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Jennifer LeClaire

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  • Unmasking Jezebels Intercessors


    Are You Being Prayed For-Or Preyed On?

    Do you feel like unseen forces are wreaking havoc on your life? As if some who claim to be Christians are actually praying prayers of manipulation and sabotage over you?

    Having fought firsthand against these prayers of witchcraft, bestselling author and prophetic teacher Jennifer LeClaire has seen both personal and regional breakthroughs over this high-level demonic force-and she wants the same for you.

    In Unmasking Jezebel’s Intercessors, Jennifer helps you expose and shut down the manipulative Jezebel spirit that is trying to sabotage your destiny so you can experience immediate breakthrough and victory.

    Full of practical tools and prophetic insight, this book will help you:

    Recognize the Jezebel spirit at work in your life. Combat the witchcraft prayers released against your mind and body. Cancel the demonic assignments sent to destroy your life. Confront Jezebel’s intercessors. Arm yourself with effective spiritual warfare strategies.

    Make no mistake: Jezebel’s intercessors are on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t fall prey to their prayers. It’s time to shut down Jezebel’s spiritual sabotage and unleash the destiny God has for you, your church, and your city.

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  • Deliverance From Prophetic Witchcraft


    Don’t Become a Victim of Prophetic Witchcraft

    Are you struggling with sickness, relationship issues, finances, or mental health? Does it feel like you can never catch a break or get ahead of crushing obligations? These are all manifestations of prophetic witchcraft–which means you have unknowingly given the enemy access to your life.

    In these last days, false prophets abound, stealthily infiltrating our churches. Many, blinded by pride or ignorance, fall prey to their subtle ploys. But if you find yourself in bondage, there is hope.

    With decades of experience in spiritual warfare and prophetic ministry, bestselling author Jennifer LeClaire exposes these false prophets, empowering you to break free from their deceptions and witchcraft so you can walk in supernatural victory in all areas of your life.

    Practical, encouraging, and full of wisdom, this book is your road map to freedom, helping you partner with the Holy Spirit to:

    *Identify the signs of prophetic witchcraft and manipulation at work in your life.
    *Break agreements with prophetic soul ties.
    *Reverse evil prophetic decrees over your life.
    *Overcome financial and relational witchcraft.
    *Receive healing from witchcraft-inspired sickness and disease.
    *Experience a spiritual overhaul and soul detox.
    *Rebuild trust in the true prophetic.

    You are a victor–not a victim. Here is everything you need to expose the enemy’s insidious deceptions, cast down the havoc of prophetic witchcraft, and experience complete, supernatural freedom and deliverance.

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  • Tongues Of Fire


    Access Your Prophetic Advantage in Prayer!

    What is really happening in the unseen realm when we pray in tongues? In Tongues of Fire, seasoned prophetic teacher and prayer leader, Jennifer LeClaire offers fresh biblical insight into what goes on when we activate our heavenly prayer language.

    Using directed prayer activations, Jennifer helps you tap into the power of praying in tongues. She examines the physiological effects that praying in tongues has on our bodies as well as the promises of God we access when we pray.

    Divided into 101 easy to read mini-chapters, you will discover how to:

    *Break Religious Mindsets
    *Strengthen Your Physical Body
    *Tap into Heaven’s Revelation and Mysteries
    *Receive Holy Boldness
    *Open Your Seer Eyes to the Unseen Realm
    *Shift Spiritual Atmospheres
    *Pray Perfect Prayers

    Don’t get stuck in a rut of powerless prayer. There’s a whole realm of glory and power awaiting you as you unlock the mysteries of praying in tongues. Tap into it today and see your life transformed from the inside out!

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  • Prophets Devotional : 365 Daily Invitations To Hear, Discern, And Activate


    Daily encouragements to tend the prophetic flame.

    The Prophet’s Devotional was written to equip and encourage you in your prophetic gift. No matter where you are in your prophetic journey, this essential resource will sharpen your discernment and hone your delivery of prophetic words.

    Bestselling author, spiritual warfare leader, and prophetic trainer, Jennifer LeClaire delivers a devotional experience unlike any other, providing rich, daily teachings and powerful prayers to empower you in your prophetic adventure with the Lord.

