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Showing 13201–13250 of 13845 results

  • I Can See Clearly Now


    SKU (UPC): 614187876725Made popular by: Johnny NashMedia: CDReleased: June 2000DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • When The Old, Old Story Was New


    SKU (UPC): 614187855720Made popular by: KingsmenMedia: CDReleased: June 2000DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • A Strange Way To Save The World


    SKU (UPC): 614187855621Made popular by: SouthboundMedia: CDReleased: June 2000DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • Enter In


    SKU (UPC): 614187855423Made popular by: InspirationsMedia: CDReleased: June 2000DayWind Music Group Tracks

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  • Morning By Morning


    As day breaks, experience 365 daily devotionals by renowned preacher, Charles Spurgeon, revised into plain, modern English to encourage God’s people. With 1400 Scripture references and notes, Morning by Morning includes a sequential index from Genesis to Revelation for each day’s passage; a biography of Spurgeon; lovely period illustrations; and a four-color historical time-line on both inside covers.

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  • Cancer Prevention Good Health Diet


    W. W. Norton And Company

    With over 100 delicious recipes, this book by the author of “The T-Factor Diet” shows how to maximize resistance to cancer and other diseases by changing how we eat and think about food. Dr. Katahn also explains how diet can be combined with exercise to increase energy and reduce stress.

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  • We Will Know Joy – A Worship Experience


    SKU (UPC): 614187117422ISBN: 9787513190329Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: June 2000DayWind Music Group Songs

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  • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge


    All the knowledge that is taught in our schools, colleges and universities has been gained through our five senses. It is what we call “Sense Knowledge”. Man has never been able to know God through the five senses of his physical body. Sense Knowledge cannot give us the Reason for Creation, the source of Light, of Life, of Motion, of Gravitation, has been unable to explain the obvious design of Creation. When man reaches the limits of this Sense Knowledge, he turns philosopher or guesser. Natural man cannot understand spiritual things. Sense Knowledge cannot find God, can never know Him, but there stands by the side of everyone a Guide to lead him into the new kind of knowledge, the new kind of life. This book shows the contrast between Sense Knowledge and The Revelation Knowledge which we receive only from the Word of God. Sense Knowledge faith is in what man is, and can do, and has done. Revelation faith is in the Word of God, “That liveth and abideth forever.”

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  • 2 Kinds Of Life


    This book is an unveiling of the difference between our natural human life, and the knowledge that is derived from our five senses, in the Life and Nature of God. Eternal life is the Nature of God. The Greek word is “Zo”, the new kind of Life that Jesus brought to the world. It is a strange thing that the Church has majored “manner of life” or “behavior” rather than Eternal life which determines in a very large way the “manner of life”. Receiving Eternal Life is the most miraculous incident or event in live. It is called conversion, the New Birth, and the New Creation. Some have called it “getting religion”. It is, in reality, God imparting His very Nature, Substance and Being to our human spirits. The New Creation, then, is a miracle thing. It is man receiving the very life and nature of God Almighty. This nature of God recreates man’s spirit and makes him a new species among men. The Church has never majored this New Creation fact. Its leaders have never realized the possibilities that this New Nature offers to men. This book is a thrilling study of what this Life and Nature of God means to the child of God. This book is not a new Philosophy, it is an unveiling of a lost truth, the most vital of all that God has given to us in Christ. It will thrill and challenge you.

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  • Genealogy Of Jesus Christ Wall Chart Laminated


    The Genealogy of Jesus Christ is an extra large wall chart showing Jesus’ family tree all the way back to Adam and Eve. (Researcher William Demery worked for many years on this project, then made copies by hand-a 16-hour task!) Now it is available with more than 1000 names and 100 fascinating facts.

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  • Libro Catolico De Oraciones (Large Type) – (Spanish) (Large Type)


    Spanish translation of today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and to the Saints, and a summary of our Faith.

