Strong, Finishing Well, Dr. David Stoop draws upon his more than 80 years on the planet and his decades of counseling, speaking, and writing to show you how to live every moment to its fullest until you’re finally called home. He shows you how to be yourself, continue the search for meaning, stay humble, build on your friendships, develop resilience, stay teachable, and more as you learn to accept the gifts that come with growing older and wiser in a world that needs what you have to give.

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    • Help Im Drowning


      In the midst of a storm, it’s easy to feel lonely, exhausted, distracted, fearful, and helpless. When you’re overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair, you may even feel like God has forgotten you. Like the disciples in the boat in the midst of a tempest, panic ensues when your eyes are fixed on the storm instead of on Jesus.

      In Help, I’m Drowning, bestselling author and podcaster Sally Clarkson encourages you to find your anchors for life’s storms. Sally will encourage you to:

      – combat loneliness with intentional engagement and community
      – take care of your physical body to improve your spiritual, mental, and emotional health
      – find healing and forgiveness for regrets, conflict, and broken expectations
      – cultivate a level of contentment and thanksgiving for the life you have
      – embrace God’s strength as the determiner of your battles

      Our ultimate goal is to live by faith in the reality of his way, his truth, and his presence. The disciples were indeed in a storm, but they were not alone in the boat; Jesus was there and stilled the storm when called upon. Trusting ourselves to the God who never leaves us is key to finding rest in the heart of God in the midst of life’s storms.

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    • How Does God Change Us


      Experience Real Change through Union with Christ

      Christians are instructed to “grow in the grace and knowledge” of Jesus. For some people, growing is a matter of living out a moral code. Others focus more on gaining knowledge. And still others seek a tangible experience of worship. But what if experiencing true change transcends all of these?

      In How Does God Change Us?, pastor Dane Ortlund presents a way for sinners to experience real and penetrating change by bringing what they say and do in line with what they are: united with Christ. As readers recognize the depths of their own sinfulness, they become even more aware of their need for grace, and the wonder of what it means to be one with Christ. Ortlund invites anyone who is tired and weary from consistent sin patterns to lean into Jesus, for only then can God change them from the inside out.

      This is the concise edition of Deeper by Dane C. Ortlund.

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    • Kingdom Heroes : Building A Strong Faith That Endures


      Are you living by faith?

      Daily, each of us must choose between giving in to the world’s pressure to trust in ourselves, or yielding to God’s desire for us to hand control over our lives to Him. While following God’s directions when you don’t see immediate results can be difficult, the payoff will always be tremendous.

      Join Dr. Tony Evans as he looks at those who are in the Bible’s Hall of Faith–Old Testament heroes such as Abraham, Noah, and Rahab, who let God lead their lives–and how their journeys can help you understand what it means to walk in faith. In Kingdom Heroes, you will discover how you can…
      *commit to giving God your very best in everyday life
      *use trials as opportunities to strengthen your faith
      *leave a strong spiritual foundation for the generations that follow you

      Are you ready to leave the world behind and follow Him? Kingdom Heroes will motivate you to stop relying on your own strength and experience God’s unlimited power in your life.

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    • Crazy Faith : It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens


      From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Relationship Goals . . . Will you be remembered as a person who claimed to follow God but liked to play it safe? Or as a person who lived your life out on the limb and trusted God enough to live in crazy faith?
      Noah looked crazy when he started building the ark . . . until it started raining. It was crazy for Moses to lead a nation of people into the desert away from Egypt . . . until the Red Sea parted. It was crazy to believe that a fourteen-year-old virgin would give birth to the Son of God . . . until Mary held Jesus in her arms.

      There are many things that seem normal or average today that at one point in time seemed absolutely crazy. Smartphones, Wi-Fi, and even the electric light bulb were all groundbreaking, history-making inventions that started out as crazy ideas. Our see-it-to-believe-it generation tends to have a hard time exercising true faith–one that steps out, takes action, and sees mountain-moving results. Many of us would rather play it safe and stand on the sidelines, but it’s crazy faith that helps us see God move and reveals His promises.

      In Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Even if you have to start with baby faith or maybe faith, you can become empowered to let go of your lazy faith, trust God through your hazy faith, and learn to live a lifestyle of crazy faith. With powerful stories of modern-day faith warriors who take their cues from biblical heroes, Michael Todd equips you to:

      – believe for the impossible
      – choose hope over fear
      – be alert to the voice of God
      – cope with loss and doubt
      – develop a deeper level of trust in God
      – speak faith-filled declarations
      – inspire crazy faith in others

      God’s not looking for somebody to give Him all the reasons why His plans can’t happen. He’s looking for somebody to believe they will happen. In fact, He has so much He wants to do through you. The question is, Are you crazy enough to believe it?

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    • Revolutionary Disciple : Walking Humbly With Jesus In Every Area Of Life


      Is It Time for Another Revolution?

      Seismic culture shifts leave Christians wondering how to effect lasting change. While the Bible calls disciples of Jesus to humility, they often display pride. Pride is the enemy of discipleship on every level, and it keeps disciples from making an impact for the kingdom.

      What is the way forward?

      In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship and unveil their four core practices of humility along the way. A tapestry of Scripture and stories, this book uncovers the path to ultimate peace for Christians who want a cultural revolution.

      Take ground for your church, your family, and the kingdom.

      Bridge the gap between the call to follow Jesus and the commission to make disciples of Jesus.

      Join the revolution.

      Learn to walk humbly with Jesus in every area of life.

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    • Truth On Fire


      What would it look like to genuinely love God with our head AND our heart? To have a faith marked by right thinking AND right feeling? To know God deeply AND worship him passionately? Too often, Christians act as though these things are at odds with one another. But what if God intends for us to possess a Christianity that is radically committed to biblical truth, in a way that did not diminish the life of the heart, but actually intensified it?

