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Program Resources

  • Todas Las Cosas Nuevas Libro D – (Spanish)


    DE VIDA es un Ministerio de estudio biblico y discipulado para las personas que estan desconectadas de una relacion intima con Jesucristo y no han experienciado la vida abundante que promete la Biblia para todos que rinden sus vidas enteras a la seoria de Jesucristo. Esta diseado para ser facilitado por lideres con un corazon hacia Dios. El proposito del Ministerio de Todas las Cosas es ayudar en la curacion espiritual y el crecimiento de las personas hambrientas a la transformacion de vida. Este ministerio esta diseado para ayudar a liberar a las personas de la esclavitud del pecado y permiterles que experiencien curacion de los efectos de tener vidas separadas o distanciadas de Dios.

    Cada leccion contiene cinco dias de tareas para completar por los participantes del ministerio antes de reunirse en grupo para discutir la leccion y completar los ejercicios en clase. Otro aspecto muy importante de este ministerio es la Escritura de memoria semanal que se relaciona con la leccion de la semana.

    Si esta completando este libro de trabajo por su cuenta y no lo usa como parte de un estudio biblico semanal facilitado, debera comprar la Guia del facilitador para tener acceso a todo el material que necesita para aprovechar al maximo este estudio de la Biblia Esto es especialmente relevante para los ejercicios en clase presentados en este libro de trabajo. Si no tiene la Guia del facilitador, o alguien que esta facilitando este Estudio Biblico que esta utilizando esa Guia del facilitador, algunos de los ejercicios pueden no tener sentido.

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  • Todas Las Cosas Nuevas Guia De (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    DE VIDA es un Ministerio de estudio biblico y discipulado para las personas que estan desconectadas de una relacion intima con Jesucristo y no han experienciado la vida abundante que promete la Biblia para todos que rinden sus vidas enteras a la seoria de Jesucristo. Esta diseado para ser facilitado por lideres con un corazon hacia Dios. El proposito del Ministerio de Todas las Cosas es ayudar en la curacion espiritual y el crecimiento de las personas hambrientas a la transformacion de vida. Este ministerio esta diseado para ayudar a liberar a las personas de la esclavitud del pecado y permiterles que experiencien curacion de los efectos de tener vidas separadas o distanciadas de Dios.

    Cada leccion contiene cinco dias de tareas para completar por los participantes del ministerio antes de reunirse en grupo para discutir la leccion y completar los ejercicios en clase. Otro aspecto muy importante de este ministerio es la Escritura de memoria semanal que se relaciona con la leccion de la semana.

    Si esta completando este libro de trabajo por su cuenta y no lo usa como parte de un estudio biblico semanal facilitado, debera comprar la Guia del facilitador para tener acceso a todo el material que necesita para aprovechar al maximo este estudio de la Biblia Esto es especialmente relevante para los ejercicios en clase presentados en este libro de trabajo. Si no tiene la Guia del facilitador, o alguien que esta facilitando este Estudio Biblico que esta utilizando esa Guia del facilitador, algunos de los ejercicios pueden no tener sentido.

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  • Bondage Breaker Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Break the Chains Holding You Captive

    Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone–you can break free.

    This bestselling study guide has brought hope to over a million readers facing negative spiritual attacks with personal application and practical strategies. Ideal for individual or group study, this guide will help you…
    r*ealize you have the right to be free
    l*earn how to respond to the power of Satan
    f*ight the temptation to do it your way
    t*rade deception for grace
    *actively affirm your identity in Christ

    This life-changing resource will help you break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ.

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  • Dont Give Up Participants Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Life can leave you feeling depleted and weary. Work is stressful. The kids won’t listen. You’re buried in debt and barely making ends meet. You begin to feel like you’ll never get it all done and you’ll never measure up. By the end of the day, we often find ourselves feeling maxed out, overwhelmed, or lost.

    But God whispers to you, Don’t give up. There are many ways to say it. Keep going. Don’t stop. Hang on. Hold fast. Stand firm. Our circumstances may look different, but the message of faith never changes. Don’t Give Up.