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  • Following After


    SKU (UPC): 614187119228ISBN: 9787513190732Artist: NelonsMedia: CDReleased: April 2000New Day Christian Distributors Songs

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  • Ministering To The Lord


    One of the main reasons today’s Christians suffer “power failure” is that we have neglected to personally minister to the Lord. As a result, we have not been able to tap into the fulness of God’s power and strength. Can you love the Lord too much? Can you spend too much time with him? Absolutely not! You will maximize your effectiveness in ministering to others as you first experience the daily power of His presence.

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  • Identifying And Breaking Curses


    Freedom and liberty are increasingly yours as you read through and obtain an understanding of identifying and breaking curses, not only in your life, but in the lives of others, in our ongoing good fight of faith.

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  • Spiritual Life


    Throughout the church today, there is a universal longing for a deeper spiritual life and relationship with God. Many have become consumed with a passion to continually be found in the presence of God. Giving up everything and holding nothing back, they abandon themselves to the pursuit of their hearts’ desire.

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  • Heaven Or Hell


    Special Order Title
    What will happen when you die? The Bible clearly teaches that heaven and hell exist and that everyone will go to one or the other after death. If you are already a believer, this book will make both hell and heaven more real to you and will help you find the rest and joy that God has promised you.

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  • Angel Book : Personal Encounters With Gods Messengers


    Charles and Frances Hunter describe their own personal encounters with angels and what the Bible tells us about these messengers of God. They report on the different kinds of angels and their roles, how God’s messengers can impact your life, and how to experience the presence of God.

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  • Greater Works : Experiencing Gods Power


    576 Pages

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    “God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be ordinary and live on a lower plane can do so, but as for me, I will not.” These words of Smith Wigglesworth capsulize his life and ministry. This man was extraordinarily used by God to see souls saved, bodies healed, and lives changed.

    Your heart will be stirred as you read in Wigglesworth’s own words about the dramatic healings of people whom doctors had given up as hopeless. Even in the face of death, Wigglesworth did not waver in his faith, because he trusted the Great Physician. You will discover how God can enable you to reach out to a hurting world, for, as Wigglesworth said, “Christ in us is greater than we know. All things are possible if you dare to believe.”

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  • Holy Spirit : Activating Gods Power In Your Life


    Exactly who is the Holy Spirit, and what does He do? In this classic volume, Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of this much discussed but often misunderstood member of the Trinity.

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  • Christmas Program Builder 53


    For over 50 years, Lillenas has provided collection after collection of graded resources for Sunday School, worship services, and programs during the Christmas season. This Christmas builder is a treasury of recitations, dialogues, exercises, and easy-to-stage plays.

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  • Ole Rickety Bridge


    SKU (UPC): 048021603220ISBN: 9780012073780Artist: Dorothy NorwoodMedia: CDReleased: April 2000Malaco Music Group Songs

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  • Vino A Dar Libertad A Cativos – (Spanish)



    285 Pages In 20 Chapters Spanish Edition

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    Durante 17 aos, Elaine sirvio a su maestro, Satanas, con una total dedicacion. Un dia se encontro con la Dra. Rebecca Brown, quien servia a su maestro, Jesucristo, con igual dedicacion. Elaine, una de las brujas mas prominentes en los Estados Unidos y muchos otros satanistas que le obedecian, lucharon contra la Dra. Brown, quien los enfrento completamente sola. En la titanica contienda de vida y muerte que siguio, la Dra. Brown estuvo a punto de morir. Elaine, al encontrar un poder y un amor mucho mas grande que todo lo que Satanas habia podido darle, lo dejo y dedico completamente se vida a Jesucristo. En este relato honesto y profundo de las actividades de Satanas en el mundo de hoy, a la vez que ofrece herramientas escriturales sanas para reconocer y combatir a los satanistas que se infiltran y destruyen las congregaciones cristianas, reconocer y combatir a Satanas en las diferentes formas en que nos ataca, y reconocer a los servidores de Satanas y traerlos a Jesucristo.

    For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan’s activities today, you’ll see how to recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

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  • In His Steps


    What Would Jesus Do? The craze that is sweeping the nation began many years ago with this book. In His Steps is the story of a church’s pledge to consider “What Would Jesus Do?” before each and every decision and action.

