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Michael Brown

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  • Turn The Tide


    With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can change the world instead of the world changing us.

    This book will provide the information you need so you can be effectively used by the Holy Spirit to bring reformation to our society in the wake of spiritual revival. You will see how God can use you in both big and small ways to fulfill His great commission.

    How can a spiritual outpouring in the church become a cultural awakening in the society? How can we move from revival to reformation?

    In Turn the Tide, Michael L. Brown, PhD, lays out the key steps believers must take in this new season of revival–from the prayer room to the home, from the schools and universities to the worlds of finance and politics–to see lasting cultural change.

    Drawing from historical revivals and scriptural insights, Brown challenges readers to move beyond the boundaries of the church walls and engage in a transformative journey that permeates every aspect of society. He addresses topics such as how to:

    *deepen our prayer base
    *infiltrate the educational system
    *be grounded in apologetics
    *raise up godly leaders in politics
    *engage the culture wars in the power of the Spirit
    *walk in God’s love and truth without becoming the morality police

    Turn the Tide is an urgent call to believers to rise above complacency and embrace their role as catalysts for societal transformation. It is an essential guidebook for those who long to see their homes, cities, and nations transformed by the power of God.

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  • Seize The Moment


    Revival is dependent on how much we allow the Holy Spirit to move.

    After reading this book, you will have the confidence to share the good news of what the Holy Spirit is doing in our world with everyone who will listen. You will no longer sit on the sidelines, but rather you will partner with the Holy Spirit to do all that He has asked you to do.

    Respected theologian and Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, saw firsthand the impact of the long-running Brownsville Revival on the church and the nation. He believes another powerful move of God is on the horizon, and he doesn’t want believers to miss or squander that moment.

    In Seize the Moment, Brown lays out twenty-five proven ways readers can cultivate and sustain revival so it becomes more than an emotional experience and changes their lives, communities, and nations. With insight gleaned from years of experience, Brown challenges readers to:

    *make Jesus and the cross central
    *reach the lost
    *never downplay the importance of holiness
    *steer clear of doctrinal weirdness
    *keep the main thing the main thing
    *and more

    For those who want to be a part of the next great move of God, Revival Rising is essential reading. It will show readers how to embrace revival with wisdom and discernment and avoid the pitfalls that can sabotage a move of God, safeguard the purity of revival, and cultivate an environment where God’s presence dwells unhindered.

    Christians have been praying, fasting, and longing for revival for years. This practical and inspirational book will help them be ready for it when it comes. If readers apply Brown’s wisdom, with the Spirit’s help, instead of messing up a move of God they will enjoy the fruit of revival for many years to come.

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  • Why So Many Christians Have Left The Faith



    At a time when the Bible and Christianity are considered untrustworthy, will we choose faith or follow the culture?

    This book will provide you with the facts and understanding you need to respond to difficult questions biblically and stay rooted in your faith even when others seem to be abandoning theirs.

    We are living in unprecedented times when Christian leaders are renouncing their faith and large numbers of believers are falling away. Is this the final apostasy prophesied by Jesus and Paul? And can we do anything to help those struggling with their faith? In Why So Many Christians Have Left the Faith, Dr. Michael L. Brown confronts the problem of “Christian deconstruction” with solid, faith-building answers and honest responses to difficult questions. He addresses:

    *What the Bible says about an end-time falling away and whether that is what we are seeing in our day;

    *How solidarity with and sympathy for the LGBT movement has brought with it a rejection of biblical values;

    *The effect of leadership scandals on the credibility of the gospel;

    *How the me-centered gospel is contributing to the current faith crisis by putting God on trial;

    *The contemporary objections to the Bible’s moral standards;

    *The problem of pluralism; and

    *What the Bible does and doesn’t say about future punishment in hell, while also examining the scriptural statement that “God is love.”

    Looking at the stories of those who fell away as well as the larger cultural factors, this book offers solid answers to the major attacks against the Bible and helps readers build an unshakable faith.

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  • Silencing Of The Lambs


    How long will the church’s voice be drowned out by the roar of the enemy?

    After reading this book, you will understand the critical issues threatening the spread of the gospel in America, and how you can play a part and no longer be a “silent lamb” drowned out by the voices of secularism, liberalism, and pagan thinking in America.

    If you are a conservative living in America today, there is a target on your back. If you are a Christian conservative, that target is even bigger. If you are a Christian conservative who refuses to bow down to the spirit of the age, the spirit of political correctness, that target is so big that you are a marked man or woman. A person like that–like you!–must be silenced.

    So says today’s cultural elite, who are making it increasingly difficult for Christians to stand up and live out their faith. In The Silencing of the Lambs, Dr. Michael L. Brown lays out what is happening in the world around us–from the assault on children in schools and on college campuses to the unprecedented censorship of Christians and conservatives through Big Tech. He then maps out strategies for how we can turn the pitfalls into platforms and find courage in the midst of opposition.

    The Word of God cannot be bound. The church cannot be cancelled. This book sounds the alarm, alerting Christians to the increasing censorship, opposition, and even persecution believers are facing today, and calls them to remove the muzzle, take their place as the church in this nation, and turn the tide.

