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Spiritual Warfare

Showing 101–150 of 162 results

  • Como Probar Un Espiritu – (Spanish)


    A fin de caminar en la verdad y evitar ser engaados por filosofias mundanas y ataques satanicos, debemos probar los espiritus para ver si son de Dios, segun el mandato de 1 Juan 4:1. Muchos creyentes son conscientes de este mandamiento pero no saben como probar los espiritus. Por donde comienzan?

    Si es usted una de esas personas, no se preocupe. !Este libro puede ayudar! Mary Garrison ha compilado una guia de los principales espiritus malos que estan obrando en nuestro mundo actualmente, para que usted pueda identificarlos y eliminarlos de su vida y de las vidas de otros. En este libro aprendera…

    *Los nombres biblicos de los principales espiritus malos
    *Los frutos de esos espiritus
    *Las tacticas que utilizan en las vidas de los creyentes
    *Metodos biblicos para vencerlos
    *Como vivir en victoria sobre el maligno

    No continue siendo engaado. Aprenda a probar los espiritus y camine en la victoria que Cristo ha comprado para usted en la cruz. Usted fue creado para caminar en la verdad, !y la verdad le hara libre!

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  • How To Conduct Spiritual Warfare


    Have you ever been oppressed by a spiritual or physical infirmity and couldn’t seem to break free? Have you ever wondered how Satan works against believers? Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ call to “free the captives” means for believers today?

    In this book, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom that she’s gathered in her years of ministry on how to conduct spiritual warfare. Along with sharing personal experiences and testimonies of people who have broken free from spiritual strongholds, she equips readers to distinguish between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Join her in discovering how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare, exploring such questions as…

    *Who is the enemy?
    *How do I recognize Satan’s strategies?
    *How do I discern and try the spirits?
    *By whose authority do believers work?
    *How important is faith in spiritual warfare?
    *And so many more!

    This book will prepare you to take action. Every power must yield to the risen Christ. Equipped with His power and authority, you can cast out demons and set the oppressed free-you can walk in victory!

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  • Prayer Warrior Book Of Prayers


    Stormie Omartian has helped millions of readers approach God with confidence and experience His power. With transparency and biblical depth, she shares what it means to connect with God in a focused and deliberate way as a person of effective prayer.

    The powerful and meaningful prayers from Prayer Warrior are pulled together for readers in this compact book, great for carrying along in a purse, messenger bag, or briefcase. This is the perfect prayer companion for anyone who desires to answer the call of God on his or her life to pray, and pray with strength and purpose.

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  • Derribando Fortalezas – (Spanish)


    Usted esta en una guerra, lo sepa o no

    La mayoria de cristianos no vacilarian en afirmar el concepto de que Dios tiene un reino, con sus huestes angelicas. Desgraciadamente, muchos cristianos no son conscientes de que Satanas tambien tiene un reino, representado por una hueste de demonios. Con la tierra como el campo de batalla, mientras estos dos reinos se enfrentan en una guerra por nuestras mentes y almas.

    Como cristianos, necesitamos entender la naturaleza de esta guerra y como opera el reino de Satanas. El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequivoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseanza, usted podra…
    *Descubrir por que existe la guerra espiritual
    *Entender como opera el reino de Satanas
    *Aprender cuales son las seis armas de la guerra espiritual
    *Implementar estrategias que ataran las maquinaciones de Satanas
    *Conectar con el triunfante poder del Espiritu Santo

    Satanas ya ha declarado la guerra al reino de Dios. Como ciudadanos del reino de Dios, no tenemos eleccion; ya estamos en guerra. Por lo tanto, es vital que estemos preparados a fin de derrotar los planes del enemigo, hacer retroceder la oscuridad, !y proclamar victoria para nuestro Dios!

    You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

    Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

    As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…
    *Discover why spiritual warfare exists
    *Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
    *Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare
    *Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes
    *Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

    Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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  • How To Try A Spirit


    “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.”
    -1 John 4:1

    In order to walk in the truth and avoid being deceived the worldly theories of this day, we must try the spirits, according to the mandate of 1 John 4:1, to see whether they are of God. Many believers are aware of this command but do not know how to try the spirits in their lives. Where do they begin?