    Over the course of 365 days, you will:
    *Discover different functions of the prophetic gift
    *Avoid common pitfalls for prophetic people
    *Receive protocol for operating in the prophetic
    *Engage multiple dimensions of the spirit of prophecy
    *Discern the spirit realm with increased clarity
    *Hear God’s voice more distinctly and frequently

    As you continue to steward your prophetic gift, you will hear God’s voice with greater clarity, and speak His words with greater confidence. What are you waiting for? The adventure begins today!

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  • Cleansing Your Home From Evil


    Do You Have Cursed Objects in Your Home?

    Many people unwittingly own objects that are gateways for evil. These everyday, “cursed objects” can open the doors for demons to wreak havoc in every area of your life and family.

    This demonic activity may manifest through night terrors, sleep paralysis, poltergeists, or ghosts. Or it may be more subtle, bringing harm through physical ailment, emotional distress, and financial setback. But you don’t have to tolerate the presence of demons in your home! You can kick the devil out today!

    In Cleansing Your Home from Evil, renowned spiritual warfare expert Jennifer LeClaire reveals how demonic activity can enter your life through cursed objects, offering practical solutions to supernaturally cleanse the atmosphere!

    You will learn:
    *13 signs that you have cursed objects in your home
    *What “cursed objects” are, and what you should do with them
    *How to recognize if you are being influenced by demonic activity
    *How to expose demonic gateways such as New Age practices, violent media, satanic objects, etc.
    *How to protect your children from items that can create demonic doorways in their bedrooms
    *How to bless your home by dedicating it to God and building a family altar to the Lord

    Don’t spend one more day unaware of the enemy’s schemes against you and your family! Follow these strategies and shut down the devil’s plan to terrorize your home!

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  • Making Of A Watchman


    The “Watchman Anointing” is being released in this hour!

    If you seek to better understand the times and seasons, read on. If you are compelled by Jesus’ words to watch and to pray, this book is for you!

    Throughout Scripture, God appointed His watchmen to guard and protect Israel. The watchman’s duty was to warn of coming danger, calling God’s people to follow the Lord’s ways. A watchman’s ministry offered both warning and hope. Though they were often not well received, their message and ministry were critical. It is no different today.

    In The Making of a Watchman, veteran prophet and seer, Jennifer LeClaire draws from scriptural examples and personal experience, revealing how to operate in this crucial ministry – not only to anticipate the enemy’s schemes, but to align with God’s sovereign plan.

    The Making of a Watchman will:
    *Detail the role of a watchman.
    *Help you discern if you are called to this ministry.
    *Offer protocols for releasing words of warning paired with words of hope.
    *Provide practical prayers, exercises, and activations for operating as a watchman.

    God still appoints His watchmen over cities and nations – those who will proclaim His Kingdom and offer hope in the midst of chaos. Are you called to this office? Come along with Jennifer LeClaire and learn to respond with Kingdom perspective to the changing times and seasons!

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  • Breaking The Miracle Barrier


    Throughout the Bible, we read stories of individuals praying desperate prayers–and receiving miracle answers. This leaves us with a question: What does it take to push through–to break the miracle barrier?

    In this powerful new release, apostolic leader Jennifer LeClaire reveals a surprising key to obtaining breakthrough, veiled in the prayer lives of people crying desperately to see godly desires manifested, loved ones delivered, and enemies defeated. She teaches believers how to cry out to God, and how to sustain the desperate kind of faith undaunted by obstacles, opposition, and odds–prayer in faith that breaks the miracle barrier.

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  • Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft


    Your Holy Spirit Handbook to Surviving Last Days Deception.

    On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?” – Matthew 7:22

    Are they prophesying by the Holy Spirit… or ministering under a demonic influence?

    Jennifer LeClaire received a startling prophetic word that a showdown was coming to the body of Christ-where both true and false prophets will be exposed. In this book she presents a confrontational yet constructive word of warning to the contemporary Spirit-empowered movement. More than ever, there is a great need in the modern prophetic community to be discerning of what is true and what is false.