    Drawing inspiration from biblical stories and testimonies of perseverance, bestselling author and pastor Kyle Idleman will encourage you to cast your concerns on God, trust in his love and timing, pray for patience and strength, and seek out support in the family of God.

    The Don’t Give Up Devotional Journal is a 35-day journey through Hebrews 11 & 12. This journal will help you trust God’s love and strength during life’s overwhelming & stressful circumstances.

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  • Biblical EQ : Developing Your Emotional Intelligence Through God s Wisdom (DVD)


    Serv Others LLC Title

    Welcome to Biblical EQ.

    EQ is short for “emotional quotient.” People with high EQ are emotionally intelligent and mature.

    They are wise people. The Bible has a lot to say about EQ because it talks about wisdom.

    While you cannot grow your IQ – your innate intelligence-you can grow your EQ, and the Bible urges us to do so by seeking wisdom.
    In this study, we’ll learn what EQ is, what specific character traits we can cultivate in order to grow our EQ, and how EQ is connected to spiritual growth. Through video teaching and small-group discussion, we’ll come to understand and better manage our powerful God-given emotions. Let’s grow together in wisdom.

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  • Heart Of Mercy (DVD)


    Serv Others LLC Title


    Jesus wants us to live merciful lives even through seasons of conflict with others that can challenge us to not just know about mercy, but to practice it. As Christians, the greatest opportunity we have to prove our faith is when we are rejected or when we are hurting, whether emotionally or physically.

    Mercy is more than feeling sympathy toward someone. Powered by love, mercy takes action in order to spare someone from harm, pain, and suffering.

    As Christians, the greatest opportunity we have to prove our faith is when we are rejected or when we are hurting, whether emotionally or physically. This is why Jesus told the leaders of His day in Matthew 9 that He didn’t come to earth to witness their religious practices, but rather, He came to teach mercy and they should learn what it means. Wow! What a thought!

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  • Struggle Is Real Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide is a six-session workbook designed for use with The Struggle Is Real DVD Experience (sold separately), based on the new book by popular speaker and Bible teacher Nicole Unice. A great resource for church groups, Bible studies, and anyone who’s ever felt life just shouldn’t be this hard!

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a day where everything that could go wrong does go wrong-you lock your keys in the car while it’s running, lose control with your kids, make a mistake at the office that results in hours’ more work. And just when you think not one more thing could possibly happen . . . well, fill in the blank.

    The struggle is real, friends. It may not be major stuff. Lives are not on the line here. But it makes us feel awful . . . and then we feel guilty for stressing when other people have “real” problems that are so much more serious.

    Yet the fact remains: We live in a world that often feels harder than we think it should be. And so it can be easy to believe the stories we tell ourselves-that we’re doing it wrong, that we’ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn’t love us. We struggle practice gratitude, to make godly choices, and to live our daily lives with confidence and contentment. So what can we do?

    Join Nicole Unice to discover why the struggle is real . . . and what to do about it. In The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide Nicole offers practical tools to help you navigate the daily ups and downs, and ways to rewrite your struggle into a new, God-centered life story.

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  • Armor Of God


    This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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  • Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Conversation Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide is a different kind of resource from most movie discussion guides, and it’s different from most bible studies. It’s a 45-day experience to spark conversations on the challenges students face every day as Christians. Based on the themes of Because of Gracia, each week’s conversation has info on group activities and then follows up with five days of devotional reflections for a student and his or her conversation partner. Topics and conversations include Practicing Friendship (teen dating and relationships), Choosing Life (pro-life values and ministering to those facing teen pregnancy), and Voicing Faith (defense of one’s faith in public). These Because of Gracia conversations will help students know how to handle the life-altering choices they face everyday– friendships and relationships, dating and falling in love, how to choose life and support those facing teen pregnancy, and how to confidently voicing your faith and beliefs in public. So let this film and faith conversation be a part of their faith journey, and get real with these real-life questions on God, friendship, and love.

