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    Todd Smith

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    • Creating A Habitation For Gods Glory


      Historically, God has moved mightily through revivals, awakenings, and outpourings of His Spirit. But these legendary moments are only a glimpse into what God desires for you each and every day.

      Your everyday life can be a permanent dwelling place for God’s presence.

      Todd Smith, pastor of Christ Fellowship Dawsonville and leader of the North Georgia Revival, has first hand experience in creating a habitation for God. He was on the verge of quitting the ministry when the Holy Spirit began showing him how to create a place in his life for the Presence of God to live.

      Today, Todd shares these keys with you! Discover how to…
      *Shift from revival visitation to Holy Spirit habitation-where God’s manifest Presence rests upon you with power.
      *Become a carrier of God’s holy fire-where you impact the atmosphere around you.
      *Practice core values that protect the Presence-keys that help you cultivate and sustain a lifestyle saturated in God’s presence and power.
      *Create atmospheres that pass God’s test-discover what the Holy Spirit is seeking in order for Him to manifest His Presence.
      *Pray three things that position you for supernatural set-ups.

      Discover the supernatural power and peace that comes when you make your life a habitation for God’s glory!

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