    This powerful book features intriguing chapters that provide Bible answers, supernatural clarity and timely spiritual solutions, including:
    *Identify what real prophets look and sound like.
    *Discover the signs of false prophets.
    *Discern the difference between false prophets and false prophecy.
    *Avoid “Prophetic Con Artists” who sell prophecies and engage in spiritual scams.
    *Beware of “Charismatic Witchcraft.”
    *Recognize the counterfeit Rise of “Christian Witches” and Psychics.
    *Resist those offering deliverance and impartation who are empowered by divination.

    When you learn to recognize and resist satan’s counterfeits, you will build your life upon unshakeable Truth and thrive in victory during days of darkness and compromise.

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  • Victory Decrees : Daily Prophetic Strategies For Spiritual Warfare Victory


    Declarations and decrees that give you an advantage over the enemy!

    The enemy of every believer prowls around like a roaring lion, searching for souls to devour. But when you are equipped with Biblical warfare strategies, you have the authority to declare, “Not today, Satan!”

    Bestselling author and veteran spiritual warrior, Jennifer LeClaire offers Victory Decrees–a daily devotional of prophetic warfare strategies that will empower you towards victory!

    Begin every day positioned for triumph!

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  • Becoming A Next Level Prophet


    Prophets aren’t sharpened in an instant. They must go through a “making” process to shape their character and burn off their impurities through experiencing the ways of God. As you explore your prophetic calling, you will understand your prophetic mission–and what it takes to progress through each level on your way to fulfilling your God-given destiny.

    In Becoming a Next-Level Prophet, author, speaker, and apostolic prophet Jennifer LeClaire encourages and challenges you to sharpen your prophetic edge through obedience, willingness, humility, selflessness, prayer, warfare, holiness, faithfulness, and accountability. She urges you to mature in your anointing and to be a good steward of the gifts with which God has entrusted you, pointing more people to Jesus. As spiritual warfare increases and the world is in desperate need for the clear voice of God, it is crucial that his prophets rise up with power and maturity.

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  • Decoding Your Dreams


    What is God saying to you in your dreams? Let a leading prophetic voice teach you how to build your dream language vocabulary

    Given the average human sleeps eight hours a night-one third of our time spent on planet earth-it should come as no surprise that God will at times speak to us through Spirit-inspired dreams. So then why are most of us clueless as to what they all mean?

    Decoding Your Dreams will demystify God’s dream language.

    The truth is God speaks to each of us in ways that are personal to our culture and our life experience. If you are a Spanish speaker, for instance, God will typically not speak to you in Chinese. Much the same, if you are a dog lover God may use a dog in your dream to symbolize loyalty. But if you were attacked by a dog as a youth, a dog will mean something much different to you. It is vital we take to truly understand our dreams.

    In the Bible, there are over 200 mentions of dreams and visions. From Jacob, Joseph, and Daniel in the Old Testament to Joseph and the apostles in the New Testament, God has spoken to His people through dreams throughout out recorded history.

    Decoding Your Dreams will provide a solid, safe explanation of the dream world and dream languages that will help readers understand what God is really saying to them.

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  • Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Water Spirits


    Gain victory over the spiritual forces of the deep!

    What are “water spirits?”

    Everyday people are feeling the effects of unseen evil forces, and yet, they don’t know what’s attacking them, let alone how to have victory.

    While many spiritual warriors are familiar with principalities and powers like Jezebel and witchcraft, few have heard of marine demons. Also called “water spirits,” these powers wreak havoc in places near bodies of water. From Python, to Leviathan, to Triton to Rahab and beyond, spiritual warriors are feeling the effects of water spirits but often don’t know how to combat these evil forces.

    Bestselling author, Jennifer LeClaire provides a revolutionary guidebook on how to prophetically recognize these spirits and engage in victorious warfare against them. This book will identify each water spirit, equipping believers to overcome them.

    Be prepared to:
    *Recognize the symptoms of the spirit of Python and learn to break free from its squeezing stronghold.
    *Detect the twisted lies of a Leviathan spirit in your life and in contemporary culture.
    *Overcome the spirit of Rahab that attempts to prevent you from crossing over into your new season.
    *Unleash the power of Holy Spirit and partner with Him to change spiritual climates in your life and city.

    Discern the presence of these water spirits and become equipped with spiritual warfare strategies to defeat them!

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