    If you are one of these people, do not fret. This book can help! Mary Garrison has compiled a guide to the principal evil spirits at work in our world today, so that you can identify them and avoid being deceived. In this book, you will learn…
    *The biblical names of the principal evil spirits
    *The fruits of these spirits
    *The tactics they use in the lives of believers
    *Scriptural methods of overcoming evil spirits
    *How to live in victory of the evil one

    Do not be deceived any longer. Learn how to try the spirits and walk in the victory Christ has purchased for you on the cross. You were not made to be deceived. You were made to walk in the truth, and that truth will set you free!

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  • Pulling Down Strongholds


    You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

    Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

    As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…

    Discover why spiritual warfare exists

    Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates

    Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare

    Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes

    Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

    Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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  • Dressed To Kill


    Featuring a 16-page full-color centerfold, Rick’s classic teaching on spiritual warfare is now better than ever! Rick provides vivid Greek word studies on every part of the spiritual armor God has given believers to maintain their victorious position over Satan.

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  • Did The Devil Make Me Do It


    1. Origins: Where Did Satan Come From?
    2. Activity: What Is Satan Like And What Does He Do?
    3. Control: What Is Demon Possession?
    4. End: How Did Jesus Defeat Satan?
    5. Walk: How Should We Live In A World Where Satan Still Prowls?

    Additional Info
    When Jesus walked the earth, he cast out demons and had powerful encounters with the devil. But who exactly is the devil, and where did he come from? And what is he up to in the world today?

    This short, readable book explains clearly and simply what we can say with certainty from the Bible and Satan, demons and evil spirits.

    Suitable for all Christians – especially those who are struggling with questions about Satan.

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  • Kiss Of Satan


    Glimpse into the World of Fortune-tellers, Witches, and Demons

    Every day, millions of people innocently play with the fire of the occult, having no idea how badly they can be burned. They explain it all away, saying things like…
    “It was only a seance.”
    “Horoscopes are harmless fun.”
    “Let’s get our palms read!”

    As an expert in demonic activity and deliverance ministry, H. A. Maxwell Whyte dares to tell the truth about every aspect of the occult arts-from horoscopes to hypnosis, from fire-walking to good luck charms.

    Never in history has a generation been so educated and yet so fascinated with demonic practices that were once thought to be the marks of ignorance and superstition.

    What’s behind this revival of interest in the occult? Whyte investigates this question and comes up with some startling answers.

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  • Identificar Y Romper Maldicion – (Spanish)


    Redemption from Curses

    Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work.

    No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with-financial, familial, or physical-you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.

    Redencion de las Maldiciones

    Quiza este usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que este enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar.

    Sin importar cual sea su dolencia, sea economica, familiar o fisica, puede que inconscientemente este usted viviendo bajo una maldicion. Aqui tenemos como determinar si esta usted bajo una maldicion y, si es asi, como romper esa maldicio.

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  • Demonios Y Liberacion – (Spanish)


    Power-packed authority

    Satanic activity continues to increase at an explosive rate. H. A. Maxwell Whyte provides practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about demons, including…
    *What exactly is a demon?
    *How does a person come under demonic influence?
    *Can we inherit evil spirits from our ancestors?
    *Can a believer be possessed?
    *How can Christians resist the powers of darkness?
    *Can just anybody cast out a demon?
    *Are there any dangers in casting out demons?

    Discover how you, as a Christian, have the authority to defeat oppression, addiction, sickness, mental problems, and unexplainable behavior with lasting results.

    Autoridad cargada de poder

    La actividad satanica continua aumentando a un ritmo explosivo. H. A. Maxwell Whyte aporta respuestas practicas a las preguntas mas frecuentemente formuladas acerca de los demonios, incluyendo…
    *Que es exactamente un demonio?
    *Como se situa una persona bajo influencia demoniaca?
    *Podemos heredar espiritus malos de nuestros antepasados?
    *Puede un creyente ser poseido?
    *Como pueden los cristianos resistir a las potestades de las tinieblas?
    *Puede cualquiera echar fuera un demonio?
    *Hay algun peligro en echar fuera demonios?

    Descubra que usted, como cristiano, tiene la autoridad para derrotar la opresion, la adiccion, la enfermedad, los problemas mentales y la conducta inexplicable con resultados duraderos.