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  • Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Because of Gracia: A Film and Faith Leader’s Guide equips youth pastors and small group leaders to explore the key themes in this award-winning film through a life-changing discipleship curriculum. The nine-week guide contains three weeks of “Conversations” on three core topics from the film, Practicing Friendship (God’s Design for Relationships), Choosing Life (Teen Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Life), and Voicing Faith (Defending Christianity in Public). The Because of Gracia Leader’s Guide is designed for use with the related Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide for students, a unique hybrid experience that offers complementary material for small group sessions, as well as daily reflections for students to use throughout the week in “conversation partner” pairs. The resulting 45-day experience allows young Christians to pursue discipleship with others, while helping them to wrestle with the difficult issues they’re facing today. The Because of Gracia curriculum was created to affirm that with God’s amazing and empowering grace, young people CAN live in a new way.

    Take your students on a spiritual journey alongside Gracia, Chase, and the rest of Eastglenn High as they face life-altering decisions, learning that grace is both the gift of mercy when we fail and our empowerment to live in truth and light.

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  • Ruth : Discovering Your Place In Gods Story


    Bible study is an important spiritual discipline, but it can be intimidating and often difficult for newcomers. These four-session coloring Bible studies for adults are designed for group use and as outreach to new Christians and non-Christians. Incorporating coloring, the text of The Message, and a mix of study and reflection questions, the new Drawn In Bible Study series offers a unique on-ramp experience for those new to Bible study, and a refreshing holistic approach for seasoned Bible students.

    In Ruth: Discovering Your Place in God’s Story, readers will get to know Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi-easily overlooked figures in the Bible who nevertheless play a critical role in the ancestry of Jesus. This study features pages for coloring, the earthy language of The Message, and questions that help you understand not just the text of the Bible but your own connection to Ruth’s story.

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  • Verdadera Historia Del Mundo – (Spanish)


    Esta obra estudia la narrativa de la Biblia y su relato de la historia de del universo entero. La Biblia y las acciones de Dios que en ella se tratan, es lo que da significado a nuestras vidas y provee fundamento para nuestras acciones.

    Los autores enfatizan la unidad total de la Biblia, tratandola como una narracion de la historia del mundo dividida en seis partes: creacion, pecado, Israel, Cristo, Iglesia y nueva creacion. Dentro de esa historia, dos temas generales mantienen la unidad del relato: el pacto, en el Antiguo Testamento y el reino de Dio, en el Nuevo Testamento. A traves de toda esta narracion, Dios es revelado.

    La verdadera historia del mundo nos ensea la estructura narrativa de la Biblia y nos invita a participar en la misma historia, la cual es nada menos que la historia de Dios.

    “Study the narrative of the Bible and how it relates to the history of the entire universe. The Bible and the actions of God give meaning to our lives and provide a foundation for our actions. Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen emphasize the unity of the Bible as a narrative of world history with six parts: creation, sin, Israel, Christ, church, and the new creation. Within this story, the covenant in the Old Testament and the kingdom of God in the New Testament are key themes that maintain overall unity. The True Story of the Whole World traces the structure of the Bible’s narrative for us and invites us to participate in that same story-nothing less than the story of God.”

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  • Messy Grace Participant Journal


    The Messy Grace line of resources is based on the book Messy Grace, a 2016 Christian Book Award finalist, by Caleb Kaltenbach. The resources combine Calebs Biblical teaching with powerful testimonies from Christians whove been personally affected by LGBT issues and identity. This four-episode series will inspire and empower Christ followers to truly love all their LGBT neighbors while maintaining fidelity to the Scriptures. The Journal is the participant’s guide to the Series. This daily guide helps you go deeper through personal devotions, thoughtful questions and bible verses for reflection

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  • Christmas Programs Dramas And Skits


    Bright, new authors writing for churches and small groups to celebrate Christmas with dramas and skits. Writing is done in contemporary and tradition styles.

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  • Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    El Espiritu Santo le acompaa fielmente en todos las luchas y alegrias de su vida. Fue enviado para revelar a Jesus y empoderar a todo el Cuerpo de Cristo.