      Adam Ramsey invites us to engage both our minds and our emotions in our walk with God as we gaze at him until our hearts sing. He sums it up like this:

      “My hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can’t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.”

      If you yearn for God but desire a clearer biblical picture of this God whom you love, or if you have been walking with God for a while now, but your experience of him has become settled or dry, then this book is for you.

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    • Como Llegue Hasta Aqui – (Spanish)


      La exitosa autora, oradora y activista Christine Caine ayuda a los lectores que se sienten cansados ??y no pueden identificar como terminaron donde estan, y que deben hacer para corregir el rumbo y anclarse en el unico que no cambia con las corrientes.

      Todos en algun momento levantamos la vista de la rutina diaria y nos hemos dado cuenta de que de alguna manera nos desviamos del rumbo. Quizas hemos estado haciendo todas las cosas cristianas correctas y diciendo todas las palabras cristianas correctas, pero por dentro sabemos que algo esta un poco mal; como si nos hubieramos quedado sin energia, vision, pasion, y nos sintieramos incapaces de seguir adelante. La pregunta que estamos reflexionando no es solo, como llegue aqui?, sino tambien, que hago ahora?

      En este nuevo libro, Caine nos encuentra a todos en ese lugar de cansancio e incertidumbre, compartiendo su propio viaje de descubrimiento con vulnerabilidad, franqueza y humor autocritico. Ella expone lo que ha aprendido acerca de mantener el rumbo cuando te sientes libre, y nos guia a cada uno para aprender las preguntas que debemos hacer sobre nuestras relaciones con Dios, con los demas y con nuestro propio corazon para permanecer continuamente anclados a pesar de las corrientes cambiantes del mundo. Descubra como confiar mas profundamente en Dios pasando de un “y si?” tipo de fe a un tipo de fe “aunque”; identificar nueve seales de que nos estamos desviando del rumbo y aprender a reposicionarnos para volver al camino; y luchar honestamente con las preguntas dificiles de la vida para que podamos responder fielmente a todas las formas en que Dios responde, incluidas las ocasiones en las que uno siente como si no lo hiciera.

      Christine ofrece historias profundamente personales, conocimientos biblicos y una advertencia reveladora para comenzar a prestar mas atencion, ayudandonos a dejar de ir a la deriva y comenzar a prosperar mientras colocamos nuestra ancla en nuestro Dios inmutable y confiable.

      Bestselling author, speaker, and activist Christine Caine helps readers who are feeling weary and cannot identify how they ended up where they are, and what they need to do to course-correct and anchor themselves in the only One who does not change or shift with the currents.

      At some point, we have all looked up from the daily grind and realized we had somehow drifted off course. Maybe we’ve been doing all the right Christian things and saying all the right Christian words, but inside we know somet

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    • Empowered By Praise 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      What if your understanding of praise in the life of a believer is completely wrong?

      This book will help you recognize that praising God does more than honor the Lord; it puts you in a position to enjoy His nearness and to experience His touch in your life.

      Empowered by Praise will guide you into a richer understanding of admiration for God. In learning to praise God in an abounding variety of forms, you will begin to experience God’s powerful presence in your life. And expressing glory to God will motivate and guide you in your daily decisions and relationships. Scripture assures us that God is present with us in a very real way when we praise Him. Along with His nearness comes a new level of His power operating in our lives.

      When praise is practiced according to the biblical model:

      *It releases us from earthly concerns
      *It transports us into God’s presence
      *It opens the door to God’s power

      Throughout this book, Dr. Michael Youssef will grow your wisdom in praising God and energize your daily practice of praise. He will teach you new ways to give praise that will result in personal growth and spiritual transformation.

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    • Authentically Uniquely You (Audio CD)


      Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

      God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He’s made you.

      To some people, He’s given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He’s placed in you.

      Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

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    • You On Purpose


      What should I do with my life? Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’ve found yourself at a crossroads and feel the need to change direction, each of us wants to know what our purpose is on this earth. We want our work and our lives to have meaning and impact far beyond our immediate context. But how do you know what you were meant to do? And once you know . . . then what?

      Based solidly in the most up-to-date Barna research, You on Purpose offers you a clear and simple 4-step process for discovering and carrying out your calling with confidence:

      *Define: set your intention for what you want to achieve
      *Discover: dig deep into who and where you are
      *Decide: narrow your choices and zero in on your calling
      *Do: start acting on your calling, one step at a time

      Each chapter dismantles a common myth about calling, replacing it with truth born from solid, current research. If you long to discover your unique place in the world, this book will help you catch that vision and make a plan to pursue it.

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    • 6 Secrets To Living A Fruitful Life


      How to Live Well and Finish Strong: Wisdom from a Modern Father in the Faith

      ” Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” – Prov. 4:7

      In his final manuscript before graduating to Heaven, world-renowned apostolic leader and spiritual father, C. Peter Wagner offers an intimate impartation of profound insight gained from decades of practice and personal experience.

      This book, completed by his wife, Doris, after his passing, is a gem of wisdom, leadership, and spiritual discernment for generations to come.

      Dr. Wagner offers welcome guidance on:
      *The priority of God’s Presence
      *Keeping the right perspective
      *Guarding your tongue
      *Understanding your gifts, calling, and destiny
      *Achieving true success
      *…and more!

      Learn to live well and finish strong! These practical, biblical strategies, articulated in gentleness and grace, will lead you into greater fullness of your destiny!

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    • Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival


      Experience Continuous Revival

      Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated, unique outpourings of the Spirit.

      But is it possible to experience revival every day, as a way of life?

      Pastor Bill Johnson answers with a resounding “Yes!”