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  • Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World


    Ever feel that no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough? Maybe it’s time to follow Mary’s example: leave the dishes in the sink and sit at Jesus’ feet! Through practical strategies and devotional illustrations, Weaver explains how “living room intimacy” with Christ is the key to successful “kitchen service” in the world.

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  • Strongmans His Name 2


    256 Pages

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    Have you ever wondered…

    -I’ve prayed, so why are things worse?
    -Can Satan read my mind?
    -How can I tell the difference between God’s voice and the devil’s?
    -Is there really a spirit of Jezebel?
    -If the enemy’s been defeated, why do I still have so much trouble with him?
    -Can Christians be demon possessed?
    -Why does it seem like my prayers are not accomplishing anything?

    Within the pages of this book are simple, no-nonsense, biblical answers that will help you to understand what it is to be one of God’s warriors in these last days.

    Jerry and Carol Robeson were missionaries for tewnty years in Latin America, specializing in open-air crusades and a widespread television and radio ministry, which resulted in several large new churches being established. They share with you the principles of prayer and spiritual warfare that they learned to survive and triumph.

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  • Fruit Of The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


    Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine New and Old Testament passages highlighting each quality will allow the Spirit’s fruit to ripen in our lives. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Joshua : The Power Of Gods Promises (Student/Study Guide)


    The book of Joshua reads like an exciting novel-from the miraculous crossing of the Jordan to the crash of the walls of Jericho and the sun stopping in the sky. Through it all, we see God’s faithfulness and power. Studying Joshua encourages us to persevere in our own daily battles, arming us with the powerful weapons we need- God’s promises. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. 12 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Let Go : To Get Peace And Real Joy


    87 Pagers

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    Do you often struggle through family problems, battle with the tensions of raising children, or find yourself over whelmed with pressures on the job? Are personal failures and disappointments on the increase as you face each day? What a fountain of life it would be to discover how to let go of those distresses and learn to embrace the joy and peace that God has promised! Fenelon-with amazing insight-speaks firmly, but lovingly, to those whose lives have been an uphill climb and reveals just how to “Let Go!” During the 17th century, Fenelon was the Archbishop of Cambrai, France. While in the office of the Archbishop, Fenelon became a spiritual advisor of a small number of people at the Court of Louis the Fourteenth, who sought, under Fenelon’s wise direction, to live a life of true spirituality.

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  • Read With Me Bible (Revised)


    Reading to young children helps foster strong emotional bonds. Spending time together discussing the stories and interacting with the pictures also helps kids internalize the Word of God. Younger children will enjoy studying the pictures and watching the words as parents read them; early readers may want to read the stories on their own.

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  • Boundaries In Dating


    Boundaries in Dating provides those in the dating world a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way, including increasing their ability to find and commit to a marriage partner.

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  • Practice Of The Presence Of God


    Brother Lawrence’s simple wisdom and humble joy have drawn millions into the presence of God since his letters were published in 1692. Now updated to include writings not found in other versions, this new edition features conversations with Brother Lawrence, ways of attaining to the presence of God, and relevant Scripture from the KJV and NIV.

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  • How To Prepare Sermons


    Especially valuable if you’re a layperson who is sometimes called upon to preach. Dr. Evans provides you with a clearly written guide for study, selection of sermon texts and themes, and sermon building. He covers the basics in a conversational manner you’ll appreciate. Includes outlines of sermons and Bible readings. Practical for ministers and students, too.

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  • Way To God


    God did not mean for salvation to be a deep, complicated subject man could not understand. D.L. Moody shows how simple salvation is. He doesn’t use heavy philosophy, but simply shows “the way to God.

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  • Heaven : Finding Our True Home (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Preparing A Place
    2. The Last Frontier
    3. Rapture Ahead
    4. Run To Win
    5. Practicing Our Praise
    6. Welcome To The Party
    7. Working For Your Father
    8. Looking For A City

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    Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds and playing harps or waling on streets of gold. While we know we want to go there, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. This study provides us with a biblical perspective on heaven-something richer and more exciting than we could even imagine.