    Sin embargo, una de las figuras mas malentendidas por la Iglesia es el Espiritu Santo. Se pretende entender Su obra y Su poder, sin conocerlo primeramente como una Persona. Y es, ante todo, una Persona que ha prometido no dejarnos ni desampararnos jamas, porque somos Su pasion y deleite.

    Las explicaciones claras y directas de este libro interactivo le llevaran a:
    *Desarrollar una relacion de amistad intima con el Espiritu Santo.
    *Hablarle, preguntarle, escucharle.
    *Recibir su empoderamiento.
    *Entender la llenura del Espiritu Santo y buscarla.
    *Pedirle y recibir su guia, su consuelo y su revelacion.
    *Distinguir entre los dones y los frutos del Espiritu Santo.
    *Conocer las diferentes lenguas, y discernir para orar en el Espiritu.
    *Buscar Su presencia.

    Sin el Espiritu Santo, no hay vida cristiana, vision, revelacion, paz ni libertad. !Dediquese a conocer y a depender de su Compaero Fiel para toda la vida!

    The Holy Spirit keeps your company in every battle and in moments of joy. He was sent to reveal Jesus and empower the Body of Christ.

    However, He has been misunderstood by church and His people. They pretend to understand His works and His power, without knowing him as a Person. And the Holy Spirit is, first of all, a Person who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, because we are His passion and delight.

    The straightforward facts in this interactive book will take you to:
    *Develop and keep a close friendship with the Holy Spirit.
    *Talk to Him, ask Him and listen to Him.
    *Receive His empowerment.
    *Understand the Holy Spirit’s fulfillment and pursue it.
    *Ask Him and receive His guidance, his relief and His revelation.
    *Understand the difference between the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
    *Get to recognize the different tongues, and have discernment to pray in the Spirit.
    *Pursue His presence.

    Without the Holy Spirit, there is no Christian life, vision, revelation, peace or freedom. Devote yourself to know Him, and rely on your Faithful Companion forever!

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  • Gods Not Dead 2 Adult Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This four-week study guide by author Rice Broocks will help small group members answer one of the most important questions featured in the movie God’s Not Dead 2: “Who do you say I am?” Lead your groups to discover what they truly believe in, and give them a foundation to defend their faith even in the midst of opposition. For use with the God’s Not Dead 2 DVD-based Study.

    The four weekly topics are:

    Lesson 1: Searching for Answers
    Lesson 2: Understanding the Evidence
    Lesson 3: Passing the Test
    Lesson 4: Spreading the News

    About the film, in theaters nationwide on April 1, 2016:

    From the college classroom of GODS NOT DEAD to the public square in GODS NOT DEAD 2, the name of Jesus is welcomed less and less with each passing day. If Christians don’t take a stand today, will we even have a choice tomorrow?

    When a Christian teacher is asked an honest question about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in big trouble. As the principal and superintendent join forces with a zealous civil liberties group, an epic court case could expel God from the classroom and the public square once and for all!

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  • Epic Explorers Logbook (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Breathtaking Bay
    2. Discovery Dens
    3. Mysterious Mountain
    4. Captain’s Cave
    5. Rocky Road

    Additional Info
    The Epic Logbook is specially designed for 8-11s to use during Epic Explorers, the children’s edition of Christianity Explored. This full-colour activity booklet contains puzzles, quizzes and discussion questions for each of the five Epic Explorers sessions

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  • Epic Explorers Scratch Pad (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Breathtaking Bay
    2. Discovery Dens
    3. Mysterious Mountain
    4. Captain’s Cave
    5. Rocky Road

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    The Epic Scratch Pad is specially designed for 4-7s to use during Epic Explorers, the children’s edition of Christianity Explored. This full-colour activity booklet contains puzzles, quizzes and discussion questions for each of the five Epic Explorers sessions.