      Globally recognized bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Bill Johnson is a revivalist at heart. In his time at Bethel, the church community has experienced what can only be called a perpetual, continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

      In this landmark book, pastor Bill teaches from his experience as the shepherd of this movement, imparting his own passion for revival along with practical wisdom for sustaining a move of God on both a personal and corporate level.

      Open Heavens will activate you to…

      *Upgrade your definition of “normal” Christianity to true, Biblical standards.

      *Sustain the Holy Fire burning on the altar of your heart, while continuing to cry out for a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

      *Witness revival’s overflow, as it spills into broader culture, producing societal reformation and creative renaissance.

      *Uncover revival’s reward, and be stirred to pursue it at any cost.

      *Identify common “messes” that accompany corporate revival and learn to navigate them.

      *Carry revival into every sphere of influence, taking the fire of God to your school, home, or business.

      If you are hungry for a fresh move of God in your life, church, or community, Open Heavens will guide you through preparing the altar, encountering the fire of God, and keeping it burning every day! Why settle for anything less?

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    • Your One Life


      This is your life. Right now. You don’t get a second chance to get it right. There are no mulligans. No do-overs. And no one has ever drifted into a rich and meaningful life by accident. But here’s the good news: you are ridiculously in charge of your own life. As a Christ follower, you have every resource you need to live the abundant life Jesus promised.

      In It’s Your ONE Life, pastor Lance Witt offers you a roadmap to align yourself with God’s purposes and take extreme ownership over your life. Sharing several practical tools, Witt shows you how to:
      – craft the life you want
      – care for your emotional health
      – establish a healthy rhythm of life
      – do life with God, not just for God
      – and practice the presence of people

      A life of significance, focus, and richness is well within your grasp. It’s Your ONE Life is the blueprint for making it happen.

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    • Deeply Formed Life


      During our chaotic times, discover five forgotten values that can spark internal growth and help us reconcile our Christian faith with the complexities of race, sexuality, and social justice.


      Most believers live in the state of “being a Christian” without ever being deeply formed by Christ. Our pace is too frenetic to be in union with God, and we don’t know how to quiet our hearts and minds to be present. Our emotions are unhealthy and compartmentalized. We feel unable to love well or live differently from the rest of the world–to live as people of the good news.

      New York pastor Rich Villodas says we must restore balance, focus, and meaning for our souls. The Deeply Formed Life lays out a fresh vision for spiritual breakthrough following five key values:

      – Contemplative Rhythms Value: slowing down our lives to be with God.
      – Racial Justice Value: examining a multi-layered approach to pursuing racial justice and reconciliation.
      – Interior Examination Value: looking beneath the surface of our lives to live free and love well.
      – Sexual Wholeness Value: exploring how our sexuality connects with our spirituality.
      – Missional Presence Value: living as the presence of Christ in a broken world.

      The Deeply Formed Life is a roadmap to live in the richly rooted place we all yearn for: a place of communion with God, a place where we find our purpose.

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    • This Book Is For You


      This is a book about falling in love with the Bible . . . that feels nothing like reading a book about the Bible.

      This Book Is for You will help you learn that the Bible has something life-changing to say about who you are, where you are, and the God who is in the midst of it. When you finish this book, you just might say, “I see what she did here. I didn’t realize it, but I was learning while I was laughing. She invited me into a dialogue about things I didn’t know I wanted to learn. She stirred within me a love for the Bible, but it didn’t hurt at all.

      “This Book Is for You invites you into the author’s life using stories, humor, and charm, revealing how the Bible has become Tricia Lott Williford’s daily lifeline. Regardless of your notions of the Bible, Tricia will help you engage with it as a living, meets-me-where-I’m-at thing.Tricia is not a seminarian. She is a lover of God’s Word. She is not a highbrow academician. She is educated as a grade school teacher who sometimes uses comic relief to make her point. She is not a theologian, a Bible teacher, or even a Bible scholar. Tricia is a lover of messy people; a mom of two teenage boys who are likely late for school and wearing mismatched socks. She has been known to absent-mindedly doodle in the margins of overdue library books. She has battled depression and anxiety to degrees that have nearly drowned her. She has begged the Lord for miracles that only He could provide. And somewhere in the midst of all that, she fell hopelessly in love with the Word of God as a light to her next step and the air for her next breath.Now Tricia wants you to experience this too.

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    • Dream Worth Pursuing


      God has placed within every woman a world of potential. There are certain strengths and aptitudes found chiefly among females-including nurture, compassion, and a bent toward self-sacrifice for her spouse, children, family, and community-that have tremendous power to shape our society for the better. Yet it is these very traits that often keep a woman’s focus on others, to the extent that she loses sight of the dreams God has planted in her heart.

      Since when did it become wrong for women to dream? Since when did female followers of Christ forget their divine call to create, pioneer, lead, innovate, and shatter glass ceilings? When a woman fails to appreciate her identity as a daughter of the King, she loses sight of her value-and the invaluable worth of her God-given dreams.

      With the scriptural insights and godly wisdom of Pastor Omayra Font, embark on the exciting pursuit of your heart’s desires as you discover how to…

      *Rightly value yourself and your dreams
      *Deal with disappointments in a productive manner
      *View every obstacle as an opportunity for growth
      *Practice discipline in a way that promotes success
      *Project a sense of self-respect
      *Escape anxiety through prayer and planning
      *Stop making excuses and start making strides toward the fulfillment of your dream

      Woman of God, a new day is dawning for you and your dreams. You are no longer a captive to fear, a slave to tradition, or someone who avoids risks at all costs. Your future is a blank canvas just waiting to be made into a masterpiece. It’s time to understand your worth, embrace your vision, pick up a paintbrush, and bring that vision to life!