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  • Revival Or We Die


    On the brink of collapse, our nation’s only hope is a visitation of God’s power and presence.

    What will heal the deep racial, social, and political divisions that are tearing us apart? How can we stop the evil of human trafficking? What can turn the rising tide of opioid addiction? What will cure the epidemic of fatherless homes? Man-made laws and policies don’t hold the answers. Social programs and initiatives fall hopelessly short. There is no political solution.

    We must have divine visitation. We must have awakening. We must have revival.

    In Revival or We Die, respected biblical scholar, bestselling author, and radio host, Dr. Michael Brown calls the American Church back to God and His Kingdom purposes. He presents a prophetic “state of the union” address, offering a candid look at the United States and revealing why our only hope is a true spiritual awakening.
    Written with the same passion and zeal that characterized his early books, It’s Time to Rock the Boat and Whatever Happened to the Power of God?, Dr. Brown issues a fresh clarion call to every true believer in this generation.

    “…God sees the condition of our souls, how we have exchanged professionalism for the anointing, how we have traded dependence on the Spirit for fleshly endeavors, how we have substituted a carnal business approach for our first love devotion. Now is the time to awaken!”

    If we are going to save our nation, the American church must…

    *Rediscover the lost Word of God

    *Restore the Fear of the Lord by catching a revelation of divine judgment and calling the Body to holiness

    *Rekindle the fire of first-love zeal and simple devotion to Jesus

    *Reignite a hunger for the all-consuming Spirit of God

    The stirring message of this book is what every Christian must hear at this crucial moment. Our nation is at a tipping point, and you can play a pivotal role in the mighty Revival that God longs to bring. Are you willing?

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  • Has God Failed You


    As well-known Christians announce a newfound loss of faith, other believers face increasing pressure or doubt. We feel let down, ashamed to question God’s goodness, and in need of assurance of our faith and answers to our pain.

    From a leading voice on issues facing Christians today comes a frank and insightful discussion about whether it’s okay to doubt God and what to do about it. Michael L. Brown answers the very toughest questions, such as:
    – Why are people leaving the church?
    – Why haven’t my prayers been answered?
    – Why do people have to experience pain?
    – What if there is no God?
    – And more

    These pages will lead anyone who has been hurt, anyone with questions that will not go away, into a wonderful, fresh, life-transforming encounter with the living God.

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  • Christian Antisemitism : Confrontng The Lies In Today’s Church


    Hate isn’t a thing from history.

    The Jewish people and Israel have been described as “a dominant and moving force behind the present and coming evils of our day”; “a monstrous system of evil…[that] will destroy us and our children” if not resisted; and a group that seeks “the annihilation of almost every Gentile man, woman, and child and the establishment of a satanic Jewish-led global dictatorship.” What’s worse is that these comments were all made by professing Christians.

    In Christian Antisemitism, respected Messianic Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, documents shocking examples of modern “Christian” antisemitism and exposes the lies that support them. Carefully researched, this book shows that church-based antisemitism is no longer a thing of the past. Rather, a dangerous, shocking tide of “Christian” antisemitism has begun to rise. In Christian Antisemitism, Dr. Brown shows you how to stem this tide now and overcome the evil of “Christian” antisemitism with the powerful love of the cross!

    This book will show you how to confront everyday antisemitism in all areas of your life and become a champion for the people of Israel.

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  • When The World Stops



    When the World Stops is a timely yet timeless message for God’s people that provides practical tools for not only weathering this current crisis, but emerging from it with a strengthened faith and deeper appreciation for the things that matter most. Like a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Dr. Michael L. Brown helps point the way forward for those seeking answers to questions like:
    Is this pandemic the final plague talked about in the Book of Revelation?
    Are we indeed in the final days before Jesus’ return?
    Who or what sent the virus?
    How do I balance my family’s needs with the faith to live for Christ in crisis?
    Should we submit to the government’s guidelines?
    How can I steward my health in a biblical way?
    Dr. Brown brings biblically sound and clear answers for staying healthy, living with wisdom, and maintaining your faith. As we move forward with wisdom in the power of the Holy Spirit, we must understand that “the darkness is the divine setup for the light. The sickness is the divine setup for the healing. The current crisis is the divine setup for the church to arise and shine and make a difference. We must seize this moment before it passes. We must milk it to the full, for the glory of God. Does your heart bear witness to my words?”

    This book will help you see how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus during this world’s dark hour. It provides a God Calibrated compass for the turbulent uncharted-waters we find ourselves in and sifts through the dizzying array of information regarding this current crisis, separating fact from fiction, prudence from pandemonium and faith from fear.

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  • Can You Be Gay And Christian


    The question of how the church deals with homosexuality has become the great moral and spiritual issue of this generation.

    How do we respond to gay people who tell us how much they love the Lord and experience God’s power? How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is the law of love, and that love requires us to embrace them as they are? What do we do with the argument that the Old Testament laws (such as the prohibition against homosexuality and the dietary laws) no longer apply?

    Gay and Christian? will provide solid biblical answers, clearly written and based on sound scholarship, in a compassionate way that causes the reader to wrestle with the issues and discover the biblical truth. The book also provides practical guidelines for ministry and shows readers how they can resist the gay agenda while reaching out to their gay friends and family.

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