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  • Spiritual Warfare Self Study Bible Study Course


    Be Prepared for Spiritual Warfare

    Do you know how to wage effective warfare against our spiritual enemy, Satan? Spiritual battles are not just for preachers or other spiritual leaders. Whether you are a new believer or have known the Lord for many years, you will inevitably experience the devil’s attacks. But you can learn how to protect yourself from them, take the offensive, and fulfill what God has called you to do in life.

    The principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course apply to all believers. They show you step-by-step the nature of the spiritual realm and how to effectively defeat the enemy. Be encouraged! God has provided everything you need to be “more than a conqueror.”

    You will learn how to:
    *stand firm against Satan to protect your spiritual health and growth
    *loosen the devil’s chains and cast down demonic strongholds through the weapons of warfare God has given believers
    *fight on behalf of others whom Satan is attacking and help set them free
    *thwart Satan’s schemes and bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven
    *live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, enjoying fellowship with your heavenly Father and receiving all that He has for you

    In Jesus Christ, you have both authority and power to overcome the enemy’s attacks against you and your loved ones. Are you prepared for this warfare? You can be ready and equipped through the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course.

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  • Satan A Defeated Foe


    Seize Your Victory!

    Satan wants to blanket the earth in darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world. Christ has made His power available to us so that we can defeat the enemy in our lives. Here are powerful biblical strategies to overcome Satan when he tries to maneuver his way into your life.

    Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can…
    *Dodge the darts of the enemy
    *Live without condemnation and guilt
    *Bring your loved ones to Christ
    *Have power over sin
    *Be set free from anxiety
    *Literally shake the gates of hell

    Discover your God-given ability to use Satan as your stepping stone to greater spiritual heights. Learn how to defeat the enemy of your soul and experience victory in Jesus’ name.

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  • Territorial Spirits : Practical Strategies For How To Crush The Enemy Throu


    For generations when Christians have engaged in spiritual warfare, most of the time they have focused on “satan” as the main opponent. However, C. Peter Wagner has gathered together a number of ministers who teach from personal experience that the “principalities and powers” are more than just satan-there is an entire hierarchy of demons in this world. Often, missionaries and ministers are finding that they have far more success in an area when they first go to war in the spirit and in prayer against the evil power that rules a certain region. C. Peter Wagner has compiled this book of many voices, speaking from Scripture and personal experience, teaching the reality of territorial spirits and the necessity of waging targeted, powerful warfare against them in order to reach the souls these evil powers have held captive for too long. Christians must take to heart what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare. Arm yourself with this book!

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  • Let Our Children Go


    Free your children from demonic harassment-and teach them to stay free!

    We must not assume that our children are free of threats from darkness. The enemy’s purpose is to grip and blind every generation-establishing strongholds in the lives of our children from a very young age.

    Let Our Children Go is a handbook for parents, pastors, and leaders to help free children from evil influences and demonic harassment. Full of true stories about young people who have been set free, it explains the necessity of deliverance ministry for children and discusses many of the issues they face in today’s world. You will learn how to:

    *Determine if an evil spirit is harassing a child
    *Deal with demonic influences and harassment when they occur
    *Train children to identify demonic activity and eliminate it from their lives

    Darkness is on the rise, and it is the role of parents, pastors, and other believers to do all we can to ensure the blessing, protection, and freedom of this younger generation so that they can reach their fullest potential.

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  • Licensed To Kill


    The Christian life is not a playground, but a battleground. One of the fiercest foes in this battle dwells within our own hearts: the enemy of indwelling sin. The Scriptures command us to “put sin to death.” This is what pastors and theologians of another generation called the “mortification” of sin. But how do we mortify sin? And what role does the gospel play in this effort to apply lethal force against sin? How can we avoid falling into legalism while still maintaining a passion for holiness? And what kinds of strategies actually work in the daily battle? These are questions I have personally wrestled with as both a Christian and a pastor. This book is my attempt to answer those questions and provide a biblical and practical guide for the war against sin.

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  • Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Comenzando hoy, su familia puede estar a salvo de la devastacion de ataques por parte de fortalezas de oscuridad espirituales: peleas, division, vacio, amargura, desesperacion y mucho mas.