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    • Born For Significance Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)



      Once you discover who God created you to be, you’ll never want to be anyone else.

      While taking a deeper dive into the content of Born for Significance in this study guide, You will come to understand more fully who God created you to be and how to accomplish the purposes and plans He has for you.

      Unpack the powerful insights of Born for Significance on a deeper level, and draw closer to God as you embark on a journey to become everything you were created to be. Learn more about the true purpose, process, and peril of promotion in this life-changing eight-session study guide by Bill Johnson.

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    • Hang On Let Go


      Bestselling author Frank Viola writes a time-tested field guide to weathering the storms of life.

      Whether it’s the loss of a job, a child who has gotten into serious trouble, a marriage that’s in peril, or a loved one with a debilitating illness, at some point, something in our lives will strip us of all control. Life comes apart at the seams, and hope begins to evaporate.

      Hang On, Let Go was written from the pit of numerous soul-piercing adversities in Frank’s own life. In this volume, he draws from the insights he gleaned from the Lord, friends, and writers during his darkest days. The wisdom contained in this volume became the bread and butter Frank relied on, helping him to be developed by his trials rather than destroyed by them.

      Each short chapter explores a different aspect of the storm: When You Need to Regrip, Walking in the Darkness, Abandoning Fix-It Mode, The Story in Our Head, Just Breathe, and much more. This book is about how to react to intense trials in your life with two seemingly contradictory impulses: hang on, let go.

      How is that possible? . . . Read on. Frank explores the how and the why in this highly practical, incisive, no-nonsense guidebook on how to thrive during the inevitable pitfalls of life.

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    • Authority In Three Worlds



      God has restored your authority in the earth through Jesus and given you back that which satan stole from Adam in the garden. The name of Jesus gives you authority in three worlds and the Bible states that using that name causes beings in heaven, beings in earth, and beings under the earth to yield to that name.

      Jesus delegated His authority to you to carry out His ministry. This delegated authority gives you:

      *Dominion in the Earth through Spoken Words
      *The Power to Bind the Forces of Hell
      *The Authority of the Body Anointed by the Holy Spirit
      *The Ability to Change Circumstances

      Sound too good to be true?

      Jesus Christ Himself delegated His authority to you. Every believer has a LEGAL RIGHT to exercise authority in the earth today. This authority was given to every Christian so that the sick can be healed, finances can be loosed, and those bound by satan, sin, and oppression can be free.

      It’s time for believers to rise up in the full authority that God intended! Discover your spiritual authority and start changing your world today.

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    • Legendary Woman : Partnering With God To Become The Heroine Of Your Own Sto


      Every woman is a legend in the making.

      Legendary women aren’t just those in the history books or leading in business or politics. They are everyday women-the single mom, the prayer leader, the stay-at-home wife-who choose to say yes to God. That one simple act can create a legendary legacy that lives on from generation to generation and forever changes the course of humankind as we know it.

      In Legendary Woman, Bible teacher Michelle McClain-Walters gives flight to the legendary nature in each woman who dares to dream and risk everything to live out her divine purpose. Through the stories of women in Scripture and history, the book presents twelve characteristics of a legendary woman, and challenges you to identify your defining moments-when your destiny intersects with an epic need within your family, community, nation, or your world-and be willing to say yes to the legendary role God has uniquely fashioned for you. In addition, prayers and biblically based confessions, affirmations, and declarations throughout the book will fill you with the confidence you need to embrace who you are at every level.

      This is the finest hour in human history to be a woman. The Lord Most High is activating an army of women who will lead, preach, pray, prophesy, and prosper under the active guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every woman has a place in this army. Every woman is a legend in the making. Whether you had a dark past or are the unlikeliest of heroes, you will come to embrace your path as a real-life legend in the making, the very expression of God in feminine form.

      Using female world-changers of the Bible, this book will encourage you to forget your past, realize your potential, and say yes to the divine destiny God is revealing to you.

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    • Revelation Of Royalty


      Where you go starts with your recognition of who you are in Christ.

      This book will inspire you to know who you am in Christ. It will motivate you to reach higher levels of success and satisfaction in life, family, and business.

      Our salvation in Christ ensures that every one of our needs or godly desires has been provided for by God. Yet many in the body of Christ are suffering and going without. Revelation is the key to developing the faith to receive the inheritance Jesus died to provide for us. One man said, “You are not suffering because there is a great devil, but because of your great ignorance.” Ignorance of our identity in Christ is one reason many Christians are not possessing their divine inheritance. As someone once said, “Your vast inheritance [in Christ] comes only in proportion to your new identity.”

      Our identity will influence what we become, how rich or poor we will be, how high we will climb, even how long we will live. The more revelation a person has of his new identity in Christ, the more of God’s vast promises he will be able to receive and manifest in his life and circumstances. In Revelation of Royalty, you will discover:
      *You cannot rise any higher than your confession and revelation of royalty
      *You are a speaking spirit and have authority over the devil and all his works

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    • Life Foundations : Six Pillars To Knowing God, Yourself, And Impacting Othe


      Faith Simplified

      Want to know more about God and His Word? Sometimes, it can be difficult to even know where to begin

      But everything you need to know about God and yourself can be found in six core principles. These simple, basic principles will revolutionize your relationship with God, empower you to overcome any attack of the enemy, and equip you to help others.

      In Faith Foundations for Life, authors Mike and Carrie Pickett lay out the rock-solid pillars on which to build your Christian walk:
      *God’s Love for You
      *Your Spiritual Make-up
      *How God Sees You
      *Your Identity in Christ
      *The True Nature of God
      *Your Spiritual Authority

      Every essential truth God wants you to know and live out is included right here How do I have a better marriage and relationships? What does God want me to do with my life? How do I walk in power and authority? How do evangelize for Jesus? How do I feel confident that I understand God’s Word? It’s all right here with much more in these six life-altering, biblical truths that will benefit every facet of your life.

