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John Maxwell

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  • 16 Undeniable Laws Of Communication


    Never Be Afraid to Speak to a Group Again

    It’s been said that public speaking is the number one fear of most people, with death being second. “This means,” said comedian Jerry Seinfeld, “if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

    How can you overcome fear or ineffectiveness as a speaker? Learn the Laws of Communication!

    John C. Maxwell has been a public speaker and motivational teacher for more than fifty years. He is one of only eight people on the planet who have been awarded Toastmaster’s Golden Gavel and been inducted into the National Speakers’ Association Hall of Fame. In The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message, he shares everything he’s learned from a lifetime of communication.

    Learn how to:

    *Speak from conviction
    *Prepare your content and yourself for speaking
    *Find and use your personal and communication strengths
    *Focus on your audience and connect
    *Tell better stories
    *Read the room and create energy and anticipation
    *Add value to people
    *Inspire people to take action

    Everyone has a message to share. Whether you want to improve your ability to inspire employees, speak at PTA meetings, report to a board of directors, teach students, deliver a sermon, address a small group, speak from a stage, or communicate to an arena full of people, this book can help you.

    Learn from one of the best communicators in the world and start making the most of your message today.

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  • Unstoppable You : 7 Ways To Tap Into Your Potential For Success


    Are you unstoppable?

    You can be. Most people allow others to put limitations on them. They even put limitations on themselves . Don’t ever do that again. You don’t have to be stoppable. Instead, unleash your potential.

    When John Maxwell started his career in small-town Indiana, few people would have guessed he would go on to become a bestselling author and world-wide leadership expert. How did he do it? He didn’t put limits on himself. He believed he could make a difference in the world, and he kept going until he achieved it.

    You can too. In The Unstoppable You, Maxwell teaches the seven ways you can tap into your potential and start overcoming obstacles, solving problems, and accomplishing results you previously thought impossible.

    Go ahead. Take your next steps. Achieve the success you’ve always dreamt of. And never stop.

    John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, speaker, coach and leader who has sold more than 34 million books. He is the founder of Maxwell LeadershipO–a leadership development organization that has trained tens of millions of leaders in every nation. Having been recognized as the #1 leader in business and as the world’s most influential leadership expert, Maxwell continues to influence individuals and organizations worldwide–from Fortune 500 CEOs and national leaders to entrepreneurs and the leaders of tomorrow.

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  • Influence Formula : 4 Steps To Help You Lead Anyone Well


    You can become good at leading others!

    The opportunity to lead people is an invitation to make a difference. Good leadership changes individual lives, forms teams, builds organizations, and impacts communities. It has the potential to change the world. And you can learn to do it well.

    Leadership is both art and science. The science starts with the formula. The art comes as you make it your own.

    Whether you’re a natural leader working in an organization or an individual wanting to develop influence for the first time, The Influence Formula will help you to lead others well.

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  • Thinkers Edge : 11 Practices For Getting Ahead In Business And Life


    How Can You Get an Edge in a Competitive World?

    Think better.

    Whether you’re competing against others or trying to beat your own best performances, good thinking is the key.

    In The Thinker’s Edge, international bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares eleven simple practices to help you better use your most-valuable asset-your mind.

    By developing your thinking and creating habits of mind, you will gain insight and perspective, become innovative and focused, display realism and optimism, and embrace strategy while adding value to others. Follow Maxwell’s advice, and you and your team will perform better than you ever have before.

    About Maxwell Moments

    Maxwell Moments is an innovative new line of books unlike any other Maxwell books in the marketplace. With a fresh new look and feel, they will appeal to a younger and more innovative audience while delivering the same time-tested Maxwell message of hope, personal growth, leadership development, and success.

    Titles in the Maxwell Moments series are single-concept books in a creative format, chock full of wisdom, insight, and inspiration. Each contains the essence of one of John’s messages, divided into short chapters to be savored in small bites, read in a single sitting, given as gifts, and used as mentoring tools.