    En este contundente libro, Marilyn Hickey muestra, por medio de sus propias experiencias y las de otros, como contraatacar con exito utilizando las poderosas armas espirituales que ios le ha dado. Entonces, usted puede:
    *Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales.
    *Conquistar pecados y habitos arraigados.
    *Recibir poderosas respuestas a la oracion.
    *Bloquear los ataques de Satanas.
    *Liberar a otros de la atadura espiritual.
    *Vencer las tentaciones.
    *Recibir proteccion divina.

    Guerra Espiritual revela las estrategias del enemigo y le equipa a usted para participar en batallas espirituales… !Y GANAR!

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  • Spiritual Warfare Strategy


    Discover how Jesus and the early Church overcame the enemy-and you can overcome too. We live in a day when the Holy Spirit is speaking strongly to the churches about aggressively retaking the dominion over creation that Adam forfeited to satan.

    This level of spiritual warfare is a new ministry area to many Kingdom-minded believers. Spiritual Warfare Strategy provides a biblical and theological rationale as well as practical tools for advancing God’s Kingdom. Dr. C. Peter Wagner examines the role spiritual warfare played in Christ’s ministry and among His first followers and applies it to today’s battle.

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  • Pigs In The Parlor Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This Study Guide is perfect for Individual and Group study.

    Are you in search of deliverance for yourself or for someone you love? This companion book to Pigs in the Parlor has been designed as a tool to enable you to diagnose and effectively deal with your deliverance needs.

    Are you interested in studying the scriptural basis for the deliverance ministry? This guide has been designed as a Biblical resource, detailing the
    extensive coverage of this ministry in the Old and New Testaments.

    Are you feeling led to become involved in a deliverance ministry of your own, to help set captives free? This guide has an entire section on the methods and techniques, the pro’s and con’s of how to effectively minister deliverance.

    This Study Guide includes questions and answers that follow the text of Pigs in the Parlor, as well as a wealth of scripture that supports the deliverance ministry. You will also find quotes from the leaders of the 1st – 4th Century Church on the validity of casting out demons, healing and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

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  • Believers Guide To Spiritual Warfare (Reprinted)


    People who are in trouble must discern the source of the problem. A correct assessment of the problem’s origins is the first step toward responding well and resolving the situation. Is the issue explainable by natural causes? If not, it is likely that the believer is under spiritual attack. The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare is a practical guide to overcoming the forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil that come against believers’ personal lives, families, vocations, and ministries. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to free Christians from spiritual attack, and this essential handbook will help readers access that power. They will learn to discern the source of an attack, free themselves and others from spiritual bondage, and pray effectively to protect their homes, businesses, churches, and ministries from the forces of evil. The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare goes beyond theory to equip believers with simple, effective tools and techniques for winning victory.

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  • Prayers That Rout Demons And Break Curses


    This leather-bound volume combines the two best-selling books by John Eckhardt in the Spiritual Prayers series, Prayers That Rout Demons and Prayers That Break Curses. This compendium is a handy reference tool that enables the reader to access powerful, Scripture-based prayers and decrees to overcome demonic influence and opposition. This book includes warfare prayers for every circumstance, including avoiding Satan’s attack in the areas of finances, pride, rebellion, relationships, healing, and demonic bondages. With these resources, readers will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God in their lives.

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  • Breaking Curses Experiencing Healing


    Many Christians wonder why they cannot overcome sins and temptations or why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, or relationships. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing exposes these life-destroying schemes from unseen but powerful spiritual enemies. Seen by millions on ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC, the History Channel, and the BBC, Tom Brown shows the relationship between spiritual deliverance and healing. Learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours so you can:
    *Identify the causes of curses
    *Take back what Satan has stolen
    *Break free from generational curses
    *Release God’s blessings and favor
    *Experience miracles in your life

    Uncover and defeat the spiritual attacks in your life, and bring complete healing to yourself and others today!

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  • Silencing The Enemy With Praise


    Praise and worship are more than words and music, says author and pastor, Robert Gay. Praise is a weapon of warfare. God will fight for you as you praise the greatness of His name.

    In Silencing the Enemy With Praise, you learn what God’s Word says about the power of praise to: destroy the strongholds of Satan; bring healing, deliverance, and restoration; release the prophetic word; win the victory in spiritual warfare; and drive out demonic principalities.