      Your Christian walk cannot outgrow your foundation, so build it strong from the core with Faith Foundations for Life.

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    • Identification : A Romance In Redemption


      What does Identification mean? It means our complete union with Jesus in His substitutionary sacrifice. The teaching of Identification is the “legal” side of redemption. It unveils to us what God did for us in Christ from the time He went to the cross until He sat down at the right hand of the Father. Christ became one with us in sin so that we might become one with Him in righteousness. He became as we were so that we might be as He is now.

      In identification, we have one of the richest phases of redemption. There is a twofold oneness: first, His oneness with our sin and humanity on the cross; second, our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne.

      These teachings unveil who we are in Christ and how the Father sees us in the Son. The vital aspect of redemption is what the Holy Spirit, through the Word, is doing in us now. When these truths really gain the ascendancy in our lives, they will make us spiritual “supermen.” It will be the end of our spiritual weakness and failure. We will no longer struggle for faith, for all things are already ours. We will no longer pray for power, for Christ is in us. We will no longer feel the awful bondage of sin-consciousness, for we are the righteousness of God in Christ.

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    • Holy Vulnerability : Spiritual Practices For The Broken, Ashamed, Anxious,


      Life can seemingly be fine on the surface. But for any of us who scratch that surface, we recognize anxiety, shame, disappointment, and regret. And yet, in the depths of these feelings, in the things we hate about ourselves, others, and this world, we can invite God’s presence.

      This is the essence of holy vulnerability. To enter into holy vulnerability is to intentionally expose our raw wounds so that God can heal and mend and transform us.

      What happens when we refuse this depth of healing? Something that author Kellye Fabian calls “unholy leakage”-that thing that happens when we are afraid, ashamed, or anxious, and instead of facing the reality of what we’re experiencing, we just spill it on everyone around us. Where is anxiety occupying our hearts and minds? Where is fear hindering our relationships and limiting our faith and joy? Where is shame causing us to question our self-worth? Is there another way? Yes.Holy Vulnerability unpacks six atypical, unexpected spiritual practices intended to open us to God’s healing and transformation. Through practices like laughter, community, and tangible engagement with creation, Kellye guides us to notice where brokenness is breaking into our lives. And as we intentionally seek God in the midst of these practices-as we step out in holy vulnerability-God will meet us there.

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    • Failsafe : Living Secure In God’s Acceptance


      A powerful book for men’s groups and for personal growth.

      Failsafe reconnects men to their identity in Christ: made in the image of a loving God and remade as new creations no longer bound to the patterns of this world, thanks to the saving work of Jesus.As this connection with God is strengthened, men are reborn. Their emotional lives realign. Their character, spirituality, and emotional health come back into congruence, and they can face the hard things of the world with bold assurance, knowing that they are no longer slaves to their fear, their pain, or the expectations of others. They belong to the Lord, and he has overcome the world.Veteran men’s ministry leader Kenny Luck helps men courageously face their insecurities and unlearn their unhealthy attachments to broken, worldly markers of significance: their jobs, their standing in the community, their physique, etc. Kenny teaches that it is impossible to be spiritually mature when you are emotionally immature and points men to Christ as a model for masculinity and an anchor for their identity.

      This book is a rallying cry for men to become grounded in Christ so they can be set loose to serve a hurting world.

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    • Hope In An Anxious World


      Whether mildly, moderately or severely, feeling anxious is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. At its core, it’s a fear–a sense of worry or tension–about what is or what might occur, but it’s not one that helps. It drags us down–it doesn’t enable us to thrive–and it leaves us unequipped for the day ahead.

      This short, sympathetic and warm book will help both Christian and non-Christian readers understand anxiety better, learn some useful techniques to cope with it and, most importantly, show how the living God can liberate us from its grip.

      Whether you are used to reading about God or not even sure if he really exists (or if he cares about your anxiety in any meaningful way), this book has precious words of encouragement for you.

      “As you read, it is my prayer that you will come to see real hope and take the first few steps in a lifetime of change.” Helen Thorne, author.

      Ideal for giving away to those who are feeling anxious–whether Christian or non-Christian.

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    • Lords Prayer : Our Heavenly Model For Approaching The Throne Of God


      “After this manner therefore pray ye…” (Matthew 6:9).

      With those words, Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, gave us the very model of prayer, one that has been recited ever since-across all denominations and sects and throughout many centuries of time. Perhaps no other aspect of our faith so unifies us in our belief as the simple yet heartfelt expression of the Lord’s Prayer.

      In his book, The Lord’s Prayer: Our Heavenly Model for Approaching the Throne of God, Reverend Robert Anderson breaks down the prayer, line by line, in order to convey, in plain language, the rich meaning and theological concepts behind this divine prescription.

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    • Fuego De Dios – (Spanish)


      El Dr. Luis Palau, con mas de seis decadas de exitoso ministerio, y una vida familiar y de liderazgo intachable, explica, en este libro, que existen dos tipos de “fuego interno” que moviliza la vida al servicio de Dios. Uno de ellos si proviene de Dios mismo, y arde en la vida como lo hacia en la zarza, desde donde le hablo a Moises. Arde sin consumir la zarza, arde sin dolor.

      Otro es el fuego que produce la iniciativa humana y la sangre que late por lograr las metas. Uno es fuego de Dios y otro es fuego del hombre mismo.

      Palau explica detalladamente en estas paginas que el fuego que no proviene de Dios consume. Explica que, por eso, muchos obreros cristianos terminan consumidos y desgastados, abandonando la lucha y desperdiciando dones y talentos. Otros caminan lastimandose a si mismos, y a sus familias a cada paso.