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  • Master What Matters


    How Can You Win at Life?

    What does a winning life look like? And how can you get there?

    They key is focusing on what matter most.

    The choices you make every day based on your values are what define you. And define your life. Make the right ones, and you are a winner. And here’s the good news: they’re not rocket science. Anyone can make them. Internationally bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares twelve everyday choices that you can make today and every day. They will help you master what matters so that you can have a better life.

    About Maxwell Moments

    Maxwell Moments is an innovative new line of derivative books unlike any other Maxwell books in the marketplace. They will look and feel fresh, appealing to a younger and more innovative audience while delivering the time-tested Maxwell message of hope, personal growth, leadership development, and success.

    Titles in the Maxwell Moments series will be single-concept books in a creative format, chock full of wisdom, insight, and inspiration. Each will contain the essence of one of John’s messages, divided into short chapters to be savored in small bites, read in a single sitting, given as gifts, and used as mentoring tools.

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  • 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth (Anniversary)


    With a new foreword, bestselling author John C. Maxwell uses his tried and true principles for maximum personal growth.

    Are there actually tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over 50 years, and in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In his trademark style, Maxwell covers:

    *The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
    *The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
    *The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
    *The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where *You are and Where You Could Be
    *The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others

    This 10th anniversary edition comes with an updated foreword from John Maxwell. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will help you become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing so you can lead others with passion and get results.

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  • 150 Essential Insights On Leadership


    “The best leaders bring all of the resources in their world into play to accomplish something great.”
    John Maxwell

    Influential author and teacher John C. Maxwell travels around the world to meet with people of all backgrounds, helping them discover their God-given purpose. John’s timeless leadership principles equip and empower people-from Fortune 500 companies to community leaders-to do remarkable things and lead significant and fulfilled lives.

    Now you can gain from John’s wisdom and guidance with this collection of some of his most impactful quotes. Whether you are called to lead or you’re simply seeking God’s direction for your life, you will benefit from his valuable insights on…

    *Taking Action: “In the beginning, you just need to get moving. Try different things. It’s much easier to start doing something right if you’ve already started doing something.
    *Dreaming Big: “Dreams are valuable commodities. They propel us forward. They give us energy. They make us enthusiastic. Everyone ought to have a dream.”
    *Investing in Others: “One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You’re meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.”

    Let John’s words inspire you to make a difference in your home, your workplace, and your world.

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  • Mentoring 101 : What Every Leader Needs To Know


    Another great little book packed with wisdom and instruction to add to the successful 101 series from John C. Maxwell, now with sales in excess of 1 million copies. Drawing from many of John Maxwell’s bestsellers, this book explores the timeless principles that have become Dr. Maxwell’s trademark style. In a concise, straightforward voice, Maxwell focuses on essential and time-tested qualities necessary for developing mentoring relationships that make a difference in the lives of your colleagues and the life of your business.

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  • Relationships 101 : What Every Leader Needs To Know


    Great leaders understand that their team is only as strong as its weakest link. And healthy, nurtured relationships are key in making your team operate as a well-oiled machine. In Relationships 101, John Maxwell offers time-tested principles for connecting with people and building positive working relationships within an organization. The unique, pocket-size format puts straightforward, practical information at your fingertips. Topics include: What Do I Need to Know about Others? How Can I Become a Better Listener? What Does It Mean to Have Integrity with People? How Can I Serve and Lead at the Same Time?

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  • Attitude 101 : What Every Leader Needs To Know


    John Maxwell firmly points to attitude as the key in making or breaking a leader. Leadership has less to do with position than it does with disposition, because it will influence the way the followers think and feel. Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses from others. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person9s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership. He concludes Attitude 101 with practical ways readers can take their attitude to the next level.

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  • Winning Attitude : Your Key To Personal Success


    John Maxwell not only discovered the winning attitude, but he has also experienced the incredible difference it makes. Today he speaks extensively across the United States at business meetings and conferences on the issues of leadership.

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