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  • Genesis : Gods Creative Call (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you struggle to know and to follow God’s call for you in the world? Genesis tells us that even the giants of faith- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph-struggled to obey their Creator. But Genesis also reveals the amazing truth that the God who called a world and a nations in to being also calls each of us to serve Him.

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  • Jeanne Guyon : An Autobiography


    30 Chapters

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    Joy in the Lord
    Persecuted for her unwavering faith, imprisoned because of her love for God, Jeanne Guyon lived out the life Jesus Christ called her to live. Her true story has been an inspiration to thousands. She discusses:
    -What to do in times of adversity
    -Understanding true conversion
    -Overcoming suffering
    -Developing strong faith
    -Hearing God’s voice
    Guyon’s life demonstrates how the love of God can overcome all the trials believers face. This book is a living testimony of the undying faith she found as she experienced the joy of the Lord in the midst of suffering. Discover how you, too, can live joyously no matter what your circumstances.

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  • God Of The Bible


    Through the insights of autor and Bible expert R.A. Torrey, you will come to know God in His power, His Love, His faithfulness, and His great mercy, all of which He longs to share with you. And as you come to know God better, you will enter into a closer, more confident relationship with Him.

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  • Holy Spirit : Experiencing The Power Of The Spirit In Signs Wonders And Mir


    As revealed through her extraordinary ministry, Maria Woodworth-Etter received a dramatic foretaste of the coming last-days’ outpouring of the Holy Spirit. From personal examples and Scripture, she presents an enlightening look at how God wants to use His people mightily in this most momentous period of the world’s history. Through her insightful words, you will find out how you can personally…..Lead people to Christ, Receive your spiritual gifts, Make sure you are ready for Chirst’s return, Build your faith for miracles, Minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, Be prepared for the end times and participate in the greatest revival ever. Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers in the last days, and experience God working through you in miraculous ways!

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  • Remnant : Living In Triumph


    Complete, whole, and perfect – that is God’s plan for every believer in Christ. Yet, how do we live in harmony with ourselves and others? Jessie Penn-Lewis explains that each aspect of our beings – spirit, soul, and body – has its unique role and functions. When we know how to keep them in their proper relationship, we will be free to live through the power and life of the Spirit of God. By applying the biblical truths outlined in this book, you will learn: steps to overcoming sin, powerful laws of the spiritual life, how to defeat the schemes of the enemy, how to gain true spiritual wisdom, and how to find real peace.

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  • Poder Del Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    Conocer el Espiritu Santo es descubrirlo como un eterno y afectuoso amigo, y poderoso Ayudador. El anhela que le conozcas como a una persona, tan real como Jesucristo. A partir de las Escrituras, Spurgeon demuestra que el Espiritu Santo desea ser nuestro Consolador, Maestro, y poderoso Ayudador. La milagrosa nueva vida que los primeros cristianos vivieron sorprendio al mundo y lo “revoluciono.” Hoy, muchas personas reciben sanidades, milagros y dones del Espiritu Santo ademas del amor, gozo y paz que El ofrece gratuitamente. Tu puedes conocerle y experimentar Su milagroso poder.

    To know the Holy Spirit is to know Him as an ever-present, loving Friend and mighty Helper. From the Scriptures, Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Advocate. The miraculous life the early Christians lived amazed the world and “turned it upside down.” Today, many are experiencing the same healing, miracles, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit, along with the love, joy, and peace that He freely gives. Discover how you can walk daily in the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience His miracle-working power in your own life.

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  • Smith Wigglesworth On Spiritual Gifts


    As Smith Wigglesworth explains the role and function of spiritual gifts, he provides important safeguards for the proper exercise of these manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Through his simple yet inspiring words, you will find out how to: deal with evil powers; use your spiritual gifts wisely; minister healing to others; guard against false words of guidance; receive God’s wisdom for your life; serve others in Christ’s love; and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Learn fom Smith Wigglesworth’s personal experiences as he ministered to thousands through the power of the Holy Spirit!