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  • Epic Explorers Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1: How To Use Epic Explorers
    Section 2: Leader’s Guide
    Exploration Crafts, Games And Quiz Ideas
    1. Breathtaking Bay
    2. Discovery Dens
    3. Mysterious Mountain
    4. Captain’s Cave
    5. Rocky Road

    Additional Info
    Epic Explorers is a brand-new addition to the Christianity Explored range, specially designed for 4-11s. The five flexible sessions can be used for a holiday club, after-school club, or as an opportunity for children to invite friends to their church group.

    Epic Explorers takes children through Mark’s Gospel as they explore the life of Jesus together. On the way they will discover Who Jesus is, Why He came, and What it means to follow Him.

    The Leader’s Guide includes session outlines, talks, Bible discussion groups, and a wide range of linked games, crafts and activities. There are also suggestions for family events to help you build links with parents as well as their children.

    The Leader’s Guide is designed to use alongside two children’s booklets: the Epic Logbook for 8-11s, and Epic Scratch Pad for 4-7s.

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  • Breathe Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Breathe Study Journal includes 5 sessions of teaching by Priscilla Shirer with 4 weeks of homework in a reflective, journaling format. One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe. We are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. We miss the moments because we rush ahead to the next thing. By neglecting time for tranquility, serenity, and repose, we limit our Christlikeness and miss out on some of God’s greatest gifts. It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. In the Old Testament, God instituted principles and laws that would transform the Israelites’ mindset. He didn’t just want them legally free; He wanted them to be able to walk in the freedom and enjoy it. So God gave them many gifts, including boundaries in which to enjoy those gifts. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.

    Week 1 – The Freedom of Sabbath
    Week 2 – Stops Along the Sabbath Journey
    Week 3 – Double-Portion Friday
    Week 4 – Coming Into Focus
    Week 5 – Sabbath Margin


    Biblically-rooted and gospel-centered teaching
    Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group)
    5-session Study Journal with group components, personal components, and leader helps
    Personal study segments include 4 weeks of homework in a study journal for reflection and to help the learner spend time alone with God and Scripture


    Biblical truth that’s reliable
    Can be used in a variety of ways and has a lot of flexibility. It can be used by a group of any size in a church or another setting, small group in a home, or a weekend away as an individual or with a small group of women.
    An opportunity to explore the concept of Sabbath in both the Old and New Testaments
    Great study for personal growth and reflection on an individual basis
    For the weary, worn out, and exhausted this study could be life-changing as they acknowledge their bondage to busyness and learn that Sabbath was created by God before the fall
    Sets boundaries for those who believe they must always be “doing” something for God

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  • Work Of The Deacon And Deaconess (Revised)


    Just in time for its 50th anniversary! The second revised edition of this best-selling classic in Judson Press’s “Work of the Church” series features new and updated content, reflecting the evolving diversity of ministry in the diaconate.

    Key Features:
    Comprehensive manual covering traditional responsibilities of the deacon.
    Awareness of the increasing diversification of ministries in the local church
    Greater differentiation between the ministry of deacons (male and female) and that of deaconnesses, as reflected in congregations that maintain distinct boards
    Additional ideas and strategies for tailoring the deacon’s work to the needs of a growing congregation and changing community.

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  • Kingdom Woman Group Video Experience Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    When a Kingdom Woman retires for the evening, a frustrated and worn out devil ought to be saying, “We messed with the wrong woman today.” This study guide is a companion resource to the video small-group study based on the book Kingdom Woman, which instructs every Christ-following woman on how to tap into the power of God as she finds and fulfills the purpose for which God has fashioned her.

    A Kingdom Woman embraces a simple premise: unless a Kingdom rests firmly under the authority of the ruler, anarchy reigns. That’s why a Kingdom Woman always seeks to align herself and operate under the authority of God-in every area of life. With practical insights and applications from coauthor Chrystal Evans Hurst, Tony Evans explains how that process can unleash new purpose, power, and possibilities-in both the lives of Kingdom Women and those they love. This curriculum can be covered in about six weeks.