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  • Breaking Demonic Strongholds


    There is no doubt that discernment will be the most important tool in the arsenal of the believer in the years to come. We must be able to recognize, understand, and withstand onslaught of the evil one. When we can see the lies we believe, we begin our recovery and growth in our spiritual life. This is a how to book that every believers needs for daily fulfillment of God s dream for his life. Since the enemy is defeated and has no genuine power of us, he must use deception to sap us of our strength, our hope, our future. We can spend our time fulfilling our calling rather than fighting these lies, thus using our anointing to for the purpose of growth, peace and the joy of the Lord. Breaking Demonic Strongholds exposes these deadly lies of the enemy and explores just how these lies are so easily believed even though they are so obvious. The book also includes principles of understanding discernment and allowing discernment to have its rightful place in our lives. Multi-dimensional living and communication is explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. When we understand who we are and how we are made, we can begin to use everything God has already given us for a fruitful and full-filling life.

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  • Wake Up Church The Enemy Is Within Your Gates


    Learn to discern and protect yourself from spiritual attack. Wake Up, Church addresses the phenonmena of astral projection, when someone projects their spirit through demonic influence to attack or abuse another person. Many who claim to be Christians say they have this ability. Marilyn Shrock shares many stories about astral projection and gives you tools to protect yourself and your family.

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  • Echaran Fuera Demonios – (Spanish)


    La actividad demoniaca es completamente real, pero
    Dios nos ofrece una provision sobrenatural de
    liberacion. El bien conocido estudioso de la Biblia, Derek
    Prince, describe en lenguaje sencillo las estrategias y las
    tacticas de los demonios, la forma como se meten en la
    vida de las personas, y los pasos necesarios para recibir-y
    mantener-la liberacion. Tu tambien puedes:
    * Aprender principios poderosos de la guerra espiritual.
    * Poder identificar brujeria y engaos del ocultismo.
    * Vencer el temor y la depresion.
    * Derrotar enfermedades y dolencias.
    * Experimentar liberacion de todo tipo de opresiones.
    !Dios te ha dado la autoridad y el poder para derrotar a las
    fuerzas demoniacas!
    “Y estas seales acompaaran a los que han creido: en
    Mi Nombre echaran fuera demonios, hablaran en nuevas
    lenguas” .
    -Marcos 16:17

    What are demons? How do demons gain entry into people’s lives? Do Christians ever need deliverance from demons? In this readable, biblically based book, Derek Prince answers these and many other vital questions. If you are struggling with problems that never seem to go away, has it ever occurred to you that demons may be at work? Or perhaps you want to help others with such problems. Derek Prince points out that “Jesus never sent anyone out to preach the Gospel without specifically instructing and equipping them to take action against demons in the same way that He Himself did.” Is this not true today? Prince asks, “Who has changed? Jesus? The demons? The church?” In this practical, comprehensive handbook on deliverance, Prince shares his own struggle with demons and addresses the fears and misconceptions often associated with deliverance. Speaking from more than thirty years of personal experience in this ministry, Prince offers down-to-earth advice on how to receive and minister deliverance and how to remain free. He also describes nine characteristic activities of demons and seven ways demons gain access to people’s lives, and then leads you through nine steps to deliverance.

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  • Diablo Demonios Y Guerra Espir – (Spanish)