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  • Smith Wigglesworth On Faith


    In Smith Wigglesworth on Faith you will join him as he explores many aspects of faith, including: where faith comes from; how to receive God’s healing touch; what kind of faith pleases God; how to acquire holy boldness; what strengthens faith; how to believe God for the impossible; and what God promises through faith. Here is inspiration for anyone who is searching for evidence of God’s presence on earth today. Through faith, God’s many blessings will become yours!

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  • Spurgeon On Prayer And Spiritual Warfare


    Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! Charles Spurgeon knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and shares how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also shows how you can gain freedom over sin, enjoy peace in troubled times, protect yourself from Satan, offer short prayers that bring big answers, receive bountiful blessings, see God answer even faulty prayers, and get what you pray for.

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  • Deeper Experiences Of Famous Christians


    A life of greater power can be yours! James Gilchrist Lawson examines the ways in which some of the most famous Christians of the ages reached a greater experience of God’s love and power. The impact and influence of John Bunyan, Fenelon, Madame Guyon, D. L. Moody, and many others are here intimately revealed–mostly in their own words. There is a life of spiritual fullness beyond salvation, and God is waiting for you to be receptive so that He can pour out this blessing to you. You, too, can experience the Spirit-filled life today!

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  • Reaching Your World For Christ


    Obtain answer to intercession. See God do the supernatural Bring revival to your church. Be Strong in faith. Recapture your spiritual zeal. Receive the Holy Spirit’s power. Regain the joy of the early church. He desires that all of us cooperate in His plan to evangelize the world. As you do your part, He will work mightily through you. What is impossible with man is possible with God

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  • Activating The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit


    David Ireland shows how you can activate the power of the Holy Spirit in your everyday walk with God. Discover how you can: understand what the gifts of the Spirit are; hear the voice of the Holy Spirit; know God’s heart in every spiritual matter; be miraculously used by God; have authority over Satan’s tricks and deceptions; conquer fear, doubt, and unbelief; and possess the power of the early church.

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  • Devout And Holy Life


    Here is a call for Christians to live up to Gods call upon their lives and to be what they profess. Through an assortment of character portrayals and biblical teaching, William Law shows how you can experience the presence of the Holy Spirit and a joy that you have never known before.

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  • River Of Life



    1. The Son’s Great Prayer
    2. A Prophecy: The Prayer Of Christ Answered
    3. The Surrender Of The Vision Keeper
    4. Current Questions, Timely Answers

    5. When David Captured Jerusalem
    6. The Deliverers
    7. America’s Future: Christ Or Chaos
    8. The Timeless Wisdom Of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    9. Those Who Make A Covenant With God.
    10. “Ask Of Me! P. 128

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    A river is rising from the throne of God. In its waves are healing for the church and renewal for our society. Some of the vital topics Francis Frangipane discusses include…

    The Father’s unchanging purpose
    Christ’s commitment to His church
    The Holy Spirit’s transforming work in us
    Surrendering to the lordship of Jesus
    Achieving unity in the body of Christ
    Creating harmony within the family, the church, and society
    Experiencing the flow of God’s healing power

    Discover the source of the abundant supply of God’s grace that transforms our lives so that we can impact our world for Jesus Christ.

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  • E M Bounds On Prayer


    7 Parts In 96 Chapters

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    Prayer that gets results

    Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! E.M. Bounds knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and illustrates how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also uncovers how you can…

    – Have direct communication with God
    – Maintain a prayer life that produces results
    – Overcome Satan and his hold on prayer
    – Obtain all that God has for you
    – Discover all the possibilities of prayer

    Since the time of the apostles, no man besides E. M. Bounds has left such a rich inheritance of biblical research into the life of prayer. Here are teachings that form the only effective barrier against the powers of evil that prevail throughout the present world. Through his writings, you will discover how you can have a totally effective prayer life and how you can know the fullness of divine power.

    “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”
    — John 16:34

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  • Fullness Of Joy


    In this classic book, Charles Spurgeon reveals the secrets of developing a thankful heart. With this inward transformation, your life will overflow with joyful praise and gratitude.

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