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Lester Sumrall

  • Spirit Soul And Body


    In this exploration of the inner man, Lester Sumrall describes the unity of the human personality. He shows how the three distinct parts of the human person can function in harmony and how to yield each part to our Lord Jesus Christ. Learn how to understand the division of your spirit, soul, and body so that you can live a fulfilling, victorious life.

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  • Nombres De Dios – (Spanish)


    Los nombres de Dios revelan su favor y su amor inmensurable por nosotros. El es nuestro Sanador, Proveedor, Pacificador, Conquistador y mucho mas.

    Al saber como Dios expresa su amor por nosotros por medio de sus nombres, usted puede:
    profundizar su comunion con El
    descubrir su proposito en la vida
    encontrar seguridad y paz en su presencia
    recibir sanidad para su cuerpo
    derrotar la influencia de Satanas en su vida

    Al entender la naturaleza de Dios, usted cosechara las bendiciones de sus muchas promesas, vivira el gran plan que El tiene para su vida y vera satisfechas sus necesidades mas profundas.

    Aqui esta la llave para abrir el tesoro… las miles de promesas hechas por Dios a cada uno de nosotros. !Reclamelas hoy!

    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for us.
    He is our Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more.

    By knowing how God expresses His love for us through His names, you can:
    Deepen your fellowship with Him
    Discover your purpose in life
    Find security and peace in His presence
    Receive healing for your body
    Defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you will reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

    Here’s the key to unlocking the treasure…the thousands of promises made by God to each one of us. Claim them today!

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  • Dones Y Ministerios Del Espiri – (Spanish)


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere-right where you are now!

    Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including:

    The charismatic renewal
    The weapons of our warfare
    How you can receive the gifts
    The devil’s counterfeit
    The purpose of ministry gifts

    You can be included in the great outpouring of God’s Spirit!

    Usted puede tener el poder del Espiritu Santo

    Los dones del Espiritu pueden destruir cualquier fuerza que el enemigo quiera usar contra los cristianos. Usted es un candidato para recibir los dones de revelacion, poder e inspiracion !Estos funcionaran en cualquier lugar-en donde usted este ahora mismo!

    El Dr. Sumrall discute temas que incluyen:

    La renovacion carismatica
    Las armas de nuestra guerra
    Como podemos recibir los dones
    La falsificacion del diablo
    El proposito de los dones ministeriales

    !Usted puede ser incluido en el gran derramamiento del Espiritu de Dios!

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  • Names Of God


    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for you. He is your Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more. By knowing how God expresses His love for you through His names, you can:
    *deepen your fellowship with Him
    *discover your purpose in life
    *find security and peace in His presence
    *receive healing for your body
    *defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you’ll reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

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  • Gifts And Ministries Of The Holy Spirit


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power and inspiration. Dr. Sumrall discusses such subjects as the charismatic renewal, how you can receive the gifts, and the purpose of ministry gifts

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  • Demons The Answer Book


    From the Scriptures, Lester Sumrall shows that we can wage war on the devil and that we can win through the power given to us by Jesus Christ! In this book, you will learn how to: Obtain overcoming faith Use the weapon of prayer Access the Holy Spirit’s power against Satan Be set free of demonic oppression Be in complete freedom from disease Sumrall’s encouragement for the church today is that the children of God have already won. Christ is on our side, and we have mighty weapons to use in the battle. With this knowledge, you will find that you are more than a conqueror.

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  • Angels To Help You


    You might not realize it, but your life is strongly influenced by angels. Find out how in this helpful, easy-to-read guide. Lester Sumrall offers scriptural answers to many often-asked questions about angels.

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