    La iglesia de Cristo Jesus esta en crisis. Muchas
    congregaciones se estan dividiendo y estan
    disminuyendo en numero. Los matrimonios se estan
    tambaleando. La inteligencia biblica se encuentra yendo
    hacia abajo. Donde esta el poder? Donde estan los
    milagros? Que le ha sucedido a la iglesia de nuestros dias?
    El autor Tom Brown dice que hemos olvidado nuestro
    deber de compartir la mision de Cristo Jesus-de derrotar
    al adversario que gobierna este mundo. Hoy en dia,
    muchas iglesias rehusan mencionar al diablo o ensear
    acerca de la realidad de satanas. El resultado de esto es
    una iglesia anemica y muy debil que lucha para convertir
    a todos aquellos que estan dudando, para rescatar a los que
    se encuentran en crisis, o que esta luchando para poder
    testificar acerca de la liberacion de las almas oprimidas que
    se encuentran en las garras del diablo.
    A traves de este libro, tu vas a aprender como poder:
    * Darte cuenta que Jesus echo fuera demonios y les enseo
    a Sus discipulos que hicieran lo mismo
    * Poder entender los planes y engaos del diablo
    * Aprender la diferencia que existe entre los demonios y los
    angeles caidos.
    * Poder conocer si los cristianos pueden ser poseidos por
    * Poder entender la forma como la iglesia le esta cediendo
    terreno a satanas.
    * Descubrir como poder ser completamente libre
    The church of Jesus Christ is in crisis. Congregations are splitting and decreasing in size. Marriages are crumbling. Biblical intelligence is on the decline. Where is the power? Where are the miracles? What has happened to today’s church? Author Tom Brown argues that we have forgotten that our duty to share the mission of Jesus Christ-to defeat the adversary who rules this world. Today, too many churches refuse to mention the devil or teach about the reality of Satan. The result is a weak and anemic church that struggles to convert doubters, rescue those in crisis, or witness the deliverance of oppressed souls in the clutches of the devil.

    Through reading this book, you will:
    * Realize that Jesus drove out demons and called His disciples to do the same
    * Understand the plots and plans of the devil
    * Learn the origins of and differences between demons and fallen angels
    * Know whether Christians can be possessed by demons
    * Understand how the church gives up ground to Satan
    * Discover how to be free

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  • Satanas Es Su Nombre Cuales So – (Spanish)


    En vez de tratar de las sintomas de la enfermedad, nosotros podemos atacar a los dieciseis espiritus demoniacos mencionados por nombre en la Biblia. ! Ellos son verdaderos, y El nos ha dado dominio sobre ellos por el nombre de Jesus! Aqui esta un enfoque biblica, equilibrado y inspirando a la guerra espiritual para hoy.

    A scriptural, balanced, uplifting approach to present-day spiritual warfare that will: Teach how to zero in on and quickly identify the strongman in every situation; Illustrate each strongman by a tree showing the fruits or symptoms for quick identification; Instruct how to bind the Enemy and loose the power of God according to Matthew 18:18; Provide instant recognition when and where Satan is attacking our lives and the lives of those around us; and Show that God wants us to be free from Satan’s hassles so that we can reach this world for Christ.

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  • Devil Demons And Spiritual Warfare


    The church of Jesus Christ is in crisis. Congregations are splitting and decreasing in size. Marriages are crumbling. Biblical intelligence is on the decline. Where is the power? Where are the miracles? What has happened to today’s church? Author Tom Brown argues that we have forgotten that our duty to share the mission of Jesus Christ-to defeat the adversary who rules this world. Today, too many churches refuse to mention the devil or teach about the reality of Satan. The result is a weak and anemic church that struggles to convert doubters, rescue those in crisis, or witness the deliverance of oppressed souls in the clutches of the devil.
    Through reading this book, you will:
    * Realize that Jesus drove out demons and called His disciples to do the same
    * Understand the plots and plans of the devil
    * Learn the origins of and differences between demons and fallen angels
    * Know whether Christians can be possessed by demons
    * Understand how the church gives up ground to Satan
    * Discover how to be free

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  • Rules Of Engagement


    This new book by Cindy Trimm includes declarations for engaging the enemy armed with God’s power and authority to defeat him and emerge a conqueror. It helps the reader to recognize the principalities and subordinate spirits that operate in the kingdom of darkness, and how to expose the weapons of warfare and be victorious.

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Libera – (Spanish)


    Liberacion de los
    ataques de satanas

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no han podido vencer al pecado, a las tentaciones, y por que estan sufriendo con problemas recurrentes, en su salud, sus finanzas, y en sus relaciones. Revelacion Divina de la Liberacion expone todas estas tacticas de Satanas.