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  • Holy Spirit : An Introduction


    The Holy Spirit is often portrayed as something weird. But the Bible makes it clear that the Spirit is not something. He is someone–a Person who has promised to never leave your side. In this interactive book, John Bevere invites you into a personal discovery of the most ignored and misunderstood Person in the Church: the Holy Spirit. Interactive book includes: daily devotions, group discussion questions, and a bonus chapter with answers to some of the toughest questions about the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss this amazing introduction.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 66


    Plan your seasonal program with a Christmas Program Builder, a resource that is easy to use and filled with great ideas. Material is included for preschoolers to adults and can be used for Advent and Christmas, worship services, Sunday school, and children’s worship.
    Volume 66 features:
    *Recitations for children, broken into age groups for preschool, ages 6-9, and ages 10-13;
    *Readings for teens and adults;
    *Reader’s Theater: Peace on Earth;
    *Three short sketches involving two or four characters: Three-fifths Bank of Mistrust; Christmas Plans, and Where’s Your Jesus?
    *A one-act play lasting one hour: The King’s Sword about a child dreaming of serving in the King’s army including 13 characters plus additional children.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 65


    Sometimes a fresh perspective is all it takes to breathe new life into a familiar tale. This Christmas, give your congregation the gift of falling in love with the story and the Savior all over again. With new recitations and readings for children and adu

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  • Christmas Program Builder 64


    The angelic pronouncements, the courageous characters, the brilliant star no holiday holds a candle to the wonder of Christmas. But all the fanfare is meaningless without exalting Jesus, our infant Savior, God in a manger. Boldly proclaim the hope of Christ with this newest installment of Christmas recitations and scripts for all ages, including Marion Arthur Kirby’s comical one-act play Four Maps to Bethlehem .

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  • All In One Sunday School Volume 3 (Revised)


    Be Ready No Matter Who Shows Up!

    Formerly Sunday School Specials 3, this revised and updated volume includes original and creative programs designed for ministries with mixed-age classes of children ages 4 through 12! With 13 lessons, this book will work in any ministry, but it’s especially great for smaller churches that combine classes every Sunday. Also good for large churches that combine ages during summer and for any other multi-age class setting.

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  • All In One Sunday School Volume 2 (Revised)


    Be Ready No Matter Who Shows Up!

    Formerly Sunday School Specials 2, this revised and updated volume includes original and creative programs designed for ministries with mixed-age classes of children ages 4 through 12! With 13 lessons, this book will work in any ministry, but it’s especially great for smaller churches that combine classes every Sunday. Also good for large churches that combine ages during summer and for any other multi-age class setting.

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  • All In One Sunday School Volume 1 (Revised)


    Be Ready No Matter Who Shows Up!

    Formerly Sunday School Specials, this revised and updated volume includes original and creative programs designed for ministries with mixed-age classes of children ages 4 through 12! With 13 lessons, this book will work in any ministry, but it’s especially great for smaller churches that combine classes every Sunday. Also good for large churches that combine ages during summer and for any other multi-age class setting.

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  • Christmas Program Builder No 63


    There’s a reason that Program Builders are a best-selling series: each edition is packed with the pieces you need to tailor make your own service, pageant, or program. Christmas No. 63 is brimming with recitations and readings for all ages to get every g

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  • Christmas Program Builder Number 62


    Get value for your dollar in this resource packed with Christmas materials for worship, kids and adult seasonal programs, and family events. Build your own programs easily with the graded recitations for kids, adult readings and monologues, and seasonal

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  • Christmas Program Builder 61


    Made for churches that need flexible Christmas material that is easy to put together, this latest Program Builder fits the bill. With over 30 recitations for kids, and simple readings and scripts for adults, this book gives you value in content without stretching your dollars too much. Use what’s inside for multigenerational worship, kids programs, Christmas services, and more.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 60


    SKU (ISBN): 9780834175600ISBN10: 0834175606Binding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2007Publisher: Lillenas Publishing Company

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  • Christmas Program Builder 59


    (Lillenas Publications). This edition from the best-selling series makes creative service and/or program planning easier for you. Celebrate the season with kids using the recitations and short scripts. Get youth and adults involved with the various readings and plays. Make this Advent and Christmas more memorable with this valuable resource.