      Este libro contiene una guia con principios biblicos que conducen a una renovacion espiritual radical, y esta enfocado en todo lider y cristiano comprometido con la obra del Seor, que necesita abandonar conductas perjudiciales que lo estan incinerando, y encender en su vida el verdadero Fuego de Dios, que lleva a una vida exitosa.

      Dr. Luis Palau, with more than six decades of successful ministry, and an impeccable family and leadership life, explains in this book that there are two types of “internal fire” that mobilize life in the service of God. One of them does come from God himself and burns in life as he did in the bush, from where he spoke to Moses. It burns without consuming the bush, it burns without pain.

      Another is the fire that human initiative produces and the blood that beats to achieve the goals. One is the fire of God and the other is the fire of man himself.

      Palau explains in detail in these pages that the fire that does not come from God consumes him. He explains that because of this, many Christian workers end up consumed and worn out, abandoning the fight, and wasting gifts and talents. Others walk around hurting themselves, and their families at every turn.

      This book contains a guide with biblical principles that lead to a radical spiritual renewal and is focused on every leader and Christian committed to the work of the Lord, who needs to abandon harmful behaviors that are incinerating him and ignite in his life the true Fire of God, it leads to a successful life.

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    • Finding Gods Will


      Do you have a clear purpose for your life? Or are you drifting through life, being carried here and there by the winds of habit and fashion, tossed by waves of circumstances over which you have no control?

      A person may have talent, intelligence, and special abilities but still live a life filled with frustration-accomplishing very little of permanent value-because they don’t understand their purpose, and they lack a clear objective in life. Many people have the feeling that there should be more to life than they are experiencing.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. One of the greatest benefits and blessings of the Christian life is that it provides us with a real purpose for living. This purpose is rooted in our faith in Christ. As we come to understand God’s will for our lives, we look to Jesus as both our pattern and our inspiration. His supreme motivation in life was to do the Father’s will.

      Both personal and practical, this book helps you to finally answer the question, “What is God’s will for me?” Derek Prince presents clear steps to discovering God’s plans for your life, revealing how you can…

      Gain a clear purpose and objective for living

      Receive supernatural restoration

      Reap God’s promised rewards

      Live free from deception

      Become a channel of life to those around you

      Find deep peace and personal satisfaction

      Will you decide today to do God’s will? Unless you meet this challenge, you could miss all that God has for you. Discover a new sense of purpose today and experience the fullness of God’s will for your life.

      “When you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

      -Hebrews 10:36 (NIV)

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    • Wonderful Name Of Jesus (Revised)


      The Wonderful Name of Jesus is a thrilling exposition of the power vested in the name of Jesus and the believer’s right to use that name. This message has changed the prayer lives of multitudes. If you are looking for power in prayer, this book is a must. It will astound you and fill you with joy to find out who you are in Christ and what Christ is in you.

      In this inspiring book, E. W. Kenyon clearly explains our spiritual authority in the name of Jesus. The church must use Jesus’s name more and more to confront sickness and demonic activity and live in the victory Christ has provided. You don’t need to be a weak, defeated Christian. Discover what the Word has to say about you and your rights and privileges as a redeemed believer!

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    • Soul Of A Hero


      If you are a man-or in love with one-who is stuck and empty and ready for change, this is the book for you.

      When people hear the word hero these days, the movie cliche of a superhero rescuing a desperate woman instantly comes to mind. But answering the call to be a godly hero is far from that mistaken scenario. The lives of too many guys are full of pain and frustration and an aimless desire to either medicate the pain or find another victim to rescue-the furthest thing from being a hero. The world needs men who are running on all cylinders, passionate about what they do. In The Soul of a Hero, bestselling authors and respected counselors Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop guide men to a better, hope-filled life by helping them rediscover their true God-given calling: to be a hero.When men live into their true identity as heroes, temptations lose their allure and depression gives way to energy. Men who once felt as if their best years were behind them find a second wind to help them live every moment to its fullest. This book calls and equips men to become the heroes their wives, sons, daughters, friends, and coworkers want and need them to be.In The Soul of a Hero, you will learn how to start from empty and transform yourself into a man who is thriving with purpose, joy, and true grit.

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    • Has God Failed You


      As well-known Christians announce a newfound loss of faith, other believers face increasing pressure or doubt. We feel let down, ashamed to question God’s goodness, and in need of assurance of our faith and answers to our pain.

      From a leading voice on issues facing Christians today comes a frank and insightful discussion about whether it’s okay to doubt God and what to do about it. Michael L. Brown answers the very toughest questions, such as:
      – Why are people leaving the church?
      – Why haven’t my prayers been answered?
      – Why do people have to experience pain?
      – What if there is no God?
      – And more

      These pages will lead anyone who has been hurt, anyone with questions that will not go away, into a wonderful, fresh, life-transforming encounter with the living God.

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    • Experiencing God 2021 Edition


      When you open this book, you’ll find that you aren’t just reading. No, you are being remade, reoriented, restored from the frustration of what you may have known as stale religion. Captured not by a concept but by your Creator, reborn in relationship.

      Here’s the Experiencing God that has already impacted millions of people. Only it’s bigger, and better, and ready to lead you again-or for the very first time-into an experience with God. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan, and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom.

      After a thorough revision, this landmark volume returns with seven new chapters, as well as dozens of true stories from people who, through this book, have experienced God.

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    • Roar Within


      Every boy has dreams of the man he will become–exploring the world, fighting the enemy, and being dangerous for good. He imagines himself as the hero, the expert, the one others look up to. Then somewhere along the way, the lies of the enemy knock him down, his dreams are shattered, and he loses purpose as the enemy attempts to rob him of his true identity.

