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Winston Smith

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  • Problem With Masturbation


    “It’s normal.” “Everyone does it.” “Nobody gets hurt.” These are some commonly held beliefs about sexual fantasy and masturbation, but are they really true? Are sexual fantasies and masturbation harmless ways of dealing with sexual frustration?

    Marriage and family counselor Winston T. Smith uses his counseling experience and biblical knowledge to show how these seemingly “harmless” pursuits negatively impact you and your ability to have healthy relationships with the people in your real life. Then he shares how you can build a new inner world founded on Christ’s love, instead of your imaginary fantasies. As you do so, your life will grow richer in real relationships and your fantasy life will pale by comparison.

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  • Help My Spouse Committed Adultery


    Your spouse was unfaithful. Those four words don’t begin to do justice to the horror you are experiencing. Rage, fear, grief, and even numbness are all normal responses to the shock of betrayal. The pain of betrayal is like touching a hot stove. Your instinct is to move away fast. But marriage and family counselor Winston T. Smith urges you to not make any quick decisions about the future of your marriage, to instead go to God with your hurt and pain. He also offers practical, biblical advice on how to talk with your spouse about the adultery, how to set boundaries, and how to process your emotions in a godly way.

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