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  • Transformed Into His Likeness (Workbook)


    This workbook contains over 100 common problems facing Christians today along with biblical solutions for each. It explains the biblical process of change, helps identify where personal change is needed and provides Scripture references for problem areas. Practical worksheet will help implement biblical change in your life. This is an excellent resource for Putting Off sin and Putting On the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 58


    SKU (ISBN): 9780834174092ISBN10: 083417409XKimberly MesserBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: April 2005Publisher: Lillenas Publishing Company

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  • Work Of The Church Trustee


    1. Who Make The Best Trustees?
    2. It’s A Big Job
    3. Your Board Should Be The Best
    4. The Money In Your Hand
    5. Buried Treasure For The Kingdom
    6. Working With The Professional Team
    7. Trustees In A Changing World
    8. You Learn Through Others
    9. Trustees Are Ministers, Too

    Additional Info
    There is more to serving as a trustee than counting money or arranging to repair the church plumbing! Beginning with the biblical and theological basis of service, Orlando Tibbetts has prepared a very comprehensive guide to deepen and broaden the trustee’s sense of ministry and mission in his/her service to the church. An excellent tool for new or experienced board members, this book covers every facet of the trustee’s responsibility as a steward of the community’s concerns and as a servant of the Lord. It is both practical and inspiring.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 56


    SKU (ISBN): 9780834173941ISBN10: 0834173948Compiled by: Kimberly MesserBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2003Publisher: Lillenas Publishing Company

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  • Christmas Program Builder 53


    For over 50 years, Lillenas has provided collection after collection of graded resources for Sunday School, worship services, and programs during the Christmas season. This Christmas builder is a treasury of recitations, dialogues, exercises, and easy-to-stage plays.

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  • Warner Full Year Class Book


    SKU (ISBN): 9781593173340ISBN10: 1593173342Binding: Trade PaperPublisher: Warner Press

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  • Boyds Financial Record Book


    Boyd’s Financial Record Book is designed to record the financial transactions of the church on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. It also uses the member’s chronological number to record the individual contributions of members.

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  • Boyds Recititation And Dialogue


    Plays and programs for special days, including Bible Day, Children’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Valentine’s Day. Also includes welcomes and responses. Every church has those significant days and special events which relate to its history and its ongoing opportunities to celebrate pivotal events in society.

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  • Christmas Classic Celebration


    A Christmas Classic Celebration is a unique candlelight service that incorporates scenes of Christmas that are all around us. Popular Christmas songs such as “Silver Bells:” “I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” and “Do You Hear What I Hear?” are combined with the traditional Christmas hymns.

    Six brief meditations are spaced throughout the service and are given in the place of a sermon.

    Easy to present, this service requires no rehearsals or props, yet involves the entire congregation in singing the familiar songs of Christmas while moving from the Annunciation to the joy of Jesus’ birth.

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  • Games For All Occasions (Revised)


    Indoor Games
    Musical Games
    Indoor Stunts
    Quiz Games
    Written Games
    Picnic Games
    Games For Lawn Parties
    Outdoor Stunts
    Water-front Games
    The Latest Games
    128 Pages

    Additional Info
    Planning a party? Indoors or outdoors? No problem – if you avail yourself of the 297 indoor and outdoor games clearly and simply described in Games for All Occasions by Ken Anderson and Morry Carlson. There are:

    icebreakers…quiz games…written games…picnic games…musical games…waterfront games, games for lawn parties…the latest games…action games…stunts…thought games…for children – adults – group leaders – party hosts – teachers – parents – the young in heart – for all who want to entertain or be entertained. No matter what the occasion, there is bound to be an appropriate game in this handy, indexed collection assembled for your fun and recreation!

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  • Sunday School Attendance Book


    Attendance record for 48 members for one year, plus information about each member.

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  • Sunday School Record Book


    Weekly class record and 31 individual members’ information and records for one year.

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