      In this hard-hitting book, world-class hunter, adventurer, and popular speaker Brent Henderson takes men on a journey to some of the most dangerous and deadly places on earth. Along the way, he helps each man discover that the most powerful force in the universe can be found in his spirit, where God resides. He shows men how to recover what’s been lost by answering their biggest questions: Who am I really? Where does my value come from? and Am I enough?

      The perfect gift for Father’s Day, The Roar Within will set men free and equip them to live lives of purpose, courage, and confidence.

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    • Brave By Faith


      What does it look like to live with joy in a society that does not like what Christians believe, say, or do? It’s tempting to grow angry, keep our heads down, retreat, or just give up altogether.

      But this isn’t the first time God’s people have had to learn how to live in a pagan world that opposes God’s rule. In this realistic yet positive book, renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg examines the first seven chapters of Daniel to show us how to live bravely, confidently and obediently in an increasingly secular society.

      Readers will see that God is powerful, God is sovereign, and that even in the face of circumstances that appear to be prevailing against his people, we may trust him entirely.

      We can be as brave as Daniel, if we have faith in Daniel’s God!

      “The message of Daniel is incredibly relevant for us in our generation. Not because it maps out a strategy for how to deal with our new lack of status… or because Daniel was a great man and we need to follow his example. The reason is that it will help us to believe in Daniel’s God.” Alistair Begg, author.

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    • Place Of His Presence


      When was the last time you felt God’s presence?

      Does a sense of the Lord’s presence seem to elude you, despite your earnest seeking? Does Heaven seem silent, despite your patient listening?

      Many Christians have been on a similar journey, but Scripture makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is within you–not just with you. The secret to experiencing the Lord is simply to live from the reality of His already-intimate presence within your own heart.

      Author, teacher, songwriter, and worship leader, Daniel Amstutz wants to revolutionize how you think about God’s presence. In The Place of His Presence, Amstutz makes the bold, biblical claim that, while you’ve been looking for God, He already dwells within you!

      In this important work, Daniel Amstutz helps you…

      *Understand the important distinction between God with us and Christ in us

      *Recognize that you are God’s dwelling place, the temple for His presence

      *Discover that a lifestyle of true worship has nothing to do with music

      *Enrich your ability to operate in the supernatural

      If you’ve been frustrated by the fruitless results of your fervent search for God, this book is for you. Discover the power of this life-changing truth: you are The Place of His Presence!

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    • When God Says No


      No is not a four-letter word, but it certainly feels like one.

      It’s one thing to feel God’s love when life goes your way, but what happens to your faith when life doesn’t go as you had planned?

      When prayers go unanswered and dreams unfulfilled?

      When the sick stay sick and the dead do not rise?

      When you’re lost in the desert and the Promised Land seems like empty promise?

      When God says, “No,” how do you grapple with disappointment?

      Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson walks alongside readers as she tackles the difficulties that stymie our faith, stifle our prayers, and stunt our relationship with God. When God Says, “No” will help you to discover hope when life feels hopeless, good in what feels bad, and new dreams when old ones have died. This book is a fantastic reminder of Who is in charge-Who He is and how He works. How He loves us and why He limits us. The better we know Him, the more we understand that He says “No” to a few things, so He might say “Yes” to many more.

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    • Holy Revolution : Finding True Satisfaction In A Life Set Apart



      For years, the church has taught holiness as renunciation instead of relationship: listing things that good Christians must give up, rather than dwelling on all that we gain when by choosing Jesus!

      Author, artist, and podcaster, Jamie Lyn Wallnau tackles the topic of holiness for her fellow millennials. She makes the bold claim that a life set apart is the only path to true, abiding fulfilment.

      Jamie teaches that the Jesus-devoted life treasures Him as the greatest good, and pursues Him above all else.

      Written from a heart abandoned to God, Holy Revolution teaches readers to:
      *Enjoy Jesus’ Presence over distraction.
      *Trust and experience the Promise Keeper in the midst of delay and discouragement.
      *Experience the freedom of friendship with God.
      *Use simple, conversational prayer as a powerful weapon.
      *Live in victory over temptation through total satisfaction in Jesus.
      *Influence culture through words and example.

      Discover the freedom and joy of a life set apart. Will you choose Jesus today?

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    • Well Watered Woman


      Discover the bottomless, refreshing Well of God’s Word-and experience a fullness and peace beyond your circumstances.In the chaos of our everyday, it can be difficult to live out and apply the truths of Scripture. We want more of Jesus, but we find ourselves looking to our own lives and accomplishments for our worth and identity. And while that may buoy us for a time, we’re often left feeling dried up, discouraged, and longing for more.

      Gretchen Saffles knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and unable to flourish. In The Well-Watered Woman, Gretchen leads us to the Well of fullness, the Word of freedom, and the Way of fruitfulness. She teaches that God’s Word will satisfy us for all eternity.Using Scripture and her own personal story of surrender, Gretchen offers spiritually hungry women tangible tools to not only know Jesus more but to live a life that thoroughly enjoys Him, seeks Him, and follows Him into freedom.

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    • Kingdom Of God In You Revised And Updated (Revised)


      God’s Abundant Life is Within You!

      Scripture is clear that God will meet your every need. Peace, health, and financial provision are all free for the asking. But why is daily life for so many Christians marked by anxiety, sickness, and lack?

      Bill Winston believes it is because many believers fail to live in the reality of the Kingdom within.

      Bestselling author and nationally known pastor of one of America’s fastest-growing churches, Bill Winston teaches that God has already deposited supernatural power and provision within every follower of Jesus. Unfortunately, our reality is often governed more by the Enemy’s lies than by God’s Kingdom truth.