    A traves de las escrituras, visiones de la guerra espiritual, y encuentros personales con las fuerzas espirituales del mal,

    Mary k. Baxter descubrio verdades poderosisimas que pueden ayudarte a:
    ” Vencer el temor que tienes del enemigo
    ” Reconocer y conquistar las trampas satanicas
    ” Obtener la victoria sobre los pecados y los fracasos
    ” Ser libre de ataques inexplicados
    ” Interceder por la liberacion de otros

    Esta es una guerra que debe ser peleada con el poder y las armas sobrenaturales de Dios

    Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family members. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

    With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G.
    Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
    * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
    * Break spiritual strongholds
    * Overcome your fear of the enemy
    * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
    * Defeat recurring sins and failures
    * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
    * Bring healing to the oppressed
    * Free people from mental bondage
    In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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  • Waging Spiritual Warfare


    The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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  • Protection From Deception


    According to Scripture, supernatural signs and wonders will multiply as we approach the end times. God isn’t the only one with a plan, however – Satan is plotting a scheme to deceive with supernatural signs and wonders of his own. In this book, Derek Prince warns Christians of deception, equipping them to recognize and resist the Antichrist, test the source of supernatural signs and wonders, and distinguish between the Holy Spirit and counterfeit spirits. By resisting Satan’s schemes and rejecting the false church, believers can beautify the true church and prepare for the end of this age, when Christ will gather those who have remained faithful.

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  • Divine Revelation Of Deliverance


    Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

    With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G. Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
    * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
    * Break spiritual strongholds
    * Overcome your fear of the enemy
    * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
    * Defeat recurring sins and failures
    * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
    * Bring healing to the oppressed
    * Free people from mental bondage.

    In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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  • Prayers That Rout Demons


    This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
    *The basics of spiritual warfare
    *Biblical principles for praying
    *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
    *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

    John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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  • Perseverando En La Guerra Espi – (Spanish)


    The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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  • Spiritual Warfare


    Richard Ing discusses the rulers and hierarchies of the demonic kingdom. For instance, Jezebel and Ahab spirits are the plague of today’s church, destroying even the most effective ministries through controlling women and passive men. Discover how to overcome Satan’s insidious tactics by learning about the proper use of binding and loosing, the anatomy of a deliverance, Satan’s legal rights, spiritual war games, and winning spiritual strategies. Victorious spiritual warfare is possible only as the Holy Spirit empowers individuals in the body of Christ. Learn all of the techniques and strategies available to you in your full arsenal of weapons.

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  • Divine Revelation Of Spiritual Warfare


    We face a powerful enemy in Satan—discover the divine protection available to you through Christ! Learn what spiritual warfare is (and is not); and be equipped to use spiritual weapons, reclaim what Satan has stolen, break generational curses, conquer entrenched sin, release others from bondage, and more! 207 pages, softcover from Whitaker.

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  • Visions Beyond The Veil


    Beggars…Outcasts…Homeless… Such were the forgotten, uneducated children in China where the Spirit of God fell upon their humble orphanage, the Adullam Home. The boys spent days in powerful meetings, praying and praising God. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prophesied, saw visions, and discovered:

    * Angels…how they operate and protect us
    * Unbelievers…and their fate
    * Heavenly Occupations…what our jobs will be
    * Paradise…revealed through the eyes of children
    * The Throne of God…experiencing true worship
    * Death…what happens when we die
    * Demons…and their evil works

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  • Spiritual Warfare


    Silence Satan’s roar! Guilt? Shame? Are spiritual attacks holding you back? These are only a few of Satan’s weapons of destruction that he uses in an attempt to separate us from Christ. Fellow warrior George Bloomer shows how to effectively silence Satan’s roar by using God’s authority. Equip yourself with biblical principles of spiritual warfare and reap the rewards of a joyous life!

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  • Divine Revelation Of The Spirit Realm


    In 1976, Baxter claimed to receive visions in which Jesus removed her spirit from her body and took her on a “tour” of hell. Her controversial book on the subject became a national bestseller. Here she presents more self-described revelations of face-to-face encounters with Jesus, angels, and demons.

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  • Demons The Answer Book


    From the Scriptures, Lester Sumrall shows that we can wage war on the devil and that we can win through the power given to us by Jesus Christ! In this book, you will learn how to: Obtain overcoming faith Use the weapon of prayer Access the Holy Spirit’s power against Satan Be set free of demonic oppression Be in complete freedom from disease Sumrall’s encouragement for the church today is that the children of God have already won. Christ is on our side, and we have mighty weapons to use in the battle. With this knowledge, you will find that you are more than a conqueror.

