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    Richard Exley

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    • Letters For Brenda


      Letters for Brenda is unapologetically autobiographical. It is Richard’s story – a chronological account of how grief manifested itself in his life following his wife’s death and how he dealt with it. His faith remained strong, but his heart was breaking. Never had he felt so alone. Not lonely. Alone. To process his grief, he needed to talk about it but he had no one to talk to. Who would understand? Only Brenda, his soul mate – but she was gone and she wasn’t coming back. Out of desperation, he decided to write her a series of letters. Although they are deeply personal, he shares them with you in hopes that they will help you process your own grief. “If I have written them well, you will get in touch with your feelings while reading about mine. Hopefully you will laugh and cry and, in the process, find healing and comfort.”

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