      In this newly revised and updated edition of The Kingdom of God in You, Pastor Winston reveals how you can escape the prison of the Enemy’s deception and experience the Kingdom power in you.

      Within these pages, you will discover…

      *A fresh revelation of the power of God’s Kingdom on earth

      *How to operate in kingdom principles to meet your every need

      *A power for daily living that far exceeds self-reliance or personal effort

      This book is a must-read for every Christian. If you long to experience all that Jesus makes possible, take hold of The Kingdom of God in You!

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    • God Of The Mundane


      It’s OK to not be a “radical” Christian. Our life is not about what we do for God. It’s about what he does for us.

      You’ve heard the message. “If you really loved God, you would be totally committed-do something big, sell your belongings, maybe become a missionary.” Matt Redmond has preached it himself. But here he simply asks: What about the rest of us?

      Through stories of pastors, plumbers, dental hygienists, and stay-at-home moms, Matt finds grace and mercy in chicken fingers, classic films, and smiles from strangers. Ultimately, he convicts us of what he has learned himself…

      There is a God of the mundane, and our life is not about what we do for him. It’s about what he does for us.

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    • Extraordinary Hospitality For Ordinary People


      How you can reflect God’s welcoming heart through generous hospitality, without becoming exhausted and overburdened.

      Generous hospitality is a significant way in which God works in our lives to bring life to others, yet many of us feel ill-equipped and overwhelmed at the prospect, especially if we don’t have big houses and we are not wonderful cooks!

      Carolyn Lacey encourages us to focus on the goal of hospitality, which is to reflect God’s welcoming heart, and shows us how we can all do that, regardless of our bank balance or living situation.

      She explores seven ways in which we can reflect God’s character in the way we welcome others into our homes and into our lives, pointing people ultimately to Christ.

      This practical and realistic book explores how to make generous hospitality part of everyday life without becoming exhausted and overburdened.

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    • 21 Days Of Deeper Prayer (Audio CD)


      Let Rivers of Living Water Flow Through You!

      Do you wish your Christianity had a little more power in it? Jesus told His followers, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'” (John 7:38).

      These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit. When you consistently experience an intimate relationship with God, He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of those around you.

      God wants you to experience Him in this way! If you spend the next twenty-one days reading this book and joining in interactive prayers, then genuine rivers of the Spirit will burst through your life.

      If you are willing, God Himself will shower you with His presence. You will learn how to pray to a heavenly Father who hears and answers you. You will experience moments with Him that will transform you from the inside out and take you to the next level in your Christian walk. Jim Maxim’s 21 Days of Deeper Prayer will truly help you Discover an Extraordinary Life in God.

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    • Bibles Four Gospels


      “I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” (Luke 2:10).

      The word “gospel” means “good news”–and who couldn’t use some good news these days? The first four books of the New Testament, called the Gospels, contain the very best news ever heard: the message of how you can have eternal life.

      1. Introduction by Ray Comfort
      2. Why Christianity?
      3. Common Questions About the Christian Faith
      4. Principles for Growth
      5. Understanding the Biblical Gospel

      With commentary adapted from The Evidence Study Bible (a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award), this pocket-sized edition is designed to carry in your pocket or purse to give to an unsaved person.

      In addition to the eyewitness accounts of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth–the greatest Person who ever lived–skeptics can find answers to commonly asked questions such as:

      * How do you know God exists?
      * Who made God?
      * Why do bad things happen?
      * How do you know the Bible is true?
      * How could a loving God create Hell, and more.

      With a thorough gospel presentation and suggestions for Christian growth, this publication will help readers to understand why the gospel is indeed the very best news ever and how to grow in their new faith.

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    • Satisfy My Thirsty Soul


      As a woman who wants to follow Jesus in her everyday life, you yearn for intimacy with God. You long to know His presence, to be satisfied in heart and soul, but you don’t know how. You feel like you’re trudging through your days, making sure you’re doing everything you can for Him . . . but you can’t shake the feeling that something is missing.

      Linda Dillow understands. She longed for depth of intimacy with God, but in the middle of a busy and complicated life, realized that she’d settled for serving Him. And when our actions for God are our primary focus, we miss the extraordinary honor of getting to be with Him. So how can we be with Him? Through a life of worship.

      True worship is both a specific act and a lifestyle. As you learn what it means to bow your knee (the act of worship), you’ll gain a renewed intimacy with God. And as you learn to bow your thoughts, words, work, attitudes, will, and even pain (the lifestyle of worship), you’ll be drawn into God’s holy and life-giving presence-the place where He will truly satisfy your thirsty soul.

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    • Can You Still Trust God


      When things are going your way, trusting the Lord is easy. But when painful trials, unmet needs, or lost dreams assail, do you wonder if God can still be trusted?

      What do you do when facing a challenge that seems insurmountable? Do you believe God can be trusted? In Can You Still Trust God?, Charles Stanley reveals three essential beliefs for trusting God:
      1. God is perfect in His love
      2. God is infinite in wisdom, and
      3. God is absolutely sovereign

      Even when you cannot understand why God would allow certain situations to occur, these core beliefs form the basis for trusting Him. Your ability to receive the blessings God has for you is determined by the degree to which these wise truths are embedded in your soul.

      Stanley then presents five blessings that can be yours when you choose to believe God can be trusted, even when you do not know what the next day will bring. You can face any circumstance with confidence and hope because it is not your strength, wisdom, energy, or power that is the ultimate source of victory. It is God’s ability. When you trust Him, you tap into an eternal force that cannot be harnessed by any human constraints.

      Can You Still Trust God? is a message of hope for Christians struggling to reconcile the suffering and turmoil in the world with a loving God. Pastors, ministers, and Bible study leaders will find a resource for teaching their communities about God’s promises and how to deepen their trust in Him.

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