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  • Piercing The Darkness


    It all begins in Bacon’s Corner, a tiny farming community far from the inter-state…An attempted murder, a case of mistaken–or is it covered up?–identity, and a ruthless lawsuit against a struggling Christian school. Sally Beth Roe, a young loner, a burnout, a kind of “leftover hippie,” finds herself caught in the middle of these bizarre events, fleeing for her life while trying to recall her dark past. Across a vast panorama of heart-stopping action, Sally Roe’s journey is a penetrating portrayal of our times, a reflection or our wanderings, and a vivid reminder of the redemptive power of the Cross. A companion volume to This Present Darkness, readers have purchased over two million copies of Piercing the Darkness since its publication in 1989.

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  • If Satan Cant Steal Your Joy (Revised)


    The powerful truths in this book will help you find your joy and get you back on the track of being a victor instead of a victim. Satan wants your joy, and he wants it badly. Stop him in his tracks by learing how God’s Word produces joy, how Satan steals your joy, how to laugh more and cry less, and much more.

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  • Becoming A Vessel Of Honor


    Power over satan Can Be Yours.

    This book is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to “hear” His voice in their innermost being, who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It is for those who value such a relationship with our wonderful Creator enough to be willing to pay the price in their own lives to
    achieve it-the pain of daily carrying the cross. This book is for those who are willing to strive for holiness in obedience to our beloved master, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Subjects include:
    The key to spiritual power-personal holiness
    The armor of God-how to use it effectively
    The sin nature-how to understand it and control it
    Defilement of God’s temple-how to avoid it
    The Holy Spirit vs. demon guides-knowing the difference
    Deliverance-case studies and guidelines

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  • Spiritual Warfare


    Derek Prince explains the battle that’s happening now between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Choose to be prepared by learning the enemy’s strategies so you can effectively block his attack. We have God on our side, and nothing will keep us from victory.

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  • Demons And Deliverance


    Satanic activity continues to increase at an explosive rate. Maxwell Whyte provides practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about demons. Discover how you, as a Christian, have the authority to defeat oppression, addiction, sickness, mental problems, and unexplainable behavior with lasting results.

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  • Prepare For War


    In this spiritual warfare manual, Dr. Brown writes from seven years experience helping deliver many, many people out of hard-core Satanism. In this sequel to Dr. Brown’s best-selling book, He Came To Set The Captives Free, you will learn to: Stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, Recognize and deal with Satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance.

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  • He Came To Set The Captives Free


    1. Enter Rebecca
    2. Enter Elaine
    3. Entering The Brotherhood
    4. Rise To Power
    5. Life As A High Priestess
    6. The Wedding
    7. Discipline Within The Brotherhood
    8. The Black Mass And Human Sacrifice
    9. Turning Points
    10. The Meeting
    11. Entering Spiritual Warfare
    12. The Battle
    13. Doorways
    14. The Human Spirit, Standing In The Gap, And The Spirit World
    15. Why Should We Fight?
    16. How To Fight
    17. Destruction Of Christian Churches
    18. Demonic Illnesses
    19. Straight Talk To Those Who Want To Come Out Of The Occult
    20. Definitions
    288 Pages

    Additional Info
    For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Free Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally commited her life to Jesus Christ.

    This is an honest, in-depth account of Satan’s activities today.

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  • Unbroken Curses : Hidden Source Of Trouble In The Christians Life


    1. Unsolved Problems
    2. Legal Grounds
    3. Inherited Curses
    4. Do Not Touch
    5. Territorial Rights Violations
    6. Ritualistic Curses
    7. Situational Curses
    8. Dealing With The Thief
    9. The Court Of Final Appeal
    175 Pages

    Additional Info
    Are you one of the many victims of an unbroken curse? Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpowering temptation, physical and mental illness, and a myriad of catastrophic events. Usually they are unaware that their plight is the result of an unbroken curse which has been placed upon them and perhaps on their families. The Bible specifically instructs every believer to avoid curses and to recognize and break them. Yet, an astonishing number of Bible-believing Christians have either not read or do no remember these essential spiritual principles. Thus, many believers live under the affliction of unbroken curses. This book will show you the necessary biblical steps to recognize, prevent, and